Mentally Exhausted

Crush on You

~The Next Day; 6:21 am~

I wake up and decide to stay in bed for a few minutes. In the meantime, I should see if Seongmin's awake. I call her number and the voice mail answers for her.

'We are sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.'

I hang the phone up. Really, Seongmin? What's really up? I get up and wash up for school.

~40 minutes later~

I'm all done. Now- breakfast! I head downstairs to fix myself some cereal. Looking at the dirty dishes, I can tell my brother's out the door already. I grab my breakfast and start eating at the table.

~50 minutes later~

I meet Noran and Hwana outside of the school.

"Hi, guys." "Oh hey, Sara," Hwana says. "Did you get a weird call from Yoosaeng this morning?," Noran asks. "No, what happened?" "He just said he had something heartbreaking to tell us. You know Yoosaeng though. He's really dramatic." "Well, where is he?," I ask. "Umm," Noran starts. "HEY, GUYS!," we hear someone yell from far away. We look and see Yoosaeng running towards us.

"There," Noran finishes. Yoosaeng reaches us and breathes heavily. "Catch your breath, dude," I tell him. "Yeah, and tell us what's going on," Noran demands. He takes a few more deep breaths and says, "Okay. So, my brother is friends with Seongmin's cousin and he said she switched schools." Switched schools. Can't be. "Wait, what? Why?," Noran asks. "Apparently, she decided to stop trying to be what EVERYONE wanted her to be, aka a nurse, and pursue her own true dream of being a pop star." "What the ? How dare she? She was the first out of all of us to even bring up the future. No one forced her to do this. She chose to do so," Noran rants. That's true but I can't believe she would say that about the people in her life. "Welp, I guess we're no longer relevant to her. Let's just continue to live lowly while she rises above us," Noran says, obviously pissed. Noran continues to rant, "I can't believe it. After all we've done for her. Who supported her when she thought that she wasn't smart enough to get into this school? Us. Who-?," "Stop. She wants to be indifferent, so let her be. She could've at least said 'bye'," Yoosaeng says coldly, before walking away. Was she really that upset over an assignment grade? Is this really it, for us? "Look, I'm gonna go to class and hopefully school will help clear my mind," Noran says. Hwana and I wave bye and decide that we should also be heading to our classes. We slowly make our way into the building and hear someone calling my name.

Chen's P.O.V

I see Sara and some girl walking down the hallway. They look upset about something so I decide to call Sara's name. They both look at me and Sara sends the sweetest smile my way.

I go up to them, "Hi, Sara and friend." The friend waves. "Chen, this is my new friend Hwana," Sara introduces. I shake hands with Hwana, "Hi, Hwana. I'm Chen." "Hi," she replies. "So, what are you girls up to? You looked down over there." "Well, it's a long story, but I may have just lost a dear friend." "Yeah, she totally dissed Sara and the others," Hwana says. "If what we were told is really true, then yeah," Sara inputs. "Hmm. Well, maybe they were really never your friend to begin with. Hey look, let's go to class like normal, okay?"

Sara's P.O.V

I look up at Chen when he said that. He's so optimistic. He puts an arm around mine and Hwana's shoulders and we walk some more. "Let's not have a bad day over a small hiccup," he tells us. We nod in agreeance and split up walking to our own classes. The day goes by and I think about what Chen said. I'm glad he was there cause I really needed that. Whether Sara Han loses a friend or not, she'll continue to thrive. Just why did it have to be this friend though? My friends and I make our way to lunch and see Yoosae standing by the door.

"Hey, Youngsae," Noran says. "Hey." "What are you doing standing there?" "I was waiting on you guys actually. Have you heard back from Seongmin, Sara." "No, but Yoosaeng has," I say. "Not really," Yoosaeng starts and then tell Youngsae what happened. "Oh wow. Well then. Maybe she was transferring when I saw her leaving yesterday. Sounds kind of jerkish. I really thought she was gonna be cool but I don't know. I don't know her that well." "Anyways, let's just eat and take our minds off of her, okay?," Noran says. We agree and get our lunch.

