Keep your friends closer.

It Started With the Rain!

Kyungsoo and Jongin were heavily panting and sweating.

They have searched the whole building but Baekhyun was nowhere to be found. Nobody has seen him post lunch and to make things even difficult, the school had already ended with no students to be seen around. Even the teachers left early as it was a Friday. 

And now, the couple didn't know what to do.

The last time Kyungsoo had seen him was when Baekhyun excused himself to visit the bathroom as they walked down the cafeteria. Though Kyungsoo and Jongin waited. their sassy friend never joined them. He wasn't even in renaming of the classes and the duo thought that Baekhyun was bunking again to cool his mind off. Later on, they forgot about him as Jongin had dance class while Kyungsoo was called out by Miss Jung for some important meeting. Thinking that Baekhyun will call them whenever he is ready, he left for the music room with Tao. 

However, nothing of that sort happened and thus, here they were, running around the entire campus to find their best friend.

“Why did you let him out of your sight?” Jongin asked as they ran up the stairs on the fourth floor for the nth time.
“Miss Jung was looking for me! I had to go!” Kyungsoo, who was following him along with Jongdae who had also volunteered to help them, exclaimed. 

"What if he isn't even in the school?" Jongdae's comment stopped Jongin and Kyungsoo dead in their tracks. If that was the case, wouldn't they have to like search for him in the whole city?

And boy, that was not an easy task to do! 

Who knows where the hell their crazy friend could go?

"What if he just went home?" Kyungsoo asked hopefully.

"If only you would've used a little of your peanut-sized brain, then you would have considered calling him, you know? We live in the era where we have this device called 'cellphone'. " Jongdae's advice made sense. Why didn't they think of it earlier?

"Y-yeah! Thanks." The tanned-skin boy said and reached for his phone. Dialling Baekhyun's number, he waited for the ring but there was this annoying voice saying that his number was unavailable.

Kyungsoo  tried too but his phone had to run out of battery just at the moment.

“You guys wanna use my phone?“ Jongdae offered and Kyungsoo thankfully accepted. But the number was still unreachable. Sighing, he returned the cellphone to its owner and bit his lower lip.

"This is all my fault! I shouldn't have left him." Warm, salty water rolled down his cheek. Jongin rushed to him and comforted him saying that it wasn't his fault and they will find Baekhyun. They tried to look for him in the empty classrooms but no luck. They decided to look for him in the only place they haven't searched, the library. Jongdae's, on the contrary suggested they split up for the search to be more effective and went to look for him in the ground. Kyungsoo and Jongin were on their way to the library when they bumped into Luhan.

"What are you guys doing here? Don't you have to go home?" 

"Hey Lu! Have you, by any chance seen Baekhyun?" Jongin asked curiously. 

"Baekhyun? Didn't he skip school? He wasn't even in the class, was he?"

"Yeah. We tried calling him but his number is not reachable." Kyungsoo said worriedly. "Anyways, thanks. We'll go look for him."

Luhan contemplated whether or not he should join them, but then he was getting late for his part time job. But then again, Baekhyun had once saved his life so shouldn't he repay that? Thus, he was about to ask them if he can come with them when suddenly, the couple dashed away. Sighing, he decided to leave and bent down to pick his bag when someone crashed into him, again, making him fall on the ground.


"I am so sor- Luhan!! Thank god! H-have you seen Baekhyun?" It was Jongdae, who asked him with the same concerned tone like Kyungsoo and Jongin.

"No. What happened? Is something wrong?" Luhan asked as he stood back up on his knees and dusted his clothes off. Jongade muttered an apology before finally telling him about the situation.

"He is missing! Jongin and Soo have been trying to find him but-"

"Let's go and look for him!"

"You could've simply told me the reason, you monkey!" Luhan exclaimed as he and Jongade approached the other searching couple in the hallway on the third floor. 

"I thought ..uh... that you wouldn't help."

"As much as he is annoying, I would never let him disappear. It's boring without him." Luhan joked and tried to lighten the mood, which was a success. 

Yes, its true that Byun Baekhyun was the reason why things turned chaotic and he had to through heartbreak once again. However, he could also relate to the pain their sassy classmate might have been going through for being outcasted by everyone. Luhan has been there and it was awful. And therefore, he didn't want to see someone else suffering like he did, especially when the person they like also hates them. Luhan knew that both Baekhyun and Chanyeol liked each other and because of him, the former always felt insecure. But only if the stupid male would've stopped making his life miserable and asked Luhan to help him, the two idiots would've been happily together now!

But it's alright, he will set things into motion once all this has died down. It's not too late yet!

