
You're Driving me Crazy

Shinhye's POV:

I'm so nervous. Today is the wedding. I'm in my wedding dress, which is a white, tight around the waist and fluffy on the bottom with diamonds encrusted everywhere. My hair is curled up into a complicated hairstyle with some hair flowing down the sides and some coming in the front. I had a tiara placed on my head with the veil placed back for the photos beforehand. I was sitting in the room, waiting to be called out. I finally met my parents in a long time and they seemed as usual, grumpy. But they were a little happy I guess. Maybe to get rid of me...AISH. My little brother Shin, is examining the interesting food in the room. What a douche. Hasn't he ever seen a piece of cake in his life before?!

"SHINHYE!!! Time for photos!" Teresa screamed barging into the room. And also holding a video camera. Guess some people never change.

"Oh noona sup?" Shin asked holding a peace sign. His fail attemps at being cool. Urgh..

"Nothing much mini gamer" Teresa said doing a fist punch. REALLY? ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?!!

"So...are you nervous?" Hara asked smiling warmly. The normal person around here. Yay!

"Yes...I can't believe I'm getting...married!" I said smilng widely. It's just hard to believe. Those three were my bridesmaids including my cousin Hyuna. Shin was the flower boy..aha. They were all wearing the same dress, it was a white gown that flowed down gracefully, outlining the body shape. But each one of theirs was unique. Teresa had it coming down a bit with some type of sapphire design embedding the front. Hara had lace embroided on the bottom, Melissa had a ribbon tightening her waist and Hyuna had it cropped up above her knees *as expected*.

"Hmm are you guys ready for pho- WOAH...Shinhye you looks amazing.." Ethan said nodding at my apperance.

"Hehe thanks..." I blushed.

"Omo...don't hit on my friend! What happens if she married you instead?!" Teresa freaked out.

"God I was giving a compliment.." Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Wait till dino sees this..." Teresa mumbled into the camera. Hehe those brats.

" let's take some photos shall we?" Ethan asked fixing the lens.

"When did you become a prefessional photographer?" Melissa asked curious.

"Umm..I have always been one from high school?" Ethan scoffed.

"Whatever...we don't need diva number three" Melissa said walking over to me.

"Who's diva number two?" Hara asked climbing onto the other side of the single golden sofa.

"Teresa" Melissa smirked.

"Wae?!" Teresa pouted setting the video camera down on the table.

"Guys get ready already...sheesh!" Ethan said annoyed. That guy always gets annoyed easily. Gah..

We took a million was a really long time but we had a lot of time anyway. Some with parents, friends, relatives, the guys (SHINee) and brother.

"'s time for the bride" Key winked. It's time to shine.

Jonghyun's POV:

I was waiting at the front. Alongside me was Key, Onew, Minho and Taemin. All my relatives, Shinhye's relatives, K-pop idols and the media were present. It feels like a royal wedding. But then, we are famous. I was getting nervous every second. My aunty gleamed a bright smile at me and I smiled back. I was in a tuxedo that was well fitted. I want to see Shinhye already! I wasn't allowed to see her in a wedding dress because of these beliefs blah blah. Gah what the hell is that? The piano started to play and everyone got excited.

"Hmph...getting excited yeobo?" Key smirked.

"Shut up! I want to see Shinhye..." I whined.

"Here comes flower boy" Key said and we saw Shinhye's little brother Shin come with a little grumpy face on. He's 14 years old for god sake. Smile! Hara, Teresa, Melissa and Hyuna came in holding bouquets.

"I want to marry Teresa now" Key gulped staring at Teresa.

"You saw her a few moments ago when they were taking photos" Onew said.

"Shut up you guys!" Minho whispered glaring at us with his eyes. Ouch his eyes are scary when they me.

The bridesmaids all stood on the other side of us. Key gave a wink to Teresa and Teresa just rolled her eyes. Onew gave a sweet smile and Hara ree back. Minho gave a silent look and Melissa smirked back. Hyuna raised her eyebrows at Taemin as he just gulped. Everyone's got someone beside me!!

