Comp #1

You're Driving me Crazy

Melissa's POV:

Today was Sunday. My sleeping day. Not my shopping day. Just because I finished my homework, all three of them decide to go shopping. And unfortunately for me, I am their best friend and they can't leave me alone. We were inside the mall, and the three of them were all having a discussion on which one looks fashionable blah blah blah. I got bored of staring at the ceiling and went over to them.

"Yah Melissa, we decided to get ourselves new looks...and YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT" Shinhye said.

"WHAT" I said.

"Yes! Finally something fun to do~ Don't worry we also got clothes for you too" Teresa said.

"I am not coming guys...."

"Sorry but you are" Hara said.

We were on our way to the hair salon when there was this competition for a group of friends to get a complete make-over and beauty treatment and much more. OMG they better not see this. I started to make an excuse to go the bathroom but Teresa's big eyes just had to catch that sign. AISH I'M A DEAD MAN NOW.

"OMG!!! It's a freaking competition and we get make-overs for FREE!" Teresa shouted.

"SHUT UP Teresa" Hara said.

"Yes! Let's all participate!" Shinhye said.

Oh man. Once again I get dragged to the competition place. There was a stage set up in the centre of the mall and there was a runway coming into the centre. A lot of plastic seats were set up in front for the audience and some people were already there. We went to the signing place and there were 3 groups already there...YAY! Most of them were s and girly girls so we have NO chance of winning...haha~ Teresa signed us up and we went into the backstage area. One of the groups were wearing short shorts that looked more like underwear then a piece of clothing. All of us were wearing skinny jeans and some type of black top. What a coincidence.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the annual 2011 'Do you have what it takes?' competition! Before we get started, this is strictly a competition only for girl groups so please boys, stop signing up" the MC said. Surely, there was a bunch of boys signing up and they grunted and walked away. WEIRD~~~

"Now let's get started! 4 groups have signed up for the competition and this year, we decided to let the group make a name for their group!" the MC said cheerfully. There is something seriously wrong with this MC.

"First up we have Beautiful forever!" A group of girly girls came up on stage. "Second we have Too hot for you!" The group with underwear came on stage. "Third we have SHINY girls!" Pssh fangirls thinking that SHINee is SHINY?! HAHAHA!

"Yah shut up. Next is our turn!" Teresa whispered angrily. Oops I said that loud.

"Sorry" I pouted.

"Finally, we have U.S which stands for United Sisters!" the MC called up. Seriously? Our singstar group name?

Jonghyun's POV:

We all got dragged along by Key in our disguises to the shopping mall because he wanted to go shopping. Sometimes, I hate Key. We were browsing through stores when I saw a stage set up in the center of the mall. Once again it's the secret program designed by SM Entertainment to find good girl groups to debut for them. So this is practically a public audition. But it's going undercover and displaying as get a make-over blah blah. But the girls already know that this is a audition anyway. I was curious as to which kind of girls will participate this year and dragged all of them with me to the seats.

"Oh cool. Something that's more fun to watch than shopping" Minho said.

"YAH! Shopping is COOL" Key scoffed.

"As usual, being a diva...when can we get KFC?" Onew asked.

"OMG let's just watch the show Hyung!" Taemin said.

We sat in back and WHY WAS OUR MANAGER HOSTING THE SHOW?! We all gave each other blank looks and we concentrated on the show.

"Finally, we have U.S which stands for United Sisters!" our mangager said. WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE? They don't even know that this is a secret audition for new SM girl groups.

"Ok now everyone introduce yourselves" All the girls introduced themselves and then it was time for the 3 rounds and finale!

Hara's POV:

"There are 3 rounds and a finale. First round is the runway where you will go change backstage and you have to walk the runway with your group. There will be no elimanation. Elimanations start in second and third round and then you battle it out in the finale. Second round is to test your skills. The third round will test your general knowledge and there will be three challenges in this round. The finale will be a surprise! Now that you know the info, please go change backstage for the runway" the MC said.

Ok now that is weird...all this for a free make-over? We went backstage and a few stylists took us to a separate room.

"You girls are the best we have seen so far! I'm sure you will win this audition!..and you can call us all unnies!" one of the Unnie's said.

"Ne Unnie!" we all said.

"Wait...did you say Audition Unnie?" Teresa asked, Yeah...she did say audition...

"Yes I did! Everyone knows that this is a secret SM entertainment audition for girl groups...most people don't make it so this is the most we've had so far...very exciting right?" the other Unnie said.

"Is that the company where SHINee's group is in?" Shinhye asked.

"Ne" the third Unnie said.

"Oh man..." Teresa mumbled.

