XIII - V.I. Double X. In. Da. House

We got Married: VIXX Leo

Hello~~~ Armystar is finally back~~~~ I was so busy with school and exams but I have finally finished, I hope this chapter lives up to your expectations. The story is slowly getting there.

Thank you for loving this fic. >~~~<


A few days had past since the couple had moved into their honeymoon home. It was finally time to invite their families (aka their groups) to their house.


"Taekwoon-oppa. How do you want to do this. Have the groups come separately or together?"

"Let's have them come separately. VIXX are too hard to contain and it'll be harder to take care of everyone if they come altogether."

"You sure? I think it should be fine if everyone comes at once."


Their attention was caught by the PD who was waving her hands around to catch their attention. On her sketchbook she had written, 'You must have all your guests here at once.' Leo's poker face shifted as a sign of his displeasure. After all, everyone especially the starlights knew how crazy VIXX could get when they were all hyper.


Sharlotte had an insecure look on her face. CHAOS were known to cause chaos on stage but a limited number of people knew how much chaos that they actually caused on stage.


"Are we just going to invite our groups?"

"I think nine guest are enough for one party. Why? Do you have anybody else in mind?"

"No. But if we did end up inviting all our friends there will be more than 20 people here. That's a good idea."

"Okay. I'll call my members first."


Leo picked up his phone from the table and reluctantly chose one of the numbers in his contacts.


"Hello, Leo-hyung?"

"Hongbin-ah. Are you and the other members busy tomorrow?"

"I don't think so why?"

"(Sigh) Sharlotte and I are having a house welcoming party, bring the other members."

The sound of the phone being wrestled out of Hongbin's hand could be heard.


Leo letting out a sigh as soon as he heard the voice of who was on the receiving side of the phone.

"Just come tomorrow at 5 if you can."

Before N could answer, Leo ended the phone call and turned to Sharlotte who had been watching the entire time he was on the phone. He turned to Sharlotte with the expecting look in his eyes.


"It you're turn, Yebin."



Sharlotte picked up her phone from the table and called one her own members. As soon as the call started, she tossed her phone into Leo's hands, feigned a stomach ache and ran to the toilet leaving the call to Leo.


"Hello, maknae?"


"Who is this? This is Sharlotte's phone."

"Hello, I'm Leo from VIXX."

"Ah~~~ Brother-in-law. This is C.Ya of CHAOS. Why have you called?"

"Sharlotte was supposed to call you and tell you that we are having a housewarming party tomorrow from five and want all the members to come."

"Well, we don't have any schedules tomorrow so we'll all come."

"Thank you."


Once the call ended, Sharlotte ran back into the room and sat next to Leo once more on the couch.


"Oppa. How did it go?"


Leo turned to face her and had one of his annoyed poker faces on.


"Awww. Don't do that oppa. I wanted you to get to know my members."

"You didn't have to make me do the phone call."

"You did well."


A look of recognition passed through Leo's eyes.


"Wait… That means you weren't at the toilet since you can't hear anything from there."



The next day the two began preparing from early in the morning. They first went to the supermarket together to get to food and choose the menu for tonight's dinner. Leo began cleaning the already clean apartment and once he was finished he went to the kitchen to join Sharlotte who had already started cooking dinner.


Soon it was 4:00 and Leo told Sharlotte to go and get changed first.


"Yebin-ah. Go get changed, it's already 4 o'clock and the food is nearly ready. Leave the rest to me."


Sharlotte gave a smile and nod and went up the stairs to get changed. She soon came down wearing a casual navy and white dress and her hair up in a high bun.


"Oppa, it's your turn."


Leo went upstairs and came down wearing a button up white shirt and black pants which was essentially a couple outfit with the dress Sharlotte was wearing today.


Whilst they were cooking the doorbell finally rang announcing the arrival of their guests. Leo pushed her towards the video camera to show who had arrived. Sharlotte the camera to see that the VIXX members had arrived.


"Oppa your members are here."


She turned back to the camera to see a giant nose incredibly close to the camera. Jumping back from surprise she lands against Leo's chest. Seeing s being idiots he turned the camera off and let them into the apartment.


The VIXX members entered the apartment one by one. N and Ken ran into the in their hyper way. Hyuk closely followed them and Ravi came in behind Hyuk with all the presents is his arm. Hongbin came in soon after being polite and bowing as soon as he saw Sharlotte.



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Shereen_JiaYi #1
Chapter 19: Goshh they kissed . Thank you for the update !
SHINee456 #2
Chapter 29: Love the story!! I have a question on the Christmas Filler. Are they like....together or was it just for fun???
yoonbora_96 #3
Plz update soon
Chapter 28: Hope you could update soon author-nim. I enjoyed reading your fanfic
Pls update sooon ~~