Finally, the actual music started to play. I saw Shinhye come in with her dad. She looked DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. She had her head bowed down with the veil covering her face. Damn. I wanna see her face!~ She was walking up slowly and I was getting nervous. Even if I had regrets, I can't back out now. And I know for sure, I don't. Because Shinhye is the only one I'll love. Her smile is enough to make me melt. I don't know if she felt the same way but I'll still love her no matter what.

She reached the stairs and hugged her dad tight. Her dad then gave her hand in mine with a knowing smile. I smiled back in recognition and Shinhye walked up, facing me. The priest began to say his speech.

"Even if I can't see your face, you look gorgeous.." I whispered. I saw her cheeks get red from underneath. Hehe she's so cute.

"And you look like you dino self.." she whispered back.

"Huh? Wait till I get my revenge.." I gave a little smirk. Hmm you'll get it for calling me a dino.

"Wh-what? What are you going to do?" she whispered back frantically.

"You may now tell your vows" the preist said eyeing us. The preist told me what to say and I repeated after him...

"I, Kim Jonghyun, take you, Lee Shinhye, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life" I said.

 ""The preist then told Shinhye to tell her vow..

"I, Lee Shinhye, take you, Kim Jonghyun, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life" she said.

We then put the rings on each others fingers and faced the preist. I have been expecting this moment...

"You may now kiss the bride" the preist said. I lifted Shinhye's veil up and she looked so pretty. She smiled at me and I got butterflies already. I smiled back and I kissed her passionately. She was about to let go but I didn't make her. Haha she asked for it. The audience started to cheer loudly and I let go to find a flustered red face. She gave me a "I'll deal with you later" look and we walked down the aisle arm in arm.

We reached the exit and all the ladies were standing at the entrance. Teresa was right up front, ready to catch the bouquet. Aish...Shinhye stood at the front and gave me a small smile until she began the countdown.

"3..2..1..KYA!" she said cutely and throwed the bouquet. Unfortunately for the others, Teresa caught it. Ahaha she was smiling so wide and Hara and Melissa were giving her mehrongs. I saw in the corner Taemin trying to get away from Hyuna. Ahaha. Probably because he has nice fluffy golden hair.

We got into the limo and drived off.

Teresa's POV:

"Woooot! I got the bouquet! Ahaha ers!" I said smiling like never before.

"Yeah keep smiling weirdo" Melissa said going off to Minho.

"Hmm I see my girlfriend want to get married early" Key said back-hugging me.

"With another guy" Hara said sharing a light peck with Onew. Ewww!

"What? You guys are worse" Hara said rolling her eyes. Oh no~ I'm getting Hara's habit of saying things out loud O.O

"Well it's now time for reception" Hyuna said coming next to me. Hyuna and me did develop a friendly relationship already. Hehe I'm just so good in socializing..I don't have to tell me. 

"Hmm did you have fun stalking Taemin?" I asked looking at the scared Taemin hiding behing Minho.

"Gah...he wouldn't let me touch his fluffy hair" Hyuna pouted.

"Yah Taemin...don't be scared of Hyuna noona! You're in your last year for god sake" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine.." Taemin pouted and came in front of Hyuna. Hyuna then ruffled his hair making it messy. Taemin just pouted in depression. Ahaha.

"Ok that's enough..." Sulli said taking Taemin away.

"Woah where did you come from?" Hyuna asked surprised.

"Thanks for saving me yeobo!" Taemin said hugging Sulli.

"I came to take my boyfriend" Sulli said glaring at Hyuna. And I thought she was cute...

"Can we go to reception already?! I want foood~" Melissa pouted.

"Let's go then! Everyone's already leaving to go change" Hara said getting into the limo. We all climbed in and went to get changed.

At the reception...

"Congratulations Unnie!" Seline whispered to Shinhye. Hehe I haven't seen her in the wedding but she looks nice in a red gown.

