Chapter Sixty: A Failure's True Power

Trapped! (ReaderXYandereVariousNaruto)

I rose to my feet, blood dripped down my left fist. 
I didn't pause as I ran towards him, sinking my knuckles into the side of his face. Neji didn't flinch as he fell to the ground, I fell next to him, my legs shaking. 
"You're such an idiot." I whispered down to him, Neji slowly turned his head to look at me, his left eye closed. "Your father's death has nothing to do with your destiny. If you think that I'd buy that," I clenched my fists, standing on my knees as I looked down at the dirt. "You're wrong." The words buzzed in my throat.
" don't understand." Neji's voice was quiet, but strong. I turned to him, grabbing him by the collar of his jacket. I raised his body off the ground, our faces inches apart as I stared into his eyes,
"All this destiny crap......" I began, Neji grabbed onto my wrist, his teeth clenched. "You don't know what it's like to be branded with a mark," Neji's voice was furious, his milky eyes blazing into mine, "A mark that sets you apart, a mark that can never be wiped away!"
At that I smiled, Neji shifted, taken back by the grin. "I know what that's like," I answered back, my eyes closed. Neji stayed silent, "Well, big deal. Who cares?" I said with a shrug, 
"You think you've got troubles? Well, I've got news for you Neji, you're not the only special one around here." I scoffed as I let go on Neji, he fell back down. 
"Did you ever think that Hinata might be suffering as much as you are? It's not her fault that her father was born ahead of yours," I said, shaking my head as I looked down at him. "But you resent her for it. You disrespect her even when she's trying so hard to improve herself. All she wanted was your respect. That's what she was fighting for, even though it almost killed her." I clenched my fists, "And what was that all about, anyway?!" I seethed, starting to shout out my words.
"I thought it was your destiny to serve the main household, not beat it to a bloody pulp! After all, you've said about how you can't fight your destiny, you don't really believe in it either, do you?"

Kiba stood as he watched the Anbu member tend to Hinata, Akamaru sat next to her, staring up at Kiba as if he was trying to protect her. 
Her colour is coming back to her face. Kiba thought as he watched, he did it. Kiba thought with more annoyance than glee as he looked to him, These Anbu Black Ops, they're good. 
"She'll be alright now." He said, looking at Kiba through the corner of his eye. That boy, he thought, still tending to Hinata. I saw that look in his eye. I saw what he wanted to do. A grin came to his face, (Y/N)'s friends are more interesting than I thought. "She just needs some more rest." The fake Anbu member said with a nod, Hinata laid on the floor in front of them, asleep. 

"That's it!" I shouted, standing on my feet. Neji stood as well, at least ten feet away, I stared him down. "I'm going to end this fight once and for all," I said angrily, my fists loosely clenched.
"Good luck on that," Neji said, shaking his head. "You're lucky to even be able to move your arms. How are you going to win this fight without being able to use your chakra against me?" Neji asked smugly,
"You think that Byakugan of yours sees everything," I called back, "You think you can see everyone's weakness, isn't that right?" "That's right," Neji grinned, "But if you think you're the one who can prove me wrong, be my guest." Neji's eye twitched, I thoroughly pissed him off.
"I'm going to show you that you're wrong about a lot of things," I called out, stomping a foot down on the ground as I stared at him. Easier said than done, I thought, gritting my teeth. It feels like I have barely any chakra left, I haven't felt this drained before since training with the y sage. I clicked my tongue, maybe.....that's it. I clenched my fists, looking by my shoulder, Kale was there, motionless, silent. 
"I'm sorry Kale," I whispered down to him, he looked up at me with a blank stare. "I'll have to use it." I said, turning to him. He ignored me, dropping to the ground. 
I lifted my heavy arms up, they ached as I clasped my hands into a sign. I closed my eyes, Jiraiya's words starting to come through, the Daigan, his lecture began, almost instantly I was consumed.
"The Daigan isn't like other kekkei genkai. While the Daigan at first seems like a visible Dojutsu. Not only does it affect the eye, but it changes the body as well." Jiraiya explained as he looked down at me, my eyes widened as I listened to him. "When you first start to use the Daigan, the power its self-shocks the body, which is why your eyes start to bleed at first," Jiraiya said with a nod, holding up his index finger. "But the more you use the Daigan, the more your eyes will get used to the power, and the more your skill will sharpen. But that still doesn't weaken the blow on the body," Jiraiya put his hands on his hips, I tilted my head slightly. "What do you mean?" I asked, squinting my eyes up at him. "When the Daigan is used, it can do more than make the people around you fall asleep, (Y/N)." Jiraiya explained, hovering a finger in front of my forehead. "It also gives the body a surge of power, which if used properly, can open the eight gates," As soon as he mentioned the gates, I gasped. Just like Lee, I thought with a smile. "But there's no way you'd be close enough to open the first gate right now, your body's not used too that much chakra at once. Even though there'll be a surge of power, it's not going to be great enough to open anything. But it can still harm your body!" Jiraiya warned once again, I nodded my head. "Yeah, yeah. So when are you going to teach me to open up the gates?!" I asked excitedly, Jiraiya shook his head. "It's too dangerous. And with the curse......." Jiraiya stopped as he saw my smile drop, "It could open it again." He said simply, I nodded.
That's it. I'll have to use the Daigan, I need more chakra. 

