Party #1

You're Driving me Crazy

Guys...I feel like bashing up someone because I just clicked a stupid tab and I lost all my work....URGH WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ok I'll write ALL OVER AGAIN NOW...AND STUPID SNSD SONG IS PLAYING!!! I just listened to the eng ver and now the korean ver is playing. ARGHHH STRESSING ME OUT ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH >:( Now I will know I actually sweared out loud O.o lucky my parents aren't home ==' what have I turned into O.O (A/N: I had some cool comedy but I forgot it now x( Like anything I write is funny but anyways...) I'm listening to SHINee Ring Ding Dong ^^ This will calm me down because I'll be singing like a retard... :/ I'm gonna make a SHINee only playlist on my iphone for these moments...AND NOW LOVE LIKE OXYGEN IS PLAYING!!! xD See this is why I LOVE SHINee <3

P.S. I started this update around 7:40 am...all my hard work :'( That is why I'm listening to Lonely by 2NE1 xP


Melissa's POV:

We were getting our hair done at the beauty salon with Unnie accompanying us. We were done and Unnie looked at us with a bright smile on her face like her daughters were going to prom. Hara hair was curled loosely and put off onto one side to cover the bare skin off her one-shoulder dress. Teresa's hair was long so it was wavy and pinned on the back leaving her hair out.Shinhye's hair was tousled loosely and it fit her perfectly. I, on the other hand, my hair was pinned up into a complicated bun with some loose strands on the front showing my true personality exactly. Woah these stylists are good.

"You all look so amazing! Aww I'm so jealous...I want to go with you guys!" Unnie exclaimed happily.

"Hehe thanks Unnie!" Hara said brightly.

"Ok guys...SHINee was getting ready in the other change room...I think they're ready now. You guys will all be arriving there in a limo kay?" Unnie said.

"What are you serious?" Shinhye asked.

"Yes! Now hurry out! I'm sure they wanna see how you look!" Unnie winked at me. I just pouted.

We went out and there they were waiting for us. And all of their jaws dropped. I know...we look awful.

"Noonas! You look so pretty! Taemin exclaimed hugging as well.

"Hehe you guys look handsome too!" Shinhye said brightly. (A/N: This is how they look like)

"Yeobo I better keep you with me or else someone might steal you!" Minho cried and put his arm around my waist protectively.

"Yah..since when did you call me Yeobo?" I pouted.

"Why, you don't like it?" Minho pouted back.

"Aish whatever"

"Aww how cute!" Teresa exclaimed.

"I think Teresa is on high again" Hara said unsure.

"Umm let's go now?" Onew asked everyone.

"Yeah~" Everyone chorused.

Jonghyun's POV:

The ride in the limo was extremely quiet. Shinhye looked so hot. Urhg stupid Kim Hyun Joong. I hope she's still not pissed off with me for ruining her date with Kim Hyun Joong but hey. it was hilarious. And I was there for her. Hahaha but my arm still freaking hurts. Shinhye caught me staring at her and gave me a weird look and started up conversation.

"Hey Key...when are you going to ask Teresa out?" Shinhye asked showing her billion dollar smile.

"SHINHYE!" Teresa and Key both screamed.

"Well that broke the awkward silence" Shinhye said pleased.

"Retard..." Teresa mumbled.

"So what did you guys get Hwa Young?" Key asked.

"We ain't bothered to spend each of our money on her so we just got her the newest Louis Vuitton bag that came out today...what about you?" Teresa asked.

"Teresa! Don't talk like that about Hwa Young!" Hara said in her nagging tone.

"I am simply stating the truth" Teresa said innocently.

"OMG we got that too! Why did you copy us?!" Key shouted.

"Dude...why did YOU copy us?!" Teresa shouted back.

"Look atleast it's in different colours right?" Shinhye asked.

"Well mine's brown" Key said.

"Ours is cream so the fights over!" Melissa said annoyed.

"Who said we were fighting?" Teresa asked.

"Oh my god..." Hara mumbled. I agree!

We arrived at  Hwa Young's house and boy was it huge. It was a big birthday bash and it was really confusing. Why bother coming in tuxedos when you're gonna party anyway? Urgh so annoying. The chauffier opened the door and we all got out. We went inside and all the pop groups were there...2pm, MissA, SNSD, Suju, you name it.

"Kyaaa! You all look so adorable!" Sunny squealed.

"Hehe thanks Unnie!" Hara said.

"Gosh you guys are the hottest people out of everyone here..." Tiffany said.

"But Sulli also looks really hot today too...maybe because she has Taemin as her boyfriend now?" Yuri winked at Taemin.

