Messing Up

Wolf School

Two updates in two days? I'm spoiling you ;-)

Please leave a comment. This is my favourite chapter because naughty Chen Chen.


Chapter 13

Lay stumbled a little but Kris held him up. With one giant hand over his eyes it was a little hard to see where he was going. Through the cracks in Kris’s fingers he could tell the lights were out but he caught a faint flicker.

“Careful,” said Kris, close behind him. “Ok, stop.”

Lay did as he was told and started to laugh as soon as he heard his friends singing Happy Birthday to him. Kris pulled his hand away and Lay realised he was in the kitchen with his pack, and Chen, singing to him. On the table was a perfect looking birthday cake, its little candles flickering.

“Happy birthday!” Luhan cheered as they finished singing and he threw himself at his pack mate. The others joined in and hugged him so tightly he could barely breathe. Only Chen hung back, staying by the table.

“Chen made the cake for you,” said Kris. “He wanted to give you a present.”

“Aww, thank you so much.” He hugged the younger wolf, genuinely touched by the gesture. After spending the morning with Sehun and now being surprised by someone who wasn’t’ even in his pack he really was enjoying his birthday.

“Well, it wasn’t all me,” Chen admitted. “Baekhyun and Chanyeol helped.”

“It looks delicious.” Lay his lips at the sight of the vanilla and chocolate cake with Happy 18th written on top, surrounded by little chocolate swirls.

“Kyungsoo came round to help with the decorations on top. We messed them up the first time.” Chen gave his usual nervous giggle that Lay was starting to find quite adorable.

“So what part of it did he actually do then?” Tao mumbled from where he was leaning against the counter. Kris pinched his arm and gave him a reprimanding stare. He had spent all week convincing the maknae that Chen wasn’t about to steal his place or make Kris forget about him but he still wasn’t being exactly friendly.

“Here, cut the cake.” Luhan handed lay a knife. “I want a big piece.”


Chanyeol looked up for the couch where he and Baekhyun were watching TV.

“Hey, Chen Chen,” he greeted cheerfully. “Did Lay like his cake?”

“Yeah.” Chen smiled as he dropped onto the couch on Chanyeol’s other side. “He said thank you.”

Chanyeol nodded. “You’re back early.”

Chen shrugged, shuffling down on the couch to get more comfortable. “They had something organised for him. Some pack thing.”

Baekhyun laughed. “I’m sure they did.”

Chanyeol pinched his arm and Baekhyun yelped. “Hey, what was that for?”


“What’s wrong?” Chen looked at them curiously, pouting a little. “What do you mean, Baekhyun?”

“Well, you know what packs do together on special occasions, right?” He sat forward so he could see past his boyfriend and wiggled his eyebrows. Chen blinked at him dumbly.

“What? You mean…”

Chanyeol sighed. “Maybe. I mean, it’s an excuse for them to all bond and show Lay how much they appreciate him as part of the pack.”

“They’re having ?” said Chen. He tried not to sound too surprised but his voice rose more than he wanted it to.

Baekhyun giggled a little again but sounded more nervous this time. “Well, maybe. If they wanted it to be just them…”

Chen sat back. “Oh.”

“Are you ok?”

He nodded a Chanyeol. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You know that’s what packs do, right? Like, you didn’t expect Kris not to, especially when he’s the alpha.”

Chen shrugged. “I guess I never really thought about it.”

He was thinking about it now though. Imagining them all together. If he was part of the pack then he would be there too and that felt strange to him. Kris was one thing but he had never spent a lot of time with the others. He knew Tao was pretty defensive with him but the others were nice. They didn’t feel like his pack though. He sighed a little.

“Hey, it’s ok.” Chanyeol wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close against his side. Chen snuggled against the familiar warmth. “It doesn’t mean Kris doesn’t still want you. All packs are like this.”

“What makes it different when you’re mates then? If you and Baekhyun sleep with other people then what makes it different from when you’re together?”

“It’s just… different.” Chanyeol looked at his lover for help.

“We love our pack,” said Baekhyun, “but we love each other differently. It’s hard to explain.”

Chen rested his head against Chanyeol’s shoulder. He didn’t really understand but he could see there was something special between his friends and yet they still gave their pack mates enough attention. They even accepted him without making him feel like he was intruding or being a third wheel. He could imagine being in their pack. They were his best friends already, like they had known each other for years.

