Finally together

You're Driving me Crazy

If you guys haven't noticed...I made Sulli walk out in her POV and then I forgot to continue on that part so like yuup *urgh imma FAIL o.o* so this chap is gonna be short...just continuing on Sulli's POV...but i will do an actual update too today! >< And this chap is gonna be kind of ummm DOWN RIGHT FLUFF so I'm warning you already! *hihihi eted readers* lol im only joking ;D


Sulli's POV:

I can't believe those guys. How can they not tell me?? Especially Krystal. I'm her Unnie and she doesn't say anything. Now I'm starting to see that she's not so innocent at all. Right now, I am so stupid to walk out the door like this. I have no where to go to! I can't disturb U.S. because they would already be sleeping and I have no other band to go to because they will be like..."What the hell are you doing here at this time?" I guess I will just wander around to cool off.

I went through the back building exit and I opened the door. I stepped out and it was really really CHILLY. Oh man...I went to open the door again but it wouldn't open. Ok...a tried pulling it harder but it didn't budge. ARGH!!! I'm gonna die in the cold! I can't go to the front because the bodyguards will be there and then I will have to face the my manager and then the boss and then I will die for sure which will be worser then dying out here. Ok...enough worrying...relax Sulli...everything is going to be pedos are going to attack me...Urgh thsi is no use.

I decided to walk to the park even though I was turning into a life size icicle. I sat down on one of the benches and I looked at my watch. There was one minute till 12...great...I'm stuck at the park in midnight. Ohh life really . I hugged my knees as my long brown hair blowed to the wind. I was only wearing thin flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt. It was getting really chilly and it had been 5 minutes. Now to decide on a plan of how to go back inside. Yes! God i'm such a pabo, I have my phone! I searched my pockets and got it out. I flipped it open and it wasn't on. Oh I must have turned it off during practice earlier in the morning. I tried turning it on but no light showed up. Great. No battery. Ottoke??

I heard leaves rustling near the bushes with a big large old tree in the middle. that a animal...or a pedo?? I hugged my knees tighter and shivered in the cold...well the sound. I heard more crunching of dead leaves coming closer towards where I was sitting and I closed my eyes tightly.

Everyone, if anything happens, I love you all and I especially love you Taemin!  

"Chincha?" a sweet voice said. Wait...I know that voice...

"U-umm" I said stuttering. GAH why did you come here Sulli?!?!

"Nevermind why are you sitting in the cold? God you look so pale..." he said worrying. Yup. What an embarrasing state to be in. I started to shiver really badly with my teeth chattering. Oh yay...even more embarrasing.

"Pabo...take my jacket" he said handing over his warm jacket.

"No that's ok...then you will be cold" I said my head still buried in my knees.

"Aish. Don't worry about me and look at your state..." he said and then wrapped the jacket around body was finally warming up again. And my cheeks.

"Thank you Taemin-shi...." I said mumbling.

"No why are you sitting here in the cold at this time of night" Taemin asked concerned sitting beside me.

"Umm...well I was angry at Krystal because she didn't tell me what happened between her and Key. And also my group members because they didn't tell me either. And so I went through the back door and then I regretted it and tried to pull open the door again but it wouldn't budge and I couldn't go the front because I would get in trouble so here I am in the park" 

"Wow...I guess you're stupid..."

"Thanks for stating the obvious"

"Your welcome" he chirped.

" mean..." I mumbled.

"I was only joking!" Taemin said and then hugged me tightly. Ok ASDFGHJKL what is he doing?

"U-u-umm what are you doing?" I said looking at him. He met my eyes and we holded the gaze. OMG I love staring at his eyes aish SNAP OUT OF IT!

"Did you really mean what you said before?" Taemin asked not breaking eye contact.

"U-umm don't worry about it" I said turning away. I don't want him to see my red face. He then got up and and walked away. Wait where is he going?! I got up and put my arms through his jacket properly...ahh so warm. But it's really big...oh well. 

"Yah where are you going??" I shouted. He just walked faster into the park. Wait...why is he going into the park? Maybe he knows a shortcut? Aish I don't want to be alone again! I started to run after him deep inside the park which was turning out to be the woods. I kept on running but I lost track of him. Oh no...

"Taemin! Where are you?!" I shouted with my voice cracking each second. It was so dark and there were no street lights. Ok did he just ditch me?

"T-t-taemin this is not funny! Where are you??" I said tearing up. I HATE THE WOODS! He should know that by now! I heard growls coming from the corner of the woods. Oh my god since when did wolves live here?

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as loudly as I could.

"Aish...I was only joking Sulli..." Taemin said laughing a bit. He came in front of me and bursted in more laughter. WHAT?

"Yah!!! How can you scare me like that??" I whined. I started punching his chest hard because I was really scared. I think it was not hard because my whole body was trembling.

" was only a that this is a better place...did you really mean what you said before?" Taemin asked again. Aish why is he annoying me with this question.

"Urgh you're annoying, I'm getting out of here" I said and I turned around to walk away. But he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face his face. Oh I hate these moments!~

"Why is it so hard?" Taemin said annoyed. Our faces were inches apart and I was burning up. I LOVE YOU DARKNESS!

"B-because it just is" I mumbled and I tried to escape his grasp again but I was held firmly in place. Ok now I'm in trouble...

"Fine...if you wanna be like that..." Taemin said and then he kissed me. He was so irresistible! Is this is a dream? No it isn't! OMG he is kissing me argh!!! What should I do? Ok this is wrong!!! Pull away Sulli! I tried to get out of his grasp but then he put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer until there was no distance between us. Urgh I hate you Lee Taemin!

Taemin's POV: (A/N: Lol finally...)

Sulli tried to escape but like I'm going to let her. I've been waiting to do this for a long time. And it felt great. She wasn't kissing back so I guess I have to let the evil Taemin take full control over me. Yes the Taemin you are now seeing is the actual Taemin...well I'm still cute so don't get freaked out. I bit her lip and she gasped. Perfect. I started to kiss her more fiercely and she gave in. We let go and breathed heavily.

" can you tell me?" I asked smirking. Sulli caught me off surprise by putting her arms around my neck.

"I love you Lee Taemin" she said.

"I love you too" I said and this time she kissed me. This girl is just ASDFGHJKL.

Nobody's POV:

Taemin and Sulli walked back from the park holding hands and smiling brightly. 

"So why did you come out at this time of night?" Sulli asked.

"Well I heard someone walking down the corridor and it turned out to be you so I kinda stalked you..." Taemin said scratching the back of his head with his free hand.

"Well it's good you came"

"Yeah I know" Taemin said and kissed their entwined hands making Sulli blush.

"Why are you blushing when we had a hardcore make-outr session?" Taemin said smirking.

"Yah~" Sulli whined.

They both arrived at the back exit and Taemin pondered on what to do. He then pulled the door but it was still locked...supposedly. Taemin then pushed it and it opened up. Sulli went bright red in embarrasment. Taemin stifled a laugh and then they both gave each other pecks before silently retreating to their dorms.


Huhuhuhu I at fluffy chaps but like I just wrote what came into my head :/ And yeaa don't worry guys there will be a cooler next chapter so yuup >< Seriously I needed to get Taeli together xD    


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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!