Chapter 6

Another Cliché Story [EDITING]
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- Park Mirae's POV -

I noticed Seohee and Woojin grab rakes and go to a part of the park that was unattended. I was stuck handing supplies to people with Donghyun. I guess it wasn't that bad since I originally didn't want to go out today and do something. But I couldn't help but feel a bit irritated since the only reason why I came out was to keep Seohee company while Woojin mingled with Jaehyun. 

Donghyun left for a brief moment so I was left by myself. It wasn't as bad as it was before since people were occupied and didn't need to come for supplies. So I just stood there, looking around at people.

"Sorry again for dragging you to this station," Donghyun said. He came back with two plastic chairs. He placed it down and motioned me to sit. "It's fine, it isn't that bad once people get busy and start doing work," I replied back taking a seat. He sat down beside me and scanned the park. "Honestly, I made sure to get this station. That way I don't have to work as much," he said letting out a playful laugh. I laughed along with him.

"It's your first year at the university right?" he asked. I just nodded my head. I usually don't have a hard time socializing with people, but today I couldn't get any words to come out my mouth. We sat there for a while in silence, just observing people. I turned for a brief second to look at him. He had a really friendly face. 

"Do you guys do this every year?" I asked breaking the silence between us. "It's the first one at this park, we did one last year at a different location. We thought it'd be better if we did it in an area close to us," he responded. I just nodded my head.

"I heard you were dragged here by your friend, that's what Jaehyun tells me," he said smiling. 

I look at him and let out a small laugh, "Yea...I just wanted to sleep in today."

"Same here actually, but it wouldn't look good if one of the organizers didn't make it today. "


A couple of minutes passed by and Donghyun tried to keep the conversation going by talking about school. He did most of the talking since I couldn't get myself to say much.  

"Donghyun, my group is done cleaning our area up....oh Mirae you're here too," Jihoon interrupted us. He had the rakes with him and bags filled with leaves. I took the rakes from him while Donnghyun grabbed the bags and put it where all the other bags were. "You can just sit around with us for a while," Donghyun said grabbing another chair for Jihoon.

"So now what are we going to do?" Jihoon asked. 

"Well we have to wait till everyone cleans up the park, then we'll have a lunch break. After the break, we'll group the people off so that they can plant trees." Donghyun responded. Jihoon turned to me, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Seohee?". 

"It's my fault. I dragged her here." Donghyun answered with a chuckle. Jihoon and Donghyun started talking amongst themselves. I let a laugh out here and there so that they knew I was still around. "I didn't know you guys were friends." Donghyun suddenly said pointing to me and Jihoon.

"Yeah. It's a whole group of us. I didn't know you guys knew each other too." Jihoon said. "We just met today," Donghyun responded and I just chuckled. Jihoon looked at me. 

"What?" I said. 

"Are you sick?" he asked putting his hand against my forehead. I moved my head back due to his cold hand touching my forehead. Donghyun looked over at me with a concerned face. I could feel my face heat up due to all the attention. "I'm alright......I'm just a bit tired," I told them taking Jihoon's hand off from my forehead. 

"Oh okay, it just seems like you're a bit off today," Jihoon told me.

"A bit off?" I said raising one of my eyebrows. 

"Yeah, because you're usually so talkative and hyperactive. Like you'd be like 'oh my god' and what not," he said saying the last part in a girly voice. "No, I don't!" I said getting defensive. I was going to hit him on the arm but he covered himself in defense. Donghyun just laughed at us bickering with each other.  


It was around 1 pm and the entire park was clean.

"Everyone, the park looks amazing. Since everyone worked so hard since this morning we'll have an hour lunch break," Jaehyun said through a megaphone. 

"There is a table set up with sandwiches and refreshments, so please help yourselves," Donghyun added. 

Jihoon and I went to the others to regroup and have lunch together. 



- Han Seohee's POV -

Since Woojin and I were near the table we grabbed some food for ourselves and the others. Once we regrouped we sat down at a table and ate our lunches. "Man, today was a lot of work," Mark started off the conversation. "Tell me about it, my back hurts," Jihoon added. 

"Can't really relate, I was just sitting around handing out supplies," Mirae said bitting into her sandwich. "Lucky, maybe I should've gone with Donghyun instead," I responded with a laugh. 

Once we finished our lunches we just sat around waiting for everyone else to be done. According to Mirae, we will be grouped off and be in charge of a certain area of the park to plant trees. Hopefully, since all of us were together we can just become one group. 

"Are you guys are done eating?" Jaehyun asked walking to our table. We just nodded our heads. "Did you eat anything?" Woojin asked him. 

"Yea, a sandwich.

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ladykwonxiwu #1
Chapter 55: I just discovered this fic! I’m a bit sad for Jaehyun though.

Can I send you a message?
Chapter 46: Honestly...I don't agree with Seohee saying yes to a date with Jaehyun -- especially after Woojin confessed to her about his crush on him.
Even if Jaehyun is straight and he likes Seohee, Seohee should've bowed out and said 'no' to Jaehyun about dating. I mean, dating your best friend's crush is a real no-no in the friendship code. I'm disappointed in Seohee. :(
Baekna #3
Chapter 49: NOOOO JAEHYUNNN :'((((
EmilyIh #4
Chapter 51: Woww goodjob you did great
Chapter 6: wow ok woojin alright
Chapter 52: can i request an epilogue ?? with woojin and seohee
Chapter 48: GODDZDdfDfwndjxfyfnf
Chapter 45: YESS! seohee and jaehyun... actually i was in their ship and now its sailing away !!

but i feel bad for woojin... but that what he deserves......

can you please make woojin jealous i mean that will realize that he love seohee
Chapter 44: okay everything is messed up in my thoughts.....let me get my thoughts fixed
jaehyun likes seohee
sohee likes woojin (maybe)
woojin likes jaehyun or seohee

is this even right ??