High School Reunion

Marriage Contract With The Walking

''You look like you saw a ghost'' Hyorin smiled.

''H-hyorin?'' Junhyung's eyes and mouth was open wide.

''I didn't knew that you would be this shocked.'' She smiled.

''H-how did you find me?''

''Well, it wasn't that hard actually.'' She smiled and her light brown eyes twinkled. ''So, aren't you going to invite me in?''



Sooyun happily went in to a cake shop to buy a cake. *Time to celebrate!* She smiled giddily and then pointed at a chocolate cake in a heart shape. ''Ajusshi! Can you give me that, please?''



''I'm going to stay in Seoul just for a few months. There wasn't so much people to call and when I heard about your interesting story, I decided to come and see you'' Hyorin and Junhyung was sitting on the couch in his house.

''Oh, the fake marriage issue...'' Junhyung mumbled.

''It doesn't seem like a fake one when you're living here, in this place now.'' Hyorin furrowed her brows as she glanced around the small living room. Just like Junhyung, she was also a rich girl with a famous surname.

''But I know you, and I understand you.'' She added. Junhyung looked out of the window.

*Will Sooyun come? Did she convince her dad? What if she never comes? What if I never see her again? , where is she!?*

He couldn't help but to think all of this, afterall Sooyun might never knock on his door.

''You've grown up'' Hyorin then said. Junhyung looked away from the window.

''You too.''

''You were a child and now you've become a man'' She wandered her eyes on him.

''You think?'' He then glanced at the window again. Hyorin furrowed her brows and looked where he was looking. ''Are you waiting for someone?''

''Uhm, actually...yes.''

''You look stressed, can it be that you're waiting for the fake bride?'' Hyorin smiled.

''We don't like to use that word.'' Junhyung looked at her seriously.

''Oh, Com'on! It was just a joke.'' She then got up from the couch and took her bag. ''I've to go now, you have my number, if you need anything or just want to talk, you can always call me.''

''I will.'' Junhyung opened the door for her.

''See you.'' She smiled.

''Yeah, bye.'' Junhyung closed the door and then quickly looked at the clock.

*Where are you, Sooyun? Where are you?*





''Just one kiss!'' Minjae pouted. ''No, your dad might see us!'' Alec panicked and looked around.

''No he won't. He's sleeping at home. So don't be afraid''

''I'm not afraid.''

''Yeah right.'' Minjae smiled. ''Then prove it. Kiss me.''

''Yah, Minjae!'' Alec warned.

''See? You're afraid.'' Minjae teased.

''I said that I'm not!'' Alec said annoyed, but couldn't help but to smile. He still couldn't believe that he was going out with her, maybe she was the one who would make him to forget Sooyun. Maybe, Minjae was the one for him.....just maybe.






''Blow it'' Sooyun smiled.

''No, let's blow it together.'' Junhyung said and looked at the beautiful cake infront of him with two candles on.

''Don't forget to make a wish!'' Sooyun reminded him. Junhyung nodded. ''Come'on. 1...2...3! Pfffff!!'' They both blew and Sooyun quickly turned to him. ''What did you wish?''

Junhyung held her waist and then suddenly pulled her closer to himself. ''To be together until death do us apart.'' He whispered to her lips. ''You?''

She giggled as she felt him too close. ''To be together for ever. Wait? Isn't that same?''

''Yes, it is.'' He mumbled and then pressed his lips slowly on her lips.

''If we want, our love can last forever.'' Sooyun said. She then looked at him when he wasn't listening to her. ''Junhyung, are you ok?''

''Huh?'' He then looked at her. ''Yeah, I just....still can't believe that your father approved our relationship.'' He mumbled.

Sooyun smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. ''Believe it Junhyung.'' Junhyung softly her hair as he thought again.....not about their relationship but of Hyorin, just like what he thought a few seconds ago.




''RINAA!!'' Kikwang shouted as he came out of the door. They finally let him go. He was a free man now. He threw his luggage aside when he saw her and quickly ran to her but then immediately stopped when he saw Mr. and Mrs. Yong and Junhyung too.

