Chapter 2

Mr. Stalker

THE grilled chicken on the plate was left untouched. She was having dinner with her family, but her mind was somewhere else. Mrs. Park looked at her husband, trying to ask him what’s wrong with their only daughter. He shrugged and continued to finish up the food in front of him. Mr. Park knew that his daughter wasn’t in a problem. If Kayla got any problems, regarding her friends or college, she will let them know first.

        Mrs. Park seemed worried as Kayla didn’t eat her favourite meal like usual. She afraid if there’s something that was bothering her beloved daughter. “Sweetheart, why don’t you eat your dinner? Is there any problem, dear?”

        Kayla lifted up her head and shot a quick smile to her mother. She knew that Mrs. Park was worried and she could see that from her mother’s face. Mrs. Park wasn’t the type of woman that can hide her true feelings.

        “I’m already full, mom. I’m going to my room now.” After cleaned up the dishes, she went straight up to her room.

        The thought about the things that happened at the college had cut off her appetite. Whenever she was thinking about something, she will not be able to eat and became quiet. Sometimes, she made her parents became worried as they think she was sick. Kayla felt sorry for her mother and father. But, she didn’t mean it. It just happened out of her control.

* *

        “I’m the one that gave all the presents to you. I’m the one that became your secret admirer, Kayla.”


        She was shocked and got herself up. She didn’t remember when she fell asleep. She had a dream, a nightmare as she knew who her secret admirer is. It was Suho. But, she couldn’t believe it. People said that dream was not certainly will become true. Sometimes, it was just our imagination as we keep thinking about things before we sleep. Kayla looked at the alarm clock beside her bed. 9.45 pm. It was still early, but she can’t beat the drowsiness and decided to get to bed.

        After a moment, she could hear someone was calling her. The ringtone of WOLF’s song, 3.6.5 echoed in the room. “Should I go to get the phone? I’m very sleepy.” Kayla can’t find her phone and later she found it lying beside her. Silly girl! She picked up the call and heard a familiar voice at the end of the line.

        “I know who’s the one that gave you all that. I know who your secret admirer is!”

        Kayla was still processing what had been told by her best friend. ‘That girl was talking nonsense again. She called in the night just want to tell me that?’

        “Hey, what’s wrong with you? I’m trying to sleep. And, what are you talking about? How could you know the person that sent me all the gifts? Are you a psychic or what?”

        “From the moment I got back from the college, I tried to think and think all over again. And, that’s why I called you. I took time to tell you because I afraid if my prediction is wrong.”

        Kayla let out a heavy sigh. “Okay, if you really know who he is, tell me. Who is my secret admirer?”

        “It’s Suho! Kim Joon Myeon. Our senior!”

        She nearly dropped her phone down. No words came out of . She was speechless. How could Haeri have thought of Suho as her secret admirer? Did Haeri know something that she didn’t know? “Nonsense. It doesn’t make sense at all, Haeri. How could you think of him, being the guy that sends me all the things?”

        “I’m pretty sure, Kayla. I can see from his eyes that he likes you. And earlier, when he met you before you went home. I saw both of you as I got out of Prof. Lee’s room. From his action, I could tell he’s the one.”

        Kayla cut off the conversation. She didn’t know what to do. Whether to believe in what had Haeri told her or else. She, herself didn’t believe if Suho is that person. ‘He likes me? How come he likes me? He never shows his affection. Should I believe in Haeri?’ Many thoughts came into her mind, and she kept thinking about what Haeri had told her. The words that Haeri said had brought up more questions than answers.

        ‘Is it true that Suho sunbae4 is my secret admirer?’


To be continued~



Sunbae - Korean word for senior

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Hyemie #1
Keep it up! nice story :')