


Junhyung ran, the wind blowing through his damp hair and making him feel cold. He ran, despite his fatigue from practicing all day. Not stopping, he kept running until he reached Seoul High.

It was a rather grand place, he noted, but it felt spooky at night. The lights of every classroom were on, and he could see the silhouettes of the students inside studying. Some were in groups, others were alone, but the whole place was in complete silence, save for the insects by the pond. Checking his watch, he waited outside the gates for the kids to start coming out. Perhaps he’d be able to find Haneul and take her home.

At 9, the students started leaving the school. Some stayed behind, but as time passed, more and more students left, and yet not a single sign of Haneul. Junhyung kept looking at his watch impatiently. Had something happened to her? Or was she still studying?


His cell phone vibrated. It was a text from Yoseob.

Where are you? Haneul wasn’t feeling well and left school early. She got home about half an hour ago. If you’re coming home now, could you buy some flu pills on your way back?

“Aish, and I was waiting here the whole time!” He began running towards home, while texting his reply.

I’ll be home in half an hour.



From: Junhyung
I’ll be home in half an hour.

Yoseob put down his phone and announced to the rest that Junhyung would be home soon. Dongwoon heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s good,” he said, looking to Haneul. She was leaning against his shoulder, eyes squeezed shut. She looked like she was in pain. “There, there, it won’t be much longer,” he said as he wrapped an arm around her in a slight hug, in attempt to comfort the shuddering girl.

The four boys looked upon her with pitiful eyes. Why did this girl have to go through so much?

“Should I call Doojoon? He should be done with his schedule in about an hour,” Kikwang asked, breaking the silence.

“D-don’t… call Doojoon oppa…” Haneul replied with a meek voice. Dongwoon hurriedly shushed her.

“She’s right, Kikwang, it’s best not to let him worry his head off,” Hyunseung said.

Just then, Junhyung came bursting in through the door.

“Junhyung!” Yoseob cried. “I thought you said half an hour!”

“I managed to catch a cab,” Junhyung replied, panting heavily. “But the lift wasn’t working, so I ran up instead.” He handed the plastic bag he had held so preciously in his hands to Yoseob and sat down on the floor to catch his breath as he took off his shoes.

“Kikwangie, get a glass of water,” Yoseob ordered, hurrying over to Haneul and popping a pill from the packaging. Weakly, Haneul took the pill from him and downed it with the glass of water offered by Kikwang.

“Feeling better now?” Dongwoon asked, as he guided her head back to his shoulder. She didn’t reply, closing her eyes once more.

Yoseob placed a hand on her forehead. “Yah, you’re burning up,” he said worriedly, comparing his own forehead temperature to hers. “Dongwoon-ah, could you carry her to the room?”

Dongwoon lifted her up with ease. “She’s as light as a feather,” he whispered as Yoseob scurried into the room ahead of him.

“Give her my bed,” Kikwang called from the living room. “I’ll sleep on the floor tonight.”

Dongwoon gently set her down on Kikwang’s bed and Yoseob tucked her in. “Haneul-ah, get some sleep alright? I hope you’ll feel better in the morning,” he said softly, her hair. The two of them then left the room and switched off the light.

Back in the living room, the five boys sat together in solemnity.

“How did she get home? By herself?” Junhyung asked.

“No, she couldn’t, so Soohyun brought her here on his bicycle,” Dongwoon answered.

“A good kid, he is,” Yoseob commented, “But he didn’t know why she was sick so he didn’t buy any medicine.”

“She hadn’t been outside in so long… her immunity levels must still be low,” Hyunseung mumbled.

“Maybe she shouldn’t be going to school yet,” Kikwang added.

“We’ll take her to see the doctor tomorrow,” Yoseob decided.

“We need to buy one of those camping beds,” Dongwoon raised, changing the topic.

Junhyung sighed. “We should just take some time to reorganise the walk-in clothes dump and turn half of it into a room for her. And then bring her bed from her home.”

The others thought it was a good idea.

“But,” Yoseob said, scratching his head, “First things first. Who’s going to tell Doojoon?”

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pinkypn #1
im glad doojoon is giving junhyung a chance. good job hyunseung on helping junhyung out
thats too cute...<br />
i think doojoon is starting to realize just how much junhyung likes his sister
wow 4 months!!! update soon again ^^ best wishes!
GreAt story. Keep on updating :D
awwwww~ junhyung ran after to see how she was doing! <br />
but i feel bad for her<br />
cause all these negative things keep happening to her!
he is deff going to see her ~ so sweet!
ohmyyoungbae #7
awwwh. junhyung's going to pick her up right? :) thank you for the update!
AH!<br />
junhyung is just too sweet with her<br />
:P<br />
Aww. Doojoon's so protective of his sister, wish I had an older brother like that. But I do hope he would stop blaming himself for what happened to Haneul.<br />
<br />
Lol. "Go play with Haneul"? Haha! Kids~ :P
pinkypn #10
she is old enough to play by herself. i hope doojoon feels better and stop thinking its his fault