
You're Driving me Crazy

Taemin's POV:

"Can we sleep over too?" I asked. As soon as I asked that, I heard snickering from Jonghyun and Onew, and then Key smacking them on the head. On the other side, I saw all of them gaping at me.

"Umm...just a minute...hehe" Hara said. I think they need some time to decide.

"Ne" I said and then Hara closed the door but not properly...hehe...I don't mind to eavesdrop!


" that's really weird...can we sleepover?" Melissa said sarcastically.

"Melissa don't be mean! I guess they need to move out or something so they need to stay with us for the night...and we will have lots of fun! I wonder what horror stories they have..." Shinhye said wondering.

"Oh god, just let them in and we will ask why" Teresa said.

"Ok then..." Hara said coming up to the door again. All of us were eavesdropping so I went back quickly and everyone fell backwards. Hara opened the door and stared at us. I guess we looked retarted in our P.J's....

"Okk...I guess you can stay over for the night" she said. YAY! We went inside quickly and sat on the floor next to every one. We made a big circle and everyone was seated in this order. Shinhye, Teresa, Melissa, Hara, Onew, Minho, Me, Key and then Jonghyun. When we all got comfortable, it was awkward until Teresa spoke up.

"So, what's you're reason for staying over?" Teresa asked.

"Well, Jonghyun thought he saw a ghost and he didn't want to stay in the apartment anymore and then Key thought he saw it too and then Taemin so me and Minho got dragged along too, all the way to your apartment" Onew said.

"BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA...GHOST?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!..T-That is soo FUNNY!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA" Shinhye and Teresa were laughing. Poor Jonghyun hyung. He was whimpering next ot Shinhye..bad luck he is sitting next to her.

"Ok..well...since your reason is hilarious...we will let you stay over but we're playing games and stuff so if you wanna join in, you can" Melissa said.

"Yea sure why not!" I said. All the hyungs gave me death glares...bad idea then...-.-

Jonghyun's POV:

Teresa said that we had to play truth or dare using the torch as a bottle. I absolutely HATE this game. I always end up being interrogated and forced to spill out everything. I looked at Melissa and she felt the same way I guess.

"Ok let's start!" Teresa said excitedly. She spinned the bottle and it landed on her. er.

"Oh mannnn" Teresa whined. Shinhye was vibrating next to me...I think she was trying to control her laughing. LOL.

"Now who wants to ask Teresa a question?" Hara asked. Key raised his hand up. Pssh what does my yeobo want to ask her?

"I pick truth" Teresa said.

"Ok then, how exactly did you meet Kikwang?" Key asked curiously. What? She met Kikwang from B2ST? He hardly pays attention to any fangirls and they all left him alone. You should atleast smile at the screaming girls! I looked at Teresa and she was so red. Shinhye finally bursted out laughing and so did Hara and Melissa. THIS should be interesting...

"Well...umm..when we first came to this school, I decided to be a tour guide for the group since I'm cool at it *cough from Hara* and I was trying to find the girls locker room but I accidentally walked into the boys locker room before Shinhye could stop me, and I saw Kikwang's abs O.O" Teresa said fastly and then buried her face in her hands. Aish why does anyone not ever see my abs?!?! I saw Key's face and he was just straing blankly at Teresa...wonder what he's thinking...

Key's POV:

I can't believe it...she saw his ABS. And that's the first time they met...what happens if they fall in love? Why do I even care? I don't know but I don't like this...

"Ok that was awkward but next person!" Teresa said. She spinned the bottle and it landed on Shinhye. Teresa put her hand up first and had a pedo smile plastered on her face. Weird.

"Dare" Shinhye said confidentally since Teresa put her hand up.

"Are you sureeeee?" Teresa asked. Shinhye nodded her head and got ready for Teresa's dare...doesn't look good........

"Welll the dare is that you have to sit on Jonghyun's lap and you have to make his arms circle your waist....before you picked dare so DO IT" Teresa said smirking. OMFG WHAT DID SHE SAY?! Jonghyun was gaping and Shinhye was so shocked that she would have started a solo massacre.

"W-W-What? WTF is that? Are you CRAZY?" Shinhye said through her teeth.

"What? You said dare and if you don't do it, the punishment would be even worse and I seriously think that doing this is better so deal with, you have to ask jonghyun too..LOL" Teresa said playfully. This girl...

"Urgh you " Shinhye muttered. "Umm...can you PLEASE let me sit on your lap???" Shinhye asked kindly. Jonghyun must have gone blank. I pinched his without no one looking and he gave a little yelp.

"Ok thanks!" Shinhye said and then quickly sat on his lap. She was giving the most dangerous death glare to Teresa...Ouch that's worser than mine.

"Remember the hands around the waist thing?" Teresa said with her pedo smile. Shinhye gave another dangerous glare (that would kill the world) and she was about to say something like 'No' but Jonghyun put his arms around her waist. OMG has he fallen in love?! KYAAA I'm so happy for him!! 