''Uhm...I mean, Rina! My SISTER!!'' He hugged her friendly. Rina couldn't help but to giggle. ''How is my SISTER doing?'' He secretly glanced at Mr.Yong as he talked.

''I'm good, I'm good.'' She let out a soft laugh. He then took a few steps and took a deep breath.

''I missed the scent of the air!'' Kikwang looked up in the sky.

''Yah! It's not like you've been there for years!'' Mr.Yong furrowed his brows at him.

''Dad!'' Kikwang turned to him and smiled. ''I'll call you dad from now on!'' He ran to him and hugged him tightly.

''Hey! Stop it! Release me! Yah! Yah!'' Mr.Yong pushed Kikwang, who was hugging him to death. Junhyung couldn't help but to laugh. He wasn't standing with his family, but a few meters away from them. He hadn't talked with his dad since he left home.

''Mrs.Yong!!'' Kikwang hugged her. ''I've missed you too!'' He then turned to Rina. ''RINA!! MY SISTER!''

''You've already hugged me.'' She reminded him.

''Oh right...'' He then spotted Junhyung at the corner. ''Bro!!'' He ran to him and kissed his cheek. ''How are you buddy!?''

''I'm fine'' Junhyung smiled. ''How are you?''

''It was hard Junhyung. The days never passed, I missed all of you, whenever i closed my eyes, I saw all of your faces.'' Kikwang sighed.

''Don't exaggerate it Kikwang, It was just 4 days.'' Junhyung rolled his eyes.

''Yah! Still!''




''Oh my god! I'm soooo tired!'' Sooyun sighed as she sat down on the bench beside Junhyung. They decided to meet in the park.

''When we get married, I won't let you work, don't worry.'' Junhyung smiled and held her cold hands.

''Bwoh?'' Sooyun let out a soft laugh. ''And who said that I'll marry you?''

''You're in love with me'' Junhyung smirked.

''Oh really? You're so sure?'' 

''Pfftt, of course! You're obsessed with me!'' Junhyung cooly, leaned back on the bench. Sooyun hit his arm. ''Yah! I'm not obsessed with you!''

''Alright, alright!''

She was about to hug him when he suddenly stopped her.

''How about a kiss instead?'' He smirked and leaned in to her face. Her lips curved into a smile as she closed her eyes and enjoyed his soft lips brushing against hers. Out of nowhere, Junhyung's phone started to ring. He pulled away from her lips and took out the phone from his pocket. He suddenly froze when he saw Hyorin's name.

''Aren't you going to answer?'' Sooyun asked. Junhyung turned off his phone and then put it back in his pocket. ''No.''

''Why?'' Sooyun gave him a confused look.

''Because I want to spend my time with you now.''

''But I've to go now.'' Sooyun looked at her watch.

''Can't you just stay with me tonight?'' Junhyung pleaded.

''Yeah, in your dreams'' She laughed as she got up from the bench.




''Uhm, I want to thank you bro for accepting my and rina's relationship. You're a really good man with a really kind heart.'' Kikwang said to Junhyung. ''You're the best and- AHHHH!!!'' Kikwang screamed as Junhyung suddenly held him by the collar.

''Do you love her, huh!??'' Junhyung gritted his teeth.

''E-excuse me...?'' Kikwang gulped.

''Can't you ing hear me??'' Junhyung shook him. ''Do you love my sister!?''

Kikwang nodded his head. ''I l-l-love her.''

''Do you love her for real?!! With your whole heart!? Like a man!??''

''E-exactly..I love her exactly like that!'' Kikwang's eyes widened as Junhyung held him harder.

''If you EVER hurt my sister, I'll KILL you! Do you hear me? I WILL KILL YOU!!''

''I won't! I won't hurt her! I swear!!''

Junhyung glared at him for a little and then slowly released him.

''Uhm, a-are we ok now?'' Kikwang asked carefully. Junhyung nodded but then pointed at his chest hard. ''I'm watching you.''

