Debut of U.S

You're Driving me Crazy

Hara's POV:

"Ok this is it is our debut! Everyone ready to go on stage?" I asked nervously. All those weeks of practising and rehearsing, finally pays off today. Today we think about nothing but singing to the rhythm and yeah I'm going off topic.

"Yep...I'm glad that I can take the cast off...and we're not doing any intense dancing since our song is kinda sad to start off with...urgh" Teresa mumbled.

"Do well sis! Everyone else too" Ethan popped out. Teresa's parents were only joking about Ethan finding a girl and they said him to stay there anyway to be there to Teresa's debut. But Tiffany and Ethan seem to be getting along...

"Thanks~" everyone chorused.

"OK's time to roll!" Unnie exclaimed.

"Let's go!" Shinhye said excited.

We went on stage after the MC announced us. Everyone was cheering loudly and we began to sing and dance to our debut song 'Too late'. Everyone did well and after we finished, everyone was applauding loudly. Hmm seems like we did well. We bowed thank you to everyone and went back stage.

"Hara you did great!" Onew said cheerfully and hugged me tight.

"Hehe thanks!" I said hugging him back. I am so happy we're finally together. I told my parents that I found my true love...they said it's ok as long as I get married to someone haha.

"Aww what a cute couple!" Yuri unnie said happily staring at us. I blushed madly.

"Yeah...and Hara what happened to your glasses?" Sunny unnie asked curiously.

"Oh I decided to get contacts since it will be more easier for my career" I grinned.

"I see...anyways you did great!" Yoona unnie said.

"Gomawo!" I said.

"I'm so proud of you guys! You're already getting healthy responses from the k-pop websites! Even international people are commenting!" Unnie exclaimed happily.

"Oh yeah! U.S fighting!" Seline said happily. She decided to stick around for Jonghyun and Shinhye's wedding and dragged Sean with her.

"I'm so glad everyone's here to celebrate..." Unnie said crying.

"Unnie!" Shinhye laughed and we all hugged her.

"Yah...get off girlies, she's mine" Jaesun said protectively.

"Yeah whatever loveboy. Mehrong~" Melissa said poking her tongue out.

"Don't be so cute~" Minho said back-hugging her.

"Oppa!" Melissa whined blushing. Haha melissa's calling him oppa.

"What happened to me?" Sean said pouting sadly.

"Get lost oppa! No one cares about you!" Seline said whacking him on the head. We all started laughing as he rubbed his head in pain.

"Hey guys! We should take a picture of our success!" Teresa said excitedly. We all agreed, and we took a picture with the four of us and then each of us together with someone and then by ourselves, and then we took it with Unnie, and than everyone else separately and with our boyfriends...aish taking pictures is no joke. When me and Onew were taking a picture, onew kissed me on the cheek and Ethan had to take at the moment where I was also going read as a chilli. Aish...

The four us went to quickly change into comfortable clothes and Unnie suggested we have a party in the big garden outside the Entertainment building to celebrate our debut. We arrived at the building and we went inside our dorm flopping onto the couch.

"Oh my god we debuted..." Melissa mumbled into the couch.

"Yep and now we have to pick outfits to wear for the party!" Shinhye exclaimed happily.

"Oh no~~~" Melissa said with an accent.

"Yah! Someone who has a y body shouldn't say that" Shinhye said putting on her angry face. Teresa and me started to crack up.

"y body? I am now contemplating whether to kill you with an axe, or drive you over by car? Which one do you prefer? Oh wait. We'll go with both" Melissa said glaring at Shinhye.

"Ok ok calm down sheesh!" Shinhye said and rolled her eyes.

