I don't deserve you

You're Driving me Crazy

Jonghyun's POV:

I'm starting to feel guilty now. I was just too annoyed at that moment so I made her sleep on the floor. I didn't mean for that to happen. I peeked on the corner and she looked sick. Oh my god I'm so mean. I got out of the bed and it was really freezing. And she was only wearing a sleep shirt. I must be a really mean person...Oh man. I picked her up gently, careful not to wake her up. She was so cold. I guess I was warm because she snuggled into my chest. I smirked but then I felt guilty again. I put her on the bed gently after a few times of trying to let her go of my shirt. Then I crawled in to the bed next to her and hugged her so she can keep warm. She snuggled into me and I was enjoying this so much. I decided to sing her to sleep and I sang a lullaby my mum used to sing to me. And soon after I fell asleep too.

Shinhye's POV:

I had the most amazing dream ever. I was sleeping in Jonghyun's arms and he sang a lullaby for me to go to sleep. His voice is so ADDICTIVE. I've always been attracted to him from the very beginning. I've realised that he was always there for me, no matter what situation I was in. He would care for me but then become mean again. I woke up groggily and I blinked a few times to get the blurry vision out of the way. I was in Jonghyun's arms again. Gosh I'm still dreaming. I blinked again a few times and I was LITERALLY in his arms. Oh my gawd.

Jonghyun's eyes blinked open and he saw me staring at him with wide eyes. He smirked.

"Good morning..." he said sleepily and went back to sleep.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN?!?!" I screamed and pushed him off me making him fall on the floor. Lucky this bed wasn't too high off the ground.

"Owww" he groaned rubbing his back.

"That's what you get!" I yelled and stormed off out of the room. HOW IN THE WORLD DID I GET INTO THE BED?! Did I sleepwalk or something?

I went to the bathroom to find my battered dress hanging on the rack. Oh yeah...I need some clothes to change into. I looked at the wall clock and it was around 8...when was the car coming? I can't stand a day...well night with this guy. I went downstairs and the old ahjusshi looked up from reading his magazine and gave a pedo smile again. I shuddered a bit.

"Ahjusshi...do you have some APPROPRIATE casual clothes to change into for me?" I asked him.



"Yes Ms.Lee, just a minute" he said in his gruffy voice and went inside the room behind reception. Do they have like everythign in here?? Seriously...

"Here you go Ms.Lee" he said and gave me a big bag.

"Kamsahamnida" I said and went back upstairs.

When I came in, I heard the tap running so that dino is probably taking a shower right now. I went into the bedroom and found his cell charging. I was about to call but his phone rang saying secretary. Might as well answer it...


"Hello Mr.Kim?" the secretary said.

"Sorry this is Ms.Lee" I said.

"Oh my...ah...Can I please speak to Mr.Kim?"

"He's in the shower right now...I can pass the message on" I offered.

"Ok kamsahamnida. The car to pick you up broke down halfway so the chauffier will probably pick you up in the afternoon"

"WHAT?! Are you saying I have to stay with dino until afternoon?!" I screamed through the phone. Ok I shouldn't scream for this.

"Mianhe...it's just that Mr.Kim is very annoying" I grumbled.

"No that's okay...he can get on one's nerves quite easily but he has a very soft heart" the secretary said sadly.

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked. That dino looks like he will never come out of that shower anytime soon...might as well hear a story.

"Well there is a story behind this...is Mr.Kim around?" she asked nervously.

"No...he's taking his glorious time in the shower"

"Ok then I'll start...

Jonghyun was the only child in his family, so therefore he was treated as very special. He got everything he ever wanted. But his parents were never there for him. His mum loved him very much and was there for him until she got depression when Jonghyun was 5. Jonghyun's father was a really big player and Jonghyun's mum would always bear his scoldings and ual abuse. One day she couldn't take it anymore and she hanged herself in Jonghyun's room when Jonghyun was playing with his toys downstairs. When Jonghyun's father saw this, he blamed Jonghyun and beat him up whenever he was drunk. The maids were advised not to say anything but they took care of him very well. Jonghyun also never went to school for a couple of months because of horrible beatings. Eventually the police found out and they put Jonghyun's father in jail. Since then, Jonghyun was living with his Aunty. I am one of her secretary's but I am assigned to Jonghyun. Also Jonghyun is a very caring person deep down and he shows his affection to no other level for the people he loves the most. And that's about it...anything else?"


Tears escaped my eyes. Even though my parents never visited me or cared about my existence, they were still alive. I feel so guilty to all the stuff I've done to him so far. I think I've breaked his heart so many times...because of Kim Hyun Joong. Maybe he loved me all this time based on his behaviour...and I think I've always loved him but I never accepted it...I don't deserve Kim Jonghyun. 


