Wanna go out with me?

You're Driving me Crazy

ASDFGHJKL Stuff my life I kinda got sleepy last night (LOL sleepy_bubbles...get it? Ok im really lame) and I wrote another update but I closed the tab and went to sleep and now only I realised that I didn't update that other chap so now im having a *faceplaming session* and sorry for not updating yesterday...ARGHHHH ASDFGHJKL I WANNA KILL SOMEONE >:( Ok...enough about me...meh


Lunchtime at School on a Wednesday...

Taemin's POV:

Ok...it's ok that I get teased but seriously keep you limits!!! Teresa Noona and Hara Noona are so good with finding little details...me and Sulli got busted in the morning. I gave Sulli a little peck on the cheek and they just have to be there. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SO MEAN?! So yeahhh I wish Sulli was in the same school as me so she can give her death glares...too bad God made Girls High Schools.

"So Taeminnie...how was you first kiss??" Shinhye Noona said winking at me.

"Noona!! Don't be so erted...just like Jonghyun" I said pouting.

"Bwoh?! Jonghyun is worser then me! Look at what's he's doing right now!" Shinhye overreacted. We all looked over to Jonghyun who was staring at the girls in the cafeteria line.

"Yeobo! You have to only look at me!" Key yelled in his face.

"Yah! Oh...hehe...sorry yeobo~" Jonghyun said cutely. Teresa and Shinhye Noona started gagging. Yup they can never accept Jongkey. Urgh killjoys.

"Hehe how cute~" Hwa Young said cutely sitting beside us. Phew...she didn't hear the me dating Sulli part...we have to be careful around her.

Nobody's POV:

"Hehe what a fail at being cute~" Melissa said cutely at Hwa Young.

"Excuse me?" Hwa Young said shooting a death glare at Melissa.

"She was only joking...relax!" Onew said giggling.

"O-oh right...yeah hehe" Hwa Young said giggling too.

"Hey Teresa...didn't you say you want to join some clubs?" Hara asked.

"OH YEAH!!! IMMA BECOME CLUB PRESIDENT HERE I COME AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Teresa screamed and dragged Hara along with her.

"HELP!!!" Hara screamed as Teresa dragged her along with her.

"Wow...someone's hyper today" Melissa said shaking her head.

"Is she always like this?" Key asked amused.

"Why...you interested..remember last time?" Shinhye asked him winking. Key gagged. Jonghyun just stared at her.

Teresa's POV:

"Yah! The clubs signing up sheets are over there!" Hara yelled at me.


"So?! Go THERE to sign up" Hara said annoyed.

"Well I have to talk to you privately" I said.

"What is it?"

"Don't you think Hwa Young is a little weird?"

"Yeah...but I can't just tell her to go"

"Well I think she's causing some trouble...maybe she has an evil plan?" I said wondering.

"Don't be stupid...she looks stupid enough to think of anything"

"Woah...did Park Hara just say that?" I asked shocked.

"WHAT? I'm just being a little honest" she said innocently.

"Yeah whatever...but haven't you noticed that she gets shy around Onew?"

"Yeah I have...but I like him!" Hara pouted.

"Well then go tell her to back off!" I said annoyed.

"You know yourself I can't do that! Maybe I should ask him out?" Hara wondered.

"Umm yeah and you will lose your pride as a woman"

"Ok I get it....well there's nothing we can do" Hara said sadly.

"There is something I can do...find out what she's up too" I said.

Nobody's POV:

"Is something up with them?" Hwa Young asked lost.

"Oh nothing's up!" Taemin said innocently.

"I don't trust you..." Hwa Young said unsure.

"Hehe Taemin is always unsure with these stuff...you know how he's the maknae?" Onew said smiling brightly. Hwa Young blushed.

"Hehe you guys are so funny! Anyways, I'm having my birthday party next weekend. I'm inviting all of you! Plus you guys can come because other popstars are there too so you guys won't feel out of place. Plus my bro's gonna be there Shinhye" Hwa Young said winking at Shinhye.

"OMG REALLY? I LOVE YOU!" Shinhye screamed and hugged Hwa Young really tightly.

"Ok..ok let go Shinhye...she can't breathe" Onew said worried.

"Yeah...just so excited...OMG where is Teresa?!?! I need to go shopping for a dress!" Shinhye said excitedly.

"Yup...sup?" Teresa said sitting down next to Shinhye.

"ThereisgonnabeHwaYoung'sbirthdaypartynextweekendthereforewehavetogoshoppinglikeafterschoolok?" Shinhye blabbered.

"Really? Who invited us?" Teresa asked.

"Girl...did you just understand what she said?" Jonghyun asked shocked.

"Of course...why? You too slow? Too bad then. Whoever has you as their boyfriend would probably not even last with you for like...1 minute?" Teresa smirked. The rest of them snickered. Jonghyun pouted. 

Hwa Young's POV:

Yes. All of them are coming to my birthday party! Gah my plan is finally working! Hehe...they all in for a big surprise! I can't wait. I looked over to my corner and saw my brother staring at me. I gave him a signal and he started walking towards out table. Excellent.

"Oh...I wonder what my brother wants?" I said innocently.

"OMG your brother is coming this way?! Hey Hara is my hair ok?" Shinhye asked worried.

