Drawn Lines

Seven Days

Sunggyu stood by the side of the road looking at the cab leaving, he then took a deep breathe looking up and whispered to himself“ I must be an idiot.”


When Sungjong arrived at their flat it was still empty he doesn’t want to go in but the looming dark clouds gave him no choice. He felt tired but he’d rather do something than just sit their and over think things again. He put the doughnuts Sunggyu gave him on the table and went to do his weekend chores.


In the next few hours Sungjong busied himself by cleaning the house he change the bed sheets and pillow cases, washed them, wipe the windows, clean the toilet, and do just every type of work he could remember and by the time he look outside the rain was pouring in like cats and dogs. Exhausted he too and bath and then went into the kitchen. He had forgotten about the food he had prepared but he doesn’t feel like eating anything so he put them on the fridge.


“Now what?” He thought out loud when he can’t think of anything to do.


During the whole time he had been keeping himself away from his phone, Sungjong wanted to check if something came up but his pride wouldn’t let him.

 if you have time to play around why don’t you study? it’s not like he cares anyway. Sungjong thought to himself and headed up to the bedroom when he saw the empty room beside the one their using.

 When they moved in awhile ago he put some of his things in the room thinking that he might be able to use it but it’s been months since then and he hasn’t even use the room once.


The room were spacious and large windows made sure there’s plenty of natural light with the good view of the city. The two rooms were connected to each to each other by a door. The house was clearly built in considering the person who was supposed to be living here. Sungjong shook his head thinking if only Myungsoo knew how much Sunggyu was looking out for him but he couldn’t tell because the latter asked him not to. Right now, it feels like it was Sunggyu who was keeping a secret more than anyone else.


Sungjong’s POV


It’s that feeling you have that he’s telling but truth but he’s hiding something. It like it’s not only Myungsoo who was suffering, both of them are.


I had the card Sunggyu gave me in my pocket. Even though Myungsoo had told me everything it still feels like we’ve gone nowhere. He’s been acting all fine but I still found a bottle of sleeping pills on his drawer. Every time I wanted to open my mouth and talk to him about it I can feel the words lump in my throat and refuses to go out.


The reason, why I keep stalling and using excuses not to talk to talk about it too. I probably know why, and it’s making me feel like my conscience if suffocating me.


If I talk to Myungsoo we’ll surely end up fighting about it. If we did fight and he tells me I don’t have the right to interfere with his life, he’s right.


I’ve noticed it before Myungsoo depends on me not because he needed me. It’s because I don’t ask questions unless necessary, I don’t pry on things he didn’t want to talk about. I was just there and that’s just what he needed but if I push my role too far I’m the one who’s going to end up being pushed.


But if I stay quiet and do nothing that will wake him up then nothing will happen. If listening doesn’t help him then there’s only one option. But if I do it, I’ll probably loose my place in his life…


Haha, a place in his life. Sh*** as if I have one to begin with.


If he no longer needs me, then everything will be over. My reason to stay will be gone but I’d rather have it this way than to see him suffer.

Besides, I was bound to loose him in the first place.

What I feel, what I was hoping for even if it’s just a little. I need to put a stop to it before it’s too late.


“ Shoot. I sounded like a complete drama” I was half crying half laughing while talking to myself. I couldn’t believe my tears fell thinking about it.

Sunggyu have been doing everything to help his brother and talking to him made me realize how naive I am.

The more I stayed with him, the more I’m going to get attached, the more I lie to myself and to him. I set our to be his friend, I wanted to help him get over his condition that was the original plan. But Sh*** why do I have fall for him.


End of POV


Sungjong think his head’s going to explode so he decided to distract himself with studying. He took his things and spread them open on the table. He took some photos of places he liked from his earlier adventure and thought he could use them as an inspiration. As the heavy rain pours on, the young architect student got busy however it didn’t take awhile before his body started to ask for a good sleep . An hour into his study Sungjong fell asleep on the table while still holding a pencil.


Myungsoo was soaking wet when he got home. He hung his coat, carefully places his things on the table then took of his shirt as he went about into the house. He called out for Sungjong but the raging rain outside is drowning his voice. He walked into the laundry and saw the clothes had been washed, not to say the house looked all clean. The older boy took off his remaining clothes and threw them into the laundry while he himself took quick a bath.


