Chapter 42

Watching Over You [repost]


Chapter 42



I let out a loud sigh as her dad went out. Finally, I can breathe evenly.

“That was a deep one.” HyunAe remarked. “You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah… I think.” I told her and smiled.

“You sure about that?” she asked again and held my hand.

“Yeah.” I assured her and took her hand that was intertwined with mine to my lips. “I was scared, I admit. You’re dad is definitely strict. But I know he has a reason to be.”

“So you’re saying that I usually go out with other men?”

“Of course not! I mean,” I tried to defend myself. “You’re his only daughter and you’re more than 10 years older than your brother, he has the very right to be over protective.”

She pouted after hearing that. I guess she’s not convinced by what I told her.

“Don’t do that…” I told her and put my gaze on our hands.

“Do what?” she innocently asked and peeked in to meet my eyes.

“Don’t pout. It is as if you’re asking me to kiss you, as if telling me that they are lonely and they need mine.”

Honestly, whenever she does that, I’m really fighting the urge to kiss her.

“I’m not!” she defended and pouted again.

“See! You’re at it again!” I noticed and gave her a quick kiss.

We both just laughed at it.

“Noona.” Her brother suddenly called.

We instantly sat up straight, as if we’re caught doing something bad, but we’re really not.

“Yeah?” she asked.

“Dinner’s ready. Appa’s waiting for the both of you.” He said.

Upon hearing that their dad is waiting for us, we both immediately stood up and head to the door.

Hand in hand, we went in to the dining room. HyunAe sat down on the right side of her father’s seat. I was about to sit beside her, when her brother sat down first.

“Jaehoon, let your brother in law sat down beside your sister.” Their dad commanded her brother to move.

Her brother half heartedly moved to the other seat and I finally sat down beside HyunAe.


“HyunAe, give your husband some food.” Her father ordered and pointed at the food on the table.

She did what she was told and I ate slowly.

“How old are you again?” her father asked.

“I’m turning 24 sir.” I answered after swallowing down a kimbap.

“You’re younger than my daughter.”

“Well, I believe that age doesn’t matter sir.” I confidently answered before reaching my glass of water. “I don’t really care if she’s older or younger by 5-9 years as long as I’m happy with her and I’m certain of my feelings for her.”

“I like your answer, but, may I know your feelings and intentions for my daughter?” her dad asked again, this time with a smile on his face and in a bit jolly tone.

“Appa!” HyunAe interrupted.

“What? I’m just getting to know my son in law better.” He said and eyed me to continue in answering his question.

“Well, I already told HyunAe about it not too long ago. And I believe that you have the right to know about it since you’re the father… but you can catch the broadcast or the rerun of that episode…” I told him. I can tell that his face changed. From the not so cold to warm face, back to ever so cold one. “But I guess I can tell you now since I’m already here.” I tried to revive the connection that we got a few minutes or seconds ago. “I love your daughter. As simple as that.” I finally said before eating again.

I waited for their reaction, but nothing happened for the next couple of minutes so I reached out for a piece of meat from the serving plate and put it on HyunAe’s plate.

“Chagi, eat more.” I told her.

I guess that brought everyone on the table batch to their senses. that includes me.

Aish, what did I just do? I mean, I was gaining his father’s trust and then I burst out something like that? That I just so idiotic move from me. AISH. What if her dad won’t like me because of that last thing????

“Let’s have a drink later.” Her dad finally said in, what I guess a lighter mood.

“He doesn’t drink Appa.” HyunAe answered for me.

“He will. Later.” Her father said and looked at me for confirmation. "Right Donghae?"

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Chapter 52: Wahhhh the ending is so sad! Well since there is a sequel, I'm going to read it now as well as your other hyunhae stories! Ang galing mo pramis.... Goodluck and more stories to come! Fighting authornim!!! :)
Chapter 52: is there a sequel?? gosh! i want sequel~~ i really like this story....
Chapter 46: Oh such a good story!!!
The ending was really sad...;(
kay-el25 #4
such a sweet, sad ending.. gonna start reading the sequel!
the ending made me cry...good thing there's a sequel...
is there a sequel??
ha!<br />
good thing i read the sequel to this!<br />
or else!! <br />
<br />
that was one heartbreaking scene -__-
Darn it, I got all my hopes up that they would end up marrying, actually marriage and not broadcasting! =( <br />
Love your story, couldn't stop reading it. Hehe.
ummm, did you change anything? ^^" i received an update...