
You're Driving me Crazy

Shinhye's POV:

I woke up feeling so sleepy. Somethings's missing...oh...where did Jonghyun go? And what happened to seeing his wife's face in the morning? I got up rubbing my eyes and walked down to the kitchen. I smelt something but it was too faint to smell what it is. I went inside and saw Jonghyun fail at making pancakes...there were already 5 burnt pancakes sitting on the counter.

"Jonghyun...if you're going to make it properly arasso?" I said and he startled for a moment and smiled sheepishly. I gave him a blank stare and got the spatula and started to make some proper ones. Suddenly, I felt arms encircle my waist. My heart fluttered rapidly. Dammit I'm cooking pancakes!

"Yeobo...shall we go to our room?" Jonghyun asked huskily. I got so much butterflies. Urgh doesn't he know what my parents and his aunty and uncle said?

"If you want breakfast that is edible, shut up and sit down" I said firmly and placed a pancake on another plate.

"But I want you for breakfast..." he said nuzzling into my neck. I started to heat up..

"Aww yeobo likes that doesn't she?" he said playfully tapping my stomach.

"If you can't wait for two years...I'm afraid...we can't even sleep in the same bed" I said finishing up.

"What?...same bed?" Jonghyun asked confused.

"If you don't know my parents, they will see if I get pregnant in these two years...if I don't, they'll leave us alone. And you can do whatever you want. So please, wait for two years..ok?" I said and kissed him on the lips.

"Two years is really long!" Jonghyun pouted and I started to eat my pancakes.

"Think logically Jonghyun...if we have a baby now...what about our career? And I only just debuted. So, we really have no choice but to wait for some years first ok?" I said eating my pancakes. Please...I hope this dino isn't smart enough to say...

"We can use protection..." Jonghyun smiled and took a bite of his pancakes.

"Hehe...NO type of protection says that they're 100% effective so shut up" I said and shot him a glare.

"But...what else do we do if we don't do that?" Jonghyun whined.

"Jonghyun...getting married isn't all about's about loving the other person and respecting their feelings.." I said looking at him sternly.

"Aish...I know.." he said and pecked me on the cheek and ate silently. Sigh...why does he have to be so cute? I got some pancake on my fork and put it in front of his mouth. He looked up at me and I shoved it into his mouth.

"Eat up yeobo!" I smiled cutely and continued feeding him. He then started to crack up.

"Yah~ What is it?" I asked annoyed.

"Y-you looked t-too adorable to be t-true" he said breathing for air.

"So you're saying I look ugly?" I said getting up.

"No you will always look beautiful in my eyes" Jonghyun said doing his aeygo.

"Please, save it for Key" I smirked.

"Wae~ My aeygo is so cute!" Jonghyun pouted.

"Of course it is" I said rolling my eyes and hugged him tight.

Melissa's POV:

"WHY?! Why god...must you be sad like make our precious Shinhye leave this beautiful homey dorm?" Teresa exaggerated as she was acting like she was Romeo callling for Julitte. Aish she's acting so melodramtic right now. Actually...she's always is.

"Juliette, Oh~ Lalal-" Taemin sang.

"Right on time Taemin. You must be Teresa's Romeo" I said burying my face in Minho's chest. Mmm he smelled like favourite.

"I'm Teresa's Romeo!" Key pouted.

"Yeah whatever" I mumbled. Minho hugged me back tightly and pecked me on the forehead.

"So...bored without me?" Minho asked flopping on the couch.

"I can always entertain myself you know" I said rolling my eyes.

"Thinking about me?" he smirked. I blushed and started to hit his chest.

"Get a room!" Hara said trying to control Key's argument about being the Romeo.

"Omg! Hara I am so proud of you! You actually said something like that! Ahahahah!" Teresa giggled and started to jump around like a crazy idoit.

"Is she on her PMS?" Onew asked staring at Teresa with a blank look.

"What?" Teresa stopped and started to give deathly glares to Onew.

"Hara...why are you not saving me?" Onew asked scared.

