
You're Driving me Crazy

Day before the party in the morning...

Shinhye's POV:

Life just keeps getting great! *sigh* Gosh I will remember that wednesday for the rest of my entire life...I hope I have my first kiss already! Kim Hyun Joong and I have been hanging out in school all the time and everyone would be jealous. And he kinda likes getting close I guess. He keeps on putting his arm around my waist but I don't mind...I have a HOT boyfriend! We even had our first date..aishh but SOMEONE or should I say SOME PEOPLE had to just ruin it....

*Flashback of Shinhye's Date with Kim Hyun Joong*

I got dressed up nicely and everyone said I looked cute and hot at the same time! This is going to go absolutely perfect! I was waiting in front of the movies because we were going to watch a movie together. He said he had to come in disguise because of the public but I didn't mind because...DUH I have a HOT boyfriend! I saw a a figure coming towards me and it looked like a man with the abs visibly he a pedo? O.o I backed away little as he kept on coming further towards me...Ok scary. He was wearing a big trenchcoat and I round black hat which made him look like a detective. I kept on backing away step by step while he kept on coming towards me step by step...OK...creepy! Unfortunately I pushed myself against the wall and I was getting really scared. The guy came right up to my face and we were only inches apart. My eyes started widening and I swear I must look like a retard right now but my fighting instincts will now come into action! I was about to kick him in the *you know what I mean* but then he started laughing so bad.

"Hyun Joong!!!" I whined. Gosh how can he act like that?!

" looked so cute" he said and I blushed madly. he's my boyfriend but WHAT THE HELL, I can't avoid blushing at comments like that.

"Ok..let's go inside before you turn into a tomato" he said and that made me blush even more. We went inside and we decided to watch a horror movie. Seriously horror movies creep me out so much...yes I am the typical girl who HATES horrow movies but then I really wanna watch it at the same time. We got a large popcorn and two drinks and went inside to watch Paranormal activity 3...who knew it would be showing in Korea too? We entered the cinemas and sat down at the second last row in the back so we can have a good view of the movie. After the boring ads, the movie started showing. I heard some people make some noise in the back but I didn't care...I wanna enjoy the date with Oppa! Kekeke.

Hyun Joong was already getting scared after 20 minutes and I realised her was such a scaredy cat. I can't even watch the movie! I keep on saying that it will be okay and he keeps on squeezing my arm. Poor arm. But everytime I did that, there would always be popcorn throwing at us from the back until we let go. I would give them death glares but then I can't see who it is because it's so dark. Urgh my life...It was getting scarier and since Hyun Joong was squeezing the life out of my arms, I had no one to cling on too. Note to self: Never watch a scary movie with Kim Hyun Joong. 

I pretended to be excused for the toilet since I needed some relief for my arm. It took me a while to get him off my arm and then I exited towards the bathroom. I breathed out a sigh and touched up my make-up. I went back inside and sat on my seat but it felt like someone's lap. What the hell? O.o I turned around but I couidn't see the face. All I can register right now is that 1. Hyun Joong is clinging on to a fat arm 2. This feeling seems familiar 3. I know that this is guy I'm sitting on. I got up abruptly and sat on the other seat next to the guy since the other seat next to Hyun Joong was already occupied by an ahjusshi.

"Yah! Why are you sitting on my seat?" I whispered angrily.

"Why can't I? And who said this was your seat numbers!" he whispered back and continued to watch the movie. I know that voice...

"Should I call Key to tell him you're cheating on him?" I whispered angrily back.

"Go ahead, he's right behind me" he said smirking and I looked around to see his whole freakin group giving me their pedo smiles *excluding Taemin*. All I can see is 4 pairs of white teeth in an upright position.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered angrily.

"Nothings's going on...we are here to watch the movie" he replied innocently.

"Why did you bring Taemin to this movie?!" 

"Chill...he has a sleeping mask on"

"WTH? And what exactly are you doing in my seat?"

"Getting a better WATCH THE MOVIE" he said and then everytime I talked to him he will just put a finger on my lips and shut me up.

