Chapter Six: The Assassin of the Mist

Trapped! (ReaderXYandereVariousNaruto)

Mist surrounded the boat, I couldn't see anything it was so thick. The water was a dull grey, it swayed the boat back and fourth, it was some how relaxing. "I can't see anything...." Sakura sighed, leaning back. Naruto sat in the very front, moving his head around as if he could see. "The bridge isn't far now. Our destination is just up ahead, The Land Of the Waves." The rower whispered, I leaned next to Naruto, squinting to see if I could see anything in the fog. Slowly the out line of a half finished bridge came into our view. "Whoa! It's huge!" Naruto shouted in awe, "What? Keep quiet! I told you, no noise! Why do you think we're traveling like this, huh?" The rower whispered harshly to Naruto, "Cutting the engine off and rowing, moving through this dense fog so they don't see us." He shook his head, Naruto held his mouth shut with his hands, it only made my suspicion of Mr. Tazuna grow.

"Mr. Tazuna," Kakashi crossed his arms, "Before we reach the pier, I wan't to ask you something." Mr. Tazuna kept his head low, I turned my head back to Kakashi. "The men who are after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us, then I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore." Kakashi whispered, we all fell silent. All eyes were on Mr. Tazuna. "I have no choice but to tell you. No, I wan't you to know the truth. Like you said, this is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my like is a very short man who casts a very long and deadly shadow." My eyes widened, Kakashi looked over at me for a second before turning his attention back to Tazuna. "Hmm." Kakashi leaned back. "Who is it?" I asked, leaning a bit forward.

"You know him. At least, I'm sure you've heard his name before. He's one of the wealthiest mean in the world, the shipping man, Gato." Tazuna explained, his voice hoarse. "Huh? Gato? Of Gato transport? He's a business leader, everyone knows him." Kakashi looked a bit shocked. "Who?" I asked, completely out of the loop. "Gato's a very powerful tycoon from a famous company, that's true. But below the surface, with the same ruthless methods he used to take over business and nations. He sells drugs and contraband using gangs and ninja." I gulped, Tazuna put his head back down.

"It was one year ago when Gato first set his sights on the Land Of the Waves. He came to our island and used his vast wealth to take total control of our transport and shipping. Anyone who tried to stand in his way simply disappeared. In an island nation, a man who controls the sea controls everything. Finance, government, and our very lives. But there's one thing he fears, the bridge. When it is complete, it will join us to the land, and that will break his control. I am the bridge builder." Tazuna explained, looking back at Kakashi.

"So that's it. Since you're in charge of the bridge, you're standing in this gangsters way." Sakura sighed, placing her hand on her chin. "That means those guys we fought in the forest, they were working for Gato." I whispered to Naruto who looked like he didn't have a clue what was going on. "Ahh....hmmm....?" Naruto slowly started to catch on. "But, I don't understand, if you knew he was dangerous, knew he would send ninja to eliminate you, why did you hide that from us?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Because the Land Of the Waves is a small, impoverished nation.  Even our nobles have very little money." Tazuna sighed, I looked down at the ground, poor guy. I can't believe I was so suspicious of him. 

"The common people who are building this bridge, they can't pay for an A or B ranked mission. It's too expensive. If you end the mission when you drop me ashore, there will be no bridge. They'll assassinate me before I reach home." Tazuna looked back up, a bit started to form in my stomach. "But don't feel too bad about that. Of course, my sweet little grandson will be upset. He'll cry, 'Grand dad! I want my grand dad!'" Naruto started to look down. "Oh, and my daughter will condemn the Ninja of the Hidden Leaves, denouncing and blaming you for abandoning her father and living her life in sorrow. Oh, well, it's not your fault. Forget it." Tazuna looked out towards the water. "Kakashi-sensei! We've got to help them!" I sniffled, clenching my fists. "Don't worry (Y/N)." Kakashi sighed, "I guess we have no other choice. We'll have to keep guarding you." Kakashi said with a fake smile. "Oh, I'm very grateful." I win. Tazuna thought with a smile. 

"We're approaching the shore. Tazuna, we've been very fortunate no one has noticed us so far. " The rower called out, smiling down at his friend. "Nice going." Tazuna nodded as we slowly drifted into a tunnel. At the end, the mist disappeared to show a nice little village. The sun was high up in the air, glistening off the water. It's so beautiful here! I smiled, looking around every direction. The boat came to a stop by a small wooden board walk, we all got off except the rower. "That's as far as I'll go. Good luck." The rower sighed, "Right. Thank you for taking such a risk." Tazuna turned back around. "Just be careful." He waved, starting the boats engine back up as he glided away.