"U-umm also do you know anything about Shin Sekyung?" I asked stuttering. The secretary paused before answering

"How do you know her?"

"I heard Jonghyun murmuring her name when he was sleeping a few months ago..."

"Well that was Jonghyun's first love" I knew it!

"Tell me more about her"

"As you wish...

When Jonghyun was around 17, he got accepted into SM. To celebrate, his aunty held a party at their mansion. She invited all relatives to this party. Most millionares would not feel pity for kids like Jonghyun, but luckily his relatives were very nice since they knew Jonghyun's dad was no good. And they knew that Jonghyun wouldn't turn out like his dad. But to tell the truth, he does look like a player *chuckles* But back to the story. At that party, he met Shin Sekyung. It was like love at first sight. Since that day on, they were officially dating. Jonghyun dated with his love. Sekyung dated for publicity. A few months ago, the publicity got tired of following Jonghyun and Sekyungs relationship for gossip. Jonghyun was extremely happy that there was no more publicity to follow him around. But Sekyung lost her publicity, so she broke up with him. It took him a while to recover and SHINee fans weer extremely happy with this. Judging on his attitude now, I think he has found a new person..."

"Yeah maybe. Thanks for telling me all this...ummm"

"You can call me Unnie...I am older than you in a way"

"Hehe ok Unnie, thanks for letting me know...actually I kinda trust you and can I tell you something?" I asked nervously.

"Umm sure...don't worry I won't tell anyone" OK that's good.


Jonghyun's POV:

I came out of the shower wearing some clothes this time since I didn't want to get screamed at again. I was about to enter the bedroom to see if I had any calls but I saw Shinhye talking on it. Hmm I wonder who she's talking too...I guess eavesdropping doesn't hurt.


"Hehe ok Unnie, thanks for letting me know...actually I kinda trust you and can I tell you something?" she asked nervously. Unnie? As far as I know she only has a little brother.

"Ok that's good..umm I like well love Kim Jonghyun" she sighed. What?! SHE LOVES ME?!

"Yeah I know...but all that's happened till now...I've broke his heart so many times...and after hearing his whole story...I don't deserve him" she said sadly.

"What? He likes me too? Really? But even if he did, he will hate me now because I've made him sad so many times....forget it Unnie...anyways thanks for hearing me out...I only came inside to call Seohee Unnie about my delay for arriving at Seoul"

"Ok Unnie bye!" she said and cut the phone.


Then she flopped on the bed face first.

"Owww" she groaned. She then got up and I quickly hid in the kitchen.

"Where is that Dino?" she mumbled and then went into the bathroom. So right now...I love her...and she loves me...but she thinks she doesn't deserve me. AIsh...she does! But then if I tell her that...she will know I eavesdropped. Urgh! I am calling my secretary right now! 


"Hello secretary?" I asked in my grumpy voice.

"Yes Mr.Kim" she asked nervously.

"What exactly did you tell Shinhye?" 

"Well she demanded it so I told her your WHOLE story...I guess you heard the confession part?" she said slyly. I could hear her smirking. Aish...

"Yes I did...and she said something about delays? What's going on?"

"Oh your're ride will be coming in the afternoon due to breakdown. Have fun!" she said and cut the phone.


What? How can she cut the phone on me like that? I called Onew about the delay and Hara and Melissa were laughing in the back. They really like this don't they? I went into the kitchen to find pancakes on the table.

"I heard you told Onew about the delay...how did you know?" she asked curiously. Oh THINK OF SOMETHING.

"U-umm my secretary called when you went inside the bathroom.." I said confidently.

"Oh umm ok" she said and began to eat. Ok this is awkward...Idea!

"You know that I can't move a single inch in my body because you pushed me to the ground" I said pouting.

"Oh really? Fine" she said and stuffed a spoon of pancake in my mouth. Wasn't expecting this but it will do. For the rest of breakfast, she had one spoonful for herself and stuffed one spoonful in my mouth. Do you know how many indirect kisses that was?! Hehehe I can be pedo sometimes.

She washed the dishes and I was just staring at her the whole time. I think she noticed when she gave me a glare...she heard my whole story and she acts like this towards me? Hmph.

"Let's play truth or dare!" I said excitedly.

"What? Last time I played this, I had to sit on your lap" she said annoyed at the memory. Hmph she's blushing a bit. Hahaha.

"Well it's just us so nothing weird is gonna happen" I said. She thought about it for awhile.

