Not Running Away Anymore

Marriage Contract With The Walking

Junhyung slammed his car's door and quickly walked in to the garden. He spotted Sooyun beside the swimming pool. He narrowed his eyes and hurriedly went to her.

''Oh Junhyung?'' Sooyun said surprised. ''Why are you home so early?''

''You've told Alec everything!'' Junhyung said pissed, ignoring her question completely.

''What?'' Sooyun furrowed her brows at him.

''I've talked with him. He knows everything! How could you tell him!?''

''Wait a minute...'' Sooyun got up from her chair and stood infront of him. ''Did you go to Alec?''

''Don't change the subject!'' He angrily snapped.

''I'm not!''

''Do you have any idea what you've done huh?'' He shot a look up to the house and then back to her. ''Someone knows our secret!'' He hissed angrily.

''So what? Kikwang knows too!'' She gave him a look.

''Kikwang is my close friend! He knows my everything!'' He pointed out.

''So that means we can tell to our closest friend.'' She crossed her arms.

''Alec is not your friend!'' He growled.

Sooyun's eyes widened and slowly took a step back. ''You....have started to change....'' She whispered and stared at him for a second.

Junhyung was taking a back by her words. He just stared back at her, not knowing what to say.

''Look S-'' He reached for her but she just backed away and walked away from him.

Junhuyng stared at her back and sighed. He sat down on the chair she was sitting before and hid his face with his palms.

''What the hell am I doing...?'' He scolded himself.






''Are you out of your mind Junhyung? We can still-''

''Kikwang please, don't even think about to change my mind anymore. It's over.'' He cut him off and sighed.

''I still can't believe it..'' Kikwang shook his head, stunned.

''Kikwang, it's time...'' Junhyung gave Kikwang a serious look.

''My poor brother.'' Kiwkang patted his shoulder, he felt sorry for him. ''After loosing the Lamborghini Jihoo, It's my brother's turn.....'' Kikwang said sadly. ''But it's okay bro, because I know that you're sincere with your love.''

Junhyung just nodded silently. Kiwkang watched his saddened face and his heart wrenched. He couldn't watch his best buddy to become a depressed guy over a stupid girl. As much as he didn't like Sooyun, he wanted to help him to get her. He then straightened himself up and looked at him.

''You know what Junhyung?''

Junhyung turned his head to him and waited for him to speak.

''I'm going to help you to get her this time!'' He said with a stern voice. ''No matter what, we'll make her fall for you! This time you'll court her, not run from her!''

Junhuyng's eyes widened and he shot up from the chair, making it to fall backwards. ''I knew that I could count on you!''

''Besides, I'm pro at those stuffs!''

''Are you sure about that Kikwang?'' Junhyung furrowed his brows, doubting at his words.

Kikwang looked at him and smirked. ''You don't know your brother yet dude! Now listen to me.''

Junhyung leaned in and listened closely.

''All you have to do is one thing....'' Kikwang started.

Junhyung waited eagerly to hear what he had to say.

''You must confess to her before Alec!'' He snapped his finger, as if he found the perfect solution.

''Are you kidding me Kikwang!?'' Junhyung looked weirdly at him and went back to his chair.

''What? What's wrong with my solution!?'' Kikwang furrowed his brows at him.

''I know that too!! But the problem is how the hell I'm gonna do it!??''

''You're right, then.............'' He tapped his chin and pondered for a plan. ''Hmm....Eh... Aisht! We can just come up with something tonight, don't worry. Let's go''






Later on that night, Sooyun,Junhyun,Kikwang and Rina went out to a restaurant.

Junhyung sat beside Sooyun and Kikwang beside Rina. Kikwang couldn't help but to take glances at Rina, but she just faked a smile then turned back to her food.

''Thank you for inviting me too. I'm happy that you guys thought of me''Rina showed her perfect smile. Kikwang nervously drank his water.

''It was Kikwang's idea.'' Junhyung pointed to Kikwang.

''Oh really?'' She said and looked at him. Kikwang suddenly stiffened. ''Ehm....Yeah'' He cleared his throat and drank his water again.

''Aww... Thank you Kikwang oppa!'' Rina hugged his arm which made Kikwang choke.

''Soo... should we make up?'' Junhyung asked Sooyun with a low voice.

''I wasn't even mad at you.'' She said and contunied with her food, not looking at him.

''Kikwang oppa, did you know......'' Rina started.

''Know what?'' Kikwang looked at her.

Rina leaned in to his ear and whispered. ''That I was in love with you when I was little...''

Kikwang's eyes widened and he quickly looked at Junhyung but he was busy with Sooyun. He then looked back at Rina.

''You were?'' He whispered.

Rina smiled. ''Why do you think I always run after you?''

Kikwang dropped his cutlery due to nervousness and quickly looked at Junhyung again, making sure that he didn't listened to them.

Sooyun wiped her lips and got up.

''Where are you going?'' Junhyung asked a little panicked. Sooyun gave him a weird look. ''Erm...restroom?''

''Ohh, okay then'' He pushed his chair in, allowing her to go.

''Well, thank you'' She sarcastically said and walked away.

''Pssst!'' Kikwang whispered to Junhyung.

''What?'' Junhyung mouthed. Kikwang made signals for him to follow Sooyun. ''Go! go!'' He mouthed so that Rina couldn't see.Junhyung nodded and got up from his chair and headed to the restroom, leaving Kikwang and Rina alone.

He waited outside of the restroom for her. He squeezed his hands and walked back and forth nervously.

''Sooyun....I know that this isn't the right place to say this but I can't hold my self anymore. you'' He nervously played with his fingers while preparing himself for the speech.