I closed my eyes as I focused on my eyes, heat rose to them. Neji took a step back,
"Proctor." Neji snapped his head around to him, Genma looked over at Neji. "This has gone on long enough. I suggest you stop the match." Neji called over to Genma, Genma raised his brow. "What, are you forfeiting?" Genma asked, putting his hands in his pockets. Neji clenched his fists as he looked back at me, I kept my focus. 
Neji gave a sigh as he looked over at me. "No." Neji said, squinting his eyes down at me, I clicked my tongue. 
My hands locked together, my eyes starting up in a burning fever, "It's pointless, I told you-----!" Neji's voice caught in his throat, my shoulders popped as my arms jolted back to life, my eyes widened as the familiar pain tingled through them. A surge of energy washed over me, I could hear my heart beating wildly in my chest.
"Why bother? You have no chakra left to use." Neji scoffed, putting his hands on his hips as he looked at me, my head down as I continued to focus, my teeth grinded together. Neji shook his head.
"Why fight a hopeless battle trying to defy your destiny?" Neji asked, I opened my eyes. I looked up at him, my eyes tingling with power. The blood in my eyes evaporated from the heat, changing the muddy orange tint to a bright electric yellow. 
Neji held his breath. "Because," I began in a slightly deeper voice than my own, "Because people called me a failure." I spat the words out, visibly shaking with anger. "I'll prove them wrong."
I let out a loud yell, feeling my feet sink down into the ground. Neji clenched his fits, his eyes sparked to life, his Byakugan staring me down. I could feel the air around me change as the chakra ran through me. 
What?! Neji's eyes were wide as he watched me, It can't be! Where is that chakra coming from?! Neji's eyes widened as he watched me, he started to shake. "It''s impossible!" Neji gasped out, "What......what are they?"

Impossible! That chakra! Hiashi's eyes widened as he looked down, "No way!" Tenten gasped, cupping a hand over . "(Y/N)'s even cooler than I thought!" She exclaimed with a small squeal.
The fake Anbu member looked up from Hinata, a wide grin under his mask as he sense the chakra. You really don't disappoint, do you, (Y/N)? He thought with a small chuckle, Kiba's eyes were wide as he watched, completely ignoring Hinata on the floor.
"But how?" Kotetsu said with a gasp, "That kids chakra points were blocked, there's no way....." Kotetsu said in disbelief. 
Sarutobi looked over to Rasa, Rasa dug his nails down into the chairs armrests, Sarutobi had been watching him closely during the entire match. The entire time it seemed that Rasa had been on edge, waiting for something, Sarutobi rubbed his chin as he turned back to the match. No question. Sarutobi put his pipe back down on his lap, (Y/N) has accessed the power of the Daigan. But by the looks of it, they've barely scraped the surface. But where did they learn to harness its strength? There's no way (Y/N) could have been in contact with Orochimaru, I had Jiraiya........Sarutobi clenched his fists, 
Jiraiya! Sarutobi thought furiously, how much did you teach them, you fool?! Sarutobi stared down into the arena, forgetting Rasa to his side. 
The Kazekage was smiling ear to ear, anticipation eating him alive as he saw the Daigan spark into my eyes. But he had to hold himself back, just for a little longer. Just a little longer.

Neji held his arms in front of his face as the wind blew, loose dirt and rocks started to fly as I shouted, chakra filling my veins as I felt the Daigan burn into my skin. "Here it goes." I whispered to myself, dropping the hand sign, I balled my hands into fists.
Neji struggled to keep his footing, the ground beneath him starting to become loose. Incredible! Neji's hair whipped around in the wind, this energy.......what kind of chakra is this?! Neji gritted his teeth as the air became thick with chakra. 
This......I thought, looking down at my buzzing hands. This is more power than I felt before.......this is greater than the time on the bridge.......I.....hate this feeling......I clenched my burning fists, but it's all I've got, isn't it? I thought, looking back to Neji.
I jumped up in a flash. Neji's eyes widened at the sudden movement, he quickly raised his palms, looking for where I had gone. He caught me to the back as I flung down a handful of shuriken, "Rotation!" Neji shouted, as if he was commanding his body to move. He spun on his heel, his chakra spinning around him. He slowed himself down, catching the shuriken in one hand. I twisted in the air, bouncing off the arena's wall as I turned to him, Neji's eyes came into mine as he flew the shuriken back up at me, I dodged them with ease.
Neji's eyes widened as the shuriken sunk into the wall, "What?!" Neji breathed out, his fists tightly clenched. They're faster than before, what's going on here?! Neji squinted his eyes as he started to get angrier, twisting his body around to look for me, I was right behind him.
His eyes widened as he saw me come down on him, throwing a punch towards him, Neji quickly dodged to the side. I twirled the kunai I had in my hand, the glint of metal caught Neji's eyes, he quickly grabbed onto one of his own.
The two metal blades clicked as the hit mid air, I fell back to the ground, jumping off of it to retrieve the blade. Neji copied me like a mirror, the blades clinked once again as we both landed on the ground. 
Only a flash was visible to the crowd above.
"Okay, you," I called out to Neji as I landed on the ground, Neji gritted his teeth as he felt the long cut on his arm, I grinned as he noticed the blood dripping down his hand.
"I heard you like close combat, huh?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. Neji squinted his eyes as he looked at me, I bounced off of the ground, my heel leaving a hole in the dirt as I charged towards him, Neji raised his kunai once again.
"It may be the Hyuga way to cave into destiny!" I shouted, my sight locked on Neji, "Well, it's not mine!" I clenched my fists, Neji's eyes widened. "If you think it's futile to fight, then don't! Just stand there and take it!"
Neji gritted his teeth, quickly! I must use my rotation! Neji jolted onto his heel, "I'll show you how wrong you are, even if it's the last thing I do!" I shouted, jumping on Neji in a blur.
A loud boom exploded through the arena, a cloud of dirt and debris was the only thing visible for the crowd above, the arena grew silent. Eerily silent. 

