Melissa's Past

You're Driving me Crazy

Shinhye's POV:

It's around 11 in the morning and we just finished practice for our debut song. Our debut song is the BOMB. Like the BOMB. I'm serious. The song is called 'Too late'. It's a cool hip-pop/pop/r&b song that ALL OF US SONGWRITED AND right? I know. SO as I was saying, it is the BOMB. Our song is about a girl who wanted to confess to the guy she likes and was going too but another girl came and asked him out and he said yes. He didn't know that you were there and heard it but eventually you would have found out anyway. You acted normal around him but you ached inside. He also noticed that something was wrong with you but you never told him. He finally found out about you're true feelings and he also had feelings for you too but he was with another girl already. So it's too late.

"Snap out of it, depressed person...isn't our song just too awesome?" Teresa asked happily.

"Oh..yeah I know right" I said. I must look blank when I think deep.

"But don't you think it's kinda depressing for a debut song?" Hara asked.

"Yeah but our me and melissa's rap parts are awesome!" Teresa exclaimed.

"Yeahh where's Melissa?" I asked. She's been gone for quite a while now...

"Oh...she's gone out to buy pocky...THAT GIRL CAN NOT GET AWAY FROM THE EVIL FORCES OF POCKY" Teresa said exaggerating.

"I know right...aish she should be back right now..." Hara said worried.

"Yeah but right now......I JUST GOT THE HOTTEST NEW NAILPOLISH!!!" Teresa said happily showing us the bag full of different colours. OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?

"WAHHHH LET ME SEE!!!" Hara and me said at the same time.

"Ok guys let's put it on for each other!!" Teresa said.

*Knock Knock*

"Oh...who could it be?" Hara said wondering. She got up and opened the door and it was the SNSD unnie's Jessica and Tiffany.

"Oh hi Tiffany Unnie and Jessica Unnie!" Hara said.

"Hehe you're so cute!" Jessica Unnie said pinching Hara's cheeks. Haha er.

"Well we heard you guys screaming nailpolish so we wondered if we can join you's..." Tiffany said unsure a bit.

"OMG you guys can totally join! Come in!" Teresa said.

This is gonna be totally fun!!!

Melissa's POV:

Urgh I want to find a Pocky shop right now!!! I miss my beautiful pocky~~~. Everyone started to stare at me. Oops I said that loud. It was quite chilly and it looked like there was about to be a thunderstorm. Aish those guys don’t even care for me. Lucky I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans but I was wearing a thin white shirt and a thin blue cardigan with a pair of converses. Seriously I cannot go out casually without wearing my converses. Also I didn’t bring an umbrella. Aww I hope it doesn’t rain! I looked around the streets near the entertainment building and I found a convenience store in the corner and pocky was displaying in the window. BINGO~~~. I ran towards the store and people were just staring at me. Ok what’s wrong with running?? Seriously people nowadays…

I entered the store and the ahjumma at the counter gave me a weird look too. I gave her a ‘what’ look and she pointed to my head. Huh? I looked in the mirror that was hanging next to a shelf and my hair looked like a hobo…oh man that is embarrassing, The ahjumma giggled a bit at my reaction and she came over to me.

“Would you like me to fix your hair?” she asked kindly.

“U-um ok” I replied, shocked that she would fix my hair. The only other person in this world that bothers to do my hair is Teresa. Not even my mum cares…

She made me sit on a stool in front of the mirror and she started to do a French plait. When she finished, she combed my fringe to the side a little and gave a nod of approval.

“Woah…” I said. I look way better then I did before. I have to accept the fact that I look kinda cute.

“You look very cute dear” the ahjumma said. Exactly.

“Kamsahamnida!” I said happily.

“So, what brings you here my dear?” the ahjumma asked walking back to the counter slowly.

“Oh..well I really love pocky and I couldn’t find pocky anywhere on these streets but luckily your store was displaying it and I was so happy that I practically ran here and yup” I said blabbering.

“Ho ho ok slow down…you seem like a nice girl, where do you live?”

“Well I lived in the states but I came to Seoul because…umm…yeah..” I said. Unsure if I should tell her everything like I did to Shinhye.

“I see you have a story behind there…I am happy to listen though…I’m usually alone at this store but my grandson comes and visits me time to time…he lives in SM Entertainment!” she said chuckling. WHAT? She has a grandson in SM Entertainment….Ok…looking at her now reminds me of someone familiar…

“Oh I also live there too…my friends made me compete in this competition which was apparently a secret audition and we made it so we are gonna debut around May this year…support as ahjumma!” I said cheerfully. We really need all the support we can get xD

“Oh so you’re part of U.S…my grandson told me about you’s and I love all your personalities! I saw the video taken in the practice room hehe. I knew you looked familiar…what is your name again dear?”

WHAT THE HECK? Her grandson is probably our number one stalker or something…how did he get a hold of that video…unless he was a part of SHINee…

“Melissa” I said.

“Oh! Really? Ok…” the ahjumma said nodding her head randomly.

“I there something wrong ahjumma?” I asked.

“No nothing” she said and smiled at me. Ok I am weirded out right now.

“Oh! You can call me halmoni since your halmoni is not here” she said. That’s nice of her…

“Ok Halmoni” I said happily. I feel like she really is like a grandma to me. I feel like I should tell her everything that’s going on in my life…I started to cry.

