XV - Housewarming party Pt. 2

We got Married: VIXX Leo

Hello~~~ Armystar here with the final part of the housewarming party. Just wanna say I am surprised and moved by the number of people who love this fic and hope that this continues throughout the entire story until the end. If you have any ideas, please feel free to comment or send me a message on what the couple can do as missions or just in their free time.



"The couple must do the pepero game and the final stick must be less than one centimetre"


Aliss and Hakyeon ripped the card out of Leo's hand to make sure that what Leo read was what it actually said on the card. They read through the card and saw that what Leo had read was what was written on the card. Sharlotte and Leo were blushing while all the others were holding back Aliss from interfering in the middle.


N ran back into the living room with a Pocky stick and placed it between the couple.


"Go. Go. Go."


Since there was no way of escape with N here. Leo let out a deep breath and bit the chocolate end of the stick. Sharlotte bit the biscuit end on the stick and N sat right between the two with a cheeky look in his eyes.


"If the stick isn't less than one centimetre, we'll either make you do it again or something even worse so be prepared."


Leo let out another sigh between his teeth and closed his eyes. He slowly began to slowly eat down the stick and their faces became closer and closer. His head slowly tilted so their noses wouldn't bump into each other. Soon enough, they could feel each other's breaths from their proximity and this had N fan-boying in his spot continuously whacking Hyuk's arm from the feels he was having.


Meanwhile, Aliss was fiercely held back by the other CHAOS members the closer Leo became to Sharlotte.  During this time the stick was still getting shorter and shorter and Leo finally bit off the stick when his lips were just about to touch hers. From the angle that he had tilted his head it looked as if the two had kissed, making everyone in the living room go crazy.



"Ohh~~~~~ Leo-hyung. You kissed her!!!"


Leo looked at s and shook his head.


"I didn't."

"Oppa is right, we didn't kiss."


N grabbed the remains of the pepero stick and placed it against the ruler he had been holding since the start of the game.


"Leo~~~ you're a millimetre off. Therefore the two of you must do it again~~~~~."


Muttering under his breath about how he hated Hakyeon, Leo took the pepero stick that Ken was holding out and reluctantly, but knowing it wasn't going to end until they got less than a centimetre, he bit one end of the pepero stick once more. Sharlotte also knowing that their members weren't going to stop them bit the other end of the stick and waited for Leo to come closer once more. Little did they know that the more mischevious members had shared a look with one another.


Once they only had about 2 centimetres between each other, Ken and Lici pushed their respectful member from behind making them close the small gap even more than they already had. Leo lifted his head away from Sharlotte and death glared Ken.


"Come here Ken."


Once he was close enough Leo whispered into his ear, "Once we're home. You are dead. I mean it. I'll make sure, you can't see daylight anymore."


Of course none of this was captured in the mic but the VIXX members became quiet once more as the frustrated and furious Leo grabbed the bottle and spun it. The bottle finally landed on N, who chose the couple dare.


"You must perform seven minutes in heaven with your partner. Let's go~~."


N grabbed Aliss' hand and dragged her inside the closet with him.


"Ken-ah time us."


With that single sentence, N shut the door and enclosed N and Aliss in the darkness. Lici, Cherry, Ken, Hyuk and Ravi were all leaning against the closet door trying to hear what was going on inside the closet. Leo and Yebin were still blushing from the pepero game while holding hands secretly from the others.


When the seven minutes were finally up, the closet door was opened to see Aliss and N playing scissors, paper, rock. Aliss' eyes were attracted to her maknae who was sitting close Leo. Her eyes followed down until they came onto the hands which were being held together. She gave Sharlotte a death glare to which even Leo looked away from.


It soon became time to open presents that the other VIXX and CHAOS members had brought as presents. The first present they opened was one which Hongbin and brought. Inside was a set of pots and pans. Inside C.YA's present was couple aprons, one had a lion on it while the other one had a tiger on it.


"The lion one is for Leo-oppa while the tiger is for you, Yebin-ah."

"Thank you C.YA."


Ravi's present was opened to show couple pajamas which were covered in music notes while Lici's presents for the couple was couple lingerie. As soon as they saw the lingerie, the lid was closed straight away and both their faces went bright red.


"Eonni~~!! How could you do this to me!?"

"Well you are married which means *winkwink*"

"…. Lici eonni. I should have expected this…."

"Hehehe. Use it well maknae."


The other presents were opened to show that Hyuk had gotten them couple hoodies, Demi had bought them a karaoke machine, Aliss had brought them plates and bowls, N had brought them several board games and Ken had bought them couple onesies.


Soon the others had to leave because they had radio or other schedules and only Leo and Sharlotte were left in their apartment. They soon cleaned up the apartment and sat down on the couch together.


"We're leaving for the couple trip on Wednesday right?"

"Have you packed yet?"

"Not yet. What about you oppa?"

"I was going to pack tomorrow."

"Okay. Today was hectic wasn't it?"

"It was. N and Ken can't be controlled. Sorry."

"It was the same for most of my members. I'm sorry too."

"But it was fun."



Next Wednesday, Leo and Sharlotte stood in front of their apartment waiting for the bus with the other We got married couples. The bus had finally arrived and Jinyoung and Goongmin, Jaerim and Soeun were already on the bus waiting for the others. Leo helped Sharlotte onto the bus first before he climbed onto the bus. He took her suitcase from her and placed it in the carrier above. He sat down next to her on the bus and turned around to talk to the other couple on the bus.



"Anneonghaseyo. Sunbae-nim."

"Hi~~ They're such an adorable couple aren't they?"

"They are. Well they are quite young."

"How old are you two?"
"I'm 20 and Leo oppa is 25."

"Awww so young."


The bus soon arrived at the apartment of the final couple and the Jjong-ah couple came onto the bus.



"Welcome. I hope we can all become closer by the end of this trip."


The bus started and began to head off to the location of the We got married trip.

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Shereen_JiaYi #1
Chapter 19: Goshh they kissed . Thank you for the update !
SHINee456 #2
Chapter 29: Love the story!! I have a question on the Christmas Filler. Are they like....together or was it just for fun???
yoonbora_96 #3
Plz update soon
Chapter 28: Hope you could update soon author-nim. I enjoyed reading your fanfic
Pls update sooon ~~