Chapter 11

Mr. Stalker

THAT day was 14th of February and it was Valentine’s Day. The students at Seoul Arts College were busy changing the presents that they have got among their partners. Many of Kayla’s classmates had already been in a serious relationship, except her and Haeri. Both of them could only look at the loving couples in their class and being envious with them.

         Haeri let out a heavy sigh and took a seat beside Kayla. “Pity us. There was no one to give us presents. Just look at Seo Hyun, being the quietest girl in our class but she had already got a boy for herself, not like us.” From afar, they could see Seo Hyun was chatting happily with her boyfriend, Yong Hwa that happened to be in the same class with them.

        Kayla just smiled and looked at her friend. Suddenly, they could see someone was walking into the class. He was not one of their classmates and from what Kayla knew, he was one of their seniors, Kang Tae Jung. He was one of the popular guys at their college as he was in the college basketball team.

        “What is he doing here?” She could see Haeri shrugged and took out a manga to read while waiting for their professor.

        The boy stood in front of the class and Kayla could see he was nervous. She totally couldn’t figure out what was he doing all alone in front of their class. A moment later, he spoke out loud and his voice echoed through the class.

        “Hye, sorry for interrupting your class. But, I just need a couple of minutes to say something.” His voice was loud enough to make all the students’ eyes turned to him, and that had made him more nervous as his voice became shaky everytime he spoke.

         “Seem today is Valentine’s Day, I had a confession to make.” The entire class went noisy and there were clapping for him from every student. Kayla and her classmates were curious to know who the lucky girl that had made Tae Jung fell for her.

        He just smiled and brought out in front a bouquet of red roses that he hid behind him. “I would like to give this bouquet to someone who had stole my heart.” He continued and the students were cheering louder for him.

        “And that lucky girl is… Kang Haeri.” At the moment he finished up his last words, all the eyes turned to Haeri who had became froze and speechless. She looked straight in front without bothering the eyes that were looking at her.

        “I love you, Haeri. I had fallen in love with you when the first time I saw you at the court. You were cheering for our team and at that time, you had caught my heart.”

        Kayla looked beside her to motionless Haeri. She elbowed her and told Haeri to go in front of the class. “He’s waiting for you. And you should say yes for the flowers.” Kayla shoved her aside and Haeri walked down the stairs towards Tae Jung that was holding the bouquet patiently. Her face turned red as she could hear the entire class was cheering for her.

        Kayla was smiling when suddenly the thought about Kai came back into her mind. For this moment, she didn’t have the idea why he didn’t turn at the school since the day they had kissed. They once had kissed. That thought had made her heart pounded fast. Is she already fall in love with a member of the popular boy group in South Korea? Only she got that answer.

* *

        When she was walking out from the college compound along with Haeri and Tae Jung, she could see Suho was smiling and waving from afar. ‘Is he waiting for me?’ Kayla looked behind and there were nobody to be seen. ‘So, it might be true that he was indeed waiting for me.’

        Haeri had noticed Suho was standing at the gate and she shot him a quick smile before pulled Tae Jung’s arm to the different direction.

        “Where are we going?” He asked while being dragged away by Haeri. She just smiled and looked at Kayla who seemed confused and didn’t know what was going on with her friend.

        “I just remembered that I need to go to the library to borrow a few books. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll go first. And sorry for not be able to walk home with you today.” Before Haeri left, she winked at Kayla and at that moment, she had got Haeri’s intention.

        “What the..” She sighed and walked towards Suho who was still standing and giving her his wide smile. ‘He really doesn’t know how to stop from bothering me, huh?’

        Suho was delighted when he saw Kayla stopped in front of him. He admitted that he missed to see her face up close like this. He moved forwards and took her hands into his. “If you don’t mind, I would like to take you for a date.”

        Kayla put up her face and looked directly to Suho’s face. “Pardon me?” She never thought that Suho would ask her for a date. A date? They never become a couple. So, how it could be called as a date?

        “Today is Valentine’s Day and I would like to ask you to go out with me. And that could be considered as our first date.” He smiled before continued. “I like you, Kayla. And I hope you could be my girlfriend.”

        His words had made Kayla stared at him in disbelief. ‘At first, he was asking me to go for a date, and now he even wants me to become his girlfriend?’ She tried not to be bothered by all the questions and walked past Suho like nothing had happened. But Suho was fast enough to grip her wrist and stopped her.

        “I know I was too straight forward with the confessions and I understand that you need time to accept all of these. But, the only thing that I beg from you is you’re willingly to go for a date with me.” He appealed to her and from his eyes, Kayla could tell that he really hope she would say yes and agree to go out with him.

        “Okay, I’ll go out with you.” That’s all that she could say at that time. She didn’t want him to be heart-broken, but at the same time, she felt guilty as she had fall in love with someone else, who turned out to be his best friend.


To be continued~

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Hyemie #1
Keep it up! nice story :')