
You're Driving me Crazy

Teresa's POV:

Key was right. I am stupid. I started sobbing against the wall. I didn't want this to happen. I really didn't know that raison toast will make Melissa puke. She did look sick at recess but she said she was okay. Now I know not to trust her too much. I looked to where Melissa was and she looked better then when i saw her in the morning. There was panadol and water left on the table next to her and there was a note. I guess that's from Minho since he brought her up here. I picked up the note and read it...

Dear Melissa, You were already sleeping in the car so I brought you up here. There's panadol and water on the table and I sent a text message to Key so I guess your friends would be here by now. Btw your house is cleaner then I thought it would be (take it as a compliment) Hope you get well soon...Minho

Oh how sweet. Minho really is a good guy. Pssh and we're the ones who cleaned her apartment. I stopped sobbing and slept on the other couch.

Jonghyun's POV:

The bell rang for home time and I went up to our meeting spot. I received a text message from Key sent to all of us at the same time. It said:

Hey guys, Melissa was sick so Minho took her home and I showed the message to Teresa and she took me along with her to check up on her..fill u in that later...anyways tell that to the rest of her group and Minho took the car so good luck finding your way back home! Key

Oh god. Do not tell me this is happening.

SHINee's (the ones at school) thoughts: HOW THE HECK DO I GET HOME NOW?

Key's POV:

I really did it this time. I don't know what got over me...why did I shout at her?! Minho heard it all since it was in a quiet hallway. When I came inside he was waiting on the couch shaking his head at me. Right now, I have my head buried in my arms in guilt. Before I left, I heard Teresa crying inside. Man I am one big jerk.

"As I was saying, you are really a BIG jerk...what has gotten into you? Ever since you saw her you started acting weird and angry. You should go say sorry or something...remember in this apartment block, there are old couples so they can definetly hear what's going on. I know they won't care but just saying" Minho said.

Minho was right. I have gotten weird. I should say sorry but I feel so guilty to say that to her. I'm so ashamed to go up to her...even though I've dealt with a million fan girls, Teresa's different.

"Oh and remember you have to do that Geo assignment with her? And you said that she wanted to work together? OH MY I WONDER WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO NOW?"  Minho said sarcastically.

I gave him a glare but he was right. What am I going to do?

Hara's POV:

Oh god. I can't believe this. Melissa went home sick with Minho taking their car and Teresa dragged Key along with her to see Melissa. How did she even get permission? Anyways Shinhye and I are officially stuck with Jonghyun, Onew and Taemin. Seriously how are we supposed to get home? Jonghyun was calling someone...I think it was their manager...and it kept on going on answering message. I tried calling Teresa but it was no use. None of the people who left us here would pick us up. And I don't even know Seoul for god sake, How do I get home?!

"Yah! Stop shouting! Let's think through this..." Shinhye said.

Oops. I said the last part loud. Suddenly Shinhye smiled creepily at the boys. Oh man...even though I only know Shinhye for a couple of days, I definetly know that a pedo smile isn't a good sign. The boys stared at her uncomfortably and Taemin was squirming under pedo smile pressure. Cute!

"I've got an idea" Shinhye said.

Melissa's POV:

I woke up feeling a lot better then I was before and I saw Teresa sleeping on the other couch. How did she get in here? On my table there was panadol, a glass of water and a note. I didn't need the panadol so I drank the water. I read the note and it was from Minho. Wow...he really is a good guy. And LUCKY Hara and the others cleaned the apartment. That would have been embarrasing if I had a cup of ramen lying on the table. It was around 3:30 in the afternoon and I took a shower and changed into clean clothes. I woke Teresa up and she started to cry. Ok I am never good at comforting crying people.

"I-I'm so sorry Melissa! I should have never given you raison toast! I'm so stupid! I'm such a bad person" Teresa said while crying.

"Teresa it's ok! Stop crying...I'm all better now see? And you're not stupid and it's not your fault my body didn't accept the raison toast ok? And I think it's because I've been eating ramen for the past few days that I puked today so stop crying ok?" I said. Aish I should seriously learn some more cooking skills.