"Okay. Take me to my home, and I mean get me there in one piece." Tazuna grumbled. "Right...." Kakashi sighed as we continued to walk. The next ninja they send won't be Chunin, they'll be jonin, elite ninja with deadly skills. Hmm. Kakashi thought silently, keeping a close eye on the four of us. Oh....this is not good. The short guy I saw in my dream turned out to be real, what if the scary one with the sword is too. I better----"Kya!" I jumped, watching Naruto throw a kunai at a bush. "Hm....that was just a mouse." Naruto sighed, wiping his forehead. "Mouse? Yeah, right, everyone can see through your stupid act!" Sakura shouted, pointing at Naruto angrily. "You're so obvious, it's embarrassing!" I growled, putting my hands on my hips. "Naruto, those are kunai knives. They're dangerous." Kakashi warned, "Stop trying to scare me, you scruffy little dwarf!" Tazuna shouted, clenching his fists. "Hey, is someone hiding over there? No, over there!" Naruto laughed, looking around closely. "No! Over there!" He shouted, throwing another kunai at a bush. "That's enough Naruto!" Sakura shouted, slapping him in the back of the head. "Wha---! Why'd you do that! Some one really is following us! I mean it!" Naruto growled, I looked over in the bush, a pure white rabbit laid frozen, in shock, the kunai knife dug into a tree just over it's head.  "Ah! Naruto! Look what you did!" I gasped, Naruto running over. "Ah! A rabbit!" Naruto gasped in shock, picking up the rabbit and hugging it close to his chest. "Oh...I'm sorry little rabbit, I'm sorry!" Naruto frowned, petting it.

He's coming.... A voice rang loudly in my head, I gasped, remembering my dream. "Kakashi-sensei!" I shouted, running towards him. "Hm?" He turned around, his hands in his pockets. "Kakashi-sensei, I should of told you this earlier, I'm sorry, but in my dream there was this scary guy and he had a sword, and---and...." "Look out!" Kakashi yelled, we all ducked down just in time to dodge a sword flung at us, I looked up to a! The same guy from my dream! 

"Well, well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rouge ninja from the village hidden in the mist." Kakashi talked to him like he was an old friend. Rouge ninja? Whatever. Nothings going to stop me! Ready, go! Naruto grinned, I quickly grabbed him by the arm. "No, Naruto...." I gulped, "We don't stand a chance against that guy." I whispered, pulling him back. "(Y/N)? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Naruto exclaimed, shaking his head. "He may be too much for you, but I'm going to wipe the floor with him!" Naruto grinned, tearing his arm loose, "Naruto, stay back." Kakashi pushed him away, "Huh?" "He's in a whole other league. If he's our opponent, I'll need this." Kakashi said, digging his fingers under the cloth of the head band. "This could be treacherous."

"Kakashi of the Sharingan eye. Did I get that right?" Zabuza's voice made shivers go up my spine, Sasuke looked at Kakashi with an odd look. Wait a second, I thought only member's of the Uzumaki clan had the Kakashi related to Sasuke?! I bit down on my bottom lip, looking at them both. But they look nothing alike, and Kakashi has a different last name! I tilted my head. "It's too bad, huh, but you'll have to hand over the old man." Uhh....Sharingan? What is that? Naruto gulped, watching Kakashi intently. What's he saying? Does he have some special power? Sakura gulped. "Now, quick! Manji formation! Protect the bridge builder, and stay out of this fight. I taught you teamwork, now it's time to use it." Kakashi warned, I watched as Kakashi pulled back his head band. His eye...."I'm ready." Kakashi clenched his fists. But how? Are they brothers? Cousins? What if Kakashi's....his father! I gasped. 