''My bro!!'' Kikwang suddenly hugged him. He was so happy that Junhyung approved their relationship now. ''Wait, should I call you brother in law from now on?''

''Hey hey! Don't overdo it!''

''Uh....ok. Then I...I should leave now....bye!''







''Sooyun what are we doing here?'' Junhyung asked her as he looked around the restaurant. ''We're going to eat here.'' She smiled.

''Sooyun, this is a very expensive place and you know I don't have-''

''Don't woorry, I'll pay.''

'''It's too expensive Sooyun, let's go out from here.'' Junhyung was about to leave when she stopped him.

''I've received my salary, besides I want to treat something good for the man I love.'' She then pulled him to a table. When they sat down, Junhyung's phone started to ring. He looked at Sooyun.

''I've to take this call, I'll be right back.'' He got up from the chair and went a little away from her.

''Yes?'' He answered.

''Wow, you didn't hang up on me this time.''

Hyorin said. Junhyung glanced at Sooyun, who was watching him with furrowed brows.

''I can't talk right now, i'm sorry.'' Junhyung said. He knew that Sooyun could hear him, so he tried his best to not mention her name.

''Am I a monster? Why do you keep trying to ran away?''

Hyorin asked hurt. Junhyung sighed.

''No, it's just...'' He rubebd his neck. ''I can't just talk right now, if you want I can call you later'' Hyorin smiled.

''You're tensed again. You always rubb your neck like that when you're in that situation.''

Junhyung suddenly stopped rubbing his neck and froze. ''W-where are you?'' He looked around.

''I'm over here!'' He heard her voice and then saw her sitting at the other side, waving at him.

''Wait I'm coming.''

She said before hanging up.


His eyes widened as he glanced back at Sooyun.

''Hello.'' Hyorin gave him a hug. She then saw Sooyun and went to her. ''Hi, I'm Hyorin.'' She stretched out her hand for a handshake.


Sooyun thought.

''Uhm...! Ehh...shall we sit?'' Junhyung cleared his throat. When they all sat down Junhyung looked at Hyorin.

''Sorry, I said that we could meet sometime and talk but I had no opportunity.'' Junhyung explained.

''If you answered to my phonecalls, then maybe you would have.'' Hyorin pointed out. ''I could never reach you.''

Junhyung's eyes widened when Sooyun slowly looked at him. ''Uhhhh...you probably called me when my phone was turned off.''

''No, actually your phone was on.'' Hyorin's lips curved into a small smile as she glanced at Sooyun.

''Then I probably didn't hear it.''

''Anyway, now here we are.'' She smiled. ''I'm inviting you for a dinner and I don't accept a no, besides we have a lots of things to talk about.''

Sooyun looked at Hyorin but didn't say anything.

''Me and Junhyung are very old friends. He maybe told you that'' Hyorin said.

''Little.'' Sooyun responded. ''He told me a little.''

''Besides, I can get to know you too.'' Hyorin flashed her smile.

''Uhh..we'll try to come.'' Junhyung said.

''No, don't try but come.'' She then took her bag and got up. ''I've to go now. I'm waiting for you guys tonight.'' She then looked at Junhyung and smiled. ''You know my house, it's still the same.''

When Hyorin left, Sooyun turned to Junhyung and gave him a hard look. ''Why didn't you tell me?''

''What?'' He asked.

''Why didn't you tell me that she called you?''

''I...'' Junhyung didn't say anything.

''Why didn't you tell me?'' She asked again.

''I didn't tell you.....I just couldn't''

''Why? But why?''

''Everything was going smoothly between us and I was afraid something like that would destroy it all.'' Junhyung said honestly.

''You thought so?'' She said. Junhyung nodded. ''Yes''

''You did wrong.'' She then pushed him aside and took her jacket and bag to leave. ''No, wait! Sooyun!'' He tried to stop her but she totally ignored him and walked out from the restaurant.

''Sooyun don't be ridiculous!'' He caught her before she went in to the taxi and pulled her aside.

''I don't want to break your heart Junhyung, so leave me alone'' She struggled.

''But this is so stupid! There's no reason for you to be angry!''