"Noona~" Taemin whined. "Have you seen Sulli by the way?" Taemin asked.

"Here I am Taemin!" Sulli chirped behind him. (A/N: Do you know how LONG it took me to find Sulli in a dress suitable for this party? O.o)

"OMG look so hot.." Taemin said in amazement.

"Taemin~" Sulli whined.

"Come on let's go!" Taemin said and dragged Sulli with him.

"Aish that kid...oh well looks like we have to wish Hwa Young on his behalf too" Key said in disapproval.

"Jessica Unnie? Do you know where Hwa Young is?" Teresa asked.

"Oh yeah she's over there next to Kim Hyun Joong" Jessica said pointing to the couch.

"Really?! Let's go~" Shinhye said excited.

"My heart is breaking every second Shinhye" I mumbled.

"C'mon Jjong!" Key said snapping me out of my thoughts.

Hwa Young's POV:

I saw all of them coming towards me. Woah...they all looked really hot. Urgh...but I will still be the hottest. Shinhye looked so chic in that dress...better watch out Shinhye because my brother is already drunk.

"Hi Hwa Young! Happy birthday! Nice party too" Hara said smilng and handing me the gift. OMG THE LATEST HANDBAG THAT CAME TODAY!

"Thanks guys!!" I screamed in delight. SHINee also got me the same thing in a different colour. Oh well atleast I have two of them.

"Guys you can go enjoy the party...I will be giving announcements and cutting the cake in a sec" I said and everyone dispersed. Now to show my magic on Onew. I went over to Onew and smiled brightly.

"Hi Onew! Do I look pretty today?" I asked in my cute voice. (A/N: This is Hwa Young's dress -.-)

"U-umm yeah you look really nice" Onew said shyly. Hehe he stuttered. That means I look way better then Hara.

"Gomawo Oppa!" I said cheerfully and hugged him tight. He blushed so much.

"You don't mind me calling you oppa right?" I asked cutely.

"Umm nooo" he replied awkwardly. Don't worry Onew'll get used to it. I dragged him off with me to another private section so he can get to know me better. Hara still had Teresa with her so I guess I'm not that mean.

Teresa's POV:

"What a ..." I mumbled. Urgh you are so going down sister!

"Teresa don't swear in public" Hara said depressed.

"Dude...if you want Onew than you better go get him because other wise it will be too late" I said. Oh...that's our debut song!

"Fine...come with me?" Hara pleaded.

"Nope sorry but I want someone else" I said strictly.

"Is that Key?" Hara asked.

"Yup but like I'm gonna tell him that" I said smiling. Hmph...I can't date him because otherwise I don't know what Krystal will do...

Hara pouted but went off to find Onew and tell her feelings. So much for pride as a woman is very nessecary since a is trying to take him away. I knew that girl was no good in the first place. Seriously...what kinda dress is that?

Anyways, I was bored as hell, just walking around when I saw Kim Hyun Joong making out with another girl...Oh no he didn't. I saw Shinhye coming in behind me and I have to block her from seeing this no matter what.

"Hey Shinhye! Wanna get a drink?" I asked nervously.

"Nope I haven't even see my boyfriend yet!" Shinhye pouted.

"Shinhye are you sure you love Kim Hyun Joong or is it just lust?" I asked strictly.

"Ummm I actually don't know...but I'll learn to love his true personality yeah?" she asked me brightly. Oh god Shinhye, do you know who you're dating? A fat player.

"Look let's get some drinks?" I asked.

"No, get out of the way" Shinhye said strictly and pushed me lightly to the side. Oh fudge where's Jonghyun?

Shinhye's POV:

Am I seeing what I am seeing. Kim Hyun Joong is making out with some near the fridge. No wonder Teresa kept on saying to get drinks. Tears were building up in my eyes...I went over to that retarded Kim Hyun Joong.

" could you?" I cried.

"Oh heyyyyyy SSSShinhye ssssup?" he slurred. Breaking the kiss from the girl who was giving me a death glare. The music was so loud so I guess no one's gonna notice this...besides another guy already started making out with the girl who was making out with Hyun Joong.

"Shinhye, give a kkkisss! You look sooooo ssy....I wanna you!" He slurred again. WHAT?! 

"YOU ONLY DATED ME TO ME?!" I screamed.

"Well duh...and to help my sis out with her plan" he said clutching his stomach.

"You're such an !" I said and slapped him the face. I ran out of the back door to hear him puking.

Jonghyun's POV:

This party is so boring! Aish...all these chicks from other bands and random nobody's keep flirting with me and Key. God can they leave me alone?! But unfortunately I can't shout at them because I am a popstar and I am *SHINY* blah blah. I saw Teresa running up to me with a scared expression on her face.

