A 'Thank You' Play Date



It was the afternoon after a massive exam was over.

"Ah~~" You said, as you stretched your arms and legs. "Finally done…"

You packed up your things and walked out of the classroom, leaving school to go home since it was a day-off for you. The six boys also saw you walking out of the school and ran to catch up with you.

"~~~~-ah! Wait up!" Kikwang waved his arms and lightly jogged to you.

"Huh?" You turned around to meet Kikwang, as he slung an arm over your shoulder.

"Hey ~~~~. Let's go play today!" Yoseob also caught up with you and Kikwang, and slung his arm over your other shoulder.

"Huh? Why? Where?" You said, confused by the sudden playfulness of the boys.

"It's just that, we've all just had a massive test so I thought it'd be a good way to go and de-stress. You know, wind down." Doojoon walked next to Kikwang, hugging calculus books in front of his chest.

"LOTTE WORLD! LET'S GO GO GO!" Dongwoon pointed ahead and jumped up and down.

"YEAH YEAH!" Hyunseung went over and put his arm over Dongwoon's shoulder and skipped together.

You smiled, "Sure, let's go. I've been dying to get out somewhere too."

The boys smiled, as this was a secret plan to thank you at Lotte World. You quickly turned your head to Yoseob's direction, "But you're paying," you said, as you squinted his eyes at him.

He opened his eyes wide and looked towards Doojoon for help.

"Haha, don’t worry ~~~~. I'll be paying," Doojoon was always the gentleman one.

You beamed at him and skipped towards Hyunseung and Dongwoon, joining their line and skipped down the road.

Yoseob looked at Doojoon and smiled, "Hehe, I knew she would say that. My acting was good right, hyung?"

Doojoon smiled, "Yes, it was the best. Kikwang-ah, have you practiced enough? Do you need more time?"

"No, it's okay hyung. I'm prepared. I'm sure everyone is going to do well for this performance for ~~~~." Kikwang smiled as you skipped of with Hyunseung and Dongwoon.

"Yah! You're going the wrong way! It's that way!" Kikwang shouted, as he pointed in the opposite direction that you, Hyunseung and Dongwoon was skipping to.

You three looked back at him and realised that you were going the wrong way.

"Oh…" You three said in unison. "Oh well."

You three skipped happily again in the correct direction this time. Kikwang chuckled and shook his head.

"~~~~ is prettier than I thought… Especially when she smiles," Kikwang smiled affectionately at you. Junhyung looked at Kikwang, then at you. *Yeah, she does… But Kikwang… Does he…?*


Sorry >< That there's not much Junhyung parts ><

He's like, the quiet type in this fic… Don’t worry, they'll be more of him soon :D

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Kyoya_kumo #1
Chapter 12: Funny thing is that I usually listen to music while reading things... So I'm listening Lucifer and suddenly I read Jonghyun and Minho and Key... XD
Chapter 13: WHAT IS AIR!!??? Dongwoon is too cute!!!!!!!
Chapter 46: Auww, so cute ^^
Chapter 48: Finish read this story. Happy ending with all beast members
Chapter 44: Wah, the end already?! Your stories are always daebak! I loved all the endings :D I think my favorite was Dongwoon's lol (Maybe I just like the idea of a guy attempting at cooking for me but failing cutely heheh =~=) Your story was so good!! I really liked it! :D Thank you so much for writing this story, authornim!! <3
Chapter 10: Haha this chapter was so cute! x3 Lolz the abs part >~<
Chapter 41: Wow so good! I loved your story!
Chapter 45: Yoseobie~!
Chapter 48: Wah! All endings were jjang! But I liked yoseobs o u o it was cute. And sweet. And fluffy ><
Reading your stories author nim!
Chapter 48: i love it...i have really enoy this story...my eyes are fil od tears because of the ending....they are all so cute..i wanna read more from you