
You're Driving me Crazy

Key's POV:

I kissed her....OMFG I KISSED HER HAHHAHAHA ERS!!! Her lips are so irrestible...(A/N: Bare with me guys ><)...but she pushed me off making me hit the floor on my . OUCH.

"Yah!" Teresa screamed. Woah...she looked really pissed.

"OMG..." Shinhye said. Wait...where did they come from?

"Aww man did you guys see the whole thing too?" Teresa said frustrated.

"Well yup! And it was TOTALLY worth it" Melissa said grinning.

"By the looks of your face...was that your first kiss Teresa?" Jonghyun asked smirking.

"JONGHYUN YOU ARE SO DEAD RIGHT NOW" Teresa said giving her death glare.

"Hehe..I'm sorry" Jonghyun said hiding behind Minho.

"Woah hyung...why did you do that for?" Taemin asked surprised.

"Because...umm...I was angry?" I said confused. Well actually I don't know why but I have a feeling I do.

"'s because you liked her a lot..." Minho said.

"And you got angry because she was reminding you about your ex" Onew finished. Yeah I knew that.

"Urgh I HATE EVERYONE!!! I am seriously getting out of here" Teresa said storming off to her dorm.

"Woah got yourself into some new ..."

"Aww what a cute couple! No wonder you guys have fights..." Hara said smirking.

"YAH!!! YOU WANNA DIE OR WHAT?!?!" Teresa screamed from the dorm. Sheesh calm down woman.

"Oops...let's go calm her down shall we?" Shinhye said.

"You go...I am NOT coming" Melissa said hugging Minho. Minho started blushing.

"Pssh...blushing for this?" Jonghyun said wiggling his eyebrows. Minho gave a death glare.

"Ok..ok..just saying...why is everyone giving me death glares today?!" Jonghyun said in frustration.

"Because you're stating the obvious" Onew said.

*F(x) door opens...*

"What's all the commotion?" Sulli asked.

"OMG if you saw this then you would be laughing your head off..." Melissa said smiling.

"Well I didn't. I heard Teresa screaming like something terrible happened" Sulli said confused.

"And it was for her. Key kissed her" Hara said.

"BWOH? Chincha? Oh......" Sulli said shocked.

"WHAT? Key kissed TERESA? What a joke..." Krystal said coming out of nowhere and standing next to Sulli. That reminds me...I'm still on the floor in pain. I got up and faced Krystal.

"You say it's a joke? Well you're the JOKE. Dating me but also dating Kikwang? Did you even love me? Or am I just your possesion that no one else can have? Because the way I see it, it's good we broke up 2 months can live your happy life with my best buddy but now enemy Kikwang" I said coldly and walked away back to my dorm.

Melissa's POV:

"Krystal...stop being a " Onew said and followed Key.

"Woah...I never knew the whole're such a meanie Krystal" Taemin said sadly and Jonghyun dragged him back to the dorm.

"Umm ok I think we'll go now" I said awkwardly and dragged everyone with me. is such an .

Sulli's POV:

"Yah...I thought you were can you do that huh?" I said bewildered. No one told me about this!

"Well I am supposed to have everything and I will get es can stand in my way" Krystal said coldly. I slapped her.

"You're ridiculous" I said and walked inside.

"COULDN'T ANY OF YOU TELL ME ABOUT KEY AND KRYSTAL???" I shouted at all of them watching T.V.

"Oh..oops...I forgot sorry" Amber said scared.

"Sulli...we heard the commotion outside...just relax ok?'s been a BIG day already...First Minho and Melissa got together, Luna bashed up everyone, then Key kissed Teresa, and now everyrone knows what happened between Krystal and Key. This is such a headache" Victoria said rubbing her forehead.

"Urgh I hate you Sulli" Krystal grumbled going into the bedroom.

"Hate you? I think Key was are a joke" I said and went out of the room.

Teresa's POV:

I am so pissed off right now. How can he do that? Like...I liked him...and he likes me...URGH MY LIFE .

"'s just a kiss!" Shinhye said annoyed.

"Oh yeah...JUST a kiss...wait till you get your first kiss" I said coldly.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Shinhye said.

"Dude just get together already!" Melissa said in frustration.

"Well I don't know ok! It's just...I was really REALLY surprised" I said confused.

"Yeah I's ok...just make-up ok?" Hara said kindly.

"I know what you mean Hara" I said shooting a glare at her.

"Well how was the feeling of his lips?" Shinhye asked interested.

" was soft and addictive and it tasted like vanilla!" I giggled sarcastically.

"Ohh right so you're telling the truth..." Shinhye nodded her head in approval.

'Oi...did you hear the story between Key and Krystal?" Hara asked. Umm yes I heard everything and I can't believe I kinda of liked Kikwang...but then he didn't do anything wrong I guess.

"Yup..." I said nodding.

"So when are you gonna make-up?" Hara asked again.

"YAH~~~" I whined. Urgh she's taking her revenge on me for me teasing her these past couple of days. That reminds me...

"So...I saw you and Onew sniffing each other out...are you HUMAN or ANIMAL?" I wondered sarcastically.

"OMG REALLY? Hahahahahahahah!" Melissa bursted out in laughter.

" Hara...getting close are we?" Shinhye said winking at Hara.

"'s 11:30 let's just go to sleep!" Hara said annoyed. Hehehe.


Annyeong ^^ lol...I hope you liked the BIG day that was dragged on for 4 chaps I think? I don't know :/ It was a short chap but yeah...I just wanted to end this BIG day haha. Btw guys, I've added a character profile in my's only pics so there's nothing realy to's just that some silent readers wanted to see photos...hmph :( They don't wanna suscribe >< Oh wells...anyways today's the last day of school! PARTY TIME O.O I wish you guys (if you do have) happy holidays and that you keep reading my fanfic :) Hehe...I'll start to speed up things again in the next chapter. -.-

P.S. The title is like that because everything that happened in this chapter kinda reminds me of that line...idk :S

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!