Monday Morning



Haneul got up early on Monday morning. Her watch beeped insistently, but she quickly silenced it so as to not wake the others. The boys had finally figured out a system for their sleeping arrangements, which was that each member had to sleep on the floor for a night in the week. The extra night, that they decided would be Saturday, would be when one member had to give up his bed an extra time. Sunday nights were Junhyung’s turn to give up his bed, and so Haneul crept out of bed and took out her school uniform as silently as she could, trying not to wake the sleeping rapper. She knew he was a light sleeper, especially so when he had had enough rest. Doojoon also told her that he had slept for two whole days the previous week, meaning that he was probably well-rested. Junhyung stirred in his sleep, and Haneul froze. However, he did not wake, and Haneul was soon scurrying out the door, closing it gently behind her.


Yoseob heard the silent click of the bedroom door closing. Poking his head out to see who it was, he smiled. “Haneul-ah! Oppa’s here. I was just going to make your breakfast. Do you like toast with jam or peanut butter?” He watched as Haneul gave him a quick wave and flashed him a smile.

“Peanut butter, please!” She replied cheerfully, before disappearing into the bathroom to change.


I hope the kid is safe… I still need to get her idiotic brother’s autograph… and maybe the whole group’s too.  Daehyun sat on a bench beside the school gates (within the school compound, of course), pretending to read a book as he watched students come in. Several were dropped off by their parents, but most of them walked or cycled to school. Many walked by him with a curious glance – none of the elite members ever came to school early. Daehyun just ignored them and continued to stare at the people coming in. He internally kicked himself for not finding out what time the girl – what was her name? Oh, Haneul – came to school. Oh well, then I just gotta wait like the gentleman she thinks I am, he thought with a snort.


“Someone has to take Hannie to school!” Yoseob hollered across the apartment, as Haneul munched on her breakfast, the big round lens of the cameras watching her. Yoseob had been quick to give her a pet name, but she liked it. She liked Yoseob a lot in general, because he was the kindest. Kikwang was nice too, just not as sensible when it came to things like making her breakfast. So he volunteered to take her.

“I’ll do it!” Kikwang put up his hand with a bright smile.

“Yah, we’re not in school.” Junhyung muttered as he stretched and cracked his back for the fiftieth time. He was definitely going to buy a mattress or something. The floor was too hard. He could barely sleep. And when he did, it was due to exhaustion from trying to sleep. He had told that to Doojoon, who just mumbled something like “since when was he close enough to call her Hannie” and ignored him.

Dongwoon just laughed. “I’ll go too, in case Kikwang hyung gets lost.”

Kikwang crossed his arms, pretending to get mad, which made Haneul smile. Yoseob caught her eye and patted her on the head. “Be a good girl, okay?” He told her, handing her a lunchbox to put into her backpack. “Doojoon made this last night, so I just heated it up… I hope you don’t mind ramyun without the soup.”

With a smile, the three of them bade the rest goodbye, and headed for school.

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pinkypn #1
im glad doojoon is giving junhyung a chance. good job hyunseung on helping junhyung out
thats too cute...<br />
i think doojoon is starting to realize just how much junhyung likes his sister
wow 4 months!!! update soon again ^^ best wishes!
GreAt story. Keep on updating :D
awwwww~ junhyung ran after to see how she was doing! <br />
but i feel bad for her<br />
cause all these negative things keep happening to her!
he is deff going to see her ~ so sweet!
ohmyyoungbae #7
awwwh. junhyung's going to pick her up right? :) thank you for the update!
AH!<br />
junhyung is just too sweet with her<br />
:P<br />
Aww. Doojoon's so protective of his sister, wish I had an older brother like that. But I do hope he would stop blaming himself for what happened to Haneul.<br />
<br />
Lol. "Go play with Haneul"? Haha! Kids~ :P
pinkypn #10
she is old enough to play by herself. i hope doojoon feels better and stop thinking its his fault