Doom, Impending

Always Unsuspecting
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     Three hours until dusk.


     The castle looked like a scene from some war story set in the medieval era, every corner of the property b with activity; pack members running to and fro completing last-minute tasks to get the castle ready, making sure they were well equipped and the castle was fortified. Everyone's second priority was to tell their loved ones how they felt, since no one was guaranteed to come out of this alive, there was no telling what and who would still be standing tomorrow. This was very well the last moments of some of their lives. Everyone was nervous or scared, some were even excited to be part of a battle again. It had been a long while since there was a reason to fight. 

      Back in the office, Namjoon was staring at himself in the mirror, his life was about to change. His visit to the council was unsuccessful, their decision just added to his stress, but he knew what he had to do. He wasn't going to let his pack members fight this alone - if that meant he had to live among them as a mortal from this point on, then so be it. If he died tonight, then at least he would die a hero. What good was being immortal if his pack members looked at him like he was a coward? If he could do nothing to help them when they needed it most? No, that was not who he was, he was their leader and he needed to be out there with his pack tonight, fighting.


      Taehyung and Hoseok were finishing up in the lab, the last twenty minutes had been pretty quiet, not much talking to do, since most of the prep work was already done. They were just existing in quiet reflection.

     "I'm going to recheck some things before it gets too late," Hoseok began to throw some supplies into his backpack.

     "Okay." Taehyung wasn't paying him much mind, he was bent down in the cabinet, rummaging through herbs and ointments. 

     Jimin entered the room, quietly. Hoseok watched him walk over to Taehyung and stop behind his brother, looking like he had a million things on his mind.

     "Tae, can we talk for a second?" Jimin asked leaning up against the cabinet, peering down at him.

     "Kind of pressed for time," Taehyung didn't look up.

     "I want to help-"

     "No offense, but no one trusts you," Hoseok butted in.

     "I seem to remember there was a time people said the same about you," Jimin reminded him.

     Hoseok opened his mouth to yell at him, but closed it just as quick, he couldn't dispute the truth. He turned back around to what he was doing, letting the brothers be.

     "I need to do something," Jimin turned back to Taehyung, his expression glum.

     "You can help me secure the tower," Taehyung motioned towards the lab table, on top was his backpack filled with equipment, "If you want."

     "Yeah, I would like that," Jimin grabbed the backpack and zipped it up, throwing it over his shoulder.

     Taehyung stood up, attaching a bandolier around his waist, capping it off with the last few missing bullets.

     "I don't know what species these things are," Taehyung explained, "So, I need to go with the generic poison."

     "Generic poison?" Jimin asked, turning to his brother.

     "Wolfsbane," Taehyung held up one of the hollow-tipped bullets that contained the blueish liquid. He set another case of them in a second backpack as he turned back to Jimin like he was hit with a wave of apathy the minute he looked into his brother's eyes, "Ready?"

     "Yeah." Jimin hated seeing the hurt in Taehyung's eyes, his pale grey eyes. He used to have such brilliant brown eyes, the whole world lit up in them, excitement and wonder hidden in every dark speck. His brother always had an innocence about him, but now staring back at him, in these lifeless eyes were betrayal and hurt and that was all his fault.


     The bell tower was strangely quiet, none of the hustle and bustle buzzing around in their ears like down on the ground. Jimin glanced out at the horizon, everything looked peaceful from up here, a stark contrast to the storm within his mind. He wrestled with thoughts of if he should try to talk to Taehyung about everything that went down, but really, what could he say? He not only watched his brother die, but he held him still while Meredith ended his life, no amount of words could fix that. 

     "I miss the old you," Taehyung broke the silence, stopping the tinkering for a moment, "Before that girl got in your head."

     "Me too," Jimin looked down, "If only time machines were real."

     "No matter what happens today, you'll always be my brother," Taehyung put his hand on Jimin's shoulder, "And I don't mean just by blood."

     Jimin looked up at him, overcome. How could Taehyung be so forgiving? "Why don't you hate me?"