“Luhan.” Kyungsoo's voice disrupted his chain of thoughts and he slowed down his speed to walk alongside the smaller boy.


“Are you okay?”  The question took him by surprise. However, looking at Kyungsoo's face, he realised how genuine the concern was which made him feel grateful. 

“Of course! I am fine Soo."

“I know it's late but I’m sorry. For everything Baekhyun has done. It was so wrong and you must be hating him for that..but please, if possible then forgive him. He is not as bad as he seems.” Kyungsoo tried to explain. His voice was shaking and Luhan felt bad for him.

“Don’t worry about that. I wasn't even angry at him.” Luhan smiled. "And don't you think I also had my share with him?" 

Kyungsoo suddenly remembered the silly fights between the duo and couldn't help but agree. Baekhyun' scream when his hair had been dyed purple reverberated in his ears and he couldn't stop himself from laughing lightly. It was definitely a sight of how his best friend had been going on and on about making it his life's mission to make Luhan go bald.

“Guys, we've been searching for him for hours now. I don't think he is in the school. Maybe he went home already? Did you call Suho hyung?" Jongdae suggested while the other three thought he was right. They have searched the building and the ground for about thrice now but there was no signs of Baekhyun. Also, it was nearing night and the person in question will definitely not stay for this long in school. 
"Let me call him," Jongin sighed and was about to make a call to Baekhyun's elder cousin when it suddenly hit Luhan. 
"Guys, did we check the terrace yet?” 

"Oh go! How did we forget about it?" Jonging cried, rushing over the stairs. Luhan followed his steps while the other two also were behind him. 

"Because you're an idiot. Admit it Kim Jongin!" Jongdae commented as they reached the terrace patio. The door was locked and Kyungsoo took upon himself to open it , only to meet with the sight of  Baekhyun sitting on the edge of the boundary. 

“YA! BAEKHYUN! GET DOWN!” Jongin yelled, startling the said boy.

"Baekhyun! God we finally found yo-"

In the process of turning around, Baekhyun lost his balance and was about to fall off the roof when Luhan rushed with light bolting speed and held onto him. 

“Lu-Luhan..?” Baekhyun was beyond surprised. 

Wasn’t the said boy feeling like to kill him?

Why did he save him when he had the best chance to end his life?

Or was he planning to do so?

Will he..let go og his hand?

Will Baekhyun die just like that?

“Don’t leave my hand, okay? I will save you!” Luhan firmly held the other's hand. 


The other three came to help Luhan and Baekhyun was finally pulled up. 

The five boys layed down on the concrete and panted heavily. 

“I am sorry, Luhan. I was so stupid to do something that absurd.” Baekhyun had his head hung low.

“It’s okay Baekhyun. I’ve already forgiven you!” Baekhyun’s eyes were on the stalk. He couldn’t believe it. 

“You- you sure?” he asked nervously.

Luhan replied with a nod and pulled him into a hug. 

"I remember I was here, once. A few months back. My mind was clouded and I wasn't thinking right. Deciding to end my life, I came to roof and I would've really died that day if- you wouldn't have saved me Baekhyun." 

Baekhyun looked at him with surprise. He never told Luhan. No. Neither Kyungsoo nor Jongin ever talked about it. It was long gone and forgotten. Even Baekhyun himslef had forgot about it.

Luhan seemed to have read Baekhyun's mind and decided to end the mental stress of him.

"Chanyeol told me." 

"He..did?" Baekhyun asked hesitantly. Luhan grinned.

"I am.. so soorryy Luhan. I was so stupid! I hurt Chanyeol too and no he doesn't even loot at me now! I never meant anything like this! I mean. yeah okay I was jealous of you but Chanyeol..I nev-never.." Before Baekhyun could break down again, Luhan extended his hands.

“let’s be friends, okay?” 

Chanyeol will surely be mad but he will handle him. Anyways, he is doing the giant a favour! 

This will mean that Luhan was too easy to get but wasn't it Baekhyun who tried to approach him first? And for that, Luhan was thankful and touched too. 

Both of them has done mistakes and now is the time to correct it. So why not just go for it?

Baekhyun shook his head frantically and smiled. 

 Everybody was right.

Luhan sure was an angel and he just wanted to kiss the deer-boy. 

“Awww.. you can’t leave us!” Jongin pouted and pulling Kyungsoo and Jongdae closer, he jumped on the duo.


Sehun was lazily lying on the couch, his mind off to somewhere forbidden.

He knew he shouldn't have stood up for Luhan.

