Arriving at Seoul

You're Driving me Crazy

Hara’s POV:

I arrived at the airport and got past customs and came out. I had so many luggage with me I thought I was gonna die!! I phoned my parents and told them I arrived. They said they activated my credit card and that I should find a job soon. WTH. They are damn out of their minds! I looked at the clock and it was Midnight…MIDNIGHT!!  Oh god. I don’t want to spend my entire life in the Airport.

Teresa’s POV:

I’m at the airport saying goodbye to Cho Hee Unnie. She helped me stay in Korea for the past month. When I got off, I had nowhere to go. Luckily, she helped me. She had an extra room in her cool apartment and obviously I took it! Good deals should never be missed. Seriously, you gotta take it! Two days before she left she cleaned out everything and signed the apartment to my name. She is so nice! But I’m going to miss her.

“Unnie, will you be fine in the states?” I asked.

“Of course I will! You just take good care of the apartment but don’t expect me to come back because I’m sick of my ex-boyfriend stalking me…you better not fall in love when I’m gone. You know the heart-ache it caused me…I don’t want it to happen to you”.

Oh she’s so sweet. She takes care of me a lot and her love life was really disastrous. Even though I love reading and watching romance stuff, having a relationship in reality seems too complicated. But who knows…maybe I might fall in love. Come to think about it…..nahh! But maybe I should ask just in case.

“Unnie, what happens if I do fall in love and I know I can trust that person?”

”Just don’t let him control you if you do find yourself in love…use me as an example?”

 ”Yes I get it!”

“Haha, ok! Now give me big hug before I go!”

I gave Unnie a big hug and even though most people cry at this point, it just doesn’t work for me. We waved our goodbyes and I headed off towards the exit. On my way, I saw a girl sitting on the seats looking so lost. Poor girl, its midnight and it will be hard to find a place to stay. Who knows, maybe she needs help just like I did when I arrived for the first time.

Hara’s POV:

This is the end of the world. I know it. If I sleep someone might steal my luggage and run away. Or maybe someone will kidnap me while im sleeping…..anything can happen (DAN DAN DANN!!). I’m seriously gonna die. I’m so lost and I’m just staring at the ground. In the distance, I saw a girl walking towards me. I looked up and she looked so familiar…

”OMG HARA!!! WHEN DID YOU COME HERE?!?!” Teresa screamed.

Ohh god. Everyone in the whole damn airport is staring at us.

“Shussh, im happy to see you too!” I said.

“Hehe sorry”

Finally someone found me and it’s Teresa!! I’m SAVED :D!! I pushed my glasses back up and she gave me a death hug…some people never change.

“Aishh I’m so lucky! I thought I was gonna get kidnapped or something but you saved me!!!”

“That’s what I’m here for hehe…anyways what brings you here to Seoul?”

“Oh talk about it…my parents want me to finish off my studies here just like you…and I have nowhere to stay so…?”

“Oh sure you can stay with me! I came to the airport to say goodbye to an Unnie who helped me when I came here so I got an extra room for you….OMG this is gonna be totally exciting!! Come on let’s gooooo!”

As I was saying, some people never change.

Nobody’s POV:

Teresa and Hara arrived at Teresa’s apartment in Teresa’s car. They went inside the apartment and Hara was in awe because it was so cool. Teresa showed Hara’s room which had everything to get her started. It was around 2 in the morning so Hara quickly unpacked and Teresa went to sleep. Hara was still awake, thinking about how she was safe now from any weirdos and fell asleep.



Ok… I have the lamest sense of humour so like u guys might not even notice the funny parts….i at jokes O.o. Plus this chapter was quite short and totally BORING right? I know this was totally not interesting and I will go one forever with this fanfic~~ but anyways….thanks for subscribing and commenting!!! xD  (lots of loveeee to TiaraL and mainy7 <3)

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!