You're Driving me Crazy

You're Driving me Crazy

6 years later...

Nobody's POV:

It's been 6 years since Hara first went to Seoul and met Teresa where they met Melissa and Shinhye which led them to meet SHINee. All of them had a great big adventure which led to make-up's, break-up's and what not to bring everyone together. Sean and Seline are back in Australia and Ethan and Tiffany had quite the time as they are now married. Hara and Onew are also engaged and Key is planning to do something once he see's Teresa. Minho and Melissa still want to have some more time before they go any further though.

Seohee and her dad have made up and Jaesun and her are currently dating. But on one condition from her father; they will concentrate on work when it's work. Which you may say to that; 'Obviously!' but Jaesun and his needs...Continuing on, the four girls were now performing in Australia with their newest eng debut song.

"We present to you the number 1 band topping the world charts, U.S!!!" the MC screamed through the phone. The 4 girls flew down on stage like angels, reaching the stage and removing the harnests one by one and waiting for the song beat to kick in.

They were performing their newest single "Been waiting"...


(A/N: This song is by Jessica Mauboy, she's a really awesome Australian artist, I chose this song because it sounds awesome but if you listen to her songs and listen to the lyrics, it actually makes sense and it's cool instead of how most artists nowadays repeat the same thing again and again :/ Here's the link! Have a listen: and also, these are a couple more of her i love all of her music! It's nice to sing along to it too :D

- Because:

- Let me be me:

- Burn:

Lol this is so unrelated but you guys have to listen!!! >u<)


...which everyone loved. They all sang their assigned parts and when they finished, the audience and fans erupted into a large cheer and applause. The 4 girls said their thanks and it was the end of their concert. When they went backstage, Unnie cheered happily as they all did a really good job in their performances.

"Kya you guys were daebaek!" Unnie said happily.

"Gomawo~" they all said unison.

"Let's go back to Korea shall we?" Jaesun said grinning.


At Incheon Airport...


"Mommy!!" a boy and a girl screamed as the came running at fast speed towards Shinhye. (A/N: Time to spaz ;D)

"Aww I missed you guys so much!!! Come here minho and minhee" Shinhye said hugging them.

"What?" Minho said walking towards them.

"Aish she was talking to me uncle!" minho said poking his tongue out.

"Yah, I'm your uncle, give me respect!" older minho said pouting.

"Appa, uncle is being mean~" minho whined.

"Shut up minho" Jonghyun chuckled as he made his way towards Shinhye.

"Melissa~ I love you~" Minho said hugging Melissa tight. Teresa, Hara and SHinhye snickered and Melissa playfully mehronged them.

"I love you too~" Melissa said snuggling in his chest. Teresa started to gag at that.

"Yeobo, you don't miss me?" Jonghyun pouted at Shinhye.

"I missed you too...a lot!" Shinhye said rolling her eyes and gave him a kiss which he gladly returned back.

"Ewwww" the kids said in unision. Everyone started laughing at their cuteness.

"Hara are you tired?" Onew said backhugging her.

"Mmm but not enough to see you" Hara said hugging his arms.

"Oh! Tiffany's it going eh?" Teresa said playfully poking her small stomach that was popping out a bit.

"Yah don't touch my wifey's baby would get your dumbness" Ethan said shooing Teresa's hand away.

"You mean if I don't, it will get yours" Teresa said rolling her eyes.

"Noonas! You guys never talked to me~" Taemin pouted.

"Don't you have Sulli?" Hara asked.

"Sulli is not here pabo" Teresa said hugging Taemin. "Don't worry Taeminnie, I will keep you company!" Teresa said happily.

"Thanks noona!" Taemin said grinning.

"Us too!" the kids said as they came to play with Taemin.

"Hehe you guys are so cute" Taemin said smiling brightly.

"Teresa...haven't you noticed Key's not here?" Onew asked.

"I either means he didn't want to see me or he is really busy" Teresa said down but then brightened up again.

"Anyways...isn't it funny how I first found you sitting over there Hara?" Teresa said chuckling at the memory.

"Oh yeah...and look how far we've come now.." Hara said chuckling along.

"So you really don't care about me anymore?" Key said surprising Teresa from behind. Teresa yelped and turned around to see Key with a blank face.