The house had three bathrooms, one on the ground level while two upstairs one for each room. After the bath Myungsoo took a towel wraps them around his waist and another smaller one to dry his hair. He opened the fridge and saw the food, his brows furrowed seeing them all uneaten. He looked around saw a box of unopened doughnuts on the countertop.


Sungjong-ah, did you go out?” He asked out loud but no one answered. He went up to the bedroom but Sungjong’s not there.


“ Sungjong-ah? Where are you? Sungjong?” Myungsoo suddenly felt restless looking for the younger boy. He thought the younger boy must’ve fallen asleep on the bathroom but he’s not there.


The house was quiet.


Too quiet.


He remembered his phone and rushed to his bag where he put them, “ S*** I forget to charge it.” Myungsoo plugged in his phone drumming his fingers on the table waiting impatiently for it to turn on.


Sungjong’s message flashed one after the other on his screen. Then it stopped he hastily reads them and called the the young boy’s phone but it was lying on just an arms length away on the kitchen counter.


Myungsoo froze, he looked lost as his eyes scanned the house as if Sungjong would suddenly appear out of the blue. The older boy gripped at the end of the chair but he could tell his hands were trembling. He began to think one by one the places he forgot to check. Panic was about to set in when Myungsoo saw the door leading to the bedroom next to theirs slightly ajar. He walked up to open the door and there was Sungjong sound asleep by the study table.


The older boy sighed a big relief feeling weak on his knees as he slowly slumps down the floor while leaning by the door, “ Da** it Sungjong, don’t scare the hell our of me.”  He said closing his eyes to re-update his reality.


It took awhile for Myungsoo to calm down. He then got up and walked towards his friend.


Sungjong was lying on his face fast asleep. The older boy softly chuckled seeing the drool run down the former’s mouth but his eyes locked on the his friend’s lips. His instincts pushed his fingers to slightly run over his finger on them but the older boy pulled away as he felt the tip of his finger met with a warm almost burning sensation coming from Sungjong’s lips.


The other mumble a little bit but remained in slumber.


 Myungsoo leaned in closer to the young boy and whispered, “ Sungjong-ah, I’m home”


The house stirred wide awake as the air was filled with the aroma of cooking food. Faint pleasant noises went on about the house. Sungjong bolted upright feeling something warm touch the nape of his neck as someone called out his name.






Afew weeks left and summer's over! It's not like I enjoyed much of my summer anyways LOL. 

Thanks for waiting for the update guys.  busy so busy please do forgive me =--=


p.s I edit it a bit but  changes

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I am thankful to everyone who still reads my stories despite the struggles. Thank you guys reading your comments really helps, I was reluctant to update because it's been so long but I'm glad to see your comments. Thank you *bows 90 degrees


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Chapter 88: Not again! Please dont take adavantage of him when he's drunk!

And yes, please give them both a happy beginning (cause we all know endings are just doors to new beginnings). One without pretensions and hurtful words - they deserved it after all that happened. And won't it be devastating to see both of them grow out of each other when they grew so much when they're together? They deserved better than that, I think. :)
Chapter 88: omg go myung make a move to jongie ang get married...
Chapter 88: Omgggggg!! I can't believe that i missed those updatess!!! ?? what the!! Finally Myungsoo is taking a move.. Go and get him back omgg i need that kiss go!! Palliii
aearombereth #4
Chapter 4: Haha I just started to read this story and read tragedy tag. Hope this is not some major character dies type tragedy and has happy ending!
Chapter 85: you should've told the truth sungjong so that you dont have to suffer anymore...
Chapter 84: finally you're awake now myungsoo. I thought that it will takes more time but I'm glad because sungjong will not gonna cry again...
Chapter 84: Well it's not only Sungjong but you make me cry too Myungsoo ?? why are you like this pls don't make us cry I want you guys to be finally happy I can't handle the pain anymoree ??
Chapter 83: don't, please no, let him be safe for the sake of sungjong...
Chapter 83: What is happening? Is Myungsoo dead? Just like that?? Please, no.
Chapter 83: Pls dont turn this story into tragedy. It's already tragic enough.