One bed?

You're Driving me Crazy

Since no one commented besides G-Dragon_luva and mary_chu (which I am really grateful, i love you both <3) I decided not to rate this fanfic...right now I am hoping that you guys weren't bothered to comment -.- hmph I am so sad no one else did :/ But anyways...please check out my first one-shot if you're's called Tik Tok so check it out! (Minho one-shot :3) ^^"


Teresa's POV:

I love Key so much. Even though we've fought almost all the time, I always felt like he was the one for me. I knew he can protect me...well he did once. Key was lying down next to me and he was staring at the ceiling.

"Key..." I said.


"Do you know where Shinhye is?"

"Likely with Jonghyun"

"Oh...are they at the dorm with Hara and stuff?"

"Let me check"

"Ok..." I would have shouted at him right now because he wasn't sure where Shinhye was but then if she was with Jonghyun then that's fine.


"Hey Jonghyun and Shinhye with you?"

"No...I thought they were with you"

"Oh yeah ok bye"


"What did he say?" I asked.

"Jonghyun and Shinhye aren't with them" he replied sighing. What...the...?

"WTF?!?!?! WHERE IS SHINHYE?!?! WHAT HAPPENS IF SHE IS DEAD?!?! CHECK YOUR BLOODY PHONE IF THEY'RE IS ANY CALLS FROM THEM?!?!" I screamed. I really hate to do this but SHINHYE can be in danger and he isn't even worried.

"OK I'M PHONING JONGHYUN RIGHT NOW" Key said scared. Aw I didn't wan't to scare you but DUDE O.O


"Jonghyun....WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Key asked angry.

"About time you bloody call...I'm at my safety apartment with secretary will send a car in the morning...well it's already 1am but yeah"

"Oh thank girlfriend was about to kill me on the first day" I gave him a death glare

"Nice...congrats on you and Teresa dating...has she done her signature yelling yet?" I heard that....I'll deal with you later Kim Jonghyun ><

"Well...umm...kinda but you better come back to the dorm in the morning!" Key said stressed.

"Yeah fine...cya"


"So what happened?" I asked.

"Jonghyun is with Shinhye in his safety apartment so they will be at the dorm in the morning...*yawn*" Key said tired.

"Oh good...Shinhye and JOnghyun have some...bonding time" I snickered.

"Yeah....let's go to sleep" Key said and hugged me and buried his face in my hair.

"What the hell?" I whispered blushing. Seriously...WOULDN'T YOU FEEL AWKWARD TOO? O.o

"Just go to sleep...your hair smells nice by the way" Key mumbled.

"Fine..." I said and went to sleep in his arms.

Jonghyun's POV:

We were inside the room and Shinhye was amazed. Seriously can she not believe the fact that I am a millionare?

"Wow...even though it looks really old from the looks really nice in the inside..." Shinhye said amazed.

"Yeah well that's because I'm a millionare" I smirked.

"Yeah whatever" she said poking her tongue. I poked my tongue back.

"Anyways we need to clean up...I'm using the shower first" Shinhye said heading towards the shower.

"WHAT! You're in my apartment!" I yelled. I am dirty too and I carried her for god sake.

"So I'm the lady" she snickered and went inside. Urgh that chick. The tap went on and she started singing in the shower. Well her shower singing isn't that bad I guess. What am I thinking? Anyways...I haven't been here for ages. I looked around and everything looked clean as usual. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was stocked up with some ice-cubes, eggs, strawberries and some other fruits, milk and orange juice. There were some vegetables too and overall...I don't know how to cook. Good thing Shinhye knows how to cook. I heard the tap running stop so she must be finished.

*Knock, Knock*

There must be someone at the door. I opened the door but no one was there.

"Here you pabo!" Shinhye yelled from behind the bathroom door.

"WHAT?" I said in front of the door annoyed.

"I..umm...don't have anything to change into you know" she said nervously. Oh yeah.

"Hahahahahaha!" I laughed. Oh it feels good to laugh at her.