''Oh please, you acted so strange when she was with us!'' She pulled her arm away from him and started to walk.

''Sooyun! Hyorin is a person from the past.'' Junhyung followed her as she quickly walked.

''You're still nervous around her. You couldn't even tell her that I was your girlfriend! So don't say that she's someone from the past!''

''I have explanation for all that! Hey, can you stop walking for gods sake!'' He swiftly held her arm and turned her to him. ''Yes, I loved her but one day, she just leaved me and then, after so many years, she just appeared infront of me and I-''

''Is that it?'' Sooyun rudely cut him off. ''Is that all your explanation? You know what Junhyung? Tell this to Hyorin, not me.'' She was about to go when he stopped her.

''I'm not finished yet.'' He looked at her seriously. ''I have never waited infront of her house for 3 days. I have never left my home and moved in to another district for her. I have never looked into her eyes and told her that I'm in love with her. I don't feel like I'll have a heart attack anytime soon as I look at her. Because Sooyun...'' He moved his hand down from her arm to her hand. ''This only happens to one girl......I'm sorry, Sooyun. If you want, I can call her right now and tell her that we won't come to the dinner.''

''No, don't'. I'm curious what she'll tell about you.'' She then smiled.

''Yah.'' He gave her a look but then smiled.

''But if she tries to flirt with you, I'll kill her.'' Sooyun warned. Junhyung laughed and hugged her.





''Wow, what a love.'' Hyorin said after Junhyung and Sooyun told about their lovestory. They were eating dinner in her house. Sooyun couldn't help but to notice Hyorin's outfit. It was way too flashy for a simple dinner.

''Junhyung has changed so much, Sooyun.'' Hyorin said to her. ''This is not the Junhyung I know.''

Sooyun smiled and looked at Junhyung. ''This is my Junhyung.''

''The Junhyung I know has nothing to do with this Junhyung infront of me.'' Hyorin said.

''What can I say? I was just a child back then'' Junhyung shrugged.

''You two look so good together'' Hyorin looked at them. Sooyun and Junhyung looked at each other and smiled.

''Hey, you want me to tell you a funny story about him?'' Hyorin suddenly said to Sooyun. ''Yes.'' Sooyun smiled.

''Eh Hyorin, I don't think we should talk about the old times now.'' Junhyung said but Hyorin didn't listened to him as she started to tell.

''One day, Junhyung were going to solve a problem on the board. He had worked so hard the day before and could answer all the questions. But then, when he went up to the board and was about to solve the problem, I wrote 'I Love You' on a small paper and showed it to him.'' She laughed. Sooyun awkwardly glanced at Junhyung and then back to her agin.

''He just froze! He couldn't even speak!'' She laughed and looked at him. She then turned to sooyun. ''He ran after me for a very long time, you know that right?''

Junhyung stiffened as he heard that. Suddenly he felt a warm hand holding his under the table. He slowly looked at Sooyun who was smiling at him softly. Sooyun turned to Hyorin and gave her a smirk.

''He had already told me.'' She turned to Junhyung and met his deep eyes. A small smile played on her lips as she gazed into them. *I don't care about your past Junhyung. All I care about is you being faithful, and you're.''





''Oh !!!'' Kikwang jumped up from the couch he was sitting on. ''Hey what's wrong?'' Junhyung furrowed his brows.

''I forgot to tell you!! There's a high school reunion party tonight!'' Kikwang panicked.

''What? Really?'' Junhyung smiled. The thought of seeing his old classmates made him so happy. His smile vanished quickly as he remmebered the date he was going to have with sooyun. ''Oh...I can't come tonight. I've a date with Sooyun.''

''Bro! This is a school reunion! Just call her and say that you can't come!'' Kikwang threw him the phone.

''No, I promised her.'' Junhyung shook his head and put the phone back.

''Yah! Yah! We haven't seen our friends in so many years and you don't want to come?'' Kikwang pressed Sooyun's number and then held the phone on to Junhyung's ear.

''Alright, alright.'' Junhyung rolled his eyes.