"Fine" Yes! We sat opposite to each other one the fluffy mat on the floor in the middle of the apartment and we started throwing truth and dares to each other.

"Truth or Dare?" Shinhye asked.

"Dare" I said.

"Are you sure?" she said smiling.

"Yes.." I said nervously.

"I dare you to...piggyback me up and down the stairs 6 times...you won't last" she said chuckling. Urgh this is too easy. Doesn't she know that she's light?

"Fine" I said and put her on to my back. Then I went outside and ran up and down the stairs 6 times and the ahjusshi was laughing at us. Yeah laugh all you want. I went back inside and I sat down. There was sweat running down my forehead. Urgh running with her on my back is painful not walking.

"Aww poor dino is sweating" she laughed. Hmmm it's my turn right?

"Truth or Dare?" I asked.

"Hmm Dare" Shinhye said. Yes!

"Are you sure?" I said imitating her.

"Yesss" she rolled her eyes.

"Kiss me"

Hara's POV:

I wonder what Shinhye and Jonghyun are doing right now....hmmm I don't want to know. Haha. SNSD, F(x), Taemin, Onew, Minho, Melissa and me just arrived at the hospital to visit Teresa. Key was there too because he LOVES Teresa. Ahaha what a confession. Finally I get to tease Teresa. But I really want to see her though. She got shot on the arm and it's obvious that she is going to make it because it was the arm but Key thought of it like it was the end of the world. Aish...what love could do to people.

I entered the room to find Key and Teresa sleeping together. OMG...they did it on a hospital bed?!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Melissa started cracking up so bad. I started laughing too and then everyone started laughing besides SNSD that thought it was so cute and Victoria and Luna. I think Luna got over the obsession with Minho since Melissa told me that she apoligised to them. So now we're all friends! I saw Krystal and she looked so scary. Uh oh...

Key woke up and saw everyone and rubbed his eyes.

"Hi everyone..." Key said groggily. Sunny and Hyeyeon were squealing because it was so cute. GAG...

Teresa also woke up and saw everyone and then she blushed so much. Ahaha er. I went up to her and smirked.

"Had a GOOD sleep Teresa?" I asked innocently.

"Shut up the-person-who-hasn't-even-confessed-yet" Teresa smirked back at me. Urgh she wins this time!

Key's POV:

It's good that everyone came to visit us. SNSD brought so many food and Onew went straight to eat chicken. Teresa was talking to Hara, Melissa, Minho, Taemin, Sulli and Amber and they were having a big laughing fit over something. Good to see Teresa smiling though. SNSD was chatting away happily and laughing at Onew who just tripped over his shoelace. Onew sangtae~ I looked over at Krystal to find her staring right at me with a scary look in her eyes. She's dating Kikwang and she still hasn't gotten over me yet? Huh too bad but I love Teresa now.

"Hey Key! What are you doing over there?" Teresa called me. Hey Key?! That is NOT how you call me from now on.

"What 'Hey Key'?!" I imitated her voice.

"Yah~...then what else do you want me to call you?" she whined.

"Oppa" I said smiling.

"Fine...Oppa" she rolled her eyes.

"Gomawo~" I sang and kissed her on the forehead. Everyone started squealing at the cuteness and Teresa just rolled her eyes. I saw Minho complaining with Melissa to call him Oppa as well. Haha.

Shinhye's POV:

"Kiss Me" he said.

"Excuse me?" I said bewildered.

"You're the one who picked dare" he smirked at me. Gosh this evil little dino. I went up to him and pecked him on the cheek,

"There" I said smiling at my victory.

"No you have to kiss me on the lips" 

"WHAT?!" I screamed. 

"Otherwise you have to kiss the ahjusshi on the lips for backing away from the dare...So it's either ME or AHJUSSHI" he said smirking. OMG how can he be so mean to me?!

I went up to him slowly and I was so nervous. I have never ever had my first kiss in my entire life! ARGH!!! I pecked him lightly on the lips but then he grabbed me and kissed me passionately. I think I was in Lala land. My erted side took over and I kissed him back. He then let go of me and we stared into each other's eyes.

"Don't say you don't deserve me" he whispered.


"I love you Shinhye"


Wahaha ok...so...umm...yeah I noticed that there is soo many kissing scenes and yeahh :S I'm gonna stop it now....like....ASDFGHJKL don't know what got into me these past few chapters but yeah dramas over people....NOT. So most people are in a relationship, some people still haven't confessed, new relationships will be revealed, and a hell lot of problems are on the way! LOL. xD

P.S. Sorry for the lame title...I didn't know what to put as the title :/

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!