"YAH~!" she whined.

"Ok ok...i'll see if I can get anything for you" I snickered and called reception.


"Yes Mr Kim"

"Do you have any clothes for the lady to change into?"

"Ahh *evil smile* Yes Mr Kim. I'll give it to you right away"

"Yes Kamsahamnida"


"Wait alright" I said and I heard knocking on the door. Woah he's quick.

"Here are the clothes Mr Kim" he said and left. All of them were neatly placed in a designer bag with I didn't even care. She needed clothes so she got clothes.

"I got the clothes" I said beside the door.

"Ok...leave them in the front and turn the other way OK?" she said in her scariest voice.

"Ok...sheesh" I said and turned away. I heard the door open a creak and I sensed she was checking first *gosh no trust and we came this far* and then she grabbed the bag quickly and shut the door. Tsk.

"WOAH!!!" she squealed in delight. Is she this happy to see clothes?

"It's Victoria Secret!!!" she said in delight.

"SO?" I asked annoyed.

"What kind of clothes is this?! It's soo...urgh nevermind" she mumbled. What? Not my fault. All the ahjusshi's fault.

I heard the door open and she came out wearing this>>>

I wanna crack up right now. Sleep all day? You gotta be kidding me...but she looks so hot. O.O

"What? Hurry up and go shower" she said annoyed and went off into the kitchen. I need a shower right now. I hurried into the shower with a red face.

Shinhye's POV:

What is that guys problem anyway. It's not my fault I only got a sleep shirt. Sheesh I knew that pedo ahjusshi was up to something. I went off into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. Hmm no meat. Oh well. Vegetable soup for dinner and pancakes for breakfast. I started making vegetable soup and it was ready by 15 minutes. And Jonghyun still hasn't come out of the shower yet. For a guy, that's pathetic. But I couldn't hear the shower running either. I decided to check it out but the door opened to find Jonghyun wrapped in a towel and another towel around his neck. I just stared at him and OMG he had abs too! I know I started blushing and I quickly turned around.


"I know you like what you see~" he sang.

"OMG JUST GO CHANGE" I said angrily and stomped off into the kitchen. Urgh I hate my life.

Jonghyun's thoughts: Aww how cute...I should do this often >:)

Jonghyun came into the kitchen wearing a cotton shirt and flannel pants. Oh thank god.

"I thank god that you gave Kim Jonghyun a brain to put some clothes on" I said loudly giving him soup.

"God knew you wanted to see abs...and WHAT'S THIS?" Jonghyun asked shocked.

"Have you never seen vegetable soup in your life Kim Jonghyun?" I asked annoyed.

"WHERE IS THE MEAT?!" he cried.

"Does it LOOK like we have meat?!" I exclaimed. Gosh this guy is getting on my nerves.

"Ok I was just saying....tsk" he said sipping the soup. No words are coming out of my mouth.

We finished our soups and washed the dishes. It was around 1:30 and I wanted to sleep already! We went to the bedroom only to find that there was...

"ONE BED?!" we both screamed.

"Oh man could things get any worse?!" Jonghyun said in frustration.

"It's getting worse because YOU'RE here! Take the couch!" I said.

"If there WAS a couch!" Jonghyun yelled back. Oh yeah...there was no couch.

"Well take the floor!" I said annoyed.

"NO WAY. I own this apartment so too bad" He jumped on the bed and poked his tongue at me. Urgh this guy is so annoying.

"Fine" I grumbled. I'm too sleepy to argue with this . I went to the closet and took out a spare pillow and blanket and put it on the floor next to the bed. I got another blanket and made a little cosy blanket bed. But the floor was freaking freezing. Oh my god I'm going to die.

"You should off the light too" Jonghyun said snuggling in the bed.

"Yup..." I sighed. I got up and turned the light off and went back to my cold bed.


LOL Jonghyun's mean right? I know..... 8( .....I'll be doing another update so running out of stuff to say in my author's note you guys are probably cheering -.- My author's notes are lame right??

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!