
You're Driving me Crazy

Melissa's POV:

I think I'm going to puke.


Unfortunately I wasn't sitting on the edge so I was either going to puke on Shinhye or pass Shinhye and puke on Kim Hyun Joong. Either way I'm going to puke on someone. Might as well do it on him. I squashed past Shinhye who was still having wide open like a hobo and luckily I was able to go past Kim Hyun Joong and not make a fool of myself on the first day by puking on the school solo hottie. I ran for my dear life to the bathroom. Luckily I listened to Teresa the tour guide's tour and found a bathroom. I didn't bother looking at the gender...I just need to PUKE. Urgh!! TERESA AND YOUR STUPID RAISON TOAST I HATE YOU BOTH!!!

Shinhye's POV:

"Hey Babe"

Everyone's thoughts: WTF DID HE JUST SAY?

Ok so he just said "Hey Babe" to me and I am just staring at him with the most hysterical face I have on this planet. You don't ask a girl out like that!! Urgh seriously...he's a solo artist and he doesn't know how to express his feelings? That's just stupid. But right now...I don't know what to say! Ok just say something...

Minho's POV:

I saw Melissa run for her life out of the cafeteria and she looked really sick. Especially from the morning. I got worried and decided to follow her. I'll hear from the guys later on to what happened with Shinhye. I ran quietly after her and she went into the girls bathroom. I waited outside and I heard someone puking inside. Since everyone is in the cafeteria, it must be Melissa puking. I quickly scanned the hallwyas and corridors if there was anyone coming and there was no one so I went inside.

Melissa's POV:

OMG I'm puking so much! I'm crying and groaning so much I can't stop. I'm puking much more then I need to! Ahhhh why raison toast why?!?!?!?!

I suddenly felt strong, soft, warm hands place on both sides of me head. I felt a little relieved somehow. I wanted to turn around to see which person was witnessing this embarrasing scene but the hands held me firmly in place.

"This will help you get a little control of yourself and it you won't feel like your dying" a soothing boy voice said. Wait...a BOY?

Shinhye's POV:  

"U-u-uh h-hey" I stuttered. AISH I'm a FAIL.

"What's your name?" he asked playfully. AHHHH YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY!

"S-S-Shinhye" Again I'm a FAIL.

"Hmm...nice name...cya around then" he said and then winked at me and went off. OMG I just got winked by a boy two times on my FIRST day of school. AISH!!!!!!

Melissa's POV:

What is a boy doing in a bathroom...oh I don't even know what bathroom I'm in the first place. I kept on puking and I was done after 5 minutes. I got up groggily, with a wet face full of dry tears. I was so weak I was going to collapse and I was about to fall but strong arms caught me by my waist. I felt electricity jolt right through me. Why am I thinking this when I'm dying?! He pulled me up and took me to the sink. I washed myself up while his arm was still firmly placed around my waist. I weakly got out of his grip and got a paper towel and cleaned myself up. Gosh I must look terrible right now. I finally had the courage (more like digging up my own grave) to look up at the boy who helped me. OH MY GOD IT'S MINHO. AND THIS IS THE GIRLS BATHROOM. AWKWARD... O_O

Minho's POV:

Melissa looked up at me with wide eyes. Did I look like a or something?

"Are you ok?" I asked to break the awkward silence.

"U-uh yeah...um w-why did you help me and you're in the g-girls bathroom and i'm sorry for being e-embarrassing..." she replied stuttering...Cute.

"Nah it's ok. I helped you because you looked like you were going to die. And you don't look so good either...you're going home" I said sternly.

"What?" Well that brought her back to Earth.

"You don't look so good and you live 5 doors away from me so I guess it should be okay if I took you home...you want me to carry you?"

"What?! I can't go home early on the first day of school and I'm fine so thanks for the offer" 

"Well it's your choice then"  

Melissa's POV:

Minho picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the school while I was kicking and screaming which only lasted for about 2 minutes because I was so weak. Urgh I'm such a ...why do i even BOTHER?

Hara's POV:

"Ok what just happened is too crazy. Melissa has run off to somewhere, Shinhye got winked two times on her first day of school, Hara is looking like a goldfish and I think I'm going to start laughing hysterically...here I go" Teresa said starting to laugh hysterically. Aish that stupid girl.

"Yah I don't look like a goldfish!" I whined.

"You did before" Teresa said poking her tongue out.

"By the way Shinhye, you just got yourself...well somehow fate got you into some big right now" Teresa said stating the obvious. That's her job I guess.

"Does it look like I don't know that?!" Shinhye shouted.

"Woah calm down" I said.

"Sorry...what did I do in my past life to get myself into this situation?! I want a boyfriend right now!" Shinhye exclaimed.

