Chapter 34

Mr. Stalker

THAT day seemed like a normal day for her. The sun was shining at its brightest as it was in the middle of summertime. It was her favourite season out of the rest, beside spring. Kayla liked it just because she will be free from the college works as she was in her summer holiday breaks.

        She then threw herself on the bed, startling her best friend who was playing game on her iPad.

        “Aigoo, look! I lost because of you!” Haeri gritted her teeth as she needed to start over again the game, eventhough she had reached at level of 20. She became furious when suddenly there was incoming message and she screamed when the sound of the message tone distracted her attention.

        “Oh God! Please let me play in peace.” She kept blabbering on and on, and Kayla let out a small chuckled looking at her ahjumma-like friend.

        At the moment Haeri read the message that was from Jiyoung, shot opened in astonishment. No way..


        Are you serious? – Haeri


        Few seconds later, a new message came in and it was a reply from Jiyoung.


        Nae! I read about it in an article at Anonymous World blog. And you know what, it’s Ilhoon oppa’s blog. – Jiyoung


        Jinjja?? So, have you asked him where did he get all the pictures? – Haeri


        Yup, and he said someone gave them to him. But, don’t tell Kayla about this. I’m sure she’ll be mad like hell. – Jiyoung


        Haeri looked up at Kayla who lay beside her. She was immersed in her own world while reading the romance novel and didn’t aware of what is happening. Thank God.

        Out of the blue, Kayla looked straight into Haeri’s eyes, and that was enough to make Haeri lost grip of her phone, and it fell down from the bed.

        “Why are you looking at me like that?” Kayla asked in confusion. “And please, shut your mouth if you don’t want a fly traps inside there.” She added.

        She grinned and picked her phone back from the floor. At the moment she looked at the screen, Jiyoung had sent her a picture. A picture that Kayla wasn’t supposed to look at..

        Kayla glanced at her friend who stoned while staring at her phone. Weird. ‘What is she looking at?’ She tried to peek at the phone but to no avail as Haeri pulled it near to her chest.

        “Haeri-ah, what are you looking at? It seemed like…”

        “It’s nothing, just a picture of my friends.” Haeri cut her off before she could ask anything.

        “It’s okay then.” Kayla stood up and put the novel on her study desk. “What is Kai doing right now?” She smiled as she thought about her beloved boyfriend.

        Then, Haeri choked and coughed out of control, and made Kayla puzzled.

‘What’s wrong with her? Her behaviour is a bit….”

        “Kayla, I’m going to the kitchen first to get some water.” Haeri coughed and walked out from the room, leaving dumbfounded Kayla on the bed.

        “Why she looked so weird today? I bet she had something hidden from me.”

        Then, her eyes caught the sight of Haeri’s phone laying on the bed, facing down. Suddenly, she could hear a voice in her head told her to take a look at the phone, but the other voice said she mustn’t. Letting out the cat from the bag, she reached out for Haeri’s phone and fortunately, she didn’t put passwords for her phone and Kayla unlocked it. At the time her eyes looked at the screen, she went out of words. All the words that she knew disappeared from her mind. The picture in front of her was enough to tell her the thing that was going on. No wonder Haeri didn’t want her to see that.

        Haeri stoned in front of the door, as she saw Kayla was looking at the picture in her phone. ‘Damn.’

        “Could you please explain this to me?” Kayla asked Haeri who was walking slowly towards her, afraid to look at her in the eyes.

        “Actually…” When Haeri started to explain, Kayla burst into tears, and tears kept rolling down on her cheeks non-stop. Seeing her best friend in such condition, she couldn’t help but to feel sad too. She knew Kayla really love Kai, but she didn’t imagine that he could do like this to her. But, deep in her heart, Haeri knew Kai must have his own reason.

        “It’s okay, Haeri.” Kayla said while wiped away her tears. “I know you couldn’t explain it to me.” She then stood up and walked towards the door, before turned back at Haeri. “And, I understand why you didn’t want to show me that. Thanks.” She added before disappeared from the doorway.

        “Oh God.” Haeri sighed and buried her face on the pillow. Then, she sat up straight when she remembered about something. “Where is she going??”


* *



        Kai’s voice could be heard from the end of the line.

        Kayla, stay put, don’t let the emotion control your mind.

        “Do you have free time today? I need to see you.”

        Kai chuckled. “That is because you miss me, right? Aww, you’re so cute.”

        “Whatever.” Kayla sounded serious and the compliment from Kai didn’t move her heart at all. “I got an urgent thing to discuss with you.”

        “Yeobo-ah, don’t be too cold. I want to but, I had something else coming up.” He let out a heavy sigh. He also wanted to see her badly, but he couldn’t make it today as he had promised with someone to meet.

        “How about tomorrow? At the usual place?”

        Kayla could feel her blood going up, and she tried very hard not to let out her anger on the phone.

        “I can’t. We need to meet today. It’s final.”


        “It's okat then. I’ve got it.”

         Before Kai could say anything more, Kayla had hung up the phone. Kai was anxious as his girlfriend sounded mad and annoyed. But, what he had done to her?


        Kayla let out a scream and it had startled a couple that sat on the bench near her. They looked at her as if she is having a mental breakdown, but she didn’t give them any attention. She was totally mad and held her phone tightly until her knuckles turned white. Her heart felt like wanted to burst at that time and she thought she would turn into Hulk and eat the couple who was still staring at her.

        “Just mind your own business!” She shouted at them and they didn’t wait long before walked away from the place.

        She then sat down and laid on the grass, looking up at the clear sky of the summer. Her thought went back to the past and Kai’s words played like a recording tape in her head.


        “Kayla Park, please don’t run from me anymore. I really love you. I wanted to be with you forever. And ever.”


        ‘He said he wanted to be with me and stay by my side forever.’


        “Nae. I really, really love you with all my heart. Even the stars in the universe didn’t enough to show how many love that I feel for you.”


        ‘But, I know it was just a lie.’

        Kayla could never imagine that her beloved one could turn from her to another man. Only God knows how she felt at the moment she looked at the evidence in Haeri’s phone. Hatred, mad, furious, and many more feelings that just can’t be described by words had gathered in her heart.

        “God, why must I face with all these problems? Please take them away from me…” She closed her eyes, but nothing appeared except for Kai’s smiling face.

        “Damn! Please go away from me! Leave my mind empty!” Kayla sat up straight and threw her sight across the Han River.

        She likes to go to that park as it was the only place that could give her calm and tranquility. But that day, she couldn’t find any calm, as her mind was still thinking about Kai. Wait, no. It’s Kai who came into her mind, not because she kept thinking about him. Just please, she got no time to ever think about that boy who had crashed her heart into million tiny pieces. Hell no.


To be continued~



*A/N: Sorry for the late update. And this story will exceed 35 chapters. So, please bear with me and stay tuned until the last chapter! :D

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Hyemie #1
Keep it up! nice story :')