Personal Message

Hello! My name is Sammie :)

I hope you enjoy my fanfics :D

Comment on them too, any feedback is welcome :D

About Me

Dear all,

I won't be updating for 2012 due to the craziness that is school. Thank you all for your patience, if you've stayed this long.^^ I have a separate site where I post short stories that I work on when I'm feeling stressed, which is here. I'm sorry for not updating, and I hope you understand. To be honest, I don't know what to do with my long stories as they have gotten out of hand. I usually don't write my stories with guidelines, and if I write ones that are too long they tend to get all over the place. If you wish to read more of my stories, they are posted on the separate site which I have linked to above.

I will work hard to improve, so please continue to support my stories! Thank you, everyone, for understanding ^^* Enjoy the rest of your year and God bless!