We got our hair all styled up the same way and got same outfits to look just like a girl group. Our hair was braided on the side and then it comes into a ponytail with a few curls. Shinhye looked through the outfits and picked the outfit that looked like Ke$ha..WTH?! Unfortunately I was forced to wear one and I actually look good in it!

The SHINY girls were on the runway and one of the girls tripped over the other girls long dress and then she koncked out the person in front of her and they went out like dominos.


It was..kind of...I'm not a sad person but that was funny! Next was us...I'M SO NERVOUS! We went to the edge of the stairs waiting to be announced.

"Ok guys, we will all walk together because I don't wanna fall like dominoes alright?" Shinhye said.

"Neeeeeeee" Teresa said sarcastically. Aish that girl.

"Ok, finally it's U.S on the runway! Music on please!" the MC said.

"Guys, one of the unnies said that we have to walk to this song called goodbye baby and since we don't know ANY K-pop songs, let's just do some hand wave when we reach the end of the runway alright?" Teresa said.

"Ok...let's do that then" Melissa said.

We got on the runway and we were practically doing some catwalk thing...I looked good because people weren't giving us any strange looks..hehe~ Melissa looked good on the outside but on the inside I bet she was cursing Teresa a million times LOL. When we reached the ends we gave a "goodbye" action and went back to the other groups on stage.

"That was wonderful! Now for ROUUUUUUUUNNNNDD 2!!!" the MC chirped. 

Melissa's POV:

WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY? He is so chirpy for his own good.

"In this round you have to do KARAOKE! We have a screen below for you and we will get you to sing a song to a girl group band...first up we have Beautiful forever!" 

Beautiful forever had to sing to 'Gee' by SNSD. No offence but that song was REAL girly for me. After they finished, they got a lot of claps and cheers and they definetly gonna win..I HOPE SO.

"Next we have Too hot for you with Hyuna Bubble pop!" the MC announced. they were also dancing to this song and it was kinda y..they made it look y. Since we were on the stage, we can see the screen. The girl there looks WAY hotter than these s.

"Now we have SHINY girls with Lucifer by SHINee!" the MC said. WOW. What a coincidence (Those girls were squealing so much because they got a SHINee song). Because we thought of SHINee as a bunch of es, we saw their song video and all of us were gaping...LITERALLY. They are so FREAKING GOOD. Minho's rapping is just...ASDKFGHJKL! But those girls killed the song...their voices were H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. I saw 5 guys shaking their heads in the back of the audience...they look familiar...

"Thank you SHINY girls (O.O)..Ahhh...Finally we have U.S. with 2NE1 lonely!"

Before we started, we had to organise who's singing which part. Their names came up on the screen with a photo of them. Lucky we were a group of four because otheriwse we would have to do double parts. There was CL, Minzy, Dara and Bom to choose from. Teresa picked CL, Shinhye picked Bom, Hara picked Dara (ROFL) and I picked Minzy. The song started and it was actually pretty good. This song is AWESOME! After we finished, everyone clapped and cheered for us...this is getting interesting.

Shinhye's POV:

Wow...that was the BEST SONG EVER! YAY we got such an awesome song xD I think we might win this...hehe~ can't wait to get that make-over! Oh and some audition thing that I forgot about..WHO CARES I like this comp.

"Ok so judges have decided who to eliminate in this round and it is the SHINY girls! Sorry girls, we know you tried your best but you have to do better then that...please participate next year!" the MC announced. Thank god! The girls went past us and gave us a dirty look as they walked off. es much.

"Now for the third round! In this round, there are three challenges as I mentioned earlier. For each round, you will need to pick a member from each group to participate. We will give you a few seconds to decide and your member must come up to the front. First challenge is to back-chat with the other two members from the opposing teams.

"I am so good with this!" Teresa said smiling. Man she is. More like 'Good' at nagging and being annoying...I guess it will help in a way though...

"Ok, we have Hyemi from Beautiful forever, Baekhee from Too Hot for you, and Teresa from U.S. Girls, the topic to back-chat is telling the other contestants how cool and better your group is then theirs. Start!"

Teresa's POV:

OMG these girls ! I think....just keep confident Teresa! Hara was giving me mouthed fightings while Shinhye had a determined look on her face. Melissa...don't even bother.

"Your group so much they should be mums instead!" Baekhee said. WTH was that back-chat? Pssh anyone can do better then that!

"Well YOUR group already act like mums!" Hyemi said. Hmm...that was alrite I guess...but i have BETTER xD

"You both at this...give up're wasting your time" I said. I said a fact. I will count it as a back-chat...

"WHAT?! GIVE UP?! No way!!! You think you so cool and hot?!" Baekhee said shouting. line has a BIG effect on her...

"Fortunately yes I do think I'm cool and hot and so are my members...I know you feel bad that you have a lame group so I suggest you keep thinking like that and back off" I said cooly. The audience gave a 'ooooo' sound. Keep your cool under fire BABY. Hara's advice helps sometimes...