Shinhye's gown looked very nice as it was a white, pale gown with stuff all over it. Her mother picked it especially and Shinhye pulled it off proudly. Jonghyun would look at Shinhye now and then to make sure his cousins won't take her away like he proclaims. What a douche. We all had to get seated at the tables. The reception was had to be to fit so many people. Suddenly, Shinhye's mum stands up and everyone goes quiet.

"Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate my daughter's and Mr and Mrs Kim's son wedding. I would now like to say a few words..." Shinhye's mum said and began her speech.

Shinhye cried at one part and hugged her mum tightly. Then everyone else gave their speech, including me and Ethan and I even made a video presentation on Shinhye and Jonghyun. Everyone was laughing as it started from baby pictures, to teenage life and then SM life and Key couldn't stop cracking up. Ethan was immune to glares as I was receiving full punishment from both of them. Huhuhu.

Shinhye and Jonghyun then had to cut the cake and we all cheered. Then they had the biggest photo-session out, where everyone took photos with the newly wedded couple. After you took a picture and gave a gift, you have to go eat dinner. I gave Shinhye a pair of emerald drops and a huge scrapbook full off embarrasing moments..I even gave her a baby photo frame...good to be early you know? I went off to the food section and Onew was already half way finished through the chicken. Aish...doesn't even care about his girlfriend. Hara was happily eating something that looked like...pastry? She was just sitting next to Onew and Melissa and laughing with the others. While I...

"I saw you receiving death was the feeling?" Ethan asked smirking.

"YOU WANT TO DIE?" I eyed him.

"Yes.." Key said grabbing my hand.

"No~ I'm too young to die!" Ethan pouted. Oh my god he's still pouting when he's 21?!?

"No one cares" Key said and pulled me off to the table. I poked my tongue at him and he just smiled at me and walked off. is very very bad O.O

"Hey guys!" Shinhye said smiling like a 100w lightbulb.

"Welcome new couple, please join our table on this very special day..." I said gracefully until Hara smacked me on the head.

"Kim Kibum~ How can you let your girlfriend get hurt like this?" I said burying my face into his shoulder. Hmm he smells nice. No wonder Hara and Onew were having an intense sniffing session...

"Because she's you friend, not your brother.." Key said putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Sit down already and EAT! The food is delicious~" Onew and Melissa said together.

"You know...they would have been the perfect couple.." Shinhye said sitting down.

"I don't think so.." Minho said giving silent treatment.

"Anyways...let's see you rings!" Hara said grabbing Shinhye's finger.

"Ooo~ It looked so pretty!" All nine SNSD Unnies exclaimed behind us. What's with people acting all pedo-ish today? But where's Tiffany Unnie?

"Where's Tiffany Unnie?" I asked curious.

"Probably flirting with Ethan?" Sunny Unnie guessed. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL AM I HEARING?

"W-what? F-F-Flirting w-w-with E-e-ethan?" I stuttered glaring at them.

"Anyways...congratulations newly wed couple! Mr and Mrs Kim...hehe" Taeyeon Unnie chuckled. Shinhye started to blush. Jonghyun pinched her cheeks and they started to bicker a little. Some things will never change...wait...where's my video camera?!

"WHERE IS MY VIDEO CAMERA?" I asked in monotone.

"With me" Ethan said popping out of nowhere.

"Give it!" I said trying to grab for it.

"Not until you accept Tiffany and me dating" he said keeping at a height. Dammit he's tall.

"Yes I accept! Please give it back to me~" I pouted. He gave it back to me and I started recording everything.

"Not!" I said smiling evily.

"That's why it's still on record what you said! Ha!" Ethan said smirking.

"Oh man" I mumbled. Tiffany Unnie is living in hell. Gah wish you the best!

Shinhye's POV: 

Everyone left after that and we gave our goodbye's. All my wedding gifts were shifted into the new house that me and Jonghyun are going to live in. Oh my god...I don't know how the house will look like.

"Are you nervous?" Jonghyun asked squeezing my hands. We were nearly reaching the destination.

"Yes because I have no idea how it looks like" I said giving a tiny smile.

