You? Marriage? Halmeoni? Cousin? Brain overload.

You're Driving me Crazy

Melissa's POV:

" Hara, Shinhye and Jonghyun have all been notified that they will be in an arranged marriage...note that they are all millionares right?" Ethan said.

"Point taken. Also...I have a feeling...that it's either Jonghyun with either Hara or Shinhye" Teresa said.

"Right. So now we can find out who's paired with who through the codes that one of you has to give me so I can hack into the system to find out what's actually happening" Ethan said turning on his laptop.

"Wait...Shinhye's a millionare?" Jonghyun asked shocked.

"Not now Jonghyun" Minho said.

"Ok I'll give you the codes" Shinhye said and handed over her phone. Teresa her laptop and sat next to Ethan and started doing something too. Ok those two have a very complicated relationship.

"Hmm let's see...I got into the database...ahh Jonghyun do you have some codes too?" Teresa asked looking at the screen.

"Yep...can I trust you?" Jonghyun asked handing his phone.

"I don't know, you already handed me your phone so that's your fault" Teresa said and went back to typing.

"Aish..." Jonghyun mumbled.

"Ok...I found the information. It didn't take that long then I expected. But yeah I got some pretty sad new for you" Ethan said looking at Hara.

"What...sad news?" Hara asked curious.

"You're arranged with Jonghyun and Shinhye is arranged with some guy called...Sean?" Ethan said doing some more typing.

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"What's wrong Melissa?" Minho asked worried.

"Umm...nothing" I said laughing a little. Oh man this ain't good.

"Why is life so sad to me?!" Jonghyun exclaimed depressed.

"Ok guys...also Jonghyun and Hara will be notified about it this...wednesday through a video conference and Sean will be arriving at SM..." Teresa said closing her laptop.

"Melissa...what am I going to do?! Sean is a e!" Shinhye said slumping on the couch.

"Ok besides the fact that everything just keeps getting worse, who is Sean?" Teresa asked curiously.

"'s about time you say it" Shinhye said to me. Oh man...

"Ok...I should have told you guys earlier but I didn't want to because...I'll just tell it" I grumbled. I told them about my past and the next thing I knew I was getting poked constantly by Teresa. Ow!

"How come you never told me you retarded person! Urgh you are so annoying!" Teresa said pouting while continuing to poke me hard.

"Stop poking my girlfriend" Minho said and pulled me into his arms. Haha!

"Whatever" Teresa said and sighed heavily.

"Ottoke?" Taemin said softly.

"Hmmm there is one thing we can do...but...we need Sean's help" Ethan said.

"Someone say my name?" a familiar voice said. I would know that voice anywhere.

"Hi Melissa...good to see you" Sean smirked at me. Minho shot him a charismatic death glare. I didn't say anything...I just eyed him.

"OMG what is it with people just barging in all the time?!" Teresa said in frustration. But Sean continued...

"I told you I'll come back to find you...and this is how I did it. Lucky you were on the news...that just made me finding you a bit easier hehe" he chuckled softly.

"So you're marrying me to find Melissa...I don't get it" Shinhye said confused.

"Look I only said that so I can come here" Sean said annoyed.

"And that's why we need your help" Ethan said getting up. Woah I never noticed he was as tall as Minho.

"What help?" Sean asked amused.

"You need to cancel the marriage with Shinhye, put Jonghyun and Shinhye together and get Hara out of this mess" Ethan said.

"And how exactly am I supposed to do that when I get no benefit?" Sean said raising an eyebrow.

"Look Hyung. You know you don't love Melissa. You just wanted to come to say to her face that you don't and you were sorry so just hurry up and say it!" Sean's sister came in annoyed.

"Seline! Can't you shut up?" Sean said annoyed.

"Well I can't because I believe in true love and people should live with the people they love" Seline pouted.

"Good to see you Seline" I smiled.

"Melissa!" Seline squealed and hugged me like there's no tomorrow. Have I mentioned I don't like hugs from anyone besides Minho?

"O-ok g-get off me" I said choking.

