

OTL another boring chapter... Sorry T__T

I wanted to give you guys an idea of what the show would be like and how they would film it etc....

ldgbadsiufgvbaiobfcdshibv I'm sorry.

I'll do my best to pick the mood up in the next chapter!



“Noona, where are you going?”

Saturday morning saw Doojoon waking up to the noisy sound of a manager tripping over the mess of six pairs of matching shoes haphazardly flung onto the ground. After getting home on Friday, all of them couldn’t care less for neatness, not even Junhyung.

“Oh, Doojoonie, I didn’t want to wake you, but since you’re already awake,” Jiyeong began, scratching her head. “I’m going to settle a show for you guys, it’s yet to be confirme -”

“But noona, we’re all so tired!”

“Yah, don’t complain… I promise this show won’t be too hard on you guys. Okay?”

Doojoon groaned as he blinked away the remaining sleepiness in his eyes.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Well, see you later!” Jiyeong waved as she turned and exited, deciding to jump over the pile of shoes. “And clean the front step!”

Doojoon grumbled to himself, heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change. Wearing something comfortable, he quickly got hold of the shoes and placed them into the quickly filling rack. We need a new shoe rack, he thought, maybe even one that reaches the ceiling.

Upon returning to the room, Doojoon smiled to himself as he saw all the boys sleeping soundly in their beds. He suddenly thought to make breakfast for them, but stopped when he realised that they just might sleep for the whole day. Wondering where the other managers were, he shuffled to the living room to watch TV, surfing channels.


Haneul waited nervously on the sofa, pretending to watch TV with her dad as she waited for the arrival of one of Beast’s managers. She had called in earlier, saying that she was on her way. Being one of the lesser-known managers, Haneul guessed it was easier for her to come over. Haneul kinda-sorta knew Beast’s managers, having met them once or twice. They had introduced themselves to all the members’ families when Beast first started out.

Haneul shook her head to clear her rambling thoughts. After all, she needed to pay proper attention to the manager. She also had questions.

There was a knock on the door.

“Haneul, that must be her! Go get that, will you?” Her father nudged her with a smile. He had been in a good mood ever since he got her present last night, and it made Haneul’s mood lighter.

Haneul got up and walked over to the door, taking a breath before opening it.

“Hello! I’m Jiyeong. You must be Haneul,” the lady began, giving Haneul a warm smile. Haneul felt a liking towards her immediately. She opened the door wider, politely motioning for her to enter. Jiyeong then proceeded to introduce herself to Haneul’s parents, saying that she needed to talk to Haneul about the program. They ended up in Haneul’s room, sitting comfortably on the floor – reminding Haneul of that night with Junhyung.

“So, I understand that there might be some problems with this show, as Beast is already very famous and letting it be known that you are Doojoon’s sister might give you lots of trouble. So we have decided to keep it all an utmost secret until we have filmed everything. It won’t be as popular this way, but it is safer for you. We’ll be releasing it as a kind of short show, not 8 episodes over 8 weeks, more like a special several-part show based on Beast.”

Haneul listened very carefully, nodding as Jiyeong explained the idea of the show. She had already answered one question without Haneul having to open .

“Now, I’ll tell you the plans. We’ll be filming throughout the whole eight weeks you will be with the boys, and there will be certain set scenarios you have to follow. We want to bring out the brotherly side of the boys, as this has not been fully shown to the public.”

“To get to school, one of the managers will drive you there and back. There will be no cameras following you to school, only cameras in the car, the dorm and wherever else you guys go, just not out on the streets.”

“I understand that you don’t like talking very much,” Jiyeong added, scratching her head. “So we’ve decided that you can just be yourself, but I hope the show gets you to open up more to them. This will end off the show in a good mood, you get what I mean?”

Haneul nodded, attempting to give Jiyeong a friendly smile. It probably ended up crooked, but Jiyeong smiled back. “That’s right, please try hard!” She chirped, holding up her hand. As they high-fived, she added, “I hope to become friends with you too!”

“O-one question,” Haneul said, speaking for the first time since Jiyeong entered the house. “Will the public see this as plagiarism because it’s like You’re My Oppa?”

Jiyeong smiled again. “A smart girl you are. No, it won’t, because we are working together with the people who came up with the idea to create the show.”

“So it’s going to be a show that takes in idols, rather than it being a certain idol’s show?”

Jiyeong nodded. “Like Hello Baby.”

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pinkypn #1
im glad doojoon is giving junhyung a chance. good job hyunseung on helping junhyung out
thats too cute...<br />
i think doojoon is starting to realize just how much junhyung likes his sister
wow 4 months!!! update soon again ^^ best wishes!
GreAt story. Keep on updating :D
awwwww~ junhyung ran after to see how she was doing! <br />
but i feel bad for her<br />
cause all these negative things keep happening to her!
he is deff going to see her ~ so sweet!
ohmyyoungbae #7
awwwh. junhyung's going to pick her up right? :) thank you for the update!
AH!<br />
junhyung is just too sweet with her<br />
:P<br />
Aww. Doojoon's so protective of his sister, wish I had an older brother like that. But I do hope he would stop blaming himself for what happened to Haneul.<br />
<br />
Lol. "Go play with Haneul"? Haha! Kids~ :P
pinkypn #10
she is old enough to play by herself. i hope doojoon feels better and stop thinking its his fault