After a while, we got up and changed into the clothes that Unnie had ready for us. I had a dark magenta dress that had no straps, flowed like silk to my knees and it had diamonds fitting up high over the waist. Melissa's dress was a marone red and and it came a little shorter above her knees. But it looked so glamourous on her! Her dress had silk straps on the sides too. Teresa's dress was purple and it suited her well. Her dress went to the knees and it hugged the waist and had a lacey design at the top. Shinhye's dress was light baby pink and it looked really nice on her. It made her look like she was single. Haha. It had small stones on it making a design on the straps and coming it's way down into the front a little. Her's was a little of a v-neck.

"Melissa...make sure you tell us the experience when Minho see's that strap of yours and drag you into a room" Teresa said to Melissa giving a wink.

"WTF dude are you crazy?! Gosh you all are driving me crazy today!" Melissa pouted angrily.

"Exactly" Shinhye said.

*Knock Knock*

I went to answer the door to find the whole SNSD standing outside smiling brightly. Ok...

"Oh my god you guys look stunning!" Taeyeon unnie said excited. They looked absolutely gorgeous too. They looked so pretty. It was unnatural. Not in a bad way though, just a good compliment.

"You too! Come in guys~" I said and they all came inside and stood in a line.

"Uhmm what's going on?" Melissa asked confused.

"You guys forgot about accessories and hair" Seohyun unnie said shaking her head. Oh yeah...

"So that's why..." Jessica unnie said.

"We brought the ultimate glam making set" Tiffany unnie grinned and everyone revealed a big box in their hands. WTH?

"So..." Teresa said processing everything.

"We're going to style you up!" Sunny unnie exclaimed happily. Thank you god for letting me meet SNSD. They spilt up into pairs as Taeyeon was being the leader and checking how everyone was doing as that was her job. Tiffany and Jessica we're doing Shinhye's hair. Sooyoung and Hyeyeon were doing Melissa's hair. Yuri and Yoona were doing Teresa's hair and Sunny and Seohyun were doing my hair. After 20 minuted they were done and they all looked at us with proud looks. Shinhye's hair looked really beautiful as her hair was perfected into a goddesses hair type of way. It looked simple but complicated to do and it she looked really pretty. Melissa's hair was tied into a complicated ponytail with curls and stuff everywhere but she pulled it off very well. Teresa's hair was tied into a hot bun with a few strands shaping her face and making her large eyes stand out. My hair was straightened and put back by a few strands as it was braided on the sides, giving it a nice look on the back and front. It actually suited my style. We were ready with the make-up done and we looked really cool.

"Thank you Unnies~" we chirped happily together.

" cute!" Hyeyeon unnie grinned.

"Hey we forgot accessories!"  Yoona unnie said.

"Oh yeah...let's quickly look for's almost time to go!" Yuri unnie said panicking. They quickly looked for something and they gave Shinhye a diamond necklace, Melissa a ruby stone pendant and some gold bracelets, Teresa a couple of diamond bracelets and they gave me a simple silver necklace that had a butterfly on it but it looked really pretty.

"Woah your neclace looks awesome Hara!" Teresa said aweing my neckalce.

"Hehe all thanks to Unnies!" I said giving them a bow.

"No need to bow! Seriously, we're all sisters right?" Sooyoung unnie said laughing at my cuteness.

"Hehe yeah..." I said.

"Ok! Now it's time to go to the party!" Melissa said excitedly.


First of all, Happy belated new year to you guys! Sorry I couldn't update earlier...I started a new fanfic hehe...hope you guys subscribe and comment ^^ it's Undercover DJ [M] please check it out guys~ *first time writing rated too =="* Also, I wish everyone a happy and properous 2012 :) *Don't worry guys, the world will survive to 2013 and beyond xD*

P.S. Extremely sorry for grammatical errors >< I'm updating around 2:10am here in AUS because I really wanted to update and it's also the holidays and I can stay up but my brain just goes a bit off to sleep...hehe...hope everyone liked this update :) COMMENTS PLEASE <3

P.P.S. I wanted to finish this fanfic sooner but oh well...I will be updating this frequently though so no need to worry ^_^

P.P.P.S. Again...the whole chapter is in Hara's

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!