When problems arise...secrets are revealed.

You're Driving me Crazy

Ok guys before you read...this is a repost of the one I put in the last chapter incase you guys read it...that was actually an accidental post...I was going to continue that update but then I was sleepy so I don't know what I did...anyways this is the actual chapter...sorry about earlier :S


Hara's POV:

I was just sitting around bored as ever on the couch, waiting for Shinhye to come back. It was already 3 o’clock for GOD SAKE. Teresa was sleeping with a bandaged arm since she needed a lot of rest. Key insisted on sleeping with her but like that's gonna happen in this dorm. Hell to the no. The party crash was big news for Korea since we were dealing with so much k-pop idols. I wonder what happened to Kim Hyun Joong? Plus, we 3 got so much publicity. Shinhye missed out because she was making out with Jonghyun? Was she making out with Jonghyun? I don't know...probably find out later. Melissa and Minho had a little fight at the hospital concerning the fact that Melissa never called Minho…it was cute though haha. But they’re not seeing each other and Minho seems to be the most effected.

*You and I together, it just feels so right~*

My phone was ringing. I saw the screen and it said blocked. I wonder who it could be?...


“HARA! Are you ok sweety?” my mum screamed through the phone. OMG…I haven’t even called her about anything that’s going on right now…uh oh…

“I’m fine mum…sorry I haven’t called…how is everyone?” I said in a casual voice. I actually felt like screaming but back to topic.

“HARA HOW DID YOU END UP IN THAT PARTY?! That party was only for k-pop idols!”

“Umm mum I forgot to tell you that I’m a trainee in SM Entertainment…” I said nervously…oh crap…

“WHAT?! You’re a TRAINEE? When are you going to debut?” my dad yelled. Oh no~ My dad is there too O.O

“Ahh in a couple of weeks”

“That’s good. Because you’re going to come back here to Australia and study for Doctor alright? We made a big mistake sending you to Korea!” my dad said frustrated. WHAT?!

“WHAT?! I can’t just go like that!” I was on the verge of crying.

“Of course you can! You have to study for Doctor and that’s final!” my dad yelled loudly.

“NO IT ISN’T!!!” Teresa yelled behind me. Was my dad that loud to hear through the phone? Teresa grabbed the phone from me and started talking.

“Excuse me Mr and Mrs Park, this is Hara’s best friend Teresa. You already know I guess since I’m a regular caller to your house when I was in Australia. But back to this debate. I think Hara should pursue the singing career since she has a beautiful voice and she has to be extremely good to be selected in the first place. I’m sure you will agree with me.” Teresa said in her respectful voice. C’MON TERESA PERSUADE MY PARENTS…she was always good with persuading…but then it ends up bad.

"NO! She is to become a doctor and that's final!" my parents screamed. OMG how can you be so embarrasing?!


While Teresa was trying to persuade my parents saying that I'm gonna be the first in the whole entire family tree to become a k-pop star, Unnie came in asking what was the racket. Oh thank god!

"What's going on Hara?" Unnie asked.

"My parents suddenly called upon hearing the news and they're saying I have to go to Australia right now...Teresa is trying to persuade them but they won't listen...you should know the main reason I came here is to become a Doctor" I said sadly sniffing. Don't cry Hara...be strong.

"Oh I see....Teresa give me the phone" Unnie said.

"Well I don't think I can convince you any further Mr and Mrs Park so I will give it to our manager" Teresa said and handed the phone to Unnie.


"Hello Mr and Mrs Park, I am U.S. manager Ms. Bae Seohee. I would like to know your concern about Hara" Unnie said in her buisness tone. Woah...she's so good. Unnie put it on speaker so everyone can hear.

"Well Ms. Bae, we sent Hara to Korea in the first place to study her final year for Doctor. Nothing else. So I'm sure she can come back here to Australia since she hasn't debuted either" my dad said angry.

"I understand but Hara has signed a contract to be in SM and debut etc. You will have to pay a large amount of money to cancel the contract"

"WHAT? How much is it than?" my dad asked angry.

"1 million won. Can you pay that?"

"Yes we can" my mum said butting in.

"Are you sure?" Unnie asked shocked. I was shocked too...are they joking?

"Yes we are! We have no problem with Hara becoming a k-pop star. The fact that she was going to get shot scares us! Teresa also got hurt because of a gun pointing to Hara. For goodness sake we are millionares! We're not sure is we should believe the newspapers about what Kim Hyun Joong said about his sister's plan or if someone is out there to kill Hara to get all our money" my mum said bursting out in tears.

What?! I'm a millionare? I started to tear up. Why didn't they tell me this before?

"Mum...why didn't you tell me before?" I said tearing up.

"W-what? Hara are you listening to this?" my mum asked shocked.

"Why wouldn't I?! I can't believe you lied to me!" I screamed. Teresa was shocked as well. She sat next to me and stared at the phone.

"Hara...we didn't tell you because we wanted you and your brother to live a normal life so you won't get spoilt in all the richness and benefits you will have. We were afraid that you might not become a respectful girl" my dad said reasoning.

"Whatever...you didn't tell me and you want me to come back to Australia? You think I'm going to listen to you in the first place? HUH? I don't think so...you just lost my trust and you are so concerned about my safety...why couldn't you tell me in the first place?! Did everyone had to persuade you this much just to get the damn truth out of you ugly mouth?!" I screamed at the phone.

"Hara calm down!" Teresa said whispering furiously. Everyone knew that I don't talk like that...but my parents lost my trust. I am definetly going to become a pop-star, no matter what comes in my way.

"YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT WE WERE MILLIONARES?!" My brother screamed through the other end. So now he knows too. Welcome to the club little bro.

"Honey...that's because we cared for your own good..." my mum said trying to open the locked door.

"Hara. We will let you stay in Korea. We will let you follow your dreams. We will support you. We're sorry we didn't tell you earlier because we were afraid situations like this will come. And look what happened? I'll send all the information you need to know about our family through email. Just make sure you still be the same girl we brought you up to be and that you keep safe arasso?" my dad said sighing.

"Ok...sorry for the outburst" I mumbled.

"That's ok. It's reasonable I guess. And Teresa, if you're listening, thank you for saving Hara but we're not happy that you got SHOT in the arm for that" my dad said concerned.

"Oh haha your welcome! Plus this is nothing...see if I just move it up a bit...OW!!!" Teresa yelped in pain.

"As I was saying, take care of yourself and your parents also contacted us...your mum is very worried and she was crying for a whole day when she heard the news. Your parents said that your brother is coming to Korea or something..." my dad went on.

"WHAT?! MY BROTHER IS COMING?! Oh no....." Teresa whined.

"I better get going now. Your mum is having a hard time explaining to your brother. Bye Hara, take care" my dad said.

"Ok bye dad"


"Now that's what I call First class drama" Unnie said.

"Great. My brother's coming. I feel so much better now" Teresa said grumpy.

"I just learnt that I was a millionare" I said sighing.

"Yeah congrats...can you hire bodyguards to send my brother back to Australia?" Teresa begged me.

"Aha very funny I have no clue what I'm supposed to do with this information" I said.

*Knock Knock*

"I'll get it" Unnie said and opened the door to find...Jonghyun and Shinhye.

"Um..hi Unnie?" Shinhye said nervously.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Unnie said screaming.

"Um Jonghyun was with me" Shinhye said chuckling.

"Shut up. Lucky he was with you. Running off like that. Are you guys together?" Unnie asked smirking.

"Yep" Jonghyun said walking in.

"Well I guess of you see Teresa, you'll know hwat actually happened when you guys were gone" Unnie said as Shinhye walked towards Teresa.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU TERESA?!?!" Shinhye screamed.

"Aish be quiet! My brothers coming to Seoul and I don't need you to scream at me too" Teresa said frustrated.

"What happened Hara?" Shinhye asked me furiously. I told her everything from the time she ran away to what happened right now.

"Now you came in screaming at everyone" I said.

"Yeah I know that...man I knew that chick was evil" Shinhye said shaking her head.

"I know right noona!" Taemin said squealing and hugging Shinhye so much. The others followed in and sat down on the couch.

"Excuse me but only I hug her" Jonghyun said putting his arm around Shinhye's waist protectively.

"Woah...in just one day, you went THAT FAR?" Teresa asked shocked.

"Why? You wanna go that far too?" Key asked smirking.

"WHAT?!" Shinhye and Teresa screamed.

"Oh god shut-up you too...so much screaming in one day! Where is Melissa?" Minho asked pouting.

"Aww how cute! Hmm Shinhye and Jonghyun are together, Teresa and Key are together, and Melissa and Minho are NOT together because of an idoitic fight" I said in conclusion.

"Seriously Hara...find yourself a boyfriend from..." Shinhye said and Teresa continued.

"SHINING SHINee!" Teresa imitated SHINee's manager.

"Yah!" I said pouting.

"Noona~ That's a cool thing!" Taemin whined.

"It's ok Taemin, Teresa is jealous that our group is way better than hers" Key said patting Taemin's head.

"You really want me to break up with you don't you?" Teresa said punching Key's arm.

"No~ Sorry yeobo?" Key said doing his aeygo (cute/ness).

"Key! I thought I was your yeobo?" Jonghyun whined.

"OMG, if you want Key as your yeobo than I will happily break up with you right now" Shinhye said pouting.

"No you're my yeobo forever!" Jonghyun said hugging Shinhye. Haha cute.

"Hey guys~ Meet my new boyfriend!" Melissa said happily. What the hell?!

"THE PEDO AHJUSSHI?!" Jonghyun and Shinhye screamed.

"What? You know him?" Melissa said shocked.

"YES! He was at that hotel thing..." Shinhye said staring at the pedo smile the ahjusshi was giving her.

"Well yeah...he's my new boyfriend" Melissa said chuckling. I saw Minho and he was shocked. He was just staring at Melissa with a bewildered look on his face. Melissa looked at Minho and started cracking up.

"Ahaha!" Melissa said laughing.

"Melissa...are you alright?" Onew asked worried. Has she gone mental or something?

"Guys I'm only joking! This ahjusshi is our co-ordinator! Haha...you can take off your disguise now" Melissa said wiping her tears. What? Co-ordinator? The ahjusshi took of his mask and disguise to reveal a guy in his twenties with short black hair and he's wearing a suit.

"Hello everyone. My name is Mr. Choi Jaesun and I will be U.S's co-ordinator" he introduced himself. OMG he was so hot.

"Jaesun..." Unnie whispered.

"Seohee?" Jaesun said shocked.

"You're coming with me" Minho said getting up and dragging Melissa away with him.

"OK. Someone explain what's going on?" Taemin said confused.


So this is a very confusing chap...lol...yep the drama has not ended yet. THERE'S MORE TO COME! Lol....if you guys have any doubts, feel free to ask ^_^!! And the whole chap was Hara's POV....lol (:

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!