"Hehe sorry" Seline said sheepishly.

"'s already 11:30pm...and by meeting so many new people I'm getting brain overload...and besides we have a long weekend so can we go to sleep now?" Taemin asked sleepily.

"Ok Ethan you can stay in our dorm" Key said.

"Aww you're so sweet" Teresa pecked Key.

"Yuck~" Ethan said gagging.

"Awwwwww~" Seline squealed happily.

"Ok so how are we supposed to work this plan when Shinhye's parents are very strict?" Sean asked.

"Hmm I suppose...we can ask one person for help" I said.

"And who's that?" Hara asked.

Nobody's POV:

The next morning, SHINee, U.S, Ethan, Sean and Seline, all followed Melissa down the main streets of Seoul. SHINee were in disguises and the rest were dressed up in warm clothes since it was pretty cold. Melissa walked down to the shop where her grandma was...well that's what she called her. Melissa entered the small shope along with the other 11 people.

"Hi Halmeoni! Sorry for not visiting for a long time~" Melissa said giving a big hug.

"Grandma?" SHINee and U.S said simultaneously.

"Yeah...before me and Minho started to date I visited her. She listened to my past and all. So yeah...I like to call her my grandma since I don't have one" Melissa shrugged.

"T-that's my grandma too" Minho stuttered.

"I'm so happy! Melissa and my grandson are dating! I always hoped that might happen...aww I'm so proud of both of you!" Halmeoni excalimed.

"Hi Halmeoni!" Taemin squealed.

"Oh hello Taeminie!" Halmeoni chuckled.

"Is that guy a girl or guy?" Seline mumbled.

"I heard that and I'm a guy!" Taemin said annoyed.

"OK ok..." Seline rolled her eyes.

"So why has everyone come here today?" Halmeoni asked.

"Well we need you help" Melissa said.

"And how exactly may I help?" Halmeoni asked curious. Everyone told everything that happened so far to Halmeoni and she nodded her head in understanding.

"So that's Sean" Halmeoni said eyeing him up and down.

"What exactly did you tell her about me?" Sean whispered to Melissa.

"Everything" Melissa whispered back.

"So what's the plan?" Halmeoni asked.

"The plan is that in order to get Jonghyun and Shinhye together, you have to pretend to be Jonghyun's grandma since Shinhye's parents pay a lot of respect to elders" Melissa said. Halmeoni nodded her head.

"And to get Hara out of her misery, she needs to get a boyfriend which Onew should ask her already" Ethan said.

"Well everyone had a dramatic moment where they say 'I love you', you can't just expect Onew to come up and say randomly to Hara 'I like you'!" Teresa scolded Ethan.

"Hara...I've always wanted to tell you but I didn't have the chance and I know this isn't special but I like you a lot" Onew said shyly to Hara.

"That's ok...I like you too" Hara blushed madly. Onew quickly pecked Hara on the cheeks and looked away nervously.

"Oh my god my pride has been vanished in front of my brother I AM SO SAD" Teresa said pouting.

"Ahaha I am so right! Mehrong~" Ethan said smiling proud.

"That was sooooo sweet!~" Seline squealed happily.

"Oh god stop squealing!" Sean said annoyed.

"Hehe teenage love these days....well glad that's settled. Now to get to our plan" Halmeoni said.

"Mhmm...let me tell my aunty first" Jonghyun said nervously. Jonghyun called nervously and waited for her to pick up.


"Hello aunty?" Jonghyun said nervously.


"I called about the marriage..."

"You can't deny it, sorry"

"No can I change the girl?"

"Is she in our status?"


"Who is it?"

"Her name is Lee Shinhye..."

"Oh she's the girl's cousin...what's the girls name again that your marrying?"

"Hara? Is Shinhye's cousin?" Jonghyun asked surprised.

" you know them personally?"

"Yeah...they're all trainees in SM who are about to debut next week"

"I see...sure you can marry Ms.Lee. She is a very nice girl. I think she fits more perfectly with you than Ms.Park. She looks like she has a soft personality and we all know you like skinship so much...*sigh*. But I heard that her parents are strict on the decision they make..."