“Oh….don’t cry! Come Melissa, I will lock up the shop since no one visits this shop often and we’ll go sit inside” she said worriedly and I followed the lead.

I stopped sniffling on the couch and she gave a cup of hot cocoa. She turned up the heater since it was getting more chilly.

“This is where I take my grandson when he’s down…he doesn’t tell anyone…not even his parents if he was feeling upset. He only tells me or people he truly loves and cares for the most. And I’m the only one he will tell hehe…” Halmoni said chuckling.

She continued…”So I guess this is a special place where you can also lift all your burdens from your tell what happened"

I started blabbering out everything that went on last year and why I left to Seoul. I began...

"It all started like this...I had a best guy friend in the States and his name was Sean. We will always tease each other and stuff and I kind of started to like him. I never told him though because I valued our friendship a lot. One day he got a girlfriend so I forgot about my feeling for him. I was normal and it was like that way. After a couple of months, he broke up with her and he got over it. One day...


It was a normal day and I was hanging out with Sean. We were goofing around on the swings when suddenly he stopped talking and the atmosphere kind of got awkward. Ok really weird....

"Umm, Sean, is everything alright?" I asked.

"Umm well I just wanted to like..." he said but then shook his head.

"Look just get to the point" I said nervously.

"Well I was wondering if you would go out with me?" he said. WHAT THE HECK?! After all this time...HE ASKS ME NOW?

"U-u-umm that's kind of sudden...." I said stuttering.

"I knew it...don't worry" he mumbled and got up from the swing. I grabbed his wrist and him face me.

"Look. I liked you ever since we were best friends but after you got girlfriend, I let go of my feelings for you because I thought it was wrong to like you and be with you when you already had a girlfriend. So it's kinda late for you to be asking me now..." I said straing at his eyes.

"Melissa, feelings can't just be let go easily...I also liked you too but then I liked my ex because she was nice and you were so cold..even though I liked that but anyways..I broke up with her because not only was she possesive...I realised my true feelings for you..*my mouth was hanging open* So based on your expression...I can still make you fall in love with all over again right?" he said grinning.

"U-um I gues-" Before I could finish he kissed me and I felt butterflies in my stomach multiply every milisecond. I never had my first kiss and I was glad that the person I liked took my first kiss. Without realising I kissed him back.

*End of Flashback*

"So from that day on, we always went on dates, do other stuff like usual couples do and it was pretty fun. Until he had to move states. We decided to just be friends since keeping a relationship is too hard and we broke up with good intentions. But my heart still wavered inside. After a couple of months, he came back earlier this year...I think a month before I left to Seoul..Well he said that he had feelings for me still and started to nag me to go out with him again. I said no because I thought we would be best off as friends but he wouldn't understand that. The situation got really serious and he started to stalk me 24/7. Sometimes, he would even watch from my bedroom window at night...*I started tearing up*"

"Ohh it's ok...continue" Halmoni said rubbing my back. I continued..

"Yeah well I told my parents about this and they said me to move out of the country because this can get serious so with an unhappy mind, I decided to set off to Korea. But the thing that haunts me from time to time is the text message I received from him before I boarded the plane. It said:

-You will always be mine Melissa, Even if you escape, I will find you, I promise- Sean 

*I started bursting into tears* So I tols Shinhye because she was my plane buddy and fate somehow got my whole group together somehow *I started telling her about how I arrived at the apartment block and so on until how I ended up here*" I said. I felt like a big burden is off my chest. I wiped my face and Halmoni gave me a warm smile.

"Don't worry Melissa, you can start a new life here so forgot about everything in the states and enjoy your new life here ok?" Halmoni sai dand I noded.

"Oh my....we've been talking until 3 o'clock! Haven't your friends called you or anything?" she asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah.....let me check" I said and I saw my phone with a million text messages and calls. Oops. I put it on silent. I read the latest text message and it said that the boss wants to see us at the practice room now!

"Ahh Halmoni I have to go now! I have to be at the practice room right now!" I said panicking.

"Ok here's a bag of pocky! No need to pay as long as you visit me often ok?" Halmoni said.

"Ne~ Kamsahamnida Halmoni a lot!! Byeeee!" I said and ran off.

Halmoni's POV:

"Melissa! You need to take an umbrella! It's a thunderstorm!" I shouted but she already ran off into the rain. Aish...silly girl...I hope she doesn't get sick though.

Melissa's POV:

Aish it's raining!! I quickly ran under a tree and called up Teresa...

"Yah Teresa! Are you serious! I'll be there in 5 k?" I said panicking.

"LOL I'm only joking...hehe...just wanted to know that you're safe and thought this is the best possible way to get you talking! But now that I know you're safe Bye!!" she said and quickly hung up the phone before I could say anything.



Ok so I really needed to mention Melissa's creepy past..LOL..I don't know it was boring BUT OMG I had to rewrite this chap again so hope it is still as good even though you guys hadn't read the original one lol....sorry for typo's :( and I wonder who Halmoni's grandson is?? ;) anyways I'm doing a double update today so stay tuned LOL...

Also I promised a fluff scene to numnum_shinee but that will be next chapter mianhe >< But I did mention pocky so hehe :)

Thank you everyone for supporting me! Kamsahamnida! ^^

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!