F(x) leads to trouble?

You're Driving me Crazy

Teresa's POV:

Where is that chick?? We have like BIG trouble in our dorm. Those idoits can't keep themselves in their own dorm because they are worried where Minho went and I am very annoyed because Melissa is also missing too....wait...ARE THEY TOGETHER???

"Dude...What the heck?" Jonghyun said annoyed. Woot I got him annoyed by talking out loud. Ehehe -.-

"I just thought that...you know how Minho AND Melissa are missing....are they like...together???" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"OMG I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING!!! Awww Melissa already has a boyfriend....I want a boyfriend too! OMG I really hope Kim Hyun Joong asks me out..." Shinhye said excited. I saw Jonghyun snickering. LOL.

"Well you might have to wait sometime Shinhye, because when you debut, you will be doing concerts and stuff and you will see him in most concerts soo be patient!" Jessica Unnie said.

"OMG CHINCHA?! Kyaaaa! I seriously wanna go out with that hot guy..." Shinhye said dreamily.

"Shinhye...it's also important to know his personality too...he may be hot but I heard he's quite a player..." Tiffany Unnie said wisely.

"Oh really?...Well...I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH! But then I don't wanna get heartbroken...AISH!" Shinhye shouted in frustration. I knew Jonghyun had a secret crush on Shinhye but he's really confused of his break-up with Shin Se Kyung...Shinhye told me everything about that day...hehe...they really have some chemistry. Maybe I should talk to Jonghyun some time...

"Ok whatever...hey Shinhye, don't you have something for Taeminnie?" Hara said.

"OH YEAH! Teresa go get it!" Shinhye said to me. Taemin's face was getting excited and I was really glad...he has such a comforting smile...too bad I'm one day older than him. I went to the bedroom and got out the nicely wrapped PS3 box with a little note on it from Shinhye. She is soo sweet!

"Here Taeminnie! We all hope you like it but Shinhye is the one that ordered it for you...when you see what it is, promise to take us all out arraso?" I said and handed it to him.

"Kamsahamnida Teresa noona! Can I open it now?.." Taemin asked hesitating.

"Sure!" I said. I know he is going to like it! Taemin quickly opened it up and all of them were in shock.

"WOAH.....THANKS NOONAS!!!!" Taemin said gleefully and started jumping up and down. He then did a sudden surprise hug on all of us.

"Taemin-ah, be careful not to touch the nails" Tiffany Unnie giggled.

"Oh haha mianhe..." Taemin said shyly.

"Haha that's okay...glad you like it!" Hara said.

*Knock Knock*

"That better be them, otherwise I'm gonna kill them!" Key said and he went up to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, everyone gasped at what they were seeing.

"OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. They were soaking wet and Hara quickly got a towel for the newest couple out. Minho and Melissa walked in holding hands and smiling like two insanely in love idoits...lol.

"Ok no need to scream sheesh" Melissa said rolling her eyes.

"Congrats Minho Hyung!" Taemin said gleefully and then he showed his new PS3 to him.

"Woah...who gave you that?" Minho asked.

"Shinhye Noona!" Taemin said happily.

"Thanks Shinhye a LOT...I thought I was gonna die in boredom living with those three boring people" Minho said.

"YAH! What are you talking about?! And how can a quiet guy like you get a girl anyway??" Key said annoyed.

"YAH! Don't diss their relationship pabo! Just because your jealous you don't have one....hmph!" I said and smirked at him. He just gave a glare and looked away. Pssh like I care. Everyone else was congratulating them both and Melissa and Minho went to change into dry clothes.

Minho's POV:

I am so happy right now! I took a shower and changed into a casual tee and a pair of jeans. I got out of my dorm and I saw f(x) making their way to U.S. dorm too. Luna looked at me and gave a look which always meant trouble. I gave her a blank face and I greeted the rest of the members.

"Hey guys...you finally meeting U.S?" I asked.

"Yeah! We haven't visited them and we live right next to them...urgh...blame the heavy schedule..." Sulli said.

"Yeah well come in...I'm also going in too..." I said avoiding Luna's stare.

