First Time

Wolf School

Chen is going to get in so much trouble!


Chapter 14

Chen on Baekhyun’s bottom lip hard, making him moan. His hands ran down his body, searching clumsily for his pants. He was so wrapped up in the feel of the other boy that he didn’t hear the door open. A second later he was torn from his body and pulled onto his feet. He stumbled, held up by Chanyeol’s hands which wrapped around his arms.

“What the do you think you’re doing!?” he shouted, giving him a little shake.

Chen yelped and tried to make himself look small. He had never seen Chanyeol angry before and it was surprisingly intimidating. He had never fully appreciated just how tall the other wolf was. A deep growl rumbled up from his chest as his eyes turned red.

“Channie, he’s in heat!” Baekhyun had pulled himself upright but his hair was dishevelled and his face still flushed. Chen didn’t dare look at him as Chanyeol squeezed his arms more tightly.

He shook his head, cowering. “Chanyeol, I’m sorry.”

With another growl, Chanyeol dragged Chen away from his boyfriend. He could already smell his heat, the scent of it confusing his senses. The idea had crossed his mind already to push Chen down on the couch and take him as hard as he could as punishment. Swallowing hard, he managed to get Chen to his room and practically through him inside.

“Don’t come out,” he ordered.

Chen was stumbling over his words, his eyes wide and panicked.

“And don’t go near my boyfriend again, understand?”

He slammed the door before Chen could answer and stalked back into the other room. His shoulders were tense, his eyes still burning red. Baekhyun leapt up when he returned. His hands were trembling as he reached for Chanyeol.

“I’m so sorry,” he begged. He blinked and tears fell quickly down his cheeks. “I didn’t know. He just sat down and I wasn’t sure and then he kissed me and I told him you were coming back but he couldn’t stop and… and… I wouldn’t have, Chanyeol, I swear!”

“Yes you would.” Chanyeol looked down at his boyfriend and saw the horrified look on his face. Finally his eyes began to fade back to their natural dark brown.

“I wouldn’t,” Baekhyun insisted. “I only want you. I love you.”

He pressed his face against Chanyeol’s chest, crying freely, and felt safe, strong arms wrap around him.

“Shh,” Chanyeol soothed, “I understand. It’s ok.” He started to Baekhyun’s hair, soothing him.

“I’m sorry.”

“I know, baby.” He kissed the top of Baekhyun’s head. For a second when he had first walked in he had thought that something was really going on between them, that Baekhyun had been fooling around behind his back. But he knew his Baekhyun wasn’t like that. Besides, it had been obvious as soon as he was close to Chen that the other boy was in heat. Not that that was really an excuse. He could have at least tried to control himself.

They sat back down on the couch, Chanyeol rocking Baekhyun gently in his arms until he had calmed down.

“Should we call Kris?” Baekhyun asked.

“So he can have with him?” Chanyeol snorted. He was in the mood to make Chen suffer after seeing him all over Baekhyun. He wasn’t even going to pretend he hadn’t seen the red mark left on his neck.

“They’re together. Don’t you think he should know?”

Chanyeol sighed. He supposed that was true. Better to tell him now than wait and let him be mad about not finding out earlier. A little bit of him felt guilty that this might make things worse for Chen but then he remembered his hips pressing down on Baekhyun’s and he didn’t feel so kind anymore.

He grabbed his phone and called Kris. He thought it was going to go to voicemail but just as he was about to give up a rather tired sounding Kris said, “Hello?”

“Kris, it’s Chanyeol. Look, I think you need to come over here.”

“Why?” he grumbled.

“It’s about Chen. I just caught him all over Baekhyun. He’s in heat.”


“I stopped him before he could do anything too stupid but we thought you should know.”

“He’s in heat!?”

“Yeah, so?”

“, Chanyeol! He’s never been in heat before.”

Chanyeol’s mouth fell open and all he could say was, “Oh.” He hadn’t known.  Chen was seventeen. Everyone had come into heat by the time they were seventeen. Then again, he hadn’t started shifting until he was fifteen and that was when most people came into heat for the first time. Maybe he was working on a delayed time scale.

“Look, I’ll be right there ok? Is he alright?”

“He’s in his room.”

“Ok, I’ll be ten minutes at the most, ok?”

He didn’t even wait for Chanyeol’s answer before hanging up.


