Chapter 1

Mr. Stalker

KAYLA was walking into the lecture room when someone grabbed her wrist and walked in fast. It was her best friend, Kang Haeri and she was smiling excitedly. 'What’s wrong with this girl?'

         Kayla looked confused and Haeri stopped in front of her desk. Kayla could see a bar of chocolate, with a heart-shaped card that was stuck onto it. It was her favourite chocolate, Cadbury’s Crunchy Almond Bar. But, who’s the one that put it there? Who would know her favourite chocolate flavour?

          “Seem that you still get present from your secret admirer.”

        Haeri looked at Kayla who was standing still beside her. She didn’t say anything. Kayla just stared blankly at the chocolate bar on her desk. She almost forgot about the ‘secret admirer’ thing. Until today, she couldn’t figure out who is her so-called ‘secret admirer’.

        Haeri took the chocolate and about to open it. She was a chocolate lover and she would do anything to get a bit of the chocolate that she wanted. “Kayla, can I take a bit? It looks delicious.”

        Kayla nodded and sat beside Haeri. She was still thinking about the person who had given her presents for all this while. Including the chocolate bar, she couldn’t count the exact number of things that she received since a month ago. The thing that she could remember was the first present that she got – a white rose.

          There was no name written on the card. Just a few words:

‘You looked cute today, and have a nice day ahead!’

          That’s all. Kayla couldn’t recognize the handwriting of the sender. It could be anyone in Seoul Arts College. Every day, her secret admirer seemed not to forget to leave her desk empty. When she got home, her mother would ask where she got all the presents. All she can do was stay silent. She wouldn’t know how to tell her mother about this thing. She really hopes that her mother could understand and will not ask more.

* *

        The time at college flew fast for her on that day. Through the lectures, Kayla couldn’t pay any attention at all as she kept thinking about the boy. Her guts strongly said it was a boy. It wouldn’t be a girl that gave all the presents and acted as her secret admirer. Nonsense!

        That day, she had to walk home alone as Haeri stayed at the college to finish her assignment. She refused when her mother wanted to fetch her because their house wasn’t located far from her college. It took about just 6 minutes to arrive home. While walking out of the main gate, she heard her name being called out loud. “Kayla Park, wait up!”

        She was wondering whose the voice belongs to. ‘It sounded like a boy.’ As she turned back, she could see Joon Myeon running towards her from afar. ‘Suho? What did he want from me? I’d better go now.’ Kayla could see many eyes were looking at her. She sped up her walk and nearly trapped on her foot when suddenly Joon Myeon’s face appeared before her eyes.

        “Hye, Kayla!” He was waving in front of her face and smiled delightedly. “Sorry for making you surprised. I just want to have a talk with you.” Kayla took a quick glance at him. 

        “Is there anything that I can help you with?”

        She felt uncomfortable talking to Suho, who was one of her seniors. This was because she didn't want to spark up any rumors with that boy, as he was the leader of the rookieboy group named WOLF. The group had already gained many fangirls and fanboys who adore them, even though they just debuted themselves about 3 months ago. If they had scented any special relationship between both of them, Kayla might get herself into big trouble. She didn’t want to mess up with Suho’s fans, especially with the sasaeng fans2, that could do anything to make sure their idols were not being close with anyone else. That sounds scary, isn’t it?

          Suho frowned when he looked at Kayla. “Hey, are you okay? You look as if you got a problem. What’s wrong, hoobae3?”

        His question had startled Kayla. She then acted like there’s nothing as she felt it will be better if she leaves the place as soon as she could. Many pairs of eyes were looking at them and she could feel their anger, watching her and Suho having a talk in public.

        “Actually, I didn’t mean to be rude but I have to go now. Something came up at home. So, I need to go first. See ya.” Kayla walked fast and left Suho behind. She didn’t turn back anymore and a moment later, she had disappeared from Suho’s sight.

         “I haven’t finished talking to her yet, but it’s okay. I can meet her again next day.” He smiled and headed to the library.

        Neither Suho nor Kayla realized, there was a pair of eyes that was looking at them from earlier. He looked as he had been jealous when watching Kayla talked to Suho. He himself couldn’t figure out what was their relationship. He then got on his foot and walked towards the cafeteria with a gloomy face.


To be continued~



Rookie - A new recruit

Sasaeng fans - Stalker fans, the fans that had gone too far and got into idols' private life

Hoobae - Korean word for junior

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Hyemie #1
Keep it up! nice story :')