''Oh, hi...uhmm...Sooyun..'' Junhyung bit his lip. ''Uhm....tonight..''

Kikwang rolled his eyes and quickly took the phone from Junhyung. ''Yah, Sooyun! Me and Junhyung are going to go to a school reunion party tonight, so Junhyung can't c-''

Junhyung quickly took the phone from Kikwang and shot him a death glare. ''Yah! Talk properly with her!'' He then lifted the phone to his ear. ''Uhm, I'm sorry Sooyun. Just ignore this idiot.''

''It's okay, I know how he is.''

Junhyung could imagine her soft smile. ''Do you have to attend a school reunion tonight?'' She asked.

''No, I don't have to go actully.'' Kikwang glared at him and then started to shout. ''Sooyun! Let him go with me, com'on! We want to see our friends!!''

''Yah!! What the hell?'' Junhyung shot him a confused look.

''It's okay Junhyung, go.''

He heard her say. ''But....what about our date?'' He asked.

''We can always go to dates Junhyung, but you can't always go to a school reunion.''

Junhyung smiled. ''Alright babe.''






''Oh, welcome!'' Hyorin approached Junhyung, Rina and Kikwang who entered the party. ''Hi, Hyorin.'' Rina shook her hand.

''You came alone?'' Hyorin asked when she couldn't see Sooyun beside Junhyung.


''Oh.....well, enjoy then. I've to go back to my friends table now. See you around'' She couldn't help but to feel happy when she left them.

When a slow song started to play, Kikwang and Rina went up to dance. Junhyung sat alone on the table and looked around. He couldn't recognize most of the people here. All of them had changed so much, including himself of course. When he was about to look to another way his eyes accidentally landed on Hyorin, who was looking at him too. He awkwardly smiled and then quickly turned his head away to focus to on another thing but then saw Rina and Kikwang dancing too close with each other. Kikwang's face was this close to his sister and the fact that his hands almost touching Rina's didn't help him to not boil in anger.

Kikwang who saw Junhyung's death glares quickly pushed Rina a little from him and started to dance with a big gap between them. Rina furrowed her brows as she felt this position too weird.


''Hey everyone! Do you remember this!!??'' Someone spoke on the microphone when the song ended. He was holding a round vase and showing it to the audience. The guy who was holding it suddenly threw it on the floor and the vase broke into pieces. Small white folded papers was in it and the guy bent down to pick them up.

''What's this?'' Rina who didn't understand a thing asked Kikwang who was smiling and clapping in excitement.

''Yah! Do you remember it? It was my idea!'' Kikwang playfully hit Junhyung's arm.

The guy grabbed the microphone back after he had picked up all the papers. ''Do you guys remember it?'' He asked the audience. ''7 years ago, we all wrote our future dreams on this small papers and then put it in this vase. Do you guys remember it!!!???''

''YEEESSS!!!'' Everyone shouted.

The guy smiled and then randomly picked a paper to read it. ''So let's see now.....B 106 Park Cha Bum!''

Everyone started to scream and clapp in joy. Cha Bum smiled widely as he waited for the guy to read what his dream was.

''I'll lose 40kg and the go to a ballerine school to find a cute girl to marry before I turn 28!''

Cha Bum smiled and touched his big belly. He was still fat and round as he was in high school.

''What did you wrote?'' Rina laughed and turned to Kikwang. ''Uhhh....I don't remember at all.'' He lied.

''A 208, Lee Kikwang!'' The guy shouted. Rina screamed and jumped in excitement but Kikwang didn't seem happy at all. *I'm dead....* He gulped as he looked at Rina.

''I don't have one but three dreams!''

 The guy started to read it. ''1: Careful of not getting a chick pregnant! 2: To party every single night! And Three: To hang out with different girls every week!''

Rina shot him a glare.

''Uuhh....i-it's just a childish dream, you know.'' He said.

''A new girl every week huh?'' She raised a brow at him. Kikwang quickly got up to the scene and grabbed the microphone. ''Wait! Wait! Listen!'' He said to the audience who was cheering.

