Chapter idk what number already






“I’m not a child… and neither is Haneul…” Junhyung grumbled as Doojoon disappeared from sight. Pfft. What do I do with her? She’s still weak. She can’t walk without wincing. And Haneul would probably be awkward after what he did that morning. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards her.

“Hey Haneul, what would you like to do?”

She turned abruptly, seemingly surprised by the sound of his voice.

“Sorry, did I scare you?” He asked with an embarrassed smile, walking up to her and helping her place the last cup onto the shelf. “Well, since your brother is busy, do you want to play with me? A new game console arrived yesterday. There are games, too!”

He watched as her face brightened and all awkwardness was thrown carelessly away. “Let’s play, let’s play!” She cheered, just like a child would. Maybe I was wrong about Haneul not being a child, Junhyung thought to himself with a laugh. He went with her to the living room and set up the console while she picked out a game.

“Oppa,” she called, trying to get Junhyung’s attention.

“Hmm?” Junhyung was too busy trying to figure out how the cables were connected.

“Oppa, which game do you want?” She asked, holding up two different games.

“It’s up to you,” he replied, not looking up even once.

“Oppa, please choose,” she asked again.

“Later,” he said.


“What is it?” He asked, starting to get a little more frustrated because he couldn’t sort out the console.

“Can I help you?”

With a sigh, he loosened his grip on the box and handed it to her. “Be careful,” he warned.

Within minutes, Haneul was able to get the console working perfectly. Junhyung nearly slapped a palm onto his forehead. How come she could do it while he couldn’t? While she set it up, he picked one of the two games that Haneul had held out earlier. It was a simple racing game, so he wasn’t even playing seriously, but he could see that Haneul was having a hard time getting used to the controls. Every time he overtook her, which was often as her car crashed frequently, he’d complain about something like his turbo tanks being empty, and lag behind, letting her catch up. He smiled at her face full of concentration despite being ranked last, as she tried her best to complete each lap. At the last lap, before reaching the finish line, he slammed on his brakes, making himself in last place so that Haneul wouldn’t feel too bad.

Looking at her, he saw that she wasn’t the least bit satisfied.

“Oppa, am I really that bad?” She asked, her palm covering an embarrassed laugh.

“Actually,” Junhyung began, racking his brains for something good to say, but all he could say was, “It wasn’t so bad...”

That wasn’t a total lie, was it?He asked himself. To be honest, he had seen worse. But then again, they were seven-year-olds.


He just nodded, unable to believe that she would trust such a blatant lie. “Would you like me to teach you?”

“Will you?”

“Sure!” He quickly set the game to single-player. As Haneul played, he gave her tips. As they played, Doojoon came back and approached the two, whispering into Junhyung’s ear.

“Thanks for spending time with her. She gets lonely easily.”

Junhyung nodded, and gestured that it was nothing. “Do you-“

“Want to play?” Haneul excitedly finished his sentence for him. “Oppa, I got fourth!” She beamed at Junhyung as she offered Doojoon the controller. Junhyung just smiled and told her she did well.

“Ahh, no thanks,” Doojoon smiled and glanced at the scrap of paper he had in his hand. “I’ve settled everything with Seoul High, and I’ve asked Jiyeong noona to go with you to get your school supplies. Here’s the booklist so you know what you already have and what you need to buy. Oh, and I’ve called Soohyun, he says he’d be glad to show you around.” Haneul put down the controller and took the booklist from Doojoon as Junhyung wondered how he managed to do so much in such a short time. The busy leader left the two alone again, and Junhyung heard Haneul sigh.

“I don’t want to go…” she mumbled to herself as she read through the booklist. Grabbing a pen from the table, she began marking out which books she already had and which ones she needed to buy.

“You can’t go back to your old school!” Junhyung cried. “You’ll die there!”

Haneul didn’t even look up at him as she put the list aside. “I’m scared,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Something new just means new trouble…”

“That’s not true,” Junhyung said as he moved closer to her. “You moved here, that’s new, but there’s no trouble from us. You’ve just got to give it a chance.”

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pinkypn #1
im glad doojoon is giving junhyung a chance. good job hyunseung on helping junhyung out
thats too cute...<br />
i think doojoon is starting to realize just how much junhyung likes his sister
wow 4 months!!! update soon again ^^ best wishes!
GreAt story. Keep on updating :D
awwwww~ junhyung ran after to see how she was doing! <br />
but i feel bad for her<br />
cause all these negative things keep happening to her!
he is deff going to see her ~ so sweet!
ohmyyoungbae #7
awwwh. junhyung's going to pick her up right? :) thank you for the update!
AH!<br />
junhyung is just too sweet with her<br />
:P<br />
Aww. Doojoon's so protective of his sister, wish I had an older brother like that. But I do hope he would stop blaming himself for what happened to Haneul.<br />
<br />
Lol. "Go play with Haneul"? Haha! Kids~ :P
pinkypn #10
she is old enough to play by herself. i hope doojoon feels better and stop thinking its his fault