     "Hatred is what caused all this, if everyone would just stop trying to be so superior and except one another, none of this would be happening." Taehyung took a deep breath, "It's stupid."

     Jimin nodded, wiping the tears that streamed down his face. He knew too well what hatred did to a person... and what issues blindly believing in someone without all the facts could cause.

     Taehyung's phone vibrated and he took it from his pocket, it was a text message from Namjoon.

     "Namjoon wants us to come down to the foyer when we're done."

     Jimin wiped his nose on his sleeve, nodding, "So, this is it."

     "I just need to make sure the door is secured," Taehyung stuck his phone back in his pocket and turned to his brother, "Don't wanna be ambushed in the middle of sniping."

    "I'm done, best it's gonna be," Jimin patted the mechanism, shaking it a bit to test its structural soundness.

     "It looks good," Taehyung looked it over and then turned to Jimin, "Listen, I know you feel like about what you did, and you should, but leave it up here. If you go out there tonight with on your mind, you're as good as dead."

     Taehyung held out his hand for a handshake, but Jimin pulled him in for a hug, "I'm going to make it up to you Tae, I promise. When this is over, I'm going to make it all up to you."


     Namjoon was standing a third of the way up the stairs in the foyer, staring down at his pack, everyone was quiet, staring intently back at him. Taehyung and Jimin walked in and joined Hoseok and Yoongi in the back.

     "What's going on?'" Taehyung whispered to Yoongi, the elder looked over at him. Taehyung didn't expect the kiss that Yoongi upon him, but he smiled. His knees felt weak, but somehow he managed to stay upright, slipping his hand into Yoongi's.

     "Epic speech time," Yoongi smirked.

     Taehyung looked up at Namjoon, their leader, the man that he admired so very much. Namjoon never seemed to have much of a social life, he was always looking after them all, like a big brother, a mentor. He knew Namjoon thought of the pack as family, there was a certain brotherhood that came from leading a group of people. It had to be hard to be the leader, to have so many lives in the palm of your hand. Everyone in this room would die for him, in a heartbeat. He had changed so many lives and given the fallen a chance at life, it was hard not to respect the man that he was.

     "I'd like to be able to say something cliché or sappy and tell you that everything is going to be okay after tonight, but I can't, because it's not. People are going to die. Cato would see the werewolves wiped out, it's only a matter of time before he decides to conquer the vampires or the witches, or the humans. We cannot let that happen, tonight we have to stand together to bring this beast down. He will not show mercy or weakness."  He paused to look at all their faces, "On the contrary, he has bred hundreds of hybrids that are highly skilled killing machines that are as relentless as he is. After tonight, everything will be different, but I am standing beside you out there, as one.  We will succeed because there is no other option. We must survive. We must show Cato that we are not feeble, that we will not be sacrificed, that we will not falter, and that we cannot be easily defeated. Tonight Cato is going to realize that we aren't scared of him anymore, we are not going to hide away while he slaughters everyone that doesn't fit his definition of perfection. Tonight we rise up and fight for our right to exist and show him how wrong his ideals are," Namjoon looked at them all and nodded, "Protect yourselves at all costs, defend this castle and all its members as you would your own lives."

      The room was silent, not an ounce of sound.  

     "Let's go forth and write a new prophecy," Taehyung shouted.

     "Let's go forth and write our own ending," Namjoon yelled out and everyone yelled back.

     The room was fired up, everyone had a look of pride on their faces, tonight would go down in history, one way or another, no matter the outcome. Tonight was the beginning of a new chapter!


     Jungkook awoke in a slight panic, he sat up and looked around. The room was dark except for the beam of sunlight shining on the floorboard from the small window that seemed so out of place in this room. It was still daylight, so the fight had not yet begun. He looked down at Seokjin, still asleep. 

     "Seokjin," He shook him.

     Seokjin jolted awake, blinking his eyes to try to focus on the room, still in a bit of a daze, "It wasn't a dream."

     "I wish," Jungkook stood and stretched his legs, "I don't know what time it is."

     Seokjin stood and leaned against the wall, his body still stiff from the fight. He peered up at the window, "I'd say about an hour or so left until dusk." 