As the dust dispersed, only two equally sized craters were left of the explosion. 
Genma got up from the ground, shaking the dirt off of his clothes as he stood, standing between the craters. Man, Genma thought, out of breath, that's some chakra that kids got. Never seen anything like it. Genma thought, cleaning the dirt off of his stick. No way that Hyuga kid could've......Genma gulped, looking at the crater behind him. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"B-But....." Sakura gasped out, "Which one's.....which one's (Y/N)?" Sakura's eyes were wide, Ino started to shake, "D-Don't ask me! I don't know! I don't even know what just happened!" Ino shouted back, holding her self, "EEK!" Ino screamed as she saw an arm raise from the ground,

Neji rose from the crater. Covered head to toe in dirt, he coughed violently as I rose out of the ground. Standing on his knees, he slowly rose to his feet.
Neji held onto his bleeding arm. The cut I inflicted on it got worse, small pebbles wedged into it, making the cut deeper. Blood dripped, making a trail as he limped towards the other crater. The stands were silent, everyone's eyes were on Neji as he moved across the arena. Genma was frozen solid. 
Neji stood over the crater, dirt still hung thick in the air over it. He was out of breath, he fell to his knees before it.
"(Y-Y/N)....." Neji called out my name, his voice was soft. He could barely make out a figure in the ground, "You......idiot....." Neji said between shallow breaths as he grabbed out for me. The figure twitched as he pulled what he thought to be my leg, a loud hiss sounded after him.
Neji shouted as Kale lept towards him. Kale pushed Neji's chest back, as soon as I felt Neji land on the ground above me, I pounced. Jumping out of the ground like a bullet, I launched my fist directly into Neji's face.
My knuckles dug into his chin, I heard his teeth snap together as I hit his jaw, sending him flying back. Blood dripped down from his mouth, a drop sprayed against my cheek as I hit him. 
Neji landed on the ground in front of me. I stood over him, my chest aching. I was out of breath. 
My eyes turned back into their normal (E/C) hue, my eyelids slumping down. My legs shook underneath me, I felt like any moment I would collapse. 
I looked down at my hand, it was a bloody mess. My fingernails were torn and jagged, fresh blood dripping from them mixed with dirt, long gashes and bruises marked my knuckles where I punched Neji, and the skin of my palm was burnt from the Daigan's chakra. Neji didn't look any better, spawn against the floor.
"I......" Neji called out in a raspy voice, I looked down at him. "I can't move......" He called out painfully, Genma looked down at him, popping his stick back into his mouth.
(Y/N) used that snake of there's as bait, Genma thought, watching Kale circle up my leg, wrapping himself back on my shoulders. And then they waited for their chance to get Neji. Even when they were getting pounded into the ground, they never stopped planning their next move. They never lost faith in their ability to win. (Y/N) knows that believing in yourself can give you the power to change your destiny. And on top of that, they've got hell of a left hook. Genma thought with a smile, putting his hands on his hips. 
I took a couple steps closer to Neji, he stared up at me from the ground. "I.....I should've guessed you'd of used that snake of yours." Neji scoffed, "That's how you got through the preliminaries, afterall." Neji sighed, "I was careless." 
"Shut up." I said, looking down at him with a small smile. Neji's eyes widened. "You still still think you can't change your own destiny, don't you? If you weren't on the ground like that, I would punch you again." I said through shallow breaths, Neji's eyes relaxed.
"Heh......" Neji gave a small chuckle, my eyes widened as I heard the sound. He closed his eyes as he passed out. I smiled down at him.
"Hm." Genma gave a smile of his own as he raised his arm, "The winner is,
(Y/N) (L/N)"

To be continued......................

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