"O-ok fine I'll stop crying. Are you ok?" Teresa asked wiping her face.

"Yes I am. I know you got so worried about me...but how did you get out of class?"

"It's called pretending to faint..DUH" Teresa said sarcastically. Urgh this girl is too good for her age.

Jonghyun's POV:

Ok so I seriously hate Shinhye's Idea but it was working 100%. Shinhye came up with this BRILLIANT idea to get us home without the media following us. Looks like my blabbering was heard hehe~. Shinhye went and bought 2 wigs, 2 hairbands, a bow and girls school uniform and shoes. After telling us to change into those which took 10 mins to come to a comprimise, she put on the wigs and put a headband on Taemin and my head and a bow on Onew's. Taemin didn't need a wig since he looked like a girl either way. We came out and looked awful. Taemin was the one who looked like an actual girl.

"Wow Shinhye, you are too good to be true..." Hara said.

"Yup I know...just too good ya know?" Shinhye said satisfied.

"Yeah whatever...anyways you guys should know Seoul right? Since it's lucky we live a few doors away from each other, we can go together back to our apartments since our retarted friends won't help us. Right?"

"Right" Onew replied.

Onew took us all on the bus which stopped in front of our apartment block. While on the bus, Shinhye and Hara were taking pics of us and were telling us to do cute poses and stuff. Taemin was acting cute like usual and Onew was just smiling his neutral smile. I on the other hand was staring at the window. Every once in a while I will look and I would always get taken. URGH so annoying...Key you are so dead!

Onew's POV:

I was being harrased by getting pics taken by Hara and Shinhye . I just smiled often for some of them because Hara would start cracking up. We reached the front of our apartment block and got off. We said our goodbye's and Hara and Shinhye went to check up on Melissa. As we were walking, there were some elderly people out on their afternoon walk. They started giving as weird looks so we hurried to the apartment. We entered and Jonghyun really looked like T-rex...not a good sign. I better go get all this crap off me. Minho and Key was cracking up hysterically and Minho was saying that Taemin looked so cute. What about me? Aish whatever. I went to to get changed.

Key's POV:

"BAHAHA You guys are dressed up like girls and you look so cute Taemin! YOU LOOK HORRIBLE JONGHYUN HAHAHA!" I laughed hysterically.

"YAH KEY!!! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE US ALONE AND NOT COME BACK TO GET US YOU IDOIT!!! You know how EMBARRASING it was in front of them?! How can you do this to me?!?!" Jonghyun shouted. Oh man he's really angry this time.

"Sorry! If you hear what I have to say then you would shut up and start calling me a jerk!" I shouted back. Even though this was funny, I still felt bad for what I did.

"HOW CA- what? Jerk relates to girl problems..What did you do Key?! Did you make someone pregnant?! DID YOU BECOME A ?!" Jonghyun asked.

"WTF NO! Just hurry up and change and I'll tell everything...GOD!" I said. Aish I have a headache.

After everyone got changed, I told them about what happened earlier. 

"Hyung, you should go say sorry to Teresa" Taemin said sadly. If Taemin's sad then that means I'm really bad.

"Ahh if Teresa tells her gang about this then we are officially DEAD because they know that we are SHINee because of Jonghyun's blabbering" Onew said. That's just even worse.

"Ok you just broke a girls heart and you have to work with her on your geo assignment...the only way is to apoligise RIGHT NOW" Jonghyun said.

"But I can't apoligise RIGHT NOW" I said.

"Well unless you're going to give Teresa a FAIL on her favourite subject and make her even more sad, you should apoligise right now" Jonghyun said.

Hara's POV:

We heard Melissa's story and kept teasing her about dating Minho. Shinhye was unusually quiet. Teresa then opened up and told us about what happened with her and Key. Wow. I never knew a popstar would get that pissed. Shinhye was shouting that she was gonna kill that . Haha he better be ready for it. Teresa said not to worry about it and i was her fault in the end but I still think he shouldn't have shouted at her like that. It was around 8 at night so went back to our apartments to wash up and do our homework. I can't believe this school gives homework on the first day. But then I'm in Year 12.