Chen sat on his bed, knees up to his chest and face buried in them. What had he done? He was lucky Chanyeol hadn’t killed him and Kris was sure to when he found out. Never mind the fact he had scared Baekhyun and probably ruined their friendship too. He couldn’t work out what had possessed him. Baekhyun had said he was in heat and if that was the case he never wanted it to happen again.

The door opened but he didn’t dare look up. He was scared it would be Chanyeol come to shout at him again or Kris wanting to break up. He curled tighter in on himself. His head was still swirling with the heat that had overtaken him.

A hand rested on the back of his neck and he whimpered but didn’t shake it off. A few moments later he felt a strange sort of coolness running through his body. It made him shiver but it was quite a nice relief really. Suddenly everything seemed clearer again, more normal. Curiously he lifted his head and saw a tired looking Lay smiling at him.

“Lay?” he said, confused.

“I just cooled the heat down for you,” he explained. “It’ll last a little while so you can rest. It was pretty strong though so it might come back.”

Chen blinked dumbly and nodded. That was when he noticed Kris hovering in the doorway. He looked away, embarrassed.

“Is he ok?”

“He’s fine,” said Lay, standing up. “Do you need anything else?”

Kris shook his head and told his pack mate to go home and rest. Chen listened as the door was closed and Kris came to sit next to him. Their bodies brushed together but it didn’t sent a rush of desire through him the way every touch that morning had.

“I asked Lay to come and calm it down so we could talk without me wanting to jump you,” he explained with a little bit of a laugh. For once Chen wasn’t in the mood to laugh.

Kris wrapped and arm around him and leant back against the headboard of his bed, pulling Chen comfortably against him. Chen wanted to cuddle into him and take comfort in his presence but it was hard when he could smell his pack members all over him. Especially Tao.

“Chanyeol told me what happened.”

Chen sniffled and hid his face. His voice was wet with tears when he replied, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I did it. Please don’t hate me.”

“Shh.” Kris petted his hair. “It’s ok. You’ve never been in heat before. It’s hard to control early on and it comes on especially strong when you don’t shift until you’re older.”

Chen rubbed at his eyes and looked up. “R-really?”

“Yeah, I read about it so I was sort of expecting this a little.”

Chen continued to look at him. “You read about it?”

Kris nodded. “When we got together I looked up some stuff about what happens when you shift late, just so I could maybe understand what you’re going through.”

A lump formed in Chen’s throat. That was the sweetest thing he had ever heard. He couldn’t believe Kris had spent time doing homework on his situation just so he could understand him better. He had had no idea.

“I…” He reached up to cup his jaw, shaking his head softly. “I had no idea.”

Kris shrugged. “It’s not a big deal.”

He was wrong. It felt like a very big deal.

“Aren’t you mad at me?”

“Well, I don’t like the idea of you fooling around with Baekhyun…”

“It wasn’t like that, I swear.”

“But I understand. I just don’t want it to happen again, ok?”

Chen nodded. He had been embarrassed when it had slipped out during a conversation that he had never been in heat before but now he was relieved. He had thought that, since he hadn’t started shifting for so long, that he wouldn’t come into heat like a proper wolf until he was at least twenty. Kris had reassured him that it was ok though. He had even told him that Tao was still waiting for his first heat period, though that was only slightly reassuring since he was young enough for that not to be unusual.

But now, he felt more sure of Kris than ever. He snuggled against him, ignoring the mixed scents of his pack that still clung to his skin after whatever they had been doing last night. He wrapped his arms around him, not wanting him to leave.

“I love you,” he said.

Kris was quiet for a moment, just long enough to make Chen start to feel embarrassed and a little stupid or saying it, and then he answered, “I love you too.”

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KeyTaemKai #1
Chapter 23: I like Taekai a lot
Chapter 60: that is awesom story.... gonna read more
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Ooo theres a sequel already,thats great :3
Chapter 60: I really liked this story! Very interesting and now off to read the sequel! I'm glad I stumbled across this gem :D and DBSK as a pack would be so awesome! Especially since I never read one as them being wolves before.
DragonKookie #5
Chapter 55: *overly excited squeals* OMG THEY SAID IT. THEY SAID ITTTTTT!!! "We are one" EEEEEP
DragonKookie #6
Chapter 33: Why do all the wolves in heat attack baekhyun? XD no wonder Channy is so protective
Luichi #7
Chapter 60: YESS! definitely want a sequel!
Chapter 59: Definitely I would read a sequel! I would love you forever for some Xiuhan, Kaisoo, Baekyeol!!!! Yay!
kakashilover #9