"J-Jonghyun!" Teresa yelled and was panting in front of me.

"Dude how can you run in heels?" Key asked amused.

"JonghyungotothebackdoornowShinhyeneedsyoubecauseshefoundHyunJoongcheatingonher" Teresa blabbered quickly. I seriously have to learn how to understand unhuman language.

"JUST GO THROUGH THE BACK DOOR AND FIND SHINHYE!!! Freaking hell man...." Teresa said frustrated. I ran towards the back door without saying another word. I knew what happened. I saw Kim Hyun Joong puking in a corner with a red mark on his face. My prediction was correct.

Key's POV:

"Teresa what happened?" I asked confused.

"That player full on made out with another girl in front of Shinhye...I knew this was gonna happen...URGH I need to find Hara!" Teresa said stressing out.

"Oh ...why do you need to find Hara?" I asked.

Some people talking next to them...

"Hey did you hear what Hwa Young said to us?? She's gonna propose to someone today and if they don't say yes she's gonna kill a girl or something..."

"Omg I can't wait to see that...finally some excitement in a birthday party!"

"Because I'm afraid she's gonna have a mental breakdown" Teresa said.

Onew's POV:

Gosh this chick is such a . She keeps on rubbing her waist against me and keep on flirting with me. I saw Hara coming towards us and boy was I happy! Hwa Young saw Hara coming and her expression on her face for one second was pure evil and then she smiled brightly. Oh no...this is bad.

"Hara! I'm going to cut the cake now, let's go!" she said smiling.

"Oh go ahead. I need to tell Onew something" Hara said looking at me. Really?

"No do that later! Let's go!" Hwa Young said desperately and dragged Hara with her. I couldn't stop them and I saw Key and Teresa running towards me.

"Yah...where's Hara?" Teresa asked panting.

"She got dragged off by Hwa Young..." I said nervously.

"YOU IDOIT! Which way did they go?!" Teresa asked frantically.

"That w-way.." I said scared. Teresa ran off and I got really scared.

"Hyung don't mind Teresa...we have to call the police and tell Minho hyung about what's happening" Key said and he started dialling the police.

Hwa Young's POV:

Everything is going towards plan. Hmph this is the best birthday ever. I went up onto the stage and adjusted the microphone. I let of Hara's now red hand and she looked at me with a bewildered look on her face. 'Sorry' I mouthed. Yeah right.

"Hmhmm" I hummed through the microphone to get everyone's attention. Everyone turned around and faced me. Attention check. Perfect.

"Thank you everyone for coming! I would like to introduce my best friends I made in my new school! This is Hara...and can the rest of you come up on stage as well? Thanks! Next is Teresa, then Melissa then Shinhye" I said and Teresa and Melissa came up on stage. Teresa was giving me a huge death glare and standed right next to me.

"Where's Shinhye?" I mumbled.

"Crying because of your brother" she mumbled coldly. Oh he couldn't resist his temptation any longer? Oh well like I care.

"Anyways Shinhye can't make it on stage because it seems like she went home early but anyways I would like to cut the cake now" I said sweetly through the mic and the maids brought my huge b-day cake. Everyone sang the b'day song and I blowed all the candles for 18 years old and cut the cake. After that the maids took the cake away and I now had to give my announcement.

"Everyone, I would like to make a very important annoncement" I said boldly getting everyone's attention again.

"To make my birthday even more special, Can you go out with me Onew?" I asked. Everyone cheered and gasped. One of the butlers passed the mic to Onew and everyone anticipated his answer.

"U-umm I'm afraid not Hwa Young...hope you understand" Onew said in his cute voice. Gosh Hara in the way? Then I better kill her then.

"Very well then...that's ok! I'll just have to do something quick..." I said and looked around for the hidden gun man. Teresa was watching me and noticed that the sniper was directed at Hara. Teresa's eyes widened and I nodded my head.


"FREEZE RIGHT THERE EVERYONE!!!" The police shouted. Damn how did they find out. I made a run for it but a police officer caught me. Everyone was screaming and the gunner was getting arrested. I saw on the stage Teresa with a bleeding arm. She must have jumped in front of Hara. YOU TERESA! Man Hara didn't even get shot. Well atleast she's crying her life out. That will have to do for now...hmmm I wonder how many years in jail?

To be continued...


Heeeey everyone! I finally updated. I see you're saw my rant on the top? I'm now calm now so dw lol...hope you like this chap :) Here's a gif to show how you must be feeling right now...

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!