"Well, looks like I get to the Sharingan in action. This is an honor." Zabuza breathed, turning around to properly face us. "Everyone keeps saying 'Sharingan, Sharingan.', will some one please tell me what Sharingan is?!" Naruto whined, What if....he's his mother?! Wait....can guys have babies? I scratched my nose. "Sharingan." Sasuke began, I turned my head over to him, I've barely heard him speak this entire trip. "A rare power that resides in the eyes. The user of this visual jutsu, or doujutsu, can instantly see and comprehend any genjutsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu, and reflect the attack back on the attacker. The Sharingan is a special, rare form of doujutsu. However, there's more to Sharingan than just that. A lot more." Sasuke looked over to the side, a pained expression on his face. "You got it right, boy, but you only scratched the surface. The Sharingan can analyze an opponents technique, and then copy it to the smallest detail." Zabuza looked down at us, his eyes seemed to pierce through your body. Mist flowed towards us, quickly catching me by surprise, I jumped back, guarding the bridge builder. "As for you, Jounin, in the assassination unit of the hidden mist, we had a standing order to destroy you on sight. Your profile was in our bingo book. It called you the man who copied over a thousand jutsu, Kakashi, the copy ninja."

"Wow! That's so cool!" Naruto smiled, "Yeah!" I agreed, snapping out of my thoughts. Wait a minute. The Sharingan is a rare trait that only occurs in a few members of the Uchiha clan, could he be....? Sasuke was staring at Kakashi intensely. "Enough talking. I need to exterminate the old man, now." Zabuza stood up straight on his sword, "Gah!" Tazuna took a step back. Quickly, the four of us surrounded him, I held onto my kunai tightly. "So, I'll have to eliminate you first, eh, Kakashi? So be it." Zabuza grunted, pulling his sword out of the tree as he dashed into the mist. "He's over there!" I gulped, he moved lightning fast. "Standing on the water!" Sakura watched in awe. He's building up a huge amount of chakura! I shivered, feeling it linger in the air.

"Ninja art, hidden mist jutsu!" Zabuza vanished into thin air. "Sensei!" Sakura called out, starting to shake. "He'll come after me first." Kakashi's back was turned to us. "But who is he?" Sakura asked, her knuckles turning white from holding onto the kunai so tightly. "Zabuza Momochi, the ex-leader of the Hidden Mist Assassination Unit. He's a master of the silent killing technique." Kakashi's fists were clenched, his Sharingan scanned the area. "Silent?" Naruto asked, looking a bit confused. "As the name suggests, it happens in an instant, with out sound or warning of any kind. It's so fast, you pass from this life with out realizing what has happened. The Sharingan can not fully neutralize it, so don't lower your guard." Kakashi explained, leaving his brief warning linger in the air, I stiffened up. "The mist is getting thicker and thicker...." Naruto's arm touched mine. "The Land Of the Waves is surrounded by ocean, the swirling mists are ever present." Tazuna explained, looking around wearily. "Sensei." Sakura gulped, Kakashi vanished into the mist. 

"Eight points." A soft voice lingered. "Huh? What was that?" I whispered. "Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart, now, which will be my kill point?" Zabuza grinned from under his mask, I held my breath. Kakashi made a quick hand sign, his chakura bursted into the air, pushing some of the thicker mist away from us, I sighed in relief when I saw Kakashi again.

What an intense thirst for blood...... Sasuke started shaking wildly, I looked over at him, his dark eyes grew. One shallow tiny movement from that enough to bring on instant death. If it goes on like this.....I'll go insane. The clash of two Jonin intent to kill.....I've never felt any thing so....chilling. It's as if my life is being chocked off! "Sasuke?" I whispered, he was in his own world. No! I cant bear it! Sasuke slowly moved the kunai, holding onto it with both hands. I'd rather take my own life! "Sasuke!" I shouted, he gasped, looking back over at me. "Calm down, don't worry, I'll protect you! I won't allow any of my friend to die, trust me." I smiled, he started to go back to normal, lowering the kunai. "I wouldn't be so sure." Zabuza called out, his cold breath batting against my neck, I froze in fear. "It's over----gah!" I slowly turned my head, Kakashi-sensei.....stuck a knife inside of Zabuza! Sasuke pulled me towards him, my shoulder hit his chest. "Sensei! Behind you!" I shouted, pointing a finger a the real Zabuza standing right behind him, his water clone burst, splashing the ground. 

In a flash, Zabuza sliced Kakashi in half, but it was another water clone! Sasuke had his arm's wrapped around me, Naruto was stomping our way. "Don't move." Kakashi threatened, holding a kunai up to Zabuza's throat, Naruto stopped mid way, turning back to what was happening right in front of him. "Now it's over." Zabuza stood still.


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