"We have arrived, Mr and Mrs Kim" the driver said happily, as the gates opened. We saw a house that looked really wide. It wasn't a mansion, but it was a home where it looked rich but had the sense of family in it. It was big enough for me to run around everywhere I guess. But, never the less, it looked beautiful.

"Do you like it?" Jonghyun asked staring at it.

"I love it" I replied in awestruck. (A/N: Credits to 2pm_hottie...a suitable word to fit here ^_^)

"My aunty picked it, that's why" Jonghyun said getting out of the limo and helping me get up as well. I was about to regain my balance when Jonghyun picked me up bridal style and started to carry me inside.

"What are you doing Kim Jonghyun?"









Said Jonghyun's aunty. Woah what is she doing here along with my parents. Jonghyun quickly put me down and we smiled awkwardly to our parents.

"As we have just saw your behaviour...we think it's best that you sleep on two separate rooms.." my dad said eyeing Jonghyun.

"What?" Jonghyun asked shocked.

"Well it doesn't look like you can behave yourselves.." my mum said eyeing me.

"You're still should sleep separately" Jonghyun's Uncle nodded.

"We're both 18..." Jonghyun said pouting slightly. Aww he was really expecting something? Aish..I'm kind of disappointed too...gah my parents are so helpless. They enjoyed so why can't we?! Ok I feel like a ert...

"We know but...please understand us. We'll leave with the hopes that you two won't do anything wrong.." Jonghyun's aunty said getting up.

"Neh~" I said bowing slightly.

"Aww you have such an obedient beautiful daughter.." Jonghyun's aunty exclaimed hugging me tight.

"We know.." my mum chuckled lightly. Of course you know, you were overseas the whole time. When they left, Jonghyun smiled widely again.

"It's not like they know what we're doing ri-"

"No Jonghyun. I'm going to sleep im my bedroom. Good night Yeobo~" I said and pecked him on the lips before going upstairs.

"Yeobo? and what?! Nooo~" Jonghyun said and followed me up. I went inside my bedroom before he can come in and locked it.

"As much as I would like too Jonghyun, you have to respect elders.." I said frowning.

"Fine...yeobo..." Jonghyun sad sadly behind the door and walked away. Sorry yeobo~ I went towards the wardrobe, picking out my pajamas. I'm so happy I married him. I knew my heart always beat for him but I got lust take control over me for Hyun Joong. But now I know the real person I love. The person who makes me smile, and makes me feel dizzy and light-headed, and the person who gives me butterflies with a simple hug...I love you Kim Jonghyun. Forever and ever.

Jonghyun's POV:

From when I was young...I perfected myself in the lock picking skill. Mwahaha I'm so evil. I untwisted the lock and got into Shinhye's room. Seriously, it will be very depressing for me if I don't see my wife's face the next day morning. I saw her sleeping in a cacoon and made way for me in the bed. I hugged her tight from behind and she tensed up.

"Jonghyun..." she said rubbing her eyes.

"Go to sleep" I said and buried my face in her neck.

"Yah...get off me and go to your room.." Shinhye said trying to pull me off.

"Just go to sleep...I want to atleast see my wife's face in the morning" I whined and started to drift off to sleep.

"Fine..." she said sleepily and turned around the other way to hug me back. Hmm I'm never going to stop liking this feeling she gives me. 


Ok...I don't know ANYTHING about how a wedding works...I'm just that if anything seems out of place...TELL ME! Hope you enjoyed this long boring chapter...huhu it's already 2:30 here ><" I was working on this chapter from...8pm?? This was so hard to was my best buddy for this one..haha. And if you thought it was going to end...NOPE it's not xD Still a few chaps to go lol. And WOOT Jonghyun and Shinhye are married. Welcome you the new Kim couple xD

P.S. SOOO sorry for grammitical errors...I really need to go to sleep because otherwise I'm going to fall overboard on the cruize because of sleepiness...O.O

P.P.S. I can't really write a scene like...if you know what I mean...*cough bed scene cough* Because I and this fanfic is not rated and even if it was I would still not write*I'M SO FAIL AUTHOR ><*

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!