"WHAT?! ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS?! MY GROUP IS WAY HOTTER THEN YOURS! AND SMARTER! You guys are probably a bunch of es...hmph!" Baekhee said. Again the audience gave a 'oooo' sound. They just add the oil to the fire. (Once again, Hara's *cough cough* wise sayings).

"Sorry but we actually study at a high school that teaches manners unlike you.....but we may know much more then you...obviously we know one thing... that you guys are dumb! WE KNOW HOW TO ACT LIKE A HUMAN AND NOT SCREAM LIKE A DONKEY" I said. This made a huge 'ooooooo' sound. Aish these people.

"Oh you wanna come at me now huh?! Bring it on!!!" Baekhee screamed. O.O I never said anything.

"I never said I wanna come at's not worth my time talking to you...wait...why am I in the first place?" I said sarcastically. This got her REAL angry. Haha!

"Umm guyss..." Hyemi said. She must not really be good with comebacks. Well atleast you're better at staying quiet than screaming like a donkey.

"WHY YOU LITTLE!" Baekhee said and then attempted to punch my face. But she failed~~ Haha! THANK YOU BRO FOR TEACHING ME REFLEXES AND THANK YOU GOD FOR LETTING ME GO TO TWO KARATE LESSONS == (which don't help but just need to mention that).

I swiftly moved away and blocked all her punches. She managed to give a bruise in my ankle and it HURT LIKE HELL but I pretended that it didn't hurt at all (I would usually whine like an idoit and go on about how beautiful my ankle is to get hurt). Finally *I mean FINALLY* the bodyguards came and took her away to the other side. Her group was giving as all dirty looks and Hyemi's group was giving us sympathetic looks. Atleast ONE GROUP is nice.

"Teresa kwenchana?" Hara asked. NO I WAS NOT FINE.

"Yes I am" I said laughing. Owww the PAIN.

Shinhye's POV:

"Sorry for that everyone...the back-chat was pretty intense I see. But back to challenge 2! The second challenge is to have a conversation using two of your group members using a foreign language. Now this is easy xD. Hara and me went up and another two members from each group came up too. Everyone decided to speak english. Now that's called making me win xD. We were last and the others did an okay job with it. Melissa and I were talking about how everyone was staring at us and we were talking about how the audience was looking at us like weirdos and describing some of their appearances. Melissa and Teresa were cracking up so much! Hehe~ Others in the audience who understood were laughing along with us and the judges obviously nodded at each other which mean...WE WON AHAHAHA! But not yet...

"You think we should stop now?" I asked.

"Yeah they're probably gonna fall asleep" Hara said.

There was a clap from the audience and 5 guys at the back were laughing at the back...they look familiar...

"Thank you girls! Now for challenge 3! This challenge requires you to battle it out in a PS3 make it more fun that is! You know that our competition changes drastically every year right? If you don't, now you do! The game we will be playing is need for speed! The first one to reach the finish line wins!" the MC said.

"Melissa, get your up there!" Teresa said.

"My does that for me even if I decline" Melissa said pokingher tongue.

"Aishh!" Teresa said.

The game started and Melissa was going really good! YES we were going to win! Half-way through the game, one of the girls knocked Melissa's controller off her hands and said "Oops I'm sorry". Yeah right . Luckily, Melissa got it back and sped right past that looser and won the race! Melissa came to us and I was hugging her like crazy because we WON! ASDFGHJKL I can get my make-over!

"Well done girls! All of you did a great job but unfortunately one has to go...the judges have decided that Beautiful forever will be for the other girls...the finale is for you to sing to any song you like! It can be any language! We will give you five minutes time to decide" the MC said.

WTF IS THAT?! Too hot for yous nearly tried to kill Teresa and Beautiful forever gets eliminated?!?! These judges .

"Good luck Unnies!" they all said us they past by us.

"Beat them for us!" Hyemi said before she went to the rest of her group.

"Ne we will" Teresa said.



Sorry for the delay!! I was thinking for two days about what to write...LOL so hope this chap was cool...D: idk up to you but will defs update comp #2 today...hehe~ I'm updating at 12:30 today LOL...anyways thankyou for suscribing and commenting xD (I WILL ALWAYS SAY THIS BECAUSE I REALLY DO LOVE YOU GUYS <3) The drama will come later on...I just need to put some things before it so u guys don't get confused LOL. love yous~~~ ♥♥♥

P.S. There will always be grammar errors etc because of midnightish updates....sorry for that but spell check is annoying and I'm too sleepy to go through it again -.-

P.P.S. It took me two days to post this :/ ahh im such a fail updater

P.P.P.S. ♥♥  ♥♥♥





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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!