Curious Decision


Omg it's been nearly four months since my last update T_______T thank you all so much for being patient <3

Sorry this chapter is short, I'm working on the next one!


Junhyung didn’t want to have anything to do with a freaked out Doojoon, so he decided to clean up the walk-in closet by himself that night. He was right to call it a clothes dump – there was barely any space to move. Everything was everywhere. It was a terrible mess.

“First I need to sort out the dirty clothes… geez…” He muttered to himself, picking up the pieces of clothing that littered the floor and hurling them into a neglected laundry basket he had found. “We’ll have a lot of laundry to do after this.”

It felt like a lifetime had passed when he was done. He groaned, taking a brief break as he sat down on the floor. The laundry basket was full, and clothes were spilling out of it. Carefully, he piled them up and found a large plastic bag to put them in and placed that aside. He then moved the chests of drawers closer to the door, such that there was enough space in the room for Haneul’s little bed in the corner. “It’s not much, but at least we’ll all get to sleep on beds,” he said with an exhausted sigh, before returning to his bed and falling fast asleep.


After a night of worrying and fussing over Haneul, when Doojoon woke up in the morning, the room they had used to store their clothes had been rearranged and swept clean.

“Yoseob-ah, what happened here?” He called out towards the kitchen.

“Huh?” Yoseob peeked over from the kitchen, with a spoonful of rice in his mouth. “Junhyung spent the whole night in there. I saw him leave the room early this morning.”

Wow. He walked inside to examine the place. It was spotless, except for the intimidating pile of clothes right by the door. There was a clear space at the furthest end of the small room, and when he walked closer, he noticed a scrap of paper in the middle that said, “Haneul’s bed here.” He smiled. As the nights got colder, it was harder to sleep on the floor. Well then, he thought as he changed into something warm, I better call some movers to get Haneul’s bed over here. He picked up his phone and dialled some numbers, and Yoseob watched him curiously from the kitchen as he left without even saying bye.

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pinkypn #1
im glad doojoon is giving junhyung a chance. good job hyunseung on helping junhyung out
thats too cute...<br />
i think doojoon is starting to realize just how much junhyung likes his sister
wow 4 months!!! update soon again ^^ best wishes!
GreAt story. Keep on updating :D
awwwww~ junhyung ran after to see how she was doing! <br />
but i feel bad for her<br />
cause all these negative things keep happening to her!
he is deff going to see her ~ so sweet!
ohmyyoungbae #7
awwwh. junhyung's going to pick her up right? :) thank you for the update!
AH!<br />
junhyung is just too sweet with her<br />
:P<br />
Aww. Doojoon's so protective of his sister, wish I had an older brother like that. But I do hope he would stop blaming himself for what happened to Haneul.<br />
<br />
Lol. "Go play with Haneul"? Haha! Kids~ :P
pinkypn #10
she is old enough to play by herself. i hope doojoon feels better and stop thinking its his fault