Also, he insulted Naeun which will only make things worse. He must've been out of his mind for doing so and cursed himself for acting without thinking, he really did.

But what could he have done when his fiance and her stupid friends were bad-mouthing his ex-lover and ex-best friend? It was just Sehun's right to hurt them.

Nobody else has got the right to make the two people he hate suffer. 

But then why did his heart felt like exploding when he saw Luhan breaking down? Why did he felt like beating the crap out of Naeun when she called him names and made fun of him?

Didn't he loved Naeun now? Didn't he liked now? 

A soft knock was heard on the door and his mother came in. 

"Naeun called up. She said you weren't answering her calls."

Sehun hummed and stared blankly at the wall.

Mrs. Oh immediately knew that something was off.

Sitting down next to her son, she caressed his cheeks. "Is everything alright with Naeun? Are you happy?" 

Literally, Sehun didn't know.

They were engaged for a good time now.

They have kissed, gone on dates, said the three words too but why did he always felt empty?

"You don't have to force yourself into marrying her Sehun. Me and your dad, we understand why you're doing this. But this is not the right thing to do when you want to forget him." 

Shocked, Sehun looked at his mother. How did she knew? And like Mrs.Oh had read the question, she continued.

"I know everything. I have my sources Sehunnie! I know you still love him too. So just stop hurting yourself. We can always break the marriage off." 

Call the marraige off? 

"B...but what about the money? The profit?" Sehun asked.

"All we want is your happiness, not money." She smiled and said. "So, tell me. Should I call Naeun and her parents for dinner?" 


Please! Do so!

I don't wanna marry that ! I cant pretend anymore to love her! I only love Lu-


Did he just thought that?  
 "Luhan is a good boy. I like him. Your father likes him. And I'm sure he loves you too Hunnie.

"No. mom. That;s the problem here. Luhan..he.. I don't know if he still even likes me! I've been so cold to him. I-" Sehun broke down. Mrs. Oh's heart clenched in pain seeing her son crying. 

She has seen him break down and gone crazy when Luhan left. She didn't know the reason and whenever she tried to ask Sehun, he would just brush off the topic and would always pretend that he never was in any relationship. She even tried to contact Luhan thorugh Chanyeol but the boy was playing too hard to get. It was like none of the three boys had to do anything with each other. 

But deep down, she knew that Luhan was the only one for Sehun. She had seen the love in their eyes and that was not something that could fade away ever. 

"He loves you son. He does.I know. So, I'm going to talk to the Kims and just get you out of this stupid marr-"

"But...he don't love me anymore mom. He hates me. And also, he is dating someone I guess." he said sadly. 


"No mom. Its all over. We are done." 

"Do you really want to give him up this easy Oh Sehun?I didn't raise you to be a loser!" Mrs. Oh's stern voice stirred the insides of the sobbing boy. She was right! He can't give up! He loves Luhan! He does! Naeun meant nothing to him and he knows it now. 

Okay, so he admitted that he is still in love with the Chinese boy.

But then what? 

Even if Luhan is not with Kris, Chanyeol will never let him near his love again. He'd rather make Luhan jump off the cliff than to let him be with Sehun again.

And will Kris easliy let go off Luhan?

With the huge amount of love he showers on HIS baby, he was sure that the student body Pres will chop his body and feed it to the sharks. 

And lastly, will Luhan let him in again? Will Sehun himself be able to open up his heart to Luhan once again? Will they be alright?

Too many problems but no solution! 

So, he came to decide this one thing he was never best at doing. 



Luhan and Baek are friends!! ^^

And umm I read your comments and I decided to end the sufferings.. but not this soon.. hehe.. a little bit more won't kill anyone right? 

And, there's a lot to come after this one. ';)

Hope you enjoy this chapter!! 


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Did the epilouge!! ^^


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Baek_lyn #1
Chapter 42: Great story I loved it
Chapter 41: Less than 24 hours frm i started to read I've finished it.....its awesome.....definitely its on my list of fav exo fanfics.....can't wait to finish the bonus chapters too!
Chapter 3: Its so freaking fun to read....i totally luv these hate-love concepts....can't wait to finish this!
no matter how many times I read this story it's still my favorite taught it's the first time I commented her sorry for that I'm not good at expressing myself ... But it's such a Nice story line you got here authornim keep the good work good luck
yasminasaaaa #5
love it
Chapter 44: This is perfection, I love the story, the flow, the twist, the grammar, the character development. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story.
Chapter 44: Those bonuses are gold, i'm bawling my eyes out! Thanks for this masterpiece ❤
Chapter 44: Sooooo cute!!!!!