Teresa's thoughts: Uh oh...diva mode...

"I missed you sooo much!!!" Teresa screamed and hugged Key tightly. Key was surprised but he smiled and hugged her back.

"Omma, why is aunty acting so immature?" Minhee said shaking her head at Teresa.

"Ahahah that's a mini version of Hara LOL" Melissa said cracking up.

"Well that means Shinhye has a decent daughter" Hara said nodding in approval.

"Yeah aunty" Minhee said nodding in agreement. Melissa just smiled at her cuteness and went back to talking with Minho.

"May god bless all of you young children" Halmoni said coming up to them.

"Halmoni!" Melissa said excited and hugged her tight.

"Ohoho see Minho, my daughter-in-law has more love for me than you" Halmoni said chuckling.

"Halmoni..." Minho pouted.

"Halmoni!!!" the two kids squealed and hugged her along with Melissa.

"Annyeong Minho and are my little darlings doing today?"

"Good~" they replied together.

Key's thoughts: Deep it goes...

"Teresa...will you marry me?" Key said bending down on one knee. Teresa looked shocked at the randomness of this.

"Y-yes.." Teresa said going into a huge grin. Everyone cheered as they put the rings on one another.

"Aww that's so sweet~" Minhee said twirling around in circles.

"Oh grow up" Minho said poking his tongue.

"Omma, minho did a mehrong!" Minhee said pouting.

"Do a mehrong back then" Jonghyun said patting Minhee's back.

"Yeobo!" Shinhye said through gritted teeth.

"Whuuut? Then only it's fair!" Jonghyun pouted.

"You're driving me crazy..." Shinhye muttered while Jonghyun pecked her on the cheeks.

Everyone started chuckling as they left for home.


THE END...or is it? nah im jkg, it's the end >.>



Unfortunately, you guys all know what this chapter is guessing by the name of on the side bar. *IT'S THE END T___T* So I would just like to give my last author's note because I'm hoping you'll read it anyway since it's always boring but continuing on... 

On the 7/11/2011 (my lucky number!), I created this fanfic in my last period of IST at school, jumping around like a hyper idoit. I'm sure my friends all know how I was when I created it. I showed my IST teacher the cool poster that numnums_shinee made and I was very very excited to start. I updated for this fic, day and night and even early morning so that you guys can enjoy reading this. (It made me go bad in some subjects due to no studying...hihi anila_catapilla ;D)

In return, you guys have subbed and given really awesome comments which I LOVE to read. Trust me, it's an awesome feeling ;D

Anyways, this fanfic was created for fun and a little serious because after reading fanfics for a while, I'm sure you get the urge to write one your self right? At first I wasn't bothered but then I really wanted to write one and look at where I am now. Haha all thanks to you guys <3 This fanfic was inspired by me and my hyper/silent/dull/normal friends characteristics and names and everything jumbled up created YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY.

Lol at first it was going to be called something else which another fanfic claimed it's title and is running quite popular *wink wink* but it didn't make sense to my plot and I guess this name just popped up. I hope everything has made sense because this fanfic is made with my random thoughts put into it and my lame sense of humour and my fail romantic scenes but your encouraging comments has got me going to continue this.

I don't know if I'm repeating myself all over again but I hope this author's note made sense because this is my first fanfic afterall and I'm getting emotional here haha >.> This is actually the only fanfic where I share my random thoughts and whatever happens/ed in my boring/exciting life for example, once I said "I'm eating an apple right now" and not long ago I said I was eating a carrot haha.

Also, thanks for bearing with my massive typos and grammar mistakes, I'm really sorry that I'm lazy to fix everything or do a spell check before I post it up...D: *Trololol...hiding under a rock* OH! Also when I make a big fuss when I press something and everything goes away...seriously I swear if it happens for this chapter...

Anyway, I won't bore you even more, I would like to thank you's a lot and even my silent readers, your encouragement has given me motivation and I hope to see you in my other fanfics I continue to make in the future. Thanks for reading You're Driving me Crazy!!! :D

- sleepy_bubbles

P.S. Lol my last PS haha...lots of love to everyone!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxo 

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!