     "We need to get out of here," Jungkook walked over to the door and listened with his ear against it. He couldn't hear a damned thing, it had to be thick.

     Seokjin straightened out his shorts, feeling something hard in his pocket, he reached in and pulled out Jungkook's necklace, "Oh, your necklace."

     Jungkook looked over, "The pack symbol."

      Seokjin handed it to him, Jungkook looked down at it.

     "When I gave it to you that night, I told you everyone gets one when they change."

     "I remember," Jungkook slipped the necklace on.

     "I lied." Seokjin was reminiscent of that night, it held a very special place in his heart. Jungkook looked at him, perplexed, "I had it made."

     "For me?"

     "For us..." He pulled out an identical one from under the neckline of his hoody, the rope was frayed and the emblem slightly bent. Jungkook assumed he had worn it a few times while transforming.

     "So, all the pack members don't have one?"

     "No." Seokjin smiled, "I didn't want you to make a big deal about it."

     "But why?" Jungkook didn't understand.

     "I never saw you as a burden, I know you think that you were just some nuisance that Namjoon pushed on me," Seokjin had a look of nostalgia spread across his features, "I was an to you, but somehow I always felt close to you."

     Jungkook just smiled, his eyes glazed over, the emblem.

     "What?" Seokjin asked, making a sour face. What was this look that Jungkook had?

     "So you wanted to get me a birthday gift, but you were confused about your feelings, so you lied and said it was something everyone got when they turned for their first time?"

     "If you want to put it like that," Seokjin cleared his throat, "You're right, we should find a way out of here."

     Jungkook continued to smile as he turned back to the door, shaking it to see if he could jolt it loose, "I'm not gonna let you live that down, you know that right?"

     "I will kill you," Seokjin grinned. He looked up at the window, it wasn't large enough for either of them to slip through, ", this ing room is ridiculous, what is the point of that window?"

     "To make its prisoners go crazy," He sighed as he drew back his fist and punched the door. The door was heavily reinforced, his hand didn't even make a dent, "The door is solid too."

     Seokjin leaned against the wall and slid down it to sit on his bum, drawing his knees up to his chest, "We're stuck."

     Jungkook walked over and sat down against the wall next to him, "We have to hope Namjoon's plan works. Whatever it is."

     "Are you healed?" Seokjin looked over at him.

     "Yeah, you?"

     "Yeah, I think so," Seokjin clenched and unclenched his fists.

     Jungkook studied the wall by the window.

     "Do you think we can rip that window out and climb down the wall or something?" Jungkook stood and walked over to it, "Give me a lift."

     Seokjin joined him, holding his hands out so Jungkook could step on them and hoist himself up to look out the window.

     "What do you see?"

     "Ocean," He tried to maneuver his head to peer straight down, but something was obstructing his view, "I think we're up high."

     "," Seokjin frowned.

     Jungkook jumped down and glared at the elder, "This blows." He trudged back over to his place and slinked back down.

     "So we wait," Seokjin joined him, taking out the GPS tracker and looking at it.


     "Yeah?" Seokjin answered as he passed the tracker from one hand to the other like it was a toy ball, contemplating if the battery would hold out until they were found. That is, if anyone were coming for them.

      "Tell me again, the story about my necklace," Jungkook kidded.

      Seokjin smirked, shaking his head, "I can take it back."

     Jungkook took Seokjin's face in his palm and pulled him into a kiss, "Shut up, you're holed up in a freaking warehouse, you ain't taking back."

     "We should talk strategy," Seokjin changed the subject on purpose.

      Jungkook leaned back against the wall and sighed in defeat, "Boo."

     Seokjin smiled.


     Taehyung and Yoongi watched from the rooftop as the sun set into the horizon, the orange turned to red, and the red to black, the stars twinkling between thick blankets of dark clouds. One would never guess that the next few hours would bring an onslaught of death and destruction. Yoongi looked over Taehyung's shoulder as Hoseok peeked his head out of the window and nodded. Taehyung turned to glance at Hoseok and then back to Yoongi.

