Chapter 27

Another Cliché Story [EDITING]
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- Han Seohee's POV -

"What type of dance do you think we'll be doing today?" Woojin asked me as we were waiting for the teacher to arrive. I shrugged my shoulders since anything could be possible. 

"I heard something about learning the Tango, so maybe that..." Jaehyun chimed in. 

Kids were still coming into class since we had about another 5 minutes before the class actually starts. Every time someone entered the room I automatically look up. It was something that was done naturally since we can't help but be curious to see who comes in. Woojin was busy playing a game on his phone and Jaehyun was next to him watching him.  

I noticed Mirae beside Herin. She was silent the whole time and I figured it was because she was exhausted. Someone entered the room once again and I looked up to see who it was. "Oh my God...." I muttered out. 

"What is it?" Woojin asked as he looked up as well. "Oh......." he responded once he noticed what I was talking about. Aeri entered the room and was scanning the room. As soon as she found us she smiled and walked towards us. "Oh my God, look what we have here. We're in the same class again!" she said in her cheery voice. She came in between Woojin and Jaehyun and sat down. 

"Yea, it's pretty crazy....." Jaehyun said. 

The teacher finally came in and introduced the first unit. Just what Jaehyun said, we were going to learn the tango. "Okay, I need some volunteers. Park Woojin here today?" the teacher said as she was looking at her clipboard. He turned to look at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. He stood up so that he could get the teachers attention and as soon as she noticed she nodded her head, "Ah, that's good. I heard you were apart of your high school dance team, that's why I asked. Now I need one more volunteer...." 

She scanned the room and noticed Aeri. "You must be new," she said pointing her out. Aeri nodded her head. Jaehyun looked at Aeri and then at me. "I'll volunteer," he said getting up. 

"Okay, great," the teacher responded. She used the two to demonstrate how the dance would go. It amusing seeing the two dance together and couldn't help but find it cute. I could tell that Woojin was dying of happiness on the inside but was trying to play it off cool. "Okay, so now I want everyone to partner up and try it."

"Wanna be my partner?" Hyeongseob asked. I nodded my head since all my other friends partnered up. Woojin shot a glare at Hyeongseob. "Sorry bro," Hyeongseob responded. I shook my head and just laughed. While being in the proper position I noticed Mirae was with someone else. I expected her to partner up with Donghyun but instead, she was with another boy from our class. I scanned the room to find Donghyun and he was partnered up with another girl. 

The class was over and instead of going straight home I was going to walk Mirae to class. "Where's Mirae?" Donghyun asked me as he came up to me. I scanned the room and I couldn't find her.  "I don't know....." I responded back.

"Oh, she went straight to class," Jihoon told us. 


It was finally Friday and I ended the day with the dance class. We were doing the same thing as last time, practicing the Tango. This time Woojin and Jaehyun weren't being used as an example to demonstrate to the class, so I ended up being partners with Woojin, while Aeri forcefully dragged Jaehyun into being her partner.

I noticed the same thing as last class, Mirae was partnered up with someone else. "Why is Mirae dancing with him?" I asked Woojin as w

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ladykwonxiwu #1
Chapter 55: I just discovered this fic! I’m a bit sad for Jaehyun though.

Can I send you a message?
Chapter 46: Honestly...I don't agree with Seohee saying yes to a date with Jaehyun -- especially after Woojin confessed to her about his crush on him.
Even if Jaehyun is straight and he likes Seohee, Seohee should've bowed out and said 'no' to Jaehyun about dating. I mean, dating your best friend's crush is a real no-no in the friendship code. I'm disappointed in Seohee. :(
Baekna #3
Chapter 49: NOOOO JAEHYUNNN :'((((
EmilyIh #4
Chapter 51: Woww goodjob you did great
Chapter 6: wow ok woojin alright
Chapter 52: can i request an epilogue ?? with woojin and seohee
Chapter 48: GODDZDdfDfwndjxfyfnf
Chapter 45: YESS! seohee and jaehyun... actually i was in their ship and now its sailing away !!

but i feel bad for woojin... but that what he deserves......

can you please make woojin jealous i mean that will realize that he love seohee
Chapter 44: okay everything is messed up in my thoughts.....let me get my thoughts fixed
jaehyun likes seohee
sohee likes woojin (maybe)
woojin likes jaehyun or seohee

is this even right ??