Really Really

Sang Sang & Jake Jake


It is only two more weeks until Jacob can tell Sangyeon that he loves him. Those two weeks seem to be passing slowly, so Jacob decides to tell him a week early. What difference could one week make anyway? 

Sangyeon and Jacob go on a simple date one Friday evening, spending time together just walking around town. 

"You walk so slowly, Jake Jake." Sangyeon says, as he grabs Jacob's hand to make sure he won't lose him. 

"No I do not. You just walk fast because you have long legs." Jacob says, linking arms with Sangyeon so they are as close as possible. 

They later sit on a bench because Sangyeon wants to give Jacob's short legs a break. 

"Sangyeonie, I don't need a break. We weren't even walking that fast." 

"I know, but I don't want my angel to get exhausted. Let's just relax here for a moment." 

Jacob agrees and they sit together, looking at the sky. 

"The sun is going to set in a couple of hours. Do you want to watch it later?" 

"Can we, please?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Before that though, it is almost time for dinner. What do you want to eat?" 

Jacob thinks about that for a minute. 

"Chicken nuggets." 

"Chicken nuggets? Something as simple as that? You don't want steak or anything like that? I will buy you any food you want." 

"And the food that I want is chicken nuggets." Jacob responds. 

"Fine, we will go to McDonalds." 

Sangyeon and Jacob go McDonalds and get the chicken nuggets that Jacob wanted so badly, along with other foods such as burgers, fries, and ice cream. As Jacob waits at the table for Sangyeon to bring the food, he gets a text message from Kevin. 

"Did you tell him yet?" The text reads. 

"No." Jacob replies. 

"Man, what are you waiting for?! This is your chance!" Kevin answers back. 

"I am going to tell the end of the day." 

"Okay! Good luck : ) !!" Kevin texts back. 

Jacob smiles and puts his phone away. 

"I got your precious chicken nuggets." Sangyeon says, as he puts the tray on the table. 

"Thank you honey. I was craving these nuggets." 

They eat together and afterwards, they go to a nearby flower shop. 

"Jakey, look at all of these pretty flowers. Especially these roses."

Sangyeon loves roses, Jacob has known this even before they started dating. Suddenly, a great idea pops into Jacob's head. As Sangyeon is looking at the bouquets of flowers, Jacob goes over to the preserved roses that are in glass boxes. He picks one and quickly buys it before Sangyeon notices. 

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you." Sangyeon says. 

Jacob immediately puts the box in his pocket. 

"I was just looking at the other flowers, they're all so pretty." Jacob answers. 

Jacob looks at the time and says they have to go see the sunset now. Sangyeon takes his hand and leads the way. The two of them watch the sunset from a bench in the park.

"I like spending time with you like this, Sang Sang." Jacob says, laying his head on Sangyeon's chest. 

"I do too. It's nice to be together without having to hear arguments over who took whose socks or what to watch on television. The boys are all so sweet and cute, but they can be a headache at times." Sangyeon responds. 

Sangyeon pulls Jacob closer and kisses his forehead. 

"Sangyeon, I have something important I want to tell you." 

"What is it honey?" Sangyeon responds, looking down at Jacob

Jacob pauses. Should he really tell Sangyeon now? Right here? 

"Ummm.... you look really handsome today." 

"Awww, thank you Jake Jake. I put on this new shirt just for our date. You look really adorable today too." Sangyeon says, pinching Jacob's cheek. 

Jacob blushes and thanks his boyfriend for the compliment. 

When the sunset is over, Sangyeon and Jacob go home. Later that night, Jacob feels that it is finally time to tell Sangyeon. 

"Okay, Eric, you don't have school tomorrow, but you need to sleep now. You've stayed up long enough." Sangyeon says, as he and Jacob tuck Eric in. 

"Fine, good night hyungs. Lub you." 

"We lub you too." 

Sangyeon and Jacob quietly shut the door and then walk to their own room. Once they enter, Jacob decides it is time. 

"Sangyeon, can we talk?" 

"Sure." Sangyeon answers, patting the spot next to him on the bed. 

"What is it Jake Jake?" 

Jacob loves that nickname so much, it makes him feel so special. Jacob isn't sure why he does what he does next, but he leans in and kisses Sangyeon. Sangyeon kisses him back, wrapping his arms around Jacob to pull him closer. Before Jacob can forget all the words he wants to say to Sangyeon, he pulls away. 

"What was that for?" Sangyeon questions.

"Because, I love you." 

"You what?" 

"I love you, Sangyeon. More than lub, I love you. You mean a lot to me as my boyfriend and I am so thankful that I have you in my life. I love you and I always want to be with you." Jacob says, this time with great confidence. 

"Oh my gosh, I feel the same way about you Jacob. I love you too." 

"I don't know if you know this, but I wanted to tell you that I love you when we went on that picnic with the members and we were watching clouds. I kinda made up that whole lub thing to hide the fact that I said I love you, I thought I said it too early back then so I tried to cover it with the word lub."  Sangyeon explains. 

"I kinda figured based on your facial expression when you told me, but I'm glad you made the term. The boys use it all of the time now and we can all express how much we care about each other. It's really like they are brothers and all of them are our sons." 

Sangyeon smiles, agreeing.

"Especially now, since you and I are boyfriends and we love each other so much." Sangyeon adds.

Before Sangyeon can kiss Jacob again, he tells him that he has a gift for him. 

"Close your eyes." 

Once Jacob is sure that his boyfriend's eyes are closed, he takes the rose out of the nearby drawer. 

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." 

Sangyeon gasps once he sees the glass box in Jacob's hands. 

"Oh my gosh, Jacob, it is beautiful." 

"I'm glad you like it. I know how much you like roses, so I got this preserved one for you because it will last longer."

"Thank you angel. I love it, and I love you."

"I love you too." 

"I'm going to love hearing you say those words for the rest of our lives." Sangyeon responds, hugging Jacob and planting a kiss on his forehead. 


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Chapter 23: ...
My poor heart
Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
Hyunjae really was going to expose Jacob like that though. Ugh, why do I stan him?
Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!