
Reopening Of A Closed Heart


Donghyunhyunseong, jeongmin, youngminkwangminminwooyou


It's been 3 days since I last saw Kwangmin, and during this 3 days, I kept having this uneasy feeling of someone is watching me. It give me the creeps whenever I was alone in the street late at night after my work is over. And as usual, the school ended today and I was packing up my bags as slowly as possible. School had become a place where I don't get that uneasiness; even my own house had make me feel weird.

"_______, could you please come here for a short moment?"

"nae Mrs Kim, may I help you?"

"Nae, I had heard you are close to the Jo Twins and Minwoo, am I right?"

"Yes mdm"

"Well, could you please pass their homework to them?"

"No problem"

"Kommawo, I knew I can count on you"

I took it from Mrs Kim and put in the my bag, I greet her goodbye and left the class. 

When I left the school, the feeling is back. I walked as quickly as possible. This time round, the feeling was more intense than the pass few days. Suddenly, I had a feeling of someone following me.

*Is it a stalker? Or could it be a thief?*

This time round, I stopped in the middle of the park and turned. Theres no one there. I turned to the front and there it is; that feeling of someone is behind me.


I ran towards the exit of the park and dashed into the busy street. I turned to the right and ran towards the cafe. I enter my work place and was panting heavily. 

"What happened _______? Is it that feeling of being watch again?"

"Nae.. and today its worst."

"You better don't walk home alone today, just in case."

"Nae manager"

"Hurry up the get ready, we need your help."


I changed to my uniform and start to help out in the cafe while trying my hardest to ignore that feeling of mine.


It was around 8.45pm. There are lesser customers now then in the afternoon. Suddenly, a man wearing a black sunglasses walk into the cafe. He walked straight towards me and grinned at me.

"I want a cup of caramel frapp please" And he slide down his sunglasses and reviewed his eyes to me.

"hehe, nae please wait for a moment, sir"  I grinned widely at him. 

He cruckle at my silliness and wait for his drink. I quickly made his drink and hand it over to him. When he was about to pay for it, I told him that it was my treat and direct him to go take a seat over to th right as there is still other people queueing behind him. He smiled at me again and take a seat while I continue taking orders.


It was 9.45 now. The cafe was empty except one person is still in here. He was reading his books while I was cleaning the dishes. I went towards his table and grab his empty cup. Before I could walk back to the counter, he grab my wrist to stop me.

"Are you done yet? Its already 9.45.."

"Nae, are you waiting for me?"

"Of cause! Why will I be here if I'm not waiting for you? I actually could practice on my own or playing video games you know?"

"nae nae nae~ kommawo" I chuckled before heading back to the counter to clean up. He suddenly stand and helped me with the chairs so that I could go to change back to my school uniform. 

" ________ ah, you done yet?"

"nae, let's go" I went to lock the back door first and went out of the front door today instead.

"Hyungseong, thanks for coming today"

"You're welcome!" 

This time round, the feeling is back. I kept turning to the back even though hyunseong was with me.

"Why are you keep looking to the back? Is something wrong?" I looked at his face and he was giving me his worried look as he had already took off his sunglasses.

"A-Ani.. I just feel uneasy.."

"With me?"

"ANIYO! Of course not you you silly! Is just that... I keep having this feeling that someone is watching me.."

"Are you really sure? It might be your imagination you know?"

"I don't know if it was my imagination but.. its been 3 days since I had this feeling"

"Hmm.. I will tell the rest of them so that we could sent you home everyday from now.."

"Ani, Its okay, you guys are busy right? I don't want to bother you guess, I will just be a burden to you."

"You are not a burden silly!" he riffled my hair and a pout while fixing my messy hair, hyunseong laughed at my reaction.

"Come on, lets go buy some drink for you"

"I want milk!"

"Haha! nae nae come on!" He held out his hands for me and I held on to him. 

"Hyunseong-shi, Kommawo, for coming today, jinja kommawo"

"tsk tsk tsk, I will not except your thanks if you did not call my oppa"

"tsk, why are you and donghyun keep wanting me to call you oppa.."

"because we are older than you? come on my beloved dongseang! call me oppa please? Or i'm not buying that milk for you"

"Araso araso, hyunseong oppppppppaaaa~" I did some aegyo at him and begged him to buy for me. He blushed a little and chuckled before pinching my cheeks

"Aigoooo~~ my beloved dongseang~"

He walked me home while linking our arms. I feel so save beside him. We arrived in front of my house.

"Oh! hyunseong-shi! take this homework to jo twins and minwoo, it's their homework"

"Where's the oppa?"

"Hyunseong oppa~ could you help me deliver these homework to the maknae line~ please~~~?" I gave him my best puppy eye I had. 

"Nae~~ dongseang ahh~ sleep well ok? do lock your doors properly araso?"

"nae~" I gave him a kiss of his cheek and smile at him. He blushed a little again his kissed my nose. I chuckled and wave at him and motion him to go. He took my bag and took out my keys. He opened my house door and pushed me into the house before waving me goodbye. I wave back and closed the door and lock it, feeling blissed to have such a wonderful oppa.


Teaser for next chapter:

"w-what do you want..."

"what do I want? isn't it obvious?"

"g-get off of me!!!"


That all for one shot with each members! please do comment! i love to see all your comments, it give me motivation to make a better chapter for you guys :))) 

hope you enjoy this chapter! ppong~!

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angelflyer22 #1
Chapter 35: ahh!! such a great story... it was seriously a good fanfic :) I really enjoyed reading!
Chapter 3: waa!!! i like this story ^_^
Chapter 1: After reading chapter 1, i know that im going to be your fan..
LeeHyeJung12 #4
Chapter 35: ahhhhh. i see
LeeHyeJung12 #5
Chapter 34: who's honey????
tariluvsjotwins #6
I dont get it...=O_o
Chapter 34: Um,actually im confused wit the story though....can anyone explain it to me???thanks a lot!!!(but i is a nice story)
K-popStyle14 #8
Chapter 34: UPDATE :) Jebal...
angelspirit09 #9
Chapter 34: cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee... :)
KenzieHollingsworth #10
Chapter 33: Oh please update more!!! I'm too anxious!