"You look hot Shinhye! Just act natural..." Hara said sarcastically.

"Wae?~~" Shinhye whined.

"Dude you look hot now just shut up and act cool" Teresa said annoyed.

"I don't need to act cool. I already am" Shinhye scoffed.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Teresa said looking up my brother. She startled a bit.

"Hey guys...I bet my lil sis told you about her b'day party this weekend?" Oppa asked everyone looking at Shinhye.

"U-u-umm yeah" Shinhye said blushing.

"Hey Shinhye...I've been wanted to ask you for a long time...I really liked you when I first saw you...so...you wanna go out with me?" Oppa asked Shinhye in his husky voice. Jonghyun was gaping so much. Gosh a fly could go in his throat and choke him to death and he won't even care.

"U-u-ummm yeah sure" Shinhye said blushing madly.

"Cool! I'm so happy you said yes...see you later babe" he said winking and then pecked her forehead and left.

"Ok that was so gross" I said facepalming myself.

"I think...this is the best day of my whole entire bloody life...I will never ever forgot this day...where my true love came to me and said yes.." Shinhye blabbered on dreamily.

"*cough cough* When you said yes" Key corrected.

"Yeah whatever..." Shinhye said still in dreamland. Hmph this is perfect. I looked over to Jonghyun and he was in shock. And his mouth was shut. About time.

"I need to go outside" Jonghyun said and got up and went.

"Umm I better check on him" Key said worried and went after him.

"Ok...well sorry to bust you out of your dreamland Shinhye but how Kim Hyun Joong asked you out...that was pretty lame" Melissa said. Where is she onto? Can't she just shut up?!

"Umm that was such a hot way to ask a girl out...like you know anything" I said smirking.

"Umm that was kinda mean Hwa Young" Taemin said.

"Oh sorry...I just don't like people who say bad stuff about my oppa" I said innocently.

"Weird..." Melissa mumbled.

I just ignored her. She one of my least problems right now. I got rid of Shinhye but I still have to deal with Hara and Teresa. Especially when Teresa doesn't trust me at all and how Onew is so obvious that he has a little thing for Hara. I have to break any little thing he has with anyone...because he's mine.

Jonghyun's POV:

Urgh! I can't believe she accepted his gay proposal! Stuff him! I was kicking the tree hard in the back of the school until I got tired. Urgh...I have no chance now. I kicked the tree again.

"Kicking the tree won't help you know?" Key said startling me.

"Yeah and you don't even know why I'm doing this" I muttered. I sat down beside the tree leaning my back. Key sat next to me.

"It's obvious that I already know you like Shinhye more than I friend...You've fallen for her" Key said amused.

"Yeah that's great! You found out! Congratulations!" I said sarcastically.

"Look. Kicking the tree is gonna make you bleed, not the tree. And you still have a chance because for one moment, I saw doubt in Shinhye's eyes...just look out for her ok? You know that Kim Hyun Joong only dates girls...well for one day just to do it with them at night?" Key said.

"Yeah...atleast I can do that for her" I sighed. Shinhye...will you ever realise?

At Hwa Young and Kim Hyun Joong's House... (A/N: WARNING: Actual coarse language ahead)

Hwa Young's POV:

"So...everything went well?" Oppa asked me.

"Yeah....Melissa doubted your proposal to Shinhye...but I shut her up luckily. Seriously...that was such a lame proposal!" I said annoyed.

"Yah...I tried my best you know? How am I supposed to ask a girl out when I don't even like her?" Oppa asked pissed.

"Oppa...you don't like anyone...you just wanna them" I said with attitude.

"That's my lil sis..." he said ruffling my hair.

"Urgh I love my hair more than you oppa" I said annoyed.

"Yeah I know..so give me some tips on how to date?"

"Are you serious? How low have you gone...only ing girls"

"Well just get down to buisness and then go find another chick. That's just how a player works" Oppa said looking at his nails.

"Yeah, yeah I've heard that bull a million times...by the way...how long is our parents still overseas?" I asked.

"Those douchebags are coming next month...pssh I'm a popstar and I have to take care of you instead of living on my own" he said clucking his tongue.

"I know you love me~"

"Mhmm...so what's your plan to get Onew?"

"Well...since Hara is Onew's main attraction...I have to get Onew's attention"

"Well that's easy. ASK HIM OUT"

"I wish...I don't even know him properly...who am I kidding? HE doesn't know me properly. So I guess I have to show ALL my charms at the party yeah?"

"Sis...you're so hot that boys would do it with you when you say hi...everything will go fine"

"Thanks Oppa!" I hugged him tightly.

"Yeah now go do your homework and bust up the music...I'm inviting some chicks over before I go attend my schedule" Oppa said.

"Kay!" I said and ran off to my room. Like Oppa said...everything will go just fine.


Ok so I guess you guys found out the evil dudes and yeah....major twist in the story hehe. Not that exciting but hope you guys like it! And pleasee comment!!! I would really really appreciate it :) And PLEASE SUSCRIBE SILENT READERS!!! Anyways thank you everyone for reading xD Btw I think this rewrited chap is way better than the other one because I wrote a lot of crap in the other one...*and you thought this one was full of crap* hehehe.... :/


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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!