"He just went DOPE" Teresa said.

Before Shinhye could shout something back the bell rang for last period. Far out, so much drama on the first day of school...Life just keeps on getting interesting. And where's Melissa?

Teresa's POV:

I seriously hate having maths at the end of the day. Especially with Key sitting behind me this time. My life...Shinhye was in some other subject and Hara was in some other subject and where is Melissa? I think she had maths with me and so did Minho...I saw Minho go the same way as Melissa too...

"Ms Teresa, for the third time, can you please answer this question?" the teacher asked pissed. Oh crap. Hope I'm smart enough for this equation.

"The answer is N= a2+b2+bL over a" I answered. Equations was always easy for me (okay I just fluked this one)

"Correct. Amazing how you got it right and you didn't look like you were paying any attention in class" the teacher said. Yeah I agree!

Key's POV:

How did that dumbo get it right? She is just so RANDOM. While the teacher started blabbering on again, I got a text message from Minho.

Hey, I'm taking Melissa to her apartment because she is sick...she was puking in the bathroom and she was saying something about stuff raison toast...anyways tell her group that...and NO I'm not going to do anything to her if that's the next thing your going to ask (which it is) cya!- Minho

Oh no he didn't send that to me...and yes that was what I was going to ask...dammit he knows me so well...DUH he does...aish i'm going crazy! How can I tell Teresa that? She's going to freak out on me...and she's a crazy one I think. Actually she is. Lucky I was sitting behind her. Otherwise I might earn a smack on the head. I wrote Minho's text message on a piece of paper and throwed it carefully on to her notebook. She turned around and gave me a weird look and then read it. She stayed calm and then started looking sick. She looked like she was dizzy and then the next minute I know, she fainted.

Teresa's POV:

I was getting carried somewhere in Key's arms. This felt good...urgh I hope I'm not too heavy. Why do I care? I opened my eyes a little and saw we were going to the nurse's office. Oh crap. She'll know I'm faking. Have to do something! I suddenly hugged Key and he looked so shocked that he tripped over and made me fall on top of him. Aish that pabo! Our faces were inches apart...WTH WHY DO WE KEEP ON ENDING UP LIKE THIS?! I quickly got off Key and he was blushing so much. Haha. I smirked at his blushing, shocked face and dragged him by his hand to my car.

"For your information Key, it's called ACTING"

Minho's POV:

I reached the apartment block using the SHINee car...the others can ask for a lift. Melissa was in the passenger seat sleeping. She looked so beautiful when she was sleeping...urgh back to task. I looked in her school bag (lucky she took that with her to the bathroom...does she have anything inside there that she doesn't want to show?) I found her keys to her apartment and carried her bridal style to her apartment. She snuggled closer in my arms and gripped my shirt lightly. My heart started beating faster. Why does this girl make me feel like this?! Everytime I make contact with her, I feel all this feelings...does she feel the same?

I unlocked the door and went inside. Her apartment was clean...hmm she doesn't look like the tidy type. I placed her on the couch after a few tries of making her let go of my shirt. I got a spare blanket out of the ottoman and put it on top of her gently. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and panadol. I placed it on the table near the couch and left a little note. There was only 5 minutes till school finished so I went back to my own apartment.

Key's POV:

This girl is so dangerous. She really is a good actor. She drove us back to the apartment block and dragged me by the hand again to Melissa's apartment. Before she entered, I got my hand out of her grip hard.

"YAH! WTH do you think you're doing?!" I shouted.

"Isn't it obvious?! I'm checking on Melissa...I'm the one who started this anyway!" she shouted back.

"Yeah you did start it because you're so stupid! You were always stupid and who do you think you are to just drag me along with you?! You're such a crazy person!" I shouted back.

"I'm sorry I dragged you along with me...I guess I thought you would've cared...but looks like I was wrong. Thanks for calling me those things...I really am one I guess...Sorry for dragging you with me again" she said silently. A tear rolled down her cheeks. WHAT DID I JUST DO?


I got cut off by the silent close of Melissa's door. 


haha i updated!! as promised LOL! Omg updating is so hard especially with school too...don't know how other people do it...they must have super powers O.O anyways Key made Teresa cry!!! :O And Minho is falling for Melissa..O: and Shinhye is so stressed out...hehe so confusing it must be drving you CRAZY! Ok I'm just making it sound lame but anyways comment/suscribe <3 <3 love you everyone!! <3 xD

P.S. I don't know if you have heard of panadol...I think it's international...but it's a medicince you take to help you feel better if you don't know what it is... 

P.P.S. I couldn't really come up with a title so I named it Yah...like it's supposed to be a sad kinda thing like how Key says Teresa...GET IT? If you don't then I have no other explaination sorry >.<

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!