"Taemin! Calm down you umma! Seriously I have to take care of my boyfriend!" Hara said quickly going over to Onew. Hara hugged Onew tightly and shot a more deadly glare at Teresa.

"I was just joking sheesh.." Teresa said rolling her eyes.

"Yeobo! Why is Taemin your Juliette?" Key whined.

"Because he is less annoying than you" Teresa said doing a arm in arm with Taemin.

"Bwoh?! You're saying he's better than me?" Key said all diva-ish.

"Isn't it obvious?" Teresa said going back to Key.

"Well then bye!" Key said flipping his hair and started to walk off. I was watching with curiousity when I got pulled quickly into an embrace...

"I missed you...." Minho said burying his face into my hair. Why does he make me so ?! ASDFGHJKL urgh....

"Kibum...would you go now?" Teresa said backhugging him tightly.

"Urgh! Taemin go to Sulli!" Key pouted and hugged back Teresa.

"Look here~" Minho whined and I looked into his large eyes. His eyes showed love and care and that's all I needed.

"Am I that attractive?" Minho smirked. I blushed and hid my face in his shirt. I felt him chuckling lightly and I felt myself falling asleep..

Hara's POV:

I realised I was still hugging Onew and I was about to let go but Onew tightened the embrace.

"Do you even like me?" Onew asked over my shoulder.

"Yes! Why would you say that?" I asked shocked. Is he going to break up with me?

"J-just...because...we don't really talk to each other..." Onew said sadly.

"We do...what are we doing now?" I said hugging him tighter.

"That's different...but I mean other times" Onew said. I felt him pouting behind my back.

"Well then why don't you do what other couples do?" I asked. I hope he gets what I'm trying to say...

"What do other couples do?" Onew asked clueless. Aish...

"She means date pabo!" Key said shaking his head in disappointment.

"Yes! Hara, I'll pick you up around 5 arasso?" Onew said looking into my face.

"Ok!" I chirped. He pecked me on the lips and went off. I started to blush so mad.

"Hehe...just a simple peck can make you blush" Teresa chuckled. I pouted at her and slouched onto the couch. Minho was shaking Melissa lightly but she looked dead....IS SHE DEAD?!

"Melissa! Are you alive?" I yelled worried.

"H-hmm...aish...pabo...I was having such a good sleep ever...where am I?" Melissa murmured rubbing her eyes.

"Oh Minho! What am I doing on your lap?" Melissa asked confused.

"Melissa...Minho was here the whole time..." I said looking at her weirdly. The problem with her is that when she wakes up, she takes a long time to realise where she's at.

"Best sleep ever mm?" Minho smirked at Melissa.

"W-what?! OMG!!!" Melissa yelled in frustration and stomped off to the bedroom.

"Hara, tell her to be ready too...she's going on a date as well" Minho said cheekily and went outside.    

"Aww they're so adorable...anyways...I have to catch up with Ethan. I need to discuss the dating issue between him and Tiffany Unnie" Teresa frowned to herself.

"So you're going to leave me alone?" Key said sadly.

"No why would I do that?" Teresa said looking at Key.

"You're always being mean to me...can't you be nice atleast once?" Key asked hugging his knees on the sofa.

" I always being mean..?" Teresa asked herself.

"By the looks of it...yes you are" I said nodding.

"I'm sorry..." Teresa said and sat down next to Key. She then hugged her knees as well and rocked back and forth. I think they need some time for themselves so I went to the bedroom to get ready for the date.


Hmmm what's up guys? Sorry for not updating...I've been busy >.<" hehe but here's an update! Hope you liked it...and Teresa and Key really haven't had problems so...ehehe ;D COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBERS ARE LOVED <3 <3 <3

Plus, I only had three hours of sleep I'm sorry if this chapter was really random...and as always...PLEASE FORGIVE ME OF MAJOR GRAMMTICAL ERRORS =="

P.S. Sorry if the title scared you...I don't just suted the chapter...since everyone was having a problem..and...I kinda forgot to add one couple...haha...I'll update on them soon too ^.^


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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!