“Hey,” he said quietly, trying to use his cutest voice, “can I stay with you tonight?”

“Awww!” Chanyeol teased. He hugged Chen tightly, a little too tightly. “Of course our Chen Chen can stay with us. Poor baby.”

He tickled his friend’s sides and sent him into a fit of laughter that resulted in them both falling off the couch before Baekhyun decided to pile on top and join in.


Chen was the last to get up the next morning, after a quick shower he went to see where the others were and found Baekhyun on the couch again, his legs tucked up beneath himself. Chen looked at him for a moment, smiling. The bed had felt lonely without the his two friends in it and now, seeing Baekhyun looking so cute, he felt an overwhelming urge to cuddle up to him.

“Oh, hey,” Baekhyun said, noticing him, “we thought we’d let you lie in.”

“Where’s Chanyeol?”

“He went out for food. He won’t be long.”

Chen dropped onto the sofa, body pressing against Baekhyun’s. He caught the other’s scent and closed his eyes, breathing him in. He smelt so good for some reason.

“You ok?”

Chen looked over at him and nodded. He felt really good. He slipped his arm through Baekhyun’s so he couldn’t pull away and nuzzled against his neck. His skin was so close to Chen’s mouth and he blinked as the idea crossed his mind that he could just kiss him right now. He had always thought he was sort of cute but he had never felt like that before.

He remembered Kris kissing him goodbye the night before and then going back inside to do God knows what to on his birthday and something tightened in Chen’s stomach. He shifted, pressing closer to Baekhyun again. His body was so warm.

“Baek?” he whispered, trailing his fingers along the exposed skin of his arm.

“Yeah?” Baekhyun turned and seemed to startle a little at the way Chen was looking at him.

“Thank you for letting me stay with you last night.” He wriggled his hips a little. “It was really nice.”

Baekhyun swallowed. His throat was suddenly dry and he trembled a little as Chen’s scent rushed over him. “No problem.”

Chen reached up and cupped Baekhyun’s jaw gently. How had he never noticed what a pretty mouth he had? “You’re so pretty,” he said.

“M-maybe we should…” Baekhyun tried to untangle his arm from Chen’s but it only made the wolf growl low in his throat. He pressed forward, capturing Baekhyun’s mouth in a heated kiss. The other boy whimpered but didn’t put up much of a fight as he was pressed back on the couch as Chen climbed on top of him.

He pressed down firmly, so he could feel Baekhyun’s warm, firm body beneath his. In the back of his mind he remembered Kris and Chanyeol but God, the feeling of pressing his hips against his friend’s and the heat of his mouth and the way his hands clung to him and pushed at him was too much.

“Jongdae,” Baekhyun gasped. He tried to push him away but moaned and rolled his hips upwards at the same time. “What about Chanyeol?”

Chen started biting and at him neck feverishly. God, he wanted him. He had never wanted anything so badly. Nothing had ever felt this good.

“He can have me too,” he said. Baekhyun whimpered and trembled whenChen up his neck, soothing the marks he had already left there. He tightened his knees against Chen’s hips, not sure if he wanted this to stop or not.

Chen kissed him again, whining into the kiss because t just felt so damn good. He had already thrown all caution to the wind but with Baekhyun increasingly pliant underneath him he couldn’t make himself stop. He kissed him hungrily and let his passion take over completely.

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KeyTaemKai #1
Chapter 23: I like Taekai a lot
Chapter 60: that is awesom story.... gonna read more
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Ooo theres a sequel already,thats great :3
Chapter 60: I really liked this story! Very interesting and now off to read the sequel! I'm glad I stumbled across this gem :D and DBSK as a pack would be so awesome! Especially since I never read one as them being wolves before.
DragonKookie #5
Chapter 55: *overly excited squeals* OMG THEY SAID IT. THEY SAID ITTTTTT!!! "We are one" EEEEEP
DragonKookie #6
Chapter 33: Why do all the wolves in heat attack baekhyun? XD no wonder Channy is so protective
Luichi #7
Chapter 60: YESS! definitely want a sequel!
Chapter 59: Definitely I would read a sequel! I would love you forever for some Xiuhan, Kaisoo, Baekyeol!!!! Yay!
kakashilover #9