We went in and U.S. gave f(x) a warm greeting. Melissa avoided Luna's death glare and concentrated on Sulli's face. Aish Luna is so annoying. Making my girlfriend feel uncomfortable...

Hara's POV:

Ok so we finally met f(x). They're pretty cool I guess. Victoria is awesome and so is Sulli. Amber kind of goes well with Teresa since she talks about anything. I think Victoria and me can be best buddies! Luna and Krystal were kinda weird...Luna kept giving Melissa looks for some reason and Krystal always looked at Key and Key would be staring at the wall. Hmmm...better ask Jessica Unnie later. Taemin kept stealing glances of Sulli and vice versa. Urgh so much love hate going on right now!

"Ok guys...we have a schedule in an hour so we better get going! Today was lot's of fun too...next time we will come with everyone else! You guys are hilarious hehe" Tiffany Unnie said and Jessica Unnie said bye to everyone and they went. I know...Teresa was hilarious...by making fun of me! I pouted at the thought.

"Why are you pouting at Onew?" Teresa whispered. What?...I WAS WHAT?

"Oh I was remembering how you made FUN of me in front of all of them" I said annoyed.

"Oh haha then continue" Teresa said and walked off. Urgh I hate her!

"Umm soo I guess we better go now then?" Jonghyun said trying to get out of the girly environment.

"Yeah...." Key said and they made their way to the door.

"YAY! I wanna try out my PS3!" Taemin said happily and followed suit behind them.

"I'll stay here with Melissa" Minho said protectively.

"Pssh no need to get so protective on the first day!" Melissa pouted.

"Aigooo they're soo cute!" Shinhye said happily.

I saw Teresa was also noticing the weird glares that Luna keeps giving to Melissa. I have to find out.

"Onew...Hara's making chicken for dinner...so you can go if you want to..." Teresa said innocently. What? Is she serious?

"Chincha? Aww thanks Hara-ah!!!" Onew said happily. Ok that was cute. But you're still getting it Teresa. I gave a death glare to her before walking off to the kitchen.

Shinhye's POV:

"You guys can stay over for dinner too if you want to" I said to f(x).

"Yeah sure, why not!" Victoria said. Soon dinner was ready and everyone was eating. I noticed Luna giving death glares to Melissa...What the heck? That has gone on long enough. You're caught now baby!

"Yah Luna-ah! STOP GIVING DEATH GLARES TO MELISSA" I said protectively.

"What? I wasn't giving any death glares! Are you trying to make some about me?" Luna said getting really angry.

"First if all, if you were honest you would stay calm. Second of all, you're an idol. You should talk more maturely when handling a situation like this" Teresa said blankly.

"YAH! YOU CAN'T TALK TO SOMEONE WHO IS ALREADY EXPERIENCED! YOU'RE JUST A DUM LITTLE TRAINEE WHO DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Luna said smacking the table. Everyone was shocked. Omg....how can she say that? Luna is really mean...

"LUNA! How dare you speak like that to them! We were once in those same positions you know?" Victoria yelled at Luna. Luna stared at the wall.

"Luna spill it out. What the hell is wrong?" Amber asked.

"What's wrong you ask me? What's wrong?! What's wrong is that I am supposed to Minho's girlfriend NOT that little ! She probably seduced Minho and Minho can't get out of her trap!" Luna said annoyed. What the hell? ? SEDUCED?

"You're a REAL you know that?! Start realising that and then you'll know why Minho never picked you! Melissa would never seduce a guy! You don't even know her story you ! Get lost you ! Let them be happy alright? You do anything nasty to anyone one of us or SHINee and you will seriously..." I shouted and Teresa continued.



Hohoho so like it's kinda a drama packed cat fight chap lol....so like there's some drama.....but originally I was gonna make Luna's revenge longer but then this sudden idea popped into my head and I so I did this but yeaa hoped you liked it :) Thank you everyone for suscribing!! Love yous <3

P.S. I would have wrote more but I woke up around 4:00 today to make cupcakes for school and I forgot to take a photo of them to show you guys...oh wells...and it's 9 at night here in Aus so like I'm really sleepy =='

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!