The Plan

Finding Mr. Not So Right
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"Dara!!!!" I got startled when someone suddenly barged inside my office yelling my name.



"Bom! What's with the yelling? I almost spilled my coffee, you pabo!" I reprimanded her while I wiped the drops of coffee that escaped my cup. This woman doesn't know how to be prim and proper sometimes. Tsk!



"Awww! Don't you miss me?" She frowned looking upset. "I just got back and this is how my best friend welcomed me? I'm so disappointed Dara..." She said as she gave her best pout she could ever muster.



"Fine, I miss you too. Now, stop giving me that look Bom." I surrendered. She instantly smiled as I chuckled at her sudden change of mood. "How's uncle and auntie?" I asked returning my gaze back to my computer.



"Well, they're more than fine actually. I don't even know why they called me there. They did all the stuff needed to be done and I just presented myself there looking like an idiot." She said continuously. "They said the company needs a new face."



"New face? What for?" I asked as I tore my gaze away from the desktop before looking at her confused.



"Just in case they decided to retire, the public will know who the next person in charge of the company will be." She just sighed as she propped her elbow on the table and rested her head on her palm. "I mean who are they kidding? It's not as if they're hiding me from the public's eye or something."



"It’s ok Bom. They just want what's best for you. You know that." I told her as I stood up, round my table and sat on the chair in front of her.



"Best for me or for them? How will I pursue my career if I handle the company? I’m trapped Dara! Trapped!!" She exclaimed waiving her hands in the air as she explained her dilemma animatedly.



"Well, you can still pursue your dream if you wanted to. Just hire somebody else to handle it. You'll find a way." I told her while tapping her shoulder to console her.



She suddenly stared into the distance and as if a light bulb magically appeared above her head, she casted her gaze at me, her eyes sparkling. "Hmm, that's a great idea Dara! I hope my parents approve of it but if not, I’ll find a way as long as you will be around to help me." She said holding my hand.



"Of course, what are best friends for anyway? And as if I can escape the Bominator right?" We both laughed and hugged each other. It kind of scare me a little knowing there is a chance she will be away and I don't know what I will do without her, but if that time comes, I will always be here to support her every step of the way.











I parked outside a mansion that looks like an abandoned place away from the city. A place I’ve been avoiding to visit for a lot of memories, good and bad, remains. I got out of my car and stepped inside, feeling nostalgic all of a sudden. As I walked passed through the garden, I remembered when I saw Mr. Jang cried that rainy night years ago but it felt like it only happened yesterday. I walked furthermore and reached a gate behind the mansion. Just as expected, a lot of guards are securing it so no one can enter.



"Let me in." I said with full authority to o

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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 65: I loved it...i want more...thanks for sharing
Chapter 66: two thumbs up~!
Chapter 66: Thank u for your beautiful creation,,, I will surely read your new fanfic^_^
dockie8ph #4
Chapter 66: That was awesome.. Thank you!
dockie8ph #5
Chapter 64: That was scary.. Thank you for making Dara safe!
dockie8ph #6
Chapter 59: It's chanyeol!
dockie8ph #7
Chapter 56: I don't like Dara being stupid by trusting these people!
dockie8ph #8
Chapter 50: You really are a poor judge of character.
dockie8ph #9
Chapter 37: Dara will have a hard time accepting Jiyong, especially he's the son of the man who almost killed her father..
dockie8ph #10
Chapter 36: Finally, you confess!