''Or should I just tell her directly that I love her?''. He mumbled and scratched his head in thought.

Kikwang took a glance to the restroom from afar and then looked at Rina.

''So, do you have a girlfriend?'' Rina asked.

His eyes popped out when she asked that. Why was she curious? The thought made him nervous. ''N-no I don't.''

''Hmm....I'm glad to hear it.'' She said and looked at him.

''G-glad?'' He stuttered. Rina smiled and poured some water on her glass. ''I don't have either. I broke up before I came here to Korea.''

''Ohh....'' He faked a sad tone but couldn't hide his smile when she didn't look.

''Don't be sorry. I'm glad that I broke up with him.'' She continued to eat her food not minding to look at him.


''It's better like this. I mean not having someone.'' She started to cut her beaf. ''I'm not really interested to start a new relationship anymore. I'm tired of boys''

Kikwang's face fell immediately. He took his wine and sipped it. What was she trying to do? He couldn't understand her way to play with him. Was she even playing? She made him feel so stupid. Annoyed he grittet his teeth. ''Waiter! Give me something strong to drink!''



''Come'on Come'on'' Junhyung muttered, still waiting for sooyun. He heard the door open and he quickly turned around to see who it was.

''What are you doing here?'' Sooyun asked, wrinkling her brows.


''Then why are you standing here like a fool?'' She questioned him.

''Me? You mean me?!'' He pointed at himself. Sooyun gave him a weird look. Junhyung panicked. ''Uhh....I....I wanted to say something.''

''You want to say something to me?''

''No...I mean yes!'' He exclaimed. ''Sooyun look.......I came here tonight for-'' He hold his hand up. ''Wait a minute.'' He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


''Yes?'' She waited for him.

''I'm a very emotionell person.'' He started. Sooyun furrowed her brows.

''What the are you saying you idiot!?'' He whispered to himself and rubbed his neck.

''Look Junhyung, if it's about Alec again-''

''No! No!'' He quickly interrupted her. ''It's not Alec! I'm................I'm going to the restroom.'' He quickly walked in and shut the door behind him, not realizing that he just went in to the females.





''I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!'' He quickly went out and saw Sooyun bursting into laugh. He ignored her and quickly went into the males restroom.






Junhyung closed the door and saw Sooyun sitting on the bed, watching a movie.

''Aren't you sleeping?''

''I'm watching a movie.'' She answered not taking her eyes off from the screen.

Junhyung looked at the screen and saw which movie it was.

''What a stupid movie'' He muttered and pushed the blankets from the couch and sat down.

''I like it!'' She said annoyed. Junhyung looked at the movie again.

''It's so hard to tell you this..''

The man from the movie said.

''Stupid movie huh?'' Sooyu teased after seeing him not taking his eyes off from the screen.

''No, I just wondered-''

''What?'' She asked.

''I think the man is trying to confess his feelings?'' He said seriously, still looking at the screen. Sooyun started to laugh wich made Junhyung to look at her.

''What are you laughing at?''

''Nothing, you just said that the movie was stupid and now...'' She laughed again.

''It is stupid!'' He irritatedly laid himself on the couch and put the blanket over him.

''Please go''

The man on the movie said.

''I'm not going anywhere until I hear what you have to say!''

The women insisted.

Junhyung slightly lifted his head up from the pillow and waited for the men to confess.

''He's not going to say it...'' Sooyun scoffed. Junhyung looked at her and then laid his head back on the pillow and turned his body on the other side, trying to ignore the movie.


''You what?''


''Say it already'' Junhuyng mumbled to himself and squeezed his hands.

''What did you say?'' Sooyun asked.

''I didn't say anything.''

''Yes you did!''

''No I didn't!''

''.......I love you!''

The man finally confessed. Junhyung suddenly flew up from his couch. ''He confessed! Did you hear that!? He finally confessed! That's my man!'' He cheered and quickly looked at the screen, not taking his eyes off. Sooyun started to laugh again, Junhyung gave her a look and she just looked away.

''But we can't be together...'' The woman said.

''YAH! What's this!? Why isn't she accepting him?'' Junhyung furrowed his brows.

''She is doing the right thing'' Sooyun replied him.

Junhyung looked at her and gave her a look. ''And why is that!?''

''Because the man had no interest in her when she liked him. And after some time when the guy realized his feelings for her, she had already fallen for someone else and promised to marry him''

''Women'' Junhyung shook his head and clicked his tounge.

''It's not her fault okay'' Sooyun protested.

''I belong to someone else now...''

''You can't do this to me!''

''This is just a stupid movie!'' Junhyung said annoyed and laid back on the couch.

''No don't leave me! Don't leave me!'' The man shouted her name desperately.

Junhyung squeezed his eyes and covered his ears because somehow the man reminded him of someone and he did knew very well who that person was. And if he didn't hurry up, his story would end up just like the movie had ended.

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ZI_CO98 #1
Chapter 58: I hate it when you said that sooyun got a brain tumor
EverlastingExoticElf #2
Chapter 57: Just finished reading this story :') I love it!! At times, I was so frustrated that I just went to sleep like 'I'm so done with this fic' but I end up carrying on reading anyways xD
youaremyoasis #3
Chapter 57: Sequel please!!
The title of this story LOL SO TRUE XD HAHAHA
Chapter 57: It sounded like there's a sequel >.<. ^^
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 58: Done reading this story anyways hehe, :) looove it somehow
Chapter 57: Omg I got soo angry at this story.. Omg...
kat21b2st #8
Chapter 57: So who was the little girl? and the end sounded like there was going to be another story like a season 2 ?? I hope so :D
Chapter 59: whoa!!!
author-nim ^^
i dont know how to say...><

Chapter 42: Please update!!!