Also, once in a while, Oppa will keep on whimpering "Mommy"...PATHETIC. Seriously I love him but DUDE. I watched the rest of the movie in boredom when suddenly a figure appeared out of nowhere and I buried my face into the closest thing near me. Which was Jonghyun. I didn't care because that was really scary and I noticed I didn't let go. But then I didn't want too. He had this nice cologne smell which smelled so nice while I couldn't smell anything on Hyun Joong. I think I stayed like that for the whole movie until Jonghyun gently took my head away and I saw Kim Hyun Joong still grabbing Jonghyun's arm. Oh god. I blushed so bad and I dragged Hyun Joong away form those pedos. URGH my date was totally a fail.

*End of Flashback* 

Unfortunately, we couldn't go straight to the mall without changing out of our school uniform because if Seohee Unnie found out...we will be DEAD. It's been a long time since we went shopping and everytime I enter that mall, the event that got us here in the first place always recalls in my mind. Hmm as I was saying, life is absolutely great.

"Hey Shinhye, are you ready?" Melissa asked excited. Ok that's odd. Since when was she ever excited to go shopping? I finished doing my messy bun and I found Unnie there smiling brightly at us.

"Hi Unnie!~" I screamed and hugged her. Lolol I get excited easily.

"OK..Hi Shinhye...I heard about the party that Kim Hyun Joong's sister is having and I was advised to go with you guys for shopping! Hehe exciting right?" Unnie said exicted.

"Yes!!!!" Hara said excitedly.

"And also...everyone is going to get a NEW look!" Unnie said excitedly.

"Yay! I love you Unnie!" Teresa said jumping up and down.

"I know you do~" she replied and we all went to the mall.

Hara's POV:

God did we spend ages! But it is was worth it...Teresa and Unnie have such good taste! My dress went perfect with my skin colour and it was a peachy apricot colour one-shoulder dress that flowed up to my knees. Teresa paired it with a pair of peach high heels and a gold bracelet. Kyaaa can't wait to wear it! Teresa got a blue colour dress that went well with her pale skin tone. It had intricate designs on it and it went up to the knees as well. She had blue velvet high heels making her taller than she already is but not too tall I guess. She decided to wear her own jewellery which I don't even know what it is. Shinhye went with red because apparently it will make her look hot or something and I was like...whatever! But she pulled it off very well with the dress outlining her curves (im not a ert!) and it was a little shorter but suitable. She got red shiny heels and a gold necklace. Now we were up to finding Melissa a dress...we have to impress charismatic Minho right? ;)

"Melissa...this pink dress is a total bomb for you" Teresa said in approval with Shinhye.

"Are you sending me on a suicide mission?" Melissa asked with wide eyes.

"Ahah those guys are only I got you a y black come you never told me you were dating Minho huh?" Unnie said a bit hurt. Oops...we forgot to tell her...

"Sorry Unnie..." Melissa said giving her aegyo.

"Ewww" Teresa booed.

"Shut up" Melissa pouted.

"Hehe that's ok. So this y black dress that has a silky fall on the back will sure to get you some guys you hottie!" Unnie said excitedly.

"Serious?...OK! But I am only wearing this because it's BLACK" Melissa said seriously.

"Yeah yeah whatever JUST GO~" Teresa said and pushed her in the change rooms. When she came out, we all just gaped at her. OMG SHE LOOKED SO Y. (AGAIN...I'm not a ert!)

"Dude...if you don't get will be my number one victim on my murder list...right after Teresa" I said staring at her.

"Yah!" Teresa pouted.

"OMG YOU HAVE TO GET THIS!" Shinhye screamed.

"Shinhye, came down" Unnie said laughing.

"OK~ And here is a silver ring...that's all you need to pull this off" Shinhye said nodding at her work.

"I see...going with bare-feet?" I said in amusement.

" is a pair of specially made gold heels to go with this dress people" Teresa said giving it to Unnie.

" everyone's got a dress! Let's go home now~" Unnie said relieved.

"What about chicken?" Melissa whined.

"Ok FINE we'll have chicken and go" Unnie said and the after we payed, we went to KFC.


And then they went home -.- LOL sorry for not updating yesterday guys :3 I had to update my co-author fanfic so yeah :/ Also I wanted to really update yesterday because it was my friends b'day but then I forgot that I HAD to update and not go to sleep but yeah I did that so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANILA!!! <3 for yesterday and hope you like this chap guys~ Get ready for some drama for next chap ;) Thank you everyone for reading and suscribing ^^ I really appreciate all your comments :') *tears of joy*

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!