''Guys! I don't want that dream anymore!''

Junhyung raised a brow in interest as he watched his best friend confessing.

''Listen, I'm not the old Kikwang.'' He looked at Rina. ''I'm in love...'' He then went to Rina and kneeled down infront of her. He held her hands and looked up at her with a soft smile.

''Would you like to marry me?''

The audience suddenly became quiet.

''What?'' Rina whispered shocked. Junhyung stared at Kikwang with wide eyes but his lips slowly turned into a small smile.






Sooyun was at home and watching TV. She couldn't help but to think of Junhyung all the time.

High school reunion...

Wasn't Hyorin going to be there too?....

*Stop it Sooyun! He loves you. Don't you trust him? Shame on you!*

She scolded herself and then tried to concentrate on the TV. But why...why did she feel like this? Why did she feel like there was something wrong.... She slowly put her hand on her heart and closed her eyes.

''What's this feeling?'' She whispered to herself.






''A 208, Cho Ara!'' The guy called but furrowed his brows when he couldn't see her among the audience. ''Ara?.....Ara? Isn't she here?'' When there was no replie, he shrugged his shoulders. ''Let's see what she wrote then.''

''To be a successful advertiser. A good husband but most importantly, I want to be a good mother, besides I don't want just one but 4 children.''

Junhyung couldn't help but to feel guilty.

''Let's read the next person's wish.'' The guy continued.

''A 208, Yong Junhyung!'' He called out. The hall suddenly became wild and noisy as it was his turn.

''Wow, our romantic prince started with a poem first.'' The guy smiled and then started to read it.

''I get tired of thinking of something that doesn't matter, just looking at you makes me go crazy. Because you were so wonderful it makes me feel smaller and ashamed
The things I wanted to say become insignificant
And when we meet again I become speechless.....

Junhyung slowly looked at Hyorin. When his eyes met hers, he felt the strange feeling again, just like how he felt when he first saw her the other day.

''I want your impossible love, when I wake up, when I open my eyes and whenever I take a breath, I want to see you and I want you in my soul...my Hyorin.''

He couldn't take his eyes away. Everyone in the hall continued to cheer and shout, but he didn't hear them anymore...her eyes...her light brown eyes that would always twinkle whenever she smiled. Suddenly all the memories came back to him. The old times...the times where he was madly in love with her....





''Sooyun'' Alec said with a serious tone. Sooyun furrowed her brows as she noticed his red eyes. Did he cry?

''Alec? What happened?'' She asked.

''We need to talk.''

No one was home and Sooyun didn't wanted him to come in to her house, so she just closed the frontdoor behind her and looked at him.






Junhyung touched the graved name on his old desk.


He was in his old classroom. No one was there, everyone was still in the hall and danced while he was sitting on his old chair and looking at Hyorin's name. His lips turned into a small smile as he remembered the day he graved it. His heart beated so fast, afraid that the teacher would catch and scold him.

''Look Rina! This is my old classroom!'' Kikwang suddenly came in. ''Oh right, you didn't answer me...'' He remembered.

''Answer what?'' Rina looked at him.

''Oh, please Rina! Are you kidding me? I bent down on one knee infront of you and you say to me answer what??'' Kikwang said annoyed, not knowing that Junhyung was sitting at the corner.

''Hey sis!'' Cha Bum, the big friend of Kikwang came in laughing. ''He's famous for his kneeling, did you know that?''

''Shut up!'' Kikwang glared at him.

''Yah! We all know that you would always kneel down infront of girls and offer to tie their shoelaces while you actually tried to take a glimpse under their short skirts.''


''Kikwang!!'' Rina shot him a death glare.

''Babe, I swear to god, he's exaggerating it! I was just trying to be kind!'' Kikwang defended himself.

''Puhahah! Kind, huh? Weren't you the one who always told us about the girls y thongs and their long shapely legs?''

''KIKWANG!!!'' Rina exploded.

''Oh babe! I haven't showed you my locker, right? Lets' go!!'' He quickly grabbed her hand and took her away from the classroom. Who knows what Chabum would blurt out next if they stayed any longer?