     "What's going on?" Taehyung asked, knowing something was up.

     "Give me a minute?" Yoongi told Hoseok and he nodded and stuck his head back inside. Yoongi studied Taehyung's face, he wanted to remember how the younger looked at this very moment, "Hoseok and I are going on a little mission."

     "Mission? What mission?" Taehyung was not liking this.

     "A rescue mission," Yoongi took a deep breath, "We're going after Seokjin and Jungkook."

     "What? That's suicide!" Taehyung bellowed, "Why?"

     "With my speed and his magic, we'll be okay," Yoongi assured him.

     "No. That's crazy, why would Namjoon approve of this?" Taehyung yelled.

     "It's going to happen," Yoongi maintained, "You're not gonna change my mind."

     Taehyung closed his eyes, this scenario didn't play out well any which way he thought about it, "I swear to the gods, if you die, I am coming into the afterlife and haunting you."

     "I'll look forward to it," Yoongi smirked, "Don't worry so much, concentrate on taking out as many of those s as you can."

     Hoseok peeked his head back out of the window, "We gotta go."

     Yoongi nodded.

     Taehyung frowned,  "Am I supposed to wish you good luck?"

     "Stay safe," Yoongi pulled him in and kissed him, then leapt off the roof and floated down to the ground before Taehyung could mutter another word. Yoongi was not good with goodbyes.

     "Show off," Hoseok whimpered from inside.

     "Don't die, you stubborn bastard," Taehyung whispered to himself as he watched the two of them drive off the property.


     Almost an hour had passed and still no sign of Cato and his hybrids. Taehyung was in his spot in the tower, keeping a lookout, scouting the roads and through the trees, he could see for miles up here. The anticipation within the pack was growing, everyone was on pins and needles, becoming antsy. Namjoon figured they might not show up until midnight, when the power of the moon was at its peak. On the plus side, that would be best for the werewolf members of the pack, because they too would be at their apex.

     Down on the ground, Jimin was tying a red bandana around his head, he felt it gave off a warrior vibe, plus it kept his bangs out of his eyes. A functional warrior lives a longer life. He laughed out loud thinking back to when his father muttered these words to him when he was ten, his fathe

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Love when your writing and AFF decides to freeze, thus not displaying all of what you just wrote...


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Chapter 50: Yeah, I really enjoyed to read your story.

To me, it seems like the work of a professional writer and if you change the name of the characters, maybe you could be published for real ! Thanks again for your amazing work, I'm obviously going to read the bonus parts.
Chapter 34: You're a really great writter author-nim, I haven't finished reading your story yet but I have to say it, this is incredibly good. Wow ! Thank you for sharing your great work with us =)
irenii #3
Chapter 50: I have just finished reading your story. Well i still have to read the bonus chapters but still... i read it in 3 days. I seriously love it. I am a superfan of supernatural things (including the TV show with that name lol) so this was so fun for me. I really really want the story to continue!! I have seen there is a second part and i am sure i will like it as much as this one =)
Haaru1 #4
Chapter 64: That was great . I went through rollercoaster of emotions and to think that I just happen to share same story(Yoongi was the reason I got into bts and Jinkook are just my life) I feel glad. Thankyou for the story.💜
Trngmy #5
Chapter 5: Finally, a side of Jin that is more different than the rest of the fanfiction I have read so far....not vulnerable and shy, but mysterious and manly. So far I love it!
Chapter 64: I realized that I never showed how much I appreciate you and this story this brings a lot of beautiful memories.. On of the best jinkook fan fiction I have ever read..i was introduced to this masterpiece in tenth grade.. I was so obsessed I cried, felt happy, sad and every emotion you could describe.. I bendg reading this as if it was a tv series.. I love the way you write and how you give the story life as if we are living this amazing story.. You are the best and keep on going and continue your thing.. Stay happy ?
AuraC25 #7
Chapter 29: This chapter made me sad and cry like a river ?
AuraC25 #8
Chapter 27: TaeGi ?
AuraC25 #9
Chapter 7: This is so damn exciting ?
Chapter 1: niiiiice.