"But they listen to elders so that's why we're going to get help from Minho's grandma"

"Ok good luck then. Sorry your marriage is early Jonghyun...are you sure you're in a healthy relationship with Shinhye?"

"Yes...I just...have to do some stuff you know..."

"Ok I understand. But your marriage will be in two weeks because...your annoying cousin wants to marry you badly. You know she's been addicted to you so I want your marriage to be done so she'll realise that it's just lust. And all your relatives from around the world will be meeting in Korea ok son?"

"Yes. Thank you aunty"

"Anything Jonghyun. Bye~"



"So what happened?" Halmeoni asked.

"Shinhye and Hara are cousins, my aunty is ok with Shinhye marrying me, let's go along with the plan" Jonghyun said.

"We're cousins?!" Shinhye and Hara asked surprised.

"Woah..." Teresa and Ethan said.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" They both screamed and hugged each other.

"Ok calm down....Hara you're still my best friend~" Teresa whined.

"And what about us?" Shinhye scoffed.

"You guys are too but Hara~" Teresa pouted.

"Oh god why is our group name U.S for no reason?" Hara said laughing.

"GROUP HUG!" Melissa shouted. All of them had a group hug and luaghed.

"We will never understand girls..." Sean said.

"You got that right bro" Ethan said nodding.

"Ok everyone we will now let Halmeoni deal with Shinhye's parents" Jonghyun said nervous.

"It's going to be okay" Shinhye said and gave a little squeeze on Jonghyun's hand. Shinhye called up her parents.


"Hello mum?"

"Yes. If this is about the arranged marriage, you have to do it, I don't care if you don't like it"

"Look. I haven't even said anything yet and you're already talking.." Shinhye scoffed.

"Then what is it about?"

"I'm a trainee in SM and I'm going to debut next week, also, I want to marry someone else"

"Congrats. You finally found something we can be proud of. Let's see how Hyuna likes that...and who do you want to marry exactly?"

"Stop talking about Hyuna! She's really nice...*atleast she was there for me*...and I would like to marry Kim Jonghyun"

"She's still a stuck-up person. And that's nice, you found someone that has no parents. But I have heard he is a good boy. And he's in that boyband called SHINee. But we can't change our mind. you think the public will accept this?"

"I'm sure they will...and Jonghyun's grandmother is here too...I think you should talk to her" Shinhye said and handed the phone to Halmeoni.


"Yes Halmeoni?"

"I'm Jonghyun's grandmother and I would really love it if Shinhye married my dear Jonghyun. I know I will not live very soon but...I would love to Jonghyun get married to your beautiful daughter Shinhye" Halmeoni said tearing up a bit.

"A-ah don't cry Halmeoni! We'll definetly let Jonghyun marry Shinhye. You will live long Halmeoni. Please forgive me"

"Oh no that's fine. Thank you for considering my only wish. God bless you child"

"Thank you Halmeoni"




"Hehe your mum can be easily fooled" Halmeoni chuckled.

"Nice job halmeoni!" Jonghyun said happily.

"Ehehe for you guys I will. But all this is driving me crazy!" Halmeoni exclaimed.

Everyone started laughing after that.


Ok hello guys...I'm kinda speeding ahead because I planned to finish this before next year (which is tomorrow) and I couldn't so yeah pretty long chapter O.O But anyways, hope you guys liked it! COMMENT =.=" 

P.S. I know things sound confusing so if you guys seriously have a brain overload, please tell me ^^" And so much dialogue LOL O.o

P.P.S. I finally reached 20 subscribers!!! YIPPEE!!! *after a very very very long time -.-* But that's ok...because I love you guys for supporting me all the way, I really appreciate it :) <3 Love you everyone <3

P.P.S. All the problems are out of the way, so I will be ending this fanfic soon~ *even though my first one was lame, I still love to write this...I'M GONNA MISS UPDATING THIS ONCE I'M FINISHED :'(*

P.P.P.S. I haven't done P.S-ing for a long time haha.... :/

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!