They all went out from the classroom, leaving Junhyung alone again. When Junhyung was about to turn his head away, he saw Hyorin walking in. He quickly covered her name with his hand when she came closer to him.

''I know that you wrote my name there.'' She smiled and sat down next to him. ''But...I didn't know that you were in love with me so deeply.'' She said as she remembered Junhyung's wish.

Junhyung didn't say anything as he stared at her.

''You've loved me so much, Junhyung.'' She said.

Junhyung quickly looked away from her eyes. ''I did, but a long time ago.''




''I couldn't, Sooyun.'' Alec cried. ''I couldn't....''

Sooyun looked at him confused.

''I can't be together with Minjae...''

''What?'' Sooyun furrowed her brows. ''But...why?''

''I can't Sooyun...I can't ran away from you.''




''I always ran away from you.'' Hyorin confessed. ''I don't know why...but I couldn't be together with anyone. I couldn't love anyone. But today, when I listened to what you wrote on that paper, I realized that I should love then, when I was still young and crazy. I should love just like how you love her...''





''I always think if I'm the only one in this world to love and not being loved back. I always think why I can't ever forget you and I keep asking myself when it's going to end.'' Alec's tears continued to fall. ''I always say that it'll end when I wake up....but it doesn't, Sooyun....it doesn't.''

''What can I do, Alec? What do you want from me?''





''But love has no age.'' Junhyung said. ''I loved you once, but I love Sooyun now.'' He got up to leave but Hyorin quickly held his hands and stopped him.




''I know that I hurt you so much and I know that you don't and won't love me back too but I only want one thing from you, Sooyun...'' Alec said.




''Let us just close our eyes and go back to the old times, Junhyung'' Hyorin looked deeply into his eyes as she held him.




''Just one thing Sooyun....'' Alec stared at her. ''...let me just hold your hand....let me just hug you tightly for once.''




''Let us have a romantic high school story for our grandchildren in the future or....a secret that we'll keep forever.'' Hyorin whispered. ''But whatever happens...let the story that started in this classroom end here.'' She slowly started to lean in to Junhyung.




''No, Alec!'' Sooyun said with a hard tone and took a step back. ''I can't.'' She then opened the frontdoor and slammed it hard. Alec closed his eyes as his tears started to flow down.




Junhyung's eyes slowly closed as he met Hyorin's soft lips. He slowly brushed the back on his hand on her cheek as he kissed her. He felt his heart beat fast....and this time, it wasn't beating for Sooyun....





''Sooyun!'' Junhyung knocked hard on her door.

''Junhyung? What are you doing here?'' Sooyun smiled as she opened the door.

''I just......I just wanted to see you...'' He breathed hard. He ran all the way to her house.

''Why?'' She smiled again.

''I have something to tell you.'' He looked death serious. Sooyun's smile vanished.

''Did something happened, Junhyung?'' She asked worriedly.

''I......I love you so much, Sooyun.'' He suddenly hugged her. Sooyun's lips curved into a smile as she hugged him back.

''I love you too, Junhyung...''

Junhyung closed his eyes and took a deep breath. *Forgive me Sooyun.....forgive me*

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ZI_CO98 #1
Chapter 58: I hate it when you said that sooyun got a brain tumor
EverlastingExoticElf #2
Chapter 57: Just finished reading this story :') I love it!! At times, I was so frustrated that I just went to sleep like 'I'm so done with this fic' but I end up carrying on reading anyways xD
youaremyoasis #3
Chapter 57: Sequel please!!
The title of this story LOL SO TRUE XD HAHAHA
Chapter 57: It sounded like there's a sequel >.<. ^^
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 58: Done reading this story anyways hehe, :) looove it somehow
Chapter 57: Omg I got soo angry at this story.. Omg...
kat21b2st #8
Chapter 57: So who was the little girl? and the end sounded like there was going to be another story like a season 2 ?? I hope so :D
Chapter 59: whoa!!!
author-nim ^^
i dont know how to say...><

Chapter 42: Please update!!!