Jonghyun's POV:

I don't why but I suddenly put my arms around her waist. My arms fit perfectly around it and she was squirming slighty. Hehe...hasn't she dated before? I felt nervous myself and Key noticed because he was snickering next to me but lucky no one else did. Actually no one CARED. I knew she was getting butterflies by the way she would go stiff and then breathe and then repeat all over again. First time I saw her...she was kind of chubby but now she looks like a model. She was pretty light and I can't believe I'm saying this but she has got a nice .

Shinhye's POV:

I was about to say 'No' but Jonghyun put his arms around my waist. I instantly got butterflies. Aish I like Kim Hyun Joong not Kim Jonghyun. KEEP YOUR MIND STRAIGHT SHINHYE. The game continued uncomfortably for me and Jonghyun and everyone got answered random questions...the last question or dare ended up being asked by Hara to Onew. Onew picked dare.

"I dare you to not eat chicken for a month" Hara said. Onew's face made a big O. Taemin, Minho, (I couldn't see Jonghyun's face obviously), and Key's face were all in a O shape too to see what Onew would say...

"What's the punishment?" Onew asked.

"Go without chicken for a year" Hara said. You go girl!

"Fine....I should have picked truth!" Onew groaned.

It was finally over and I got off Jonghyun's lap. He breathed a sigh of relief. Does that mean I'm still fat?! I can't believe Teresa's advice on how to lose weight didn't work! I'm so gonna get her...

It was time to tell Horror stories! Melissa was about to start but then Key stopped us because Taemin would get scared. Aish....Taemin wasn't even complaining...just because he saw a stupid ghost...what a pimp!

Because the horror story idea got cancelled, we all had to go to sleep. Everyone was asleep...or well I thought so...but I couldn't get any sleep.

"Can anyone get to sleep?" I whispered.

"If you shut up, we can" Jonghyun said. AISH THAT DUMBO.

"What 'we can'? You're the only one talking" I said with attitude.

"Pssh whatever. Anyways...did you enjoy sitting on my lap?" Jonghyun said playfully. I smacked him on the head.

"Oww!" Jonghyun yelped.

"Yah shutup you pabo!" I whispered angrily.

"Who can if you hit them this hard?" Jonghyun whined quietly. Just then, I saw a shadow pass by the wall.

"A-Ahh Jonghyun did you see that?" I asked scared.

"What?" he said annoyed.

"The just went by the wall..." I said scared even more.

"WHAT...we came here ot escape from that!" Jonghyun said whispering.

"Well why the hell did it come here?" I asked annoyed. I can't believe I have to go through this crap because of them!

"I don't know!" Jonghyun said annoyed again.

Jonghyun's POV:

Why the hell did that scary thing come in this apartment too?! Aish why is life so hard!!! Shinhye was scared ot death and she was laughing earlier that we were scared of a ghost...moody much? Shinhye and me kept on bickering when we saw the shadow again. She quickly hugged me and buried her face in my chest. OK WHAT IS SHE DOING? This felt so good...I felt like I was gonna die out of happiness..(A/N:This is FAIL was that awful so I had to put in my note :/) I didn't know how to respond at first..I was SHOCKED. I saw the shadow again and I hugged her back. It was TOO scary! I found myself slowly drifting to sleep...

The next morning...

Teresa's POV:

Since I was always used to putting my alarm at 6, my brain always woke up at 6 too. I felt the sun indulge me in it's warmth. I got up and used my hands as a comb to calm down my bed-hair ponytail. I looked to my left side to see Jonghyun and Shinhye tangled in each others arms. WTF AM I SEEING RIGHT NOW? I rubbed my eyes out of blurryness and that's exactly what I'm seeing. If the others saw this...OMG it will be hilarious! But I guess I'm feeling guilty for Shinhye sitting on Jonghyun's lap so I shook her awake...

"W-What? Is the shadow thingy gone?" Shinhye asked yawning.

"LOOK.AT.WHAT.YOU'RE.DOING.RIGHT.NOW" I said. She finally realised what she was doing and quickly pushed away from Jonghyun. LOL that's funny.

"OMG how did that happen?" Shinhye said terrified.

" did that happen?" I asked curiously.

"Shut up! I'm thinking.....Oh yeah! I saw that shadow thing that Jonghyun saw in their apartment and I think my terrified nature took control over me?" Shinhye said in a high voice.

"Yup..I guess so" I said. Poor Shinhye. Causing her own harrassment.

"Come on, let's pack things up and get changed" I told her. Before I went, I shaked Hara and Melissa to wake up so that we can get ready before them.


Ok that was the most ish and retarted chap I have ever done so far...I was litterally bashing my head against the wall when it came to the Jonghye it's for you guys LOL -.- Anyways, I was planning to go on hiatus till next week sat because of school TORTURE but then I realised I should do atleast one more update before I go off because this was a LAME chap...hehe~ Thank you to all my old and NEW xD suscribers and I hope to see LOADS OF COMMENTS lol ^^ Love you all!! <3 <3 <3

P.S. Thanks for reading my fail fanfic xD

P.P.S. I'm eating an apple...*just wanted to add that...i'm random lol*  

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!