After I finished homework, I asked Teresa if she wanted dinner but she said she wasn't hungry. I left her alone because she needed some time to be on her own.

Teresa's POV:

I was bored sitting on the couch. I wasn't hungry and I finished all my homework so I decided to go for a walk around the block. I was in my pajama's which was a black shirt with white writing that said 'I don't believe in LOVE' and white flannel pants. Cho Hee Unnie got it for me before she went back to the States. I grabbed my cardigan and told Hara I was going to get some fresh air. She said to be back soon and I went out.

Key's POV:

I was about to go outside but I saw Teresa so I shut the door. I left a little gap so I can see where she was going. This is a good chance for me to apoligise to her. After she went a little further away, I followed to where she was going. She was walking randomly everywhere and just bouncing her head up and down. This girl is so random. She was walking into a more darker area and she turned to look behind her and I quickly hid behind a trashcan. Phew that was close. I decided to stay put here so she can go a little further because I was too close to getting caught. I was about to start walking again but I heard a middle-aged man's voice speak up.

Nobody's POV:

"I've been waiting for you Cho know you can't escape from me?" he said seductively.

Teresa would never forget that voice.

"Yah! I'm not Cho Hee you bastard! I'm Teresa and get LOST! She is not even here anymore and you don't deserve her!" Teresa shouted back at him.

"Oh you really think so? Do you regret what you just said right now?" he shouted back.

"NO I DON'T! I NEVER WILL YOU !" Teresa shouted.

"Well, looks like Cho Hee left me a souvenier to play with...come here y" he said seductively. He then grabbed her before she could escape from his grip.

"Help!" Teresa shouted.

"No one's gonna save you baby. don't believe in love? Don't worry...I'll make you believe in it now" he said.

Teresa's POV:

Cho Hee's ex-boyfriend or to be more exact was trying to kiss me and I blocked most of it but I couldn't escape from his grip. I only went to two classes of Karate and I already quit because of the irratating 45o feet position thing. No one's going to save me! I couldn't scream for help because I had to have one hand covering my mouth to not get kissed by that . I was crying so much because I was terrified. I'm gonna lose my ity to a ! Suddenly, the guy gets kicked off me and I fell on the ground. I saw a guy bashing up the and it was Key. Even though this place was dark, the little light coming from the lightpost showed Key's face.

Key looked really pissed. I got up and brushed the dirt off myself. After some screaming from Key, the apoligised and ran away. Key ran towards me and I was still crying. I must looked terrified judging the look on his face.

"Teresa, are you ok?" Key asked worried. That made me cry even more. Key suddenly hugged me and said soothing words. I felt warm and safe in his arms and I started to cry even more. Oh man I fail.

Key's POV:

Even though I looked like I standed in front of a tsunami based on how wet my shirt was, I let Teresa let it all out. She stopped crying after 5 minutes of which I think she would have filled 3 litres of water with that many tears, she buried her face into my chest and kept sniffing. I felt like I should protect her and warmthness spread over me. She let go of me after sometime and wiped her face with her cardigan.

"Thanks for saving me...based on that 's reaction, I don't think he will come back anymore" Teresa said.

"Did he always come every night?" I asked, getting protective.

"Yes but I never went out because of that. Today I just forgot I guess" she said. I guess I must of hurt her real bad today to make her forget about this scary thing.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier...I didn't know what came over me"

"That's ok...I guess I can forgive you for saving me today...thanks again" she hugged me and went back to her apartment. I'm glad that I saved you today Teresa.


ehehehehe how was this chapter?? I think this was the longest I've did so far (YAY!) Anyways, Key and Teresa have resolved on the same chapter...I was actually thinking of separating it into two chapters but then I was going for a big one hehe...and I hope it was funny..I TRIED MY BEST! =='! I'll see if I can update another one if I'ms till fresh because it's around 9pm here. AND THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING!!! THANKS TO ALL MY LOVELY SUSCRIBERS FOR SUPPORTING ME xD MORE SUSCRIBERS ARE WELCOME ;D hoho I'm so random but just wanted to say there's exactly another month till christmas xD  


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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!