"So, how's your throat Sara?," Youngsae asks. "Better. I picked up some Aloe Vera juice from the store yesterday, but my family drank it all in one night. That's why I bought this smaller one," I answer. "That's good to hear." "So, what are y'all gonna do today, after school?," Yoosaeng asks. "I'm going to eat, then sign up for the Yearbook club and go home," Noran says. "I'm just gonna eat and leave like normal. Probably gonna go clubbing too," Yoosaeng tells us. "You're gonna go clubbing tonight? On a Tuesday?," Youngsae asks? "You clearly don't know who I am. I'm notorious for clubbing at this school," Yoosaeng brags. "Your brother's more popular but okay," Noran says. Yoosaeng rolls his eyes, "Anyways, what are you two gonna do?" "I'm going home, do some homework, and play with my little sister," Youngsae says. "You have a little sister?," Noran asks. "Yep, she's only 2 and needs some loving from her big brother." Aww. "Well, I'll be eating then I'll stay here to go to volleyball tryouts. Afterwards, I'll do some homework and go home," I say. "Sounds like a plan," Yoosaeng says. We finish eating our meal and talk more about life in general.

~5 hours later~

I keep my athletic clothes on and wait for my friends to finish showering. After 30 minutes of playing games on my phone, Yoosaeng and Noran come out of the locker rooms. "Alright guys, I'm leaving," Yoosaeng tells us. Noran and I tell him bye and head to dinner. We get our food and sit down at our regular dinner-time table. 

Noran and I discuss school work and whatnot. "Sara, did you finish all of the assignments given in class already?" "Yeah. Now I just need to focus on volleyball tryouts and getting a job." "Lucky. I have a ton of homework to do. Also, you can work with me at Etude House." "Nah, I like makeup and all but Etude is such a powerful brand. I don't want to bring them down with my lack of skills." "You're great, Sara. Believe me." "Thanks, but I'll keep looking." "Well, you know where to go if all else fails." I nod and Noran starts to eat more of her food. I join her in that and she asks me, "Hey, where did they get pork schnitzel and shrimp and kimchi pancakes?" "I heard that they serve the teachers these and gave us the leftovers." "Well then," she says and pops a piece of pancake in . We continue to eat and Noran leaves first to join the yearbook club and I go back to the gym. I look around and see many girls stretching and practicing their bumps. I get on the ground and start stretching as well until the coach joins us.

~15 minutes later~

"Alright ladies, line up. We're starting tryouts now," the volleyball coach yells at us. We quickly get into line and I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Hwana. "Hey, Hwana." "Hi, I didn't know you liked sports." "Yeah, I try to be as active as I can." "Same. I wanna do this now and next semester I want to try tennis. Then next year I want to do softball and track and then cheerleading and basketball!" Wow, She's really active. "That's cool." I turn back around preparing for my turn. The rest of the hour was all of us girls trying out for the team. "Alright guys, I'll get back to you next week with posters around school with the names of the ladies who made it. Thanks for coming and you may now leave." We gather our things and I go get on the subway heading home.

Yoosaeng's P.O.V

I head down the street to get some soda at a nearby corner store. I look through the glass of the store and see two girls. Is that...Seongmin?!

Seongmin looks at me through the glass. I wave frantically not believing it. She notices that it's me and ducks trying to run away. I enter the store and go to the back where she is. She tries to run away but I pull her back by her wrist. "Hey, let go of her!," the other girl tells me. I ignore her and ask Seongmin," What's up? Where have you been?" "Do you have me confused with someone else?" "Seongmin stop playing. It's me Yoosaeng. Why did you leave our school and stop replying to our messages." "Oh, Yoosaeng. Oh my gosh hi," she answers. Fake. "I left because my father's job required us to relocate." Lies. You haven't talked to him in years and your mom still mistakenly receives our mail and gives it to me whenever. "Oh okay," I say, disappointed, "I'll see you later then. I guess. "Bye!," she says before leaving me with her new friend. That's it Seongmin. You really hurt me this time.

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