
You're Driving me Crazy

Ok guys....just before I start...from this chapter onwards, there will be coarse language...just to give you heads up because I forgot to mention it in my last chapter...sorry if it disappoints you..mianhe :( It may not be used in this chapter, I don't really know because I write as I think so yeah...But I hope you understand that I really need to start using it so ummm Read on 8D


Melissa's POV:

I can't believe them! Currently I'm standing in the rain, staring at my phone, wearing a fricken thin cardigan and a fricken thin shirt and I'm soooo fricken pissed right now...Ok if you guys haven't watched 'White Chick' *Rated M* then you guys NEED TOO! (A/N: credits to numnums_shinee for telling me this line....i just wanted to add this here LOL). I had to get to the SM Building fast! I kind of half-walked, half-ran because it was raining so hard. 


...I hate thunderstorms. They piss me off. I started to walk and I shivered and then round the corner I saw a blonde and a tall guy that looked that Minho? I have to check it out...YOU ARE GOING TO SEE WHAT MINHO IS DOING WHEN YOU'RE STUCK IN A BLOODY STORM you ask? Well yes because I have never felt this curious in my life and I have to see it. Dammit. Am I falling for him? I hope...not...yes? AISH!!!

Minho's POV:

Urgh it's raining and Luna wants to talk to me? In the rain? Aish I hate this girl. She's been annoying me ever since she joined SM. Dammit why can't she get lost or something? She dragged me out here into the rain for what? She confessed to me a while ago and my heart was already taken by someone else and I told her and she asked me who that was but I never said anything because of that evil glare behind her eyes...she really is a isn't she? I didn't want Melissa to get hurt by her...

"Luna, What the is wrong with you? It's bloody raining and you want to talk to me HERE?" I asked annoyed.

"Look. Just love me ok? Everything will be fine after that...I bet the girl who you like is a complete ...come on...aren't I Y enough for you?" she asked seductively. What is she TALKING about?

"What the are you saying? I don't even like you! Stop trying to seduce me you ugly !" I said.

"Oh you just boy...." she purred and hugged me tightly, making me feel her. Ew.

"What the hell GET OFF ME!" I said pushing her away but before I could do anything she grabbed my neck and kissed me. I couldn't let go off her and I was trying to find a solution to let go when I saw a familiar face widening in shock at the scene. And I would know that face anywhere. 

Melissa's POV:

OMG I just saw that blonde and Minho kissing! I was right all along. I did love Minho. And it broke me in half to see this. We made eye contact and I started to cry. The hot tears were the only thing warm on my skin. I felt my heart shatter to pieces. I couldn't take this anymore...I started to run off to who knows where but I didn't want to see anyone right now...

Minho's POV:

I pushed Luna off me and she fell on the ground. Hard. She just smirked at me and gave me a satisfying smile. . I ran off to the same direction Melissa ran off too. Being the athletic person I was, I kept running fast, letting the hot tears wash on my face. If you're crying Melissa, I cry too... I saw her in the distance and I catched up.

"Melissa...WAIT!" I yelled but just made her run faster. If she's gonna be like that, then I have to run faster. She ran into a park and she realised taht she was lost. I yelled her name but she just started running again...dammit! Eventually I caught up and I grabbed her wrist.

"Melissa STOP! I can explain..." I said panting for breath. Luckily she stood still.

"Sorry for intruding in your make-out let go off me" she said coldly. She attempted to break free but I was too strong.

"Then why are you crying?" I asked. Seriously I can hear her cry.

"Because I'm sick now LET GO!" she shouted. The thunder boomed loudly and lightning crashed in the sky. (A/N: I right?? -.-)

"Melissa, that was Luna from f(x)...she has this stupid lust towards me and she asked me out but I said no because someone already stole my heart. She didn't accept that and she kept coming back but I always rejected her and she suddenly dragged me out today and kissed me..." I said hoping that she would understand.

"So why are you telling me this?" she asked coldly again. I couldn't take it anymore..

"MELISSA I LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS LOVED YOU ALL THIS TIME! How can you not notice..." I said breaking into tears...

Melissa's POV:

"MELISSA I LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS LOVED YOU ALL THIS TIME! How can you not notice..." he said breaking into tears. I can't believe I made him cry...I had no words to say...

He suddenly turned me around and crushed his lips onto mine...his lips were so warm and it heated up my whole body. No one has ever made me feel this way before in my whole entire life. Not even Sean. I realise that my relationship with him was just some teenage love crap. THIS is what real love is like. He hugged me tight and kissed me passionately. I never could resist anyone's kiss and that was one of my weakness. I kissed him back the same way. I didn't regret it. After what seemed like an endless make-out session, we stopped to catch our breaths...I should say something too...

"I always will love you're my real first love...even though there wasn't much between us, I feel like you can keep me safe and be caring towards me..." I said staring somewhere else. Gosh I'm starting to blush. Urgh I'm such a retart. But I am enjoying his embrace right now. I loveeee the feeling. Despite the stupid rain, I am warm as ever in Minho's arms...

Minho tilted my chin up to him and we got lost in each others eyes..."I will always do that for you Melissa....I love you so much now that I know you love me back" Minho grinned and pecked my lips. I smiled widely and we hugged each other for what seemed like forever.

Nobody's POV:

Oblivious to their surroundings, the couple didn't know that they were being watched by Luna. Luna was raging with anger and she planned to destroy her so Minho will never have to see a nuisance like her again.

"Minho...don't worry...I'll save you from that ..just wait...all I need to do is kill her and we can live happily ever after" Luna said and she walked away with a evil plan.


Ok so this is kinda short chapter but it had to go with the title ya know?? LOL...and YAY Minho and Melissa are together!! It may seem like a sudden bag thrown at your face with the confession and all but seriously..they had their moments ;) Hope you guys liked this chap and I will be updating sooon!! AS PROMISED I DID A DOUBLE UPDATE WAHAHA! okay i'm getting weird >< Anyways pleaseeeeeee comment and tell me how this chapter was....I desperately want to know if what I wrote made you get butterflies too :3 LOL I'm not really good with intimate scenes...I'm a noob at this stuff haha....anyways love yous all <3 <3 

P.S. I don't have anything against f(x)!! They're a good band I know! But for this fanfic, Luna seemed like the perfect person so please do not be offended f(x) fans!! :) Don't worry guys...only one member is evil in this fanfic...the rest